Merry Christmas, it’s Ask a Crafter!

Hi Friends! Tonight we will have my hubby’s side of the family over for dinner and presents.  Last year we had a power outage due to an ice storm for 3 days before Christmas, it kinda put you in the mindset of “I can only do what I can do” and really took the pressure off to be perfect. I have really been calm getting ready for the holidays this year and enjoying it more. Yesterday Kathy and I took the kids out to a movie (Night at The Museum 3, it was wonderful!) and to see the decorations at the mall. It wasn’t the least bit crazy, people were cheerful (even the salespeople who have been working around the clock) it was really nice. We went to a late supper and brought home really tired kids. Last year we never made it out to the mall (probably because of the ice storm) and the kids missed it and asked about it. I don’t know how long they will enjoy this, hopefully for a long time, who knows, maybe 40 years from now they will be taking their old and senile moms for a spree at the mall. I love the quote  We’ll be friends Until we are Old and senile. Then we will be New Friends!  Yep, sums us up pretty well I think! Please join Kathy, Lorraine and I for this weeks ask a crafter!

Have a Merry Christmas everyone! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!



14 thoughts on “Merry Christmas, it’s Ask a Crafter!

  1. I LOVE Ask A Crafter!! I wish there was one everyday, lol. I don’t know if this will make it on Ask A Crafter but my question is, what brand of ink cartridge do you use for your HP printer. I thought I heard you say that you found a less expensive brand. I print a ton of things and it seems like the printer ink cost just as much as the printer itself nowadays:(

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think that Kathie (Cathie ??) is too young–to not know about the fabric tube paints–Being 70 + I can say this. My mom bought me a kit from a neighbor when I was in college & home for the summers and it was a win, win for me as mom provided the item to color as well as the neighbor “demonstrator. As well as fabric, heavyweight pellon was used a lot and I could see this being used for an object and then cut out and incorporate into a card design. Always enjoy your program and ideas.


  3. Merry Christmas My son got me a new iPad Air 2 for Christmas so I can watch your tutorials without them closing before they finish. It is so nice. Hope you and your family have a good holidays.


  4. lol – we awoke this morning and said “Yes it is 50 out and pouring rain, but look! We have lights, heat, water, it is much better than last year’s white Christmas.” I hope yours continued to be fine as well. 🙂


  5. Hi Lindsay, I hope you and your family had an Awesome Christmas:). I don’t have a question this time but I was wondering if you’d want some of my retired Stampin Up items that are still Brand New but retired. I’m a Hobby demonstrator and I’ve collected quite a bit of stamps and things and a lot of it is duplicates from Sale a Brations from the last several years. It’s just sitting there in my huge plastic bins and if you don’t mind that they are retired, I’d love to share them with you. At least they’ll get used rather than just accumulating dust. Let me know if you want them and where I can send it to. Have a Great New Years and I wish you luck on your New space for your craft good. I’m sure you’ll do well:). Much mahalo, Joyce


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