Santa S’mores, a Freebie & 50% off!

Well, now that was a fun attention getting title! I wanted to share the “Santa S’mores” I made (and sold out of) at the craft fair last weekend. They are cute, fun and very easy to make because you can download the sheet of 12 s’more labels I made for this project for free here!

DCF 1.0

Also I made chocolate covered pretzels, basically dip pretzel rods in chocolate and drizzle on more in other colors. You can get crazy and add sprinkles too..whatever floats your boat:)

You will need: Graham crackers, chocolate bars, marshmallows (I tried to find Christmas marshmallow peeps when I was buying supplies but they were not out yet but ACmoore had Christmas trees and snowmen…that would have been cuter than the shaped marshmallows I used), zip-top sandwich bags, 6″x6″ squares of Christmas scrapbook paper and a stapler.

Here’s how:

  1. Put ingredients in baggie and zip shut.
  2. Fold the scrapbook paper in half, place over the zipper top and staple.
  3. Tape label to SB paper topper.

Easy, peasy and a cute gift for classmates, teachers, scout leaders or the bus driver. Who doesn’t want a s’more?  That’s why they are called s’mores because you always want some-more!

Now that I have lured you here with candy 🙂 I will shamelessly plug the 4 day sale in my shop, 50% off everything at Lindsay’s Stamp Stuff! Crafting templates, digital stamps, painting kits, SVGs, party kits, you name it, if I sell it it’s on sale!


Here are some kits that might strike your fancy:

Gift Card SVGLearn To Paint: Winter Chickadee
Vintage Wine LablesLearn to Paint: Magnolias

Holiday Bazzar Craft KitExploding Box SVG
Christmas Follies Clips & Cutting3-D Snowflake SVG

Learn to Paint: CrocusGingerbread House SVG
Learn to Paint: Blue Bunting3-D Advent Calendar and Favor Kit
Fun Favors SVGWee Albums

Vintage Christmas LabelsGothic Arch SVG

The sale runt through Sunday so don’t wait! Finish up your Christmas crafting while you save 50% at Lindsay’s Stamp Stuff! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

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One thought on “Santa S’mores, a Freebie & 50% off!

  1. Oh Lindsay, I missed the sale; will you be having another one soon? I want to buy the last three classes you posted.


    Carmen L


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