Let’s Paint Blue Skies and Birch Trees Today!

Hello Friends! I have to say that this has been one of the most beautiful Autumns I can remember, crisp blue skies, colorful foliage and warmer than usual temperatures. Our family trip to the White Mountains in New Hampshire last weekend inspired this hand painted card.

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I used watercolor paint, a 140# Strathmore watercolor card, painter’s tape and 1″ and 1/2″ flat brushes and a #6 round but you can use any soft brushes you have that are similar in size. Don’t forget my favorite tools: an old cut up credit card and sponge too! Watch the step by step video to see how easy it is!

I hope you give this painting a try and if you have any questions or suggestions you can leave a comment:) Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!