The best part of wakin’ up {is ask a crafter in your cup!}

Hi Friends! I am posting this weeks Ask a Crafter in the morning because I have so much great stuff to fit in before Thanksgiving! You still have a chance to win templates from GreenSneekers on last weeks post but be quick because I will be drawing a winner tonight! And now it’s the video you were waiting for…Ask a Crafter!

I am glad you spent a moment of you day with me. I am sure many of my American readers are busy getting ready for Thanksgiving tomorrow. The weatherman is calling for 6″-14″ of snow for us tonight so I hope everyone traveling in this tomorrow does so safely. Hopefully the roads will be clear by Thanksgiving dinner. Leave questions for future shows below and as always happy crafting!

15 thoughts on “The best part of wakin’ up {is ask a crafter in your cup!}

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. We are also suppose to get snow today. It’s about 9:00am here (inCT) and they canceled schools.


  2. Hi Ladies, I love the Fiskers footed stamp block. When I am trying to line up a frame stamp or any stamp, to a piece of card stock that is just a hair larger, I can adjust the stamp before setting it all the way down. The foam feet allow you to adjust precisely where you want your stamp to go. I just ordered two of MS on Joann’s. I haven’t used these before. I was going to order another Fiskers but I forgot it until I submitted my order.
    I personally think those needle bottles are too pricey. I use the kind of needle bottle that you snip the end off of. Only I do not snip all the way to the opening. I only snip off the tiniest bit of the tip. I use a straight pin heated up with a lighter until red hot and poke it into the tip to make a tiny hole. I use the stainless steel straight pins for this and seal the bottle up with the pin. I have a lot of different glues stores like this without any problem. Sure beats the heck out of $7 a bottle. Just thought I would share.
    Thank you for all of your videos. I always learn a lot from you.


  3. I hope the snow is nearer to 6 to 14′ I’m enjoying your videos being a complete unimaginative beginner. I’m going to try the shaving foam technique tomorrow, looks like fun. take care From UK


  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you Lindsay, Kathy, Lorraine & all your families! here is praying that the snow not be bad and that you dont lose your power! stay safe and warm! You my dear, are a blessing and I am so thankful for having found you on youtube! 🙂 ❤ thank you for being so generous with your time, creations, & knowledge! 🙂 happy thanksgiving also to all of Lindsay's fans/followers 🙂 May God bless us all & our families with a safe & happy holiday! 🙂


  5. Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving. I am thankful for your videos and your blog. Happy Thanksgiving to Kathy and Lorraine and their families.


  6. TheTillys Bridge bottles with the applicator on really do a fine line, and make gluing easy…..amazingly so! You do need to keep it full to keep out air bubbles and only use white glues….no stringy clear glues.
    I posed the question to Marianne Walker of COPICS about storing the Copic markers. She said it does not matter, but if you store them upright, as I do in the buckets that come with the big case, turn them every once in a while…and if you are going to use them, just set them flat on your desk to equalize the ink. If your Copic ever floods when you go to use it, you need to take the cap off both ends to equalize the pressure – usually only happens with a new pen. Would love to have those cases you store yours in Lindsay!
    Thanks Lindsay for all your info!


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