Requests & New Videos!

Hello Friend! I decided to make a page just for collecting requests (my random scraps of paper floating around the house was not working for me) so if you want so see a particular tutorial let me know. You can begin by seeing if I have already done the tutorial you are wanting by using the search feature on my YouTube channel Click the button that looks like a magnifying glass under the channel banner:


If I do not yet have the video you are looking for then leave your request in the comment section of this page! That way I can keep track of all of my requests in one spot! Also I wanted a place to showcase my current videos so the player below will play the most recent video and work backwards through the most recent 100:

Hmmm, I wonder how many days it would take to play back 600+ videos? Thanks for your requests! Happy crafting!



2,179 thoughts on “Requests & New Videos!

  1. Hi Lindsay! Love your videos and great energy! Thank you for sharing your love of crafting. My sister and I have a joke about Fear of Crafting. It’s really fear of making a mess and not getting back to cleaning it up!
    Anyway, I was given a stack of old Whispers ink pad squares. They say they are permanent waterproof dye-based ink, and to clean them with solvent type cleaner. But what do I revive them with? Denatured alcohol or glycerin? I’m a-scared of ruining them with the wrong chemical! Thanks again! –
    “Fearful” in Virginia : )

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Dear Fearful (LOL) I use my Stampin Up reinkers. The whispers pads say they are permanent but they are not solvent based. Most of mine were quite dry when I bought them. You can use any dye stamping ink like Stampin up or Memento. If you think there is plenty of ink still in there refresh with a water/glycerin mix, 4 parts water, 1 part glycerin.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Your inkpad refresher has tap or distilled water? I got a fabric refresher for just a buck and did not use it . Can it be used in arts and crafts instead of tap water? I can not stand vinegar and alcohol fumes, but fine with this fabric refresher. I wonder if I can use it instead of water even in watercoloring. Tap water here often murky…


        1. I used tap water but it was clear, distilled is a good idea. I wouldn’t use fabric refresher without knowing what was in it.


        1. I have oil pastels, is that what you mean? I have a couple tutorials on them, search oil pastels in the search bar:)


    2. Hi Lindsay! Gracei Shack here from fb!
      Its probably Morning where you are now 🙂 I was wondering could you do a tutorial about how to draw/Paint a ‘spotted orchid’ I have done the 2 Paintings from your previous tutorails with the aqua tone watercolour crayons
      and a spotted orchid is very pretty and has vibrabt colours. They are so beautiful as are all the orchids 🙂
      Thanks for your amazing tutorials!
      Take Care
      -Gracie Shackleton


    3. Can’t find the spot to contact Lindsay, so hope this will do the trick. I am looking for the YouTube where you made sponge dauber using foam triangles and paper clamps. Where is that please? I think it was part of another demonstration.


    4. Really enjoyed those orchids today and I am thrilled that you have a “learn to draw” class now even though I will have to wait a while before I can afford it. It certainly looks like just what I need!


    5. Hi Linsey I love watching your videos on DIY something I love doing I’ve just bought 80 new mini ink pads and was wondering if I can use food colour and mica powders to make my own ink mini pads but I not 100% sure where to start I’d love to make my own custom ink pads plus I have loads of resin inks as well as other inks little bottles as I was going to do resin work but can’t now I hope you can help me please Ellen

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think the ink will be to thin, you could add some glycerin to thicken it up but you might get a patchy ink with food coloring.


  2. Have you ever done Quilling and if so, could you tell me what you put them on when doing a large piece? Thanks


    1. I cover foam board with wax paper and build it there. I can glue and the quilling will come off the paper when I am done and the foam board allows me to use strait pins to hold the work as I am gluing.

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    1. Gosh, that’s finally taken off with a bang here in the UK! When they first started talking about them I was smiling to myself thinking that I’d seen them first when Lindsay demo’d them 🙂


  3. Hi Miss Lindsay. Thanks you so much for all of the wonderful work and time you put into jumpstarting my creativity when I’m in a slump. You are the BEST!!!

    I love making paper flowers and butterflies. I want to turn them into durable wearable pieces of art. My question is: What can I use to seal them with that will make them durable and/or water proof? maybe something that would even harden them somewhat when I use thinner papers?

    Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge.

    Kimberly H.


  4. love all you do! Could you list the products and tools that are your favorites? Also, organization. My craft room usually looks like a bomb hit it


    1. It depends on if you mean the paper that they wrap the deli items in, or the ones they put on the scale before putting the meat or cheese on it to weigh it.
      The paper they put on the scale before putting the food on it is a thin waxed paper, however generally the paper they wrap it in is actually freezer paper and it’s plastic on one side.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Great tutorial Lindsay, you always inspire me. I’m only starting scraping, so its so great that I can watch some techniques that you’re sharing. Always brilliant.


  6. I love your tutorials for the art journal. I think that is something I will be starting. You have probably already mentioned this on your site but I can’t find the info. What kind of journal are you using? Is there a certain type of journal I need to find for the inks and watercolors?

    Thanks! Kelly


        1. they have nice screens which are sets of stencils, beads, clear stamps, scrapbook stuff and now mixed media things!


  7. Hi Lindsay…do you use peerless water colors and what are they? I’ve just heard them mentioned once and was curious?
    Thanks, Brenda


    1. They are watercolors that come on a sheet of paper, I do not have them but I made a dIY tutorial on making something close:) search my blog or youtube and you will find it:)


  8. Hi, I was watching your video on YouTube, ‘we are all stories in the end’ journal page mixed media. I would like to find out what kind of spay paint did you use / how did you make one in those spritz bottles.
    Thank you


  9. I have a frugal project for you–rescuing gel pens. I mislaid mine for awhile and half of them quit working. I tried sticking a bamboo skewer in the back end, and the ink is still quite wet. Needless to say, drawing little circles isn’t working. I’ve tried soaking them in water, soaking them in acetone. I perhaps haven’t been as good on the follow-through after soaking, so perhaps I’ve overlooked the solution, but I feel like there must be something that can be done…


  10. Hi Lindsay, I love what you do and your You Tube videos. I hope you can give me some advice. A while ago my sister in law gave me a loan of some of her dies to cut out the shapes I might need. I cut some in patterned paper which is fine but I also cut some from chipboard. Some white and some kraft. I was thinking I could then decorate them to match my project. However, I’m finding it really difficult decorating them particularly the Kraft stuff. Felt pens don’t go onto kraft very well and some of the shapes are too intricate to put patterned paper on to cut round. I didn’t think this through very well but I hate to have to throw all the shapes away just because I’m rubbish at painting them and can’t get pens to look good, can you help? Any ideas of what I can do would be much appreciated! Thanks. x


  11. Howdy Lindsay. Can you introduce me to the wonderful world of matting one’s work? I have a mattes cut that I’ve used very little but I would like to work with “standard” mattes and frames”, and have had overwhelming and incapacitating fear of putting mattes, art and frames together. Silly I know. I have several pieces done on standard 9″ x 12″ watercolor paper and would like know what size “standard” mattes and simple contemporary (non-frilly) black frames to use. Meaning – I don’t want to deal with odd sizes of mattes. Also, are there standard sizes for half sheets of 9″ x 12″ Does this make sense? Thank you for your kind consideration.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Hi Lindsay, a few videos ago you showed us a few watercolours you did while out with the kids, they were leaves and a birch tree, you concentrated on painting the tree on that occasion. I mentioned that I loved the birch leaves painting a lot and I would love it if you could find the time to do a video on the leaves as it was such a nice little study 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

  13. Hi, Mrs.Weirich, I was wondering if you could do a review on the sizzix sizzlet dies, I am getting a big shot for my birthday(They asked me what I wanted, they don’t know what to buy anymore) my current plans are just embellishing my sign of my business with a little tack it tack(I have watched all the ask a crafts) glue and die cuts. Also, I would love to see how to mat your watercolors (front and back) please.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. matting video is done: ans the sizzlets are nice, I have a few. They cut paper, craft foam and thin chipboard but nothing to thick. I did not realize they were still making them! You might find some good clearence deals online!


    1. you will need to trace over your lines with a colorless colored pencil so the ink will not run. Also watercolor apper can be very thick and might jam your printer if it is a bottom feed printer.


  14. Hi Lindsay,
    I was wondering if sometime you would do a watercolor of a sundial with flowers around it. Love you YouTube Channel. Thanks for sharing your talents.


  15. Just love your Maine frugalness, being a girl from “The County” I really get it. Have you done any tutorials on photo transfers. I am trying this in my art journal but I am not being sucussful at all. Help if u can.

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  16. Hi Lindsey! Really love your videos. I think you are very talented. I know that you love, love, love the Prisma color pencils, but I would love to see you do something with the less expensive Crayola or Crazy Art pencils, as a lot of folks out there, myself included cannot easily afford the more expensive color pencils. Thanks so much and please continue making those great videos.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I have amassed a lot of product. To be more accurate, I have drowned myself in stamps, paper, inks, sprays and more. Whatever I saw on Youtube, or in a newsletter, I bought and tried, and not always successfully. But, I never let that stop me from accumulating more. What do I do with all those finished cards, mini albums, tags and the hundreds of papers and other products waiting to be used in the next creation? There is only so much my friends and family can absorb of these “lovely treasures.” Love your videos and all your help and advice. Thanks!


  18. So I am wondering about art tissue. In a book I have they use wet art tissue to leave color spots on the card and then take it off. Do you know anything about this?


  19. Last Christmas I gave my daughter a Litograph ( — which is essentially a high grade poster — of the New Testament in its entirety. Its huge 42″ x 63″. It will cost a fortune to have it professionally framed and I cannot find a DIY kit that large. So, I thought, “Aha! Lindsay probably has some great ideas since she does framing and she IS the Frugalcrafter, after all.” Got any ideas or thoughts?
    Thank you for everything you do for us.


    1. that is huge! I think I would see if you can get metal frame section in that size online from blick, cheap joes or Jerry’s then you will nee to have plexiglass cut to fit and call a n applience store to see if they will save a refrigerator box for you to use as backing board. I do not take in jobs over 32″x40″ because it is very hard to deal with in my studio. You might call ACmoore or Joann for a quote too before you go to this trouble, with the 60% off coupons they have for framing all the time it might be better to have them do it and save yourself the trouble. the plexi that size is going to cost a pretty penny and glass would be really heavy and hard to handle without breaking.good luck:)


      1. Thank you for the info!!! I’ll check with Joann’s (we don’t have an ACMoore here in the Atlanta area). I have tried to find the sectional pieces before :-(. I was kind of wondering about putting two sectional frames together somehow (like one 42 x 30 and one 42 x 33 …but taking into consideration the frame size).


  20. I love your watercolor tutorials, they are so inspiring! In fact, I tried one of them, the cosmos; it turned out pretty good, and it was SO much fun! I was wondering if you could possibly do one for Wisteria, I am trying to do a painting of them for my mom, but am having trouble with it. I can’t seem to get the distance and size of them right. Any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. I would love a tutorial on painting an owl…more a whimsical cute style owl than a realistic one. 🙂 They are my obsession at the moment, ha! I was thinking a watercolor one would be really neat, but then so would an acrylic or mixed media one. I love your tutorials and find them so helpful!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Hi Lindsay! I was wondering whether you planned to do anymore quilling tutorials? Or any polymer clay tutorials? I would love to see what you could do with polymer clay. I love the stuff and always like to see what other people get up to with it. Love you video’s, thanks for all the advice 🙂


  23. Hi Lindsay! I just watched your glycerin 101 video again (fabulous, by the way) and I remembered that there was something you recommended using aloe vera gel for. Of course, I can’t remember what it was. Are there enough uses for it to do an aloe vera 101 video?


  24. Hi Lindsay,
    This may be a little off topic…..but I would like to know how you put your intro into your videos. I am doubting that you recreate it every time.
    I am not a complete newbie to making iMovies but I cannot figure this one out.
    Hope you will help me.


    1. Hi Lori,
      I hope you don’t mind me jumping in here; but I believe Lindsay doesn’t add her intros in iMovie, instead she uses a feature offered by YouTube. YouTube has a feature that allows you to add an intro, that’s no longer than three seconds, to all of your videos. It will even add it to your old videos. Although I have no idea if this feature is limited to YouTube partners or not. Of course I could be entirely wrong and she does edit the intros in. I just noticed that even the older videos have the new intro; so I had hunch she used the YouTube feature. I hope that helps 🙂


      1. yes, that is correct, it is a 3 second branding intro, Derral Eves had a great tutorial on doing it;)


  25. I love all your watercolor painting tutorials, so please continue them. I would like to learn to paint butterflies, more pen and w/c pictures, painting w/Bombay inks, and any drawing tutorials you want to do. I try to start my Christmas cards by the end of October so I can have them ready to mail by Thanksgiving, so I would love to see any early Christmas ideas you might have.

    Liked by 3 people

  26. Hi Lindsay. Thanks for taking requests. You are such a joy to watch everyday, a real treat–you always make me smile. I would love to see how you work with digital images. I have found a number of sites with downloadable, copyright-free images as well as those for sale. How can they be incorporated into art journals, cards, paintings, etc.? Also, did you ever redo the lining for the coat that you had mentioned in a much earlier video? Thanks for your help and your encouragement.

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  27. Oh my, I feel like such a pest leaving a request. (Well at least it rhymes :-D) The other day I had left a request on one of your blog posts. I had no idea this page existed when I left the request, so I suppose I’ll put it here so it’s in the proper spot. I’m not trying to be a nag, I just wanted to make sure I am doing everything correctly. I had requested if you could possibly make a video where you are using your hand carved stamps.

    I also have another request for you if you don’t mind. Do you think you could possibly make an intro to oil painting video? I think you did something similar with watercolor. I think it was the watercolor q&a where you talked about the supplies you need to get started in watercolor. I’m very much intrigued by oil paints but have never used them. I am so confused by all the different mediums available. From what I gather turpentine (which thins the paint) and linseed oil (which thickens the paint) are the most common. But I’ve heard many others mentioned. Something about liquin? Which is an alkyd or something? Also to use poppy or sunflower oil because linseed yellows the paint? And what’s the difference between the sunflower oil you buy to paint with versus the sunflower oil you cook with? This probably seems very silly, but I was hoping you could shed some light on the matter. I assume you have worked with oil paint because you have shown some oil paints and brushes in your studio tours and even made a video of an oil painting with water soluble oils. Thank you for your time!

    Oh! Also I saw these the other day and I remembered for a time in your ask-a-crafter videos people were looking for color duster alternatives. I thought those might just fit the bill. They’re only $4.69 for six (78 cents a piece) and even have colored handles. You could coordinated the colored handle to the color family you plan to use the duster with. I don’t know, it’s just a thought.

    Thanks again. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks for posting here, it is perfect, I get lots of request and I don’t want to miss anyone so having them in one spot to check helps immensely!


  28. hi lindsey could you show me what brand would be easy to carry around and your way of carrying supplies with you.


  29. Lindsay,
    I cannot thank you enough for your watercolor tutorials! They are pretty much the only thing I watch on YouTube anymore because they are so great! You are so encouraging to us that you have me convinced I can paint, too! I would like to add to the request list, if I may, two favorite animals:
    Thank you again, Jennifer in Texas

    Liked by 2 people

  30. Hi Lindsay, you mention that you tear your own watercolor cards from larger sheets, is there a video on how you do that? How are you keeping that size from buckling? Also,are you mounting them on card stock? Now that will be enough to have you do a half hour video, which we all would love to see, thanks.


    1. I tear mine also. I’m not sure how Lindsay does it, but I fold mine in half — back and forth — making sure i have a nice crease. Then I unfold it and gently just pull the two halves away from each other. Once the tear starts, the tear just follows the crease. Then I keep repeating the process until I have the sizes I want. You can also score the fold if that feels ‘safer’ to you. At first it feels a little unwieldy if you buy the 22″ x 30″ but I haven’t messed up a piece yet. At least not until I start painting on it ;-).
      I tape my paper onto foam core using low tack painters’ tape. I think Lindsay just uses binder clips on a foam core board.
      Have fun!


  31. Hi Lindsay,
    I love your channel and blog, you are one the only thing I watch on YouTube now! Every morning I watch your videos! Now, sadly a few months ago I lost my beloved cat. I hated having no cat around, so recently I have adopted from the RSPCA a mother cat and kitten!
    Soooo, I’m guessing you allready know what I’m going to say but I’ll say it anyway – can you pleeeeeaaaase do a cat or kitten in watercolour?


  32. Hi, Lindsay: [I left you a comment on Youtube today before you told us about this page–now, it’s in both places–sorry!] Just found you and You’ve inspired me to W/C again [as with most artists, I do one kind of paints for awhile then swap around]. Haven’t looked at ALL your watercolor videos yet but want to know, have you done a video on ‘pricing’ your painting for sale? And, do you price differently at different venues , i.e., farmers market, craft shows, pinterest? love your style of W/C–very similar to mine. thanks again


    1. Every market is different, I use the same price but I might have a sale in some situations:) I don’t feel right charging different people different prices.


  33. Hi Lindsay! Greetings from hot, sunny California.
    I have two requests that I hope you’ll consider. I’ve been trying to paint a colorful hummingbird — not much luck so far. With the iridescent feathers I thought it would be a good opportunity to try using your shimmery-dollar store paint. I’d love to see how you paint do one.

    Maybe also a morning glory with leaves, flowers and vine tendrils. I’ve been trying to do one of those with colored pencil.
    Thank you for the wonderful videos, after many years I am finally getting back to making art…you are very inspiring!


  34. A newbie to your site. Love it. U said u make crochet flower embellments, do u have a video? Also watched one about glimmer mist, didn’t understand the paint u purchased, where do u find it at? One more question, I seen another person do something with gloss paper, I tried photo paper, didn’t work, they used with wax paper, any clue where to purchase the paper at? Sorry for all the questions ..thanks and may u be blessed everyday.


  35. I enjoy your videos. I especially enjoyed the longer watercolor tutorial since I’m a newbie to this art form. You are never boring, it’s like having you by my side even though we are hundreds of miles away. Anyway, I have a request (it may be a dumb one) could you show us the correct way to hold a brush? I noticed you hold the brush at almost a right angle to add detailed strokes. I tend to have a heavy hand when holding the brush as if the brush would walk away or something. Also when I combine colors they turn too muddy. Is their a technique for that too? Phew! so many questions. One last thing, you were born to teach, so keep it going. Thanks

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  36. Hi, Lindsay, I think you are so much fun and energetic. Love watching you. Would you please paint a hummingbird in watercolors? Thank you sooooooooooo much for all that you do!

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  37. Hi, Lindsay, this is another question about framing that HUGE Litograph. This is the description of the paper used, “Litographs are printed on archival, vinyl-infused paper that is tear-resistant, water-resistant, and long-lasting. Our quoted dimensions include a 0.75 inch border on each side.”
    I started wondering about using the DIY canvas braces to temporarily hang the piece. It wouldn’t have anything over the top (like glass or Plexiglas), but the paper they use is surprisingly sturdy.
    What do you think?


  38. Hello Lindsay. Could it be possible to see you make more crafty goodies like the ones you made using Papermart products or any other products of course ? Thanks by advance.


  39. Hi, Lindsey. I love what you do and can’t thank you enough for sharing your talents with us. I was wondering if you could post a tutorial of some blueberries still on a branch in watercolor pencils. Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  40. I was gifted a set of Prisma-Color alcohol markers. Since these were my first alcohol markers I immediately stamped a bunch of images to color. Unfortunately, the paper pilled horrendously and they were totally unusable. What kind of card stock should I use?


  41. Hi! I am in love with horses, and was wondering if you could possibly do a watercolor or drawing of a horse rearing or something cool like that…i have no luck with drawing horses, let alone painting them and could use some help!! (either the heads are bigger than their bodies or their legs look like chicken wings! 🙂 ) Thanks!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  42. Hi Lindsay: I always have a crochet project going while on a long car ride or a plane ride. Last year on the way to Hawaii, I cut out all the elements I needed for my Christmas cards! Great way to make a long plane ride much more pleasurable. (I made sure the small pair of scissors was approved before we left.) I love your watercolor videos! Now that my kids are grown I have lots of time to “play” and am trying to learn to watercolor and draw. I am not very good but I can see some improvement over the last few weeks. You are so inspiring! We will be visiting Maine (Bar Harbor, Booth Bay, and Portland) Sept 5-12 and I wondered if you will be participating in any farmer’s markets so I can stop by and say hello and buy one of your works of art. Maybe these cities are too far away from you??? At any rate, thanks for nurturing my crafty side! Carol


  43. I’m watching as quickly as I can, Lindsay, but I haven’t found the answer to this question. How do you decide which to use for watercoloring: pencils, crayons, blocks, or tubes? I LOVE your watercoloring videos. I might have missed the answer. I don’t have the crayons, but wonder if I should. Maybe there are properties of the crayons that the other types don’t have? Thank you so much for offering so much entertainment and renewal of joy in crafting. 🙂


      1. Oh! I can’t wait! I saw one of the videos yesterday where you used a combination of the crayons and pastels. Now I am really confused about it and wonder if pastels is what I should get instead. I do see that the crayons and pastels are more opaque. THANK you for being so kind as to respond to my question. Glad you had a good vacation! You’ll need another if all those requests above are any indication!


        1. Regina: are you talking about Caran d’Ache Neocolor II Artists’ Crayons? Depending on the amount of water you add are usually transparent but pure pigment with little or no water “can be” opaque.


          1. Yes, that’s the one I watched. Still, my basic question (and I hope you DO make a video) is how to decide which to use. I know they can be used together for good effects, such as the flower you were making. Thank you. BTW, on a lighter note, my husband (who is from ME) and I were debating the meaning of the term “pond” thanks to your video this morning. Were you by any chance vacationing on Rangeley Lakes?


            1. nope, not Rangely:) I think the difference between a pond and a lake is size, lakes are larger…or maybe it is that lakes are fed by a river…I was on a pond, it said so in the name LOL! I’m so secretive huh:)


  44. Hi Lindsay….wondering if you have ever made a “no sew” or very little sewing poncho? I looked on youtube but was a little disappointed with what I found there. Thanks for all your help and ideas and keep us spurred on! 🙂

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  45. Hi Lindsay, I just watched your latest tutorial on the different colored pencils, it was very informative! I think the Spectrum Noir pencils seem really nice and will probably invest in them in the future. My question for you is are the Inktense color blocks the same as oil pastels? I was at Hobby Lobby and saw they had oil pastel sets on sale and they looked like the Inktense blocks you used in some of your tutorials. I really like how versital they are, and want to invest in a set. Any info. you can give would be great! Thanks and keep up the wonderful tutorials!


    1. Hi Jacki, the inktense blocks are like sticks of vivid ink that react with water then become permanent. The oil pastels at the craft store are water resistant. The chalk pastels can be used with water but are not the same.


  46. Lindsay thank you so much for sharing your creativity and your thoughts on video. I really enjoy your “company.”

    I have a question: what could I mix with Pearl Ex powder (or eye shadow) that I could squirt through a needle-tip plastic squeeze bottle and it come out almost the texture of toothpaste? So far I’ve tried a lot of kinds of glue, but they are all too thin, and then I’ve tried adding marble dust to make it thicker but so far nothing has worked very well. My next thing is to look for the dimensional paint they use for fabrics and see if they have a transparent version that I can add the powder to.

    Thank you for listening to my obsession. 🙂


    1. I think it would be cheaper to get the irridecent fabric paint by tulip in the fine tip bottles. They are about $1 at ACmoore I believe for a 1 oz bottle. I do not think you can make it cheaper.


      1. Jennifer, I might have missed what you were using this for. For non-fabric use, try Glossy Accents. It comes out thick and stays where it’s put. I have mixed mica powder into it and it looks like stained glass! You might also try clear glass paint, such as Gallery Glass. Hope this helps, too.


  47. please help me with journaling,I will be traveling to Germany during December and wish to journal my trip with watercolor pencils and possibly watercolor paints. What kind of journal is best and what recommendations do you have regarding the pages – gluing, decorating etc. Please do more journaling . I love your videos and find them so helpful.


  48. Hi Lindsay, I went back through your archives and in Oct 2011 you spoke of a crafting podcast. I did not have any luck finding them. Are there any archives of them? I think we all agree, you are so much fun to listen to and very inspirational. I painted the hollyhock card and everyone loved it! Thank you.


    1. it was fun, I had 4 episodes but I hit my limit of people listing before they wanted charge me (when I sighed up it said it was free) but it was expensive to continue so I focused on videos instead.


  49. Hello Lindsay, I just finished watching the video on making permanent gelatin pad. I am living in a country town in Australia and not able to find glycerin. As I browsed the cleaning isle I noticed that hand sanitizer has both alcohol and glycerin so I gave it a try. So far it is setting up nicely and I can’t wait to try painting with it. They scent the sanitizer a little better than just rubbing alcohol so that is a plus.
    Thank you for all your enthusiasm and encouragement! I have been addicted to your painting vids.


      1. I am not sure I am 100% on using the sanitizer. The mat was fragile and easily torn. It may not have enough glycerin in it to harden it more. I was able to get prints from it. The surface was smooth. I found the paints did need to be thinned with water to lift off with the paper. Straight paint seemed to dry and stick to the pad. It was worth a try though, so will wait till I can find a reasonable priced source of glycerine. Note; I am able to remelt the gel and remold it to use again.


  50. I enjoy your easy of learning guidance when you teach us how to watercolor. I would like to see videos on how to color: a roster, winter scene, more birds and flowers.

    If you use a reference photo please post with your video. Have you ever consider creating watercolor patterns we could print off and transfer to our paper with tracing paper? Thanks for your williness and time to share your passion with us. 🙂


  51. I have many gel pens that don’t write even though they have ink in them. Is there any way to get them going again?


  52. Lindsay, Hi! I am a great fan of yours. My request would be for everything CATS, Stamped ones, hidden ones, painted or photo, anywhere and everywhere. You might also make plain the items you sell as well, just a link at the bottom, also to the blog and facebook .


  53. Hey Lindsay.

    I would love for you to do a “rainy landscape” scene, with stormy clouds and droplets of rain obscuring some of the image. I am at a loss as to how to do this myself without totally ruining the picture so a tutorial would be a real help to me.
    Thanks for being awesome,

    Travis (kineticpsi on YouTube)

    PS: I’m starting to go through ‘Ask A Crafter’ withdrawal. I’m hoping you’ll get it started up in October. I’m sure there is no lack of questions your faithful viewers have for you. (C;

    Liked by 1 person

  54. Hi Lindsey, I really like your tutorials! I’m new in arts and was wondering if you can do a tutorial on watercolour landscape for beginners.
    Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  55. Hello Lindsay! I love your tutorials and I know them almost by heart! 😀 Could you paint a winter snowy landscape at night? I tried to do something like this, but I didn’t know where to start and it all finished in payne’s gray LOL. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, I am in love with colors only thanks to you.

    Liked by 1 person

  56. Hi Lindsay, I love your watercolor videos and I am learning so much as a Newbie. I purchased some blank watercolor cards and envelopes and I’m having a blast with them. I would like to see ideas for kids birthday cards done in watercolor. The grandboys love flowers but something more for a boy is what I need. Hope you have some ideas. Thanks as always for sharing your talents with us. I do appreciate it soooo much!!!


  57. I enjoyed watching you paint the under painting for this autumn scene. It was helpful, for I have always just gone for detail to start, amd now I see the benefit of just putting color down first.
    Sometime, will you show us how to sharpen watercolor pencils or colored pencils with a knife? I don’t know how to do it, so I don’t want to mess them up, for like you have said on numerous occasions, they are rather spendy.
    Thanks so much for all your wonderful tutorials. I am always learning something new, whether watching you do something, or just when you are talking during your demonstrations. You are a wealth of information, and I love it!
    Enjoy the rest of the summer vacation, for snow will be here before we know it!


  58. Hey Lindsay, I love your watercolor and you’re one of my favourite artists on youtube, and maybe you could help me – a while ago my sister asked me if I could draw some animals for her but then I realized I have absolutely no idea on how to paint fur. Do you think you could give me some quick tips or maybe even make a video on it? It would help a lot, and if its not something you’re interested in I still appreciate you reading this. 🙂


  59. Love all your videos! I can’t keep the watercolor cards I paint, everyone wants them. Thanks for the tip on Blicks 100 pack cards. Could you do a watercolor painting of dandelions and purple Bull Thistles? Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  60. Hi Lindsay! Just watched your water media comparison. It was great. I too have some Caran d’Ache wc crayons. I have the 40 color set, and am saving for the larger set. Would you do some videos using these? Thanks Ever So Much!
    Love ya,
    Christine Rose

    Liked by 1 person

  61. Love your videos! I especially love the watercolor ones. Do you have any on fruits or vegies ? I have seen the raspberry one and actually have done 2 of those. I was watching the comparison video you just posted and I wanted to let you know what I found out from Faber Castell about the difference between Gellatos and Gels…. the Gellatos have a different formula that make them archival. 🙂 They are pricey and I do not use them often. I love my Derwent watercolor pencils and Inktense and Neocolors II……….they are my go toos. toos????? is that even a word. LOL. Thanks again for all your hard work to keep this crafter going!

    Liked by 1 person

  62. Hi Lindsay, my watercolor painting has improved greatly by watching your videos, so please keep them coming. I have a few requests for ugh, the holidays? Here goes… pumpkins, Indian corn, a turkey (head profile). Thank you so much. I love the hummingbird. I watched the comparison video and had no idea there was so much to chose from. Great information.


  63. Hi Lindsay!
    I would love to see you do a review on paper! I make a lot of cards and use white and cream cardstock for inking, stamping, embossing, and coloring with pencils and markers. I’ve tried a couple different types of paper: Bazzil and Stampin’ up!, but would like a full review and your opinion on the best quality and best price. I don’t have a lot of choices on where to buy the paper, so I end up having to buy online, and I can’t touch it! Help please! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  64. I would love to see a calla lily watercolor card! I want to make a few to keep on hand to send out to friends. Also, a quick and easy “we’ve moved” postcard. We recently relocated from SC to AL and I would like to send out a postcard to a few family and friends.

    Liked by 1 person

  65. hi lindsey,
    i’m new to all this coloring and have a hard time knowing what color combinations to put together. i love flowers and butterflys. could you do a you tube on how to work out color combinations for flowers and butters that make them look really lovely and a little bit 3D. thanks


  66. Hi Lindsay, I just placed an order @ Blicks for the Reeves watercolor pencils & wouldn’t you know it, back ordered 😦 so they must be great. I always mention that you recommend the items. For extra pull don’t cha know… I love your videos. I painted one for a new baby and they framed it & put it in the nursery. So that leads me to asking for maybe some watercolor tutes along the line of Mother Goose. (I don’t have stamps) . Thanks


  67. Hi Lindsay! I love watching your youtube tutorials! Could you do a watercolor painting of holly leaves and berries for Christmas cards?


  68. Hi Lindsay, I’ve got some derwent graphitint pencils but can’t think of what to so with them. Can you come up with some ideas please?

    Also, my other passion is vintage fairground, especially gallopers (carousels in America), any ideas based on this theme would also be great.
    P.s. I loved the circus seal card.

    Kind regards


  69. Hi Lindsay, not sure if this is the right place but I wanted to share this bit of information: contact paper is so much nicer these days. I used some to put a wipe-clean faux wooden surface on the gatorboards I use to prop paper on when I’m painting. I am thinking it will perform much like the “craft sheets” I see for sale. A whole roll is six dollars on Amazon–it’s like Washi tape forever!

    Second is wondering if you have seen this:


    happy crafting to you too!


  70. Hi Lindsay, apologies if this appears twice, I posted it once but it didn’t seem to send.

    I love watching your tutorials, you make things seem so easy and carefree. I have some graphitint pencils but am lacking ideas for them, any tutorials using these would be great.

    I also have a passion for vintage fairground rides, especially gallopers ( carousels in America ). I would love some tutorials based on this theme. I very much liked the circus seal card.

    Keep up the inspiration.
    Kind regards


  71. Hi Lindsay, loved your Valentines Day scrapbook page. I have a lot of big sheets of card stock to use. Could you show how you attach them in your scrapbook or is there a video on it? I wonder if I could just cut my paper clips and attach two sheets together and place them in a 3ring binder. I’ll have to look at my Creative Memories books unless you have an easier way. Thanks


  72. Hi Lindsay, since watching all your videos I am enjoying crafting so much more because of all the information you share. Thank you! Just wondering if you could recommend an economical paper to make small mini books that I can stamp on the corner of each page without the ink bleeding through on the back of the page. Computer or copy paper almost works, but there is a ghost image. I would like the paper fairly thin because I try to put 12 pages that I fold in half and then adhere them to the cardstock cover using needle and thread.
    Thank you for all your help and tutorials. Anne


  73. I had requested at the beginning of spring for some gray turtle doves the possibly a pair making a nest. Really in any medium but to learn to draw them then colored in watercolor(would be most appreciated). And I can understand waiting till Christmas is what I had stated before but I just wanted to make sure it was put on this page as well for your benefit.


  74. Please continue to make the jewelry tutorials only if you are inspired. I know many of the basics but inspiration can come from many a place. thank you for the many videos so far except for 3 other channel I watched every video of yours and those channels only come out once or twice a month, always enjoy your contributions.


  75. Hi Lindsay, I really enjoy your videos and you have sparked a lot of creativity in me! Thank you for that. I was wondering if you could do a video of just your stamp collection. Also, i recently purchased some water colors but i don’t really know how to use them. I was wondering if you could do a intro into water colors or a video about anything you need to know about using water colors or some tips and tricks to successful watercolor painting. Thanks again Lindsay stay awesome and thanks for all the creative videos.


  76. Hi Lindsay,

    I’m new to your blog and videos and know I’m going to be spending a good bit of time making my way through all the gems I’m seeing.

    I decided to plunge in this morning and make your permanent gelli plate (the recipe that calls only for glycerin and gelatin) in an 8″round cake pan with straight sides.

    I let it set for about 6 hours in the refrigerator and ran a sharp knife around the sides before trying to turn it over to remove it. Well,it sure didn’t want to come out of the pan. I carefully lifted one edge but the entire bottom adhered to the pan leaving a gooey mess.

    Any idea where I went wrong and how I might rescue it?



    1. remelt the geletin in the microwave. Wash the pan and spray with some cooking spray and repour the geletin and set over night. I have not used a metal pan before so it might be stickier. You can keep remelting it until you get it right though:)


  77. I love all your video’s , your tips and your frugality!!! I have found that I love the Ranger Embossing liquid in the cute little Dabber bottle!!! However, it is a bit pricey. It is also very thick, that makes it awesome!! Can you make it? Or can you think of something to thicken the glycerin ??


    1. just use glycerin, some brands are thicker than others, look for a tick brand. i like NOW brand from the health food store.


  78. I just saw your bead organizing video (Lindsey’s awesome bead storage 11/1/12) and really like the red square stacking bead storage containers. I looked at the Joanns website but could not find them. Any ideas where I can find those fabulous containers? Thanks.


    1. they are tough to find now but my sister has some in her shop Bryann’s Art’s And Crafts in China Maine, she does not have a website but you will mail order. The phone number there is 207 968-2498, it is part of Lakeview Lumber and that is how they answer the phone, just ask for Bry-ann in the craft department and she will help you:)


  79. I would love a lesson on different colored zinnias. You needn’t ask if we would like that zentangle tutorial, we all love anything you do. I just ordered my second box of watercolor cards of 100. They are going like hot cakes.

    Liked by 1 person

  80. I love and have learned so much from all your your flower paintings. And I’d love to see you start a watercolor series on different fruits and vegetables: watermelon slices, strawberries, orange slices, apples, green peppers, peas in the pod, tomatoes, etc. Not full blown paintings, just how-to watercolor paintings of these different plants. Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  81. Hi,

    I watched your embossing tutorial after seeing someone else’s brown paper bag embossing tutorial. You may be aware of the technique of re-doing floors with brown kraft paper. I love that (very frugal) idea but don’t like the look at all. Do you think embossed brown paper covered with polyurethane could be used for flooring, or would the design flatten out underfoot?

    Would appreciate if you could respond to my email, if that isn’t done automatically. It’s




    1. I think the paper needs to bond with the floor and an embossed paper would not. also it would get really dirty with the textrue and be prone to tearing on the raised bits.


  82. I was wondering if anyone has told you they made the homemade gelli plate and the results good or bad from then to now.
    Homemade stickles recipe please.


    1. I have had some folks say that the plate is perfect and useable a year later and some say it has broken down. I wonder if climate/humidiy might play a role?


      1. It has been less than a year since I made my gelli plate, following your instructions, and it is still perfect. We ran over it with the camp trailer which broke the plastic container and I had to remelt and put it into a different, non-roadkill container, but since then it’s been sitting on the shelf unless in use, and still gives 100% satisfaction when in use.


  83. Hi Lindsay!! Well, I saw a video a while ago with watercolor and dip pens. It was really cool, but they didn’t do much with the technique. I’ve tried it a few times, but I wondered if you’ve ever used dip pens with watercolor before, and if you had any pointers on the best nibs and how to fill the pen. Right now I just load up my 10 round and scrape the nib against it. Just a thought 🙂 Thanks for such a great channel. Happy to have found you!!


  84. Loved the colors you used in the zentangle tutorial. Which brings me to my question, do you have a tutorial in color theory? I sometimes have trouble combining colors.


  85. I was wondering if you could do a video on coloring a a christmas pinecone and berries with markers or colored pencils. Thanks so much!


  86. Hi Lindsey.
    Thank you for your tutorials. My daughter and I watch your videos for instruction and inspiration.We love your watercolor tutorials. My daughter wanted me to request a watercolor tutorial, either watercolor pencil or paint, of fall leaves. Not trees or landscape, but various loose leaves. Please.
    Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  87. Hi Lindsay, outside the box thinking is great. When I first started painting 4 yrs ago I couldn’t afford much. Started with cheap paints, brushes, etc. I didn’t want to waste money by messing up a canvas so I would rip up old white sheets, pieces of drywall, old boards & put gesso on them & they turned out pretty good. I framed them. It is nice to have them to look at to see how far I’ve come. Just believing in myself and having the courage to put my paintings out there was a huge step. I was very full of anxiety at first thinking I would be laughed at. But now I let it speak for itself and people like it and it’s selling. So, keep speaking words of power and encouragement to us, it really helps. Oh dear, I hear Canada geese flying over 🙂 and I have enough supplies to keep me going for the upcoming season.


  88. Lindsay,
    Your ability to stretch a dollar is a gift. Have you donr your own version of pocket page scrapbooking without using a preexisting product/system?


  89. Lindsay, thank you for the simplicity of your designs! I am getting rather sick of the overly embellished items I keep seeing. It’s like they have to throw every embellishment they own onto the book or box or canvas. Forgive me, I digress. Anyway, my request is paper piecing so that it looks like inlaid wood. I know you did something similar with embossing powder and a stamp–and I loved that! But how to make paper look like fine wood veneers…..A more elegant look is what I crave. Perhaps using a plain wood or chipboard box. Thanks from a loyal fan.


      1. I am afraid to post the pictures because they don’t belong to me. I googled “paper piecing looks like inlaid wood” and there were some examples. But let me try to describe. You must have seen the cigar boxes with the inlaid geometric patterns (like quilt pieces). There used to be an old way of doing this with paper to make plaques, fronts of scrapbooks, greeting cards, and (yes) decorative boxes. It makes a lovely thing that is elegant and lacquered looking. Maybe it would be like decoupage with a quilt pattern? Hope this helps describe. Thank you.


        1. Didn’t mean to write a book. Wish I could edit my others. I’ve been wracking my brain and I remember that you use a positive and negative of the same design. Using different colors in the inlay. It’s great for kids or adults. With the modern stencils you could really produce some gorgeous cards using this technique. Or use something like a quilt pattern or even a coloring book picture.


  90. Could you please do a video on using Jacquard’s Pinata alcohol inks and Ranger’s alcohol inks (and any others that exist that I don’t know about yet) to replenish dry pens and markers? Thank you for all you do!


  91. Hey Lindsay!
    I so enjoy your videos! Have you ever loom knitted? It is such a cool craft for all ages! So many charities need chemo caps, scarves and the like. I will send you a set of looms if you want. My email address is emarci at Hotmail dot com. (Take that spammers). has sets of looms for 2.00 a set. I took advantage of a special sale and bought 8 sets for 1.00 per set so that I can teach with them. Lots of loom knitting videos are available on you tube, but I would love to see what you come up with, either loom, spool, or finger knitting.

    Thanks again for all of the great information you share! God Bless You!


    1. Thanks for the offer but I have looms, I have a hat video up from last December. I’ll see if I can think of something new:)


  92. I’d like more pen and ink (watercolor actually) tutorials like the Indian Corn one. Maybe more fall items like gourds, a scarecrow, a turkey, pumpkins (not necessarily jack-o-lanterns). And Christmas items would be great too.


  93. I love your lastest vlog post on selling your work. More please 🙂 And thank you so much for all the information you share. I look forward to each and every one.


  94. Just thought I’d give you a heads up on a new stamp company: Altenew. Found them on a blog hop. Their clear stamp catalog includes geometric shapes, multilayer flowers (2 or 3 stamps per bloom), some Islamic and henna art images, city skylines, cute stick figure images and some cool sentiments. They appear to be very popular, because they sold out of many of their first sets the week they opened their online store. Simon says stamps also carries the line.

    One of the sets is an outline rose with assorted parts (buds, stem, etc). Since it strongly resembles the drawing you made for your watercolor rose, you might recommend it to your drawing-challenged painters, begin some collaborative efforts or start a law suit for copyright infringement. They have a magnolia blossom set that I have on order. The rose stamp let me practice watercolor shading.

    Hope all is well down East.

    Ellen Smith

    PS. Those little green things that hang down from the place where flower joins stem are called “sepals”. (I am a biologist, so you got a free consult!)


  95. Really enjoy your videos. I am a newbie to painting and drawing. Waited till over 65 yrs old to take the leap. I bought a nice Winsor & Newton ( case with watercolor tubes and mixing areas) set a few years ago. But, gave it up when I became frustrated. Recently, watch some of your videos and bought Derwent watercolor pencils hoping to get the hang of this medium. Requesting Sedona, AZ red rock area watercolor pencil or watercolor painting.

    Thank you,


    Liked by 1 person

  96. Hi Lindsay! I realy love your videos and learn alot from them. I know that you have illustrated the book ”Tha Rainbow Pants” and I was wondering if you could do a video on how to illustrate a story or share some tips on the subject. 🙂
    Thanks in advance! 🙂


  97. dear Lindsey,
    (i feel like i know you personally) i recently discovered your vids on youtube. let me just say, i am awake most nights past 2 a.m. watching and enjoying your work. i am not artistic at all, stick people is my entire repertoire of skills. so on a whim i purchased inexpensive water colors and followed (with pausing) your hummingbird tutorial. i must say, i shocked myself. with that said, today i followed along with you and completed the decorative corn with water color/ink. with the exception of too many kernels per ear, another success. i am anxious to get started on my next project with your help.

    thank you so much for sharing your gift of creativity with such a warm persona.

    i have a request for a water color, an under the sea type theme with vivid colors, fish, plants and many some sea anemone.

    thank you!


    Liked by 2 people

  98. Lindsey, I couldn’t find a tutorial on napkin decoupage, I’ve seen a few examples but you make everything so fun. Have you done one of these? Thanks for your help.


  99. Hi. I’m a recent subscriber. I’ve been scrolling through some of your older videos on youtube. I notice you like to use Gorilla Glue. I wanted to make sure you know to keep that glue someplace safely out of your dog’s reach. I worked many years as a vet assistant. 3 or 4 years ago we had a 1 year old dog brought into the clinic because he had chewed up a bottle of Gorilla Glue and consummed most of the bottle. Apparently the ylue is sweet tasting. Not only did he have glue all over his muzzle, lips and paws (which was very difficult to remove and left his skin raw) but we also had to surgically remove a large ball of glue – about the size of a softball – from his stomach. Gorilla Glue does have a label warning to keep the glue away from children and pets, but most people are not aware of how dangerous it can be. I think its a great glue but I think its just safer to not have it the house with all my pets. Just wanted to share. I love your channel, all your tips and especially your painting tutorials.


    1. Not per-se but it the ads that run that make me money, also I am sponsored by some companies to make videos with their products.


  100. Hi Lindsey, *waves* I’ve watched several of your water color videos and have enjoyed them but I feel sort of like I’ve come to class in the middle of the session. Do you have a series of videos or can you point in the direction of some that are the very beginning stages of learning to water color? For example, choosing materials or explaining how to get set up to begin and then an easy sort of painting one can do to have a satisfying finished product as a beginner. Again your videos are great but I always feel like I missed the first few days of class.


  101. Today 9/24/2014 at splitcoaststampers there is a beautiful card with three autumn leaves made out of Sookwang tape and some gold leafing, with the veins of the leaves scrapped in with a pen. I looked everywhere on youtube and the internet for any tutorial on how to make these leaves. Can you show us how to make leaves using Sookwang or maybe another double sided stick tape that would be cheaper?

    Liked by 1 person

  102. I’m running out of space to let my water mixable oil paint pictures dry. They take so long, several months, even with the fast drying medium, they become a nuisance. I did a search yesterday online for drying racks and of course the store bought ones are too expensive. I’m sure you have a solution and would like to see it in a video.

    My problems include: cat/dog hair, dust, small house and less surface space than most people, and it needs to be frugal.

    I bought some stretched canvas on sale and got some that is quite deep/wide–I don’t know what to call it, the kind that has canvas wrapped around the sides that are about 1.5″ wide. Ooops–they were on sale and it was before you told me to try canvas board.

    I think the canvas will need to be propped up on one side to reduce the dust that can pile up on it.

    thanks in advance for your help,
    Pat H.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. if the canvases are not too tall you can make a drying rack from wire cubes from target, use zip ties to make shelves then flip it on its side so they are vertical. Or look at the thrift store for a small shelf or cabinet that might work. Maybe you can upcycle boxes and make a slotted divider for canvasses?


  103. Hi Lindsey, Someone told me you can use fabric paint, face paint and hair chalk in mixed media. If so would love to see tutorial. I don’t have any but a friend does and is willing to share with me. Thanks for your great vids and advice. Fiona.


  104. Hey, Lindsey!! I have a confession to make, when I’m feeling sad or want to relax I binge watch all of your videos. You’re so awesome!! You inspire me so much! Anyway, I have a request for you to do. I requested this before you put up this nice little request spot, but here it is again. Do you think you could paint a tutorial on a watercolor octopus? Or maybe some jellyfish? I’m in the process of finding art for a tattoo featuring an octopus or some jellies and your painting style is exactly what I’m looking for!!

    Thank you! :))

    Liked by 2 people

  105. Hello , Lindsey!! I have been a subscriber for a long time, but I havent found a video about illustrating a childrens book.Since you ilustrated the book ” the RainbowPants” , I thouth you would have some advice on how to illustrate stories. Could you do a video about this topic? 🙂
    Thank you !!!!


  106. Lindsay, a few days ago you did an awesome video on Zentangle. Would you consider doing a tutorial on how you did the “old-fashioned-design” that you did on that picture? I have tried to replicate what you did with no success. I even rewound the video probably about 10 times and still couldn’t get it! I’m sure it could be a very short tutorial. Thanks so much for considering it.

    By the way, I absolutely loved this tutorial.


  107. Lindsay, I saw so burlap canvases at the art store the other day. Any ideas what to do with them? I’m thinking some sort of mixed media project.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. If I may answer too , yes you have a great idea about mixed media with this time of canvas ! The result is great. I made a clock out of mine because the canvas is strong enough to hold a clock mechanism without damages. You can also alter the sides to make it look old.
      Have a great time !


  108. Hi Lindsay, is there any rule of thumb so to speak about where to sign ones art work? I once heard to sign it so your signature doesn’t off set the balance of the art. Does that make any sense? I’m having so much fun creating from your tutorials, thanks.


    1. Yes, i sign my name usually on the bottom half of the painting wherever it seems to need a little something and I do it in a color I feel needs to be there. Trust your gut.


  109. Lindsay could you show us a painting video on how you would tackle a pet portrait? I’m trying to figure out the easiest way to paint fur. Would pencils be more helpful than paints?


  110. Hi Lindsay: Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I would like to make my own wooden canvases. Can you tell the best wood to use for the surface and the frame. I have made some using Luan Mahogany and popular underlay for the surface and cedar for the frame, but I am concerned they may not be archival. Thank you for all your fantastic videos. Anne


    1. I really like hardboard like Masonite, it is not really wood but it is really nice. You want to give it 3 coats of gesso, altrnate the brush stokes and lightly sand between coats. Thin birch plywood is also nice. All wood is acidic, therefore you need to apply 3 coats of gesso to whatever you choose. Try masonite though, it is cheap and a really great surface. You can make a frame on the back to brace it out of ant wood the size you like but i’d only bother on pieces you don’t intend to frame and want a modern look. Small panels will not require the brace. Enjoy! Also Lowes will cut the hardboard or plywood down for you for free.


  111. Sorry, I just saw the tab for request for new videos after I had posted on another page, so I will repeat my post here. I hope that is okay.
    I’ve gotten so much information from the Ask a Crafter videos! Here’s a few more questions…I just got a gelli plate (8×10) and have been trying to play with it. I used a brayer to spread acrylic paint on the plate, but my brayer didn’t seem to want to roll very well. Is it something I am doing incorrectly? Or is it the brayer? Which brayers are best? If I do have one that doesn’t want to roll, is there a quick fix for it? Is the roll affected by the amount of paint on the brayer? Also, any tips on size of gelli plate and size of brayer for which sizes of paper would be appreciated. In addition, I noticed that ithe gelli printing process seemed to work much better on standard copy paper instead of my Strathmore 400 Mixed Media paper. What paper do you recommend for gelli prints, and which ones should we stay away from? Standard copy paper is not something I would want to do a work of art on. Also, the gelli plate seems to use up an awful lot of paint. Is there a way to be more frugal in that regard? Do any other paints besides acrylic work well with the plate? Which acrylics work best? (I would love to see an in-depth video on all of this and anything related.)
    Thanks much!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have some trouble too with my brayer so this question is very interesting ! Concerning the paint, yes I think it is normal that it uses a lot. If you want to be a bit more frugal, use a cheaper paint at it will work as well. I tried cheap craft paint, a more liquid one and it works perfectly even better because it spreads more. This is my tip, hope it will helps.


  112. Hi Lindsay! My hubby and I were just talking and we both have requests for you. Hubby was wondering if you could paint a bald eagle. I was wondering if you could paint a carousel. I noticed that you normally paint scenery type things, but we were thinking how amazing it would be to watch you paint these two things. 🙂 Thanks so much. ~ Pat & Bill


  113. first time painting request for you…one of my fav paintings of all times in Vincent van Gogh, Starry Night….i would love to see you paint that one! 🙂 thanks!


  114. Hi Lindsay,
    First let me say thank you for all your informative and entertaining videos. I have learned so much. Keep up the good work!

    I was wondering if you have a video explaining the differences between all the different kinds of markers out there and which markers to use for what? Alcohol, ink, water based, permanent? Spectrum Noir, Sharpie, Distress, Pitt, Crayola? Yikes! It’s all very confusing to me.
    Linda Carreira


  115. You should do a watercolor tutorial on a log cabin in the woods. For many years my aunt and uncle have let me stay up at their lob cabin just to get away for awhile. There’s a bunch of pine trees, dog woods, hickory, ever greens, ect. I’d like to paint them a picture of the scene as a thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  116. Hi Lindsay, I have learned so much from you. Having said that, I do have a request. Would love to see a watercolor pencil tutorial on a seascape of coral and fish. I live on the Gulf of Mexico, and I see that most of your tutorials stem from the Great Northeast.

    Liked by 1 person

  117. Hi Lindsay, just thought of another request for you. I was only able to pick up a set of 12 inktense pencils. Could you show us how to paint a decent picture with such a limited palette of colors. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  118. Hi Lindsey! I love your watercolour tutorials! You have inspired me so much, I just have one question about how do you scan your paintings on to the computer? Do you use a scanner or camera? I find it tricky to retain the original colours when the painting is transferred onto the screen. Thank you for your advice!


  119. Hi Lindsey, Thanks to you I have gained self-confidence to paint again.

    Do you have prints made of your paintings? If so how or where?


  120. Thank you so much for ur amazing work! I love every bit of it! I was wondering if u can make a tutorial on painting the snow? I found a great pic for that purpose but I don’t know how to attach it here? best respect for you as always, Masha


  121. Thank you for taking your time to help us creative crafters. It’s much appreciated. 🙂
    I saw a post on YouTube that was on making faux leather by using plain brown craft paper , inks, embossing folder, glycerin/water. The title I believe is called ” Sheena’s faux leather technique.” Can you please suggest a cheaper alternative to the spray by crafters companion to seal the paper in the end?


    1. how about Aqua Net Hairspray? It is a light shellac, get the cheapest stuff because it does not contain the oils:)


  122. I’m hoping that I don’t look like a nuisance. 😦
    Can * anyone * please tell me the homemade recipe for gesso? I’ve searched and watched some of the video’s but haven’t found it. Thank you.


  123. Hello! Found the Request page finally! Here is my request: LAND HERMIT CRABS in watercolor! I’ve been watching all of your watercolor videos, I really enjoy them! Looking forward to your next one!


  124. Sometimes I make my cats toys with the catnip inside. I’ve been wanting to make them some toys that crinkle but clueless on what to put inside of them to make the crinkle sound. Any suggestions? I’ve been wanting to make them for so long but didn’t think to ask here. I’m not opposed to the crinkle material being something that was recycled. Thank you.


    1. you can use baby wipes or a rag with simple green works very well. For stubborn stains you can ink it up with glycerin and let it sit overnight then clean with simple green in the morning.


  125. I watched the Hot Seat video and thought I’d toss a bug in your ear. I love crafting and I’m always looking for a way to use what I love to make gifts. Water color earrings? Stamped necklaces? Do you have a nifty craft up your sleeve for gift ideas for Adults? I’m more likely to create a non-seasonal gift for my friends than seasonal and when the holidays roll around all the crafts become….holiday themes. A really neat ornament that’s unusual is wonderful but for other kinds of gifts I’d rather make something for year round.


  126. Thank you for being so patient. I watched the video on homemade gesso. I asked this question under the video in the comment section but I haven’t gotten a response. If you could please help me I would appreciate it. I tried not to bother you. In the list of supplies it calls for white glue. I noticed hers was a little thick. Can you please tell me what glue she used or does it matter? Any white glue will do? Elmers multipurpose glue, pva, school glue washable? Questions just keep coming don’t they! LOL.


    1. regular elmers should suffice, not washable, it might get sticky with humidity or if you paint over it with something:)


  127. Hi Lindsay! I was wondering if you have a place where we can upload pictures of things we make using your tutorials. I would love to see all the beautiful things your followers create!

    Liked by 1 person

  128. Hello Sweet Girl! I love, love, love your marketing videos! You’ve given me such inspiration for my Spirit Doll business. One of my students suggested I make my workshop available online. I’ve spent a few hours researching how this is done… but I’m still unclear how to produce it in an environment where they have to pay to watch. I’ve taken a number of online classes… but I’m in a fog as to how to produce my own. Thanks so much for any information!

    Oh… and your video about how to hang the camera, using the grey mat… that was fabulous!
    Sweet Blessings, Chris


    1. you can go though an established online class outfit like or you can have a youtube channel where people have to pay to subscribe. I’m not sure if everyone has this option or only Youtube partners, this feature is available for me but I have been in youtube for a long time. Also there are e-commerce solutions for this but I am unfamiliar with these.


  129. Hi! I’d like to request a tutorial of a dogwood tree painted in watercolor. I love watching your tutorials! I’ve learned so much from you. Thank you 🙂 – Rainey

    Liked by 1 person

  130. HI Lindsay ! I have a question : someone has given me few squares of gray “lino” (I think) but I haven’t got an idea on how to use it or what is it made for ??? Any idea or tutorial?
    Thank you


    1. it is for printmaking, you use sharp Linoleum cutter to carve in a design and then brayer on ink and print. I have injured myself countless times in high school making lino cuts…ahhh, good times:)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ho ok !! I really didn’t know. I will think about that because right now I am not inspired, don’t know the way to do carve. Maybe a rose and leaves. Thank you.


  131. Hi Lindsay! I love, love, love your videos!! You make watercolors look easy – easy enough for me to try!! Thank you! You mentioned a chart of Derwent Watercolor Pencils that you had made some time ago. Is there a video showing how you did it?? If it’s incorporated in another video, which one is it? Thanks so much! Keep up the great work!!


  132. I would really love to see a watercolor video of a cardinal from the breast up instead of the whole bird. I want to do some cards with this image. My first attempts have been rather dismal as I am a newbie to painting.


  133. I want to start embossing but find purchasing a million (ok, maybe not exactly that many but) colors cost prohibitive. I have Pro MX dye and clear embossing powder. Can I mix the two to make custom colors?. I would love to see a video about that.


  134. Hi Lindsay, can you tell me the difference between rubbing alcohol and de-natured alcohol and how you can use them in your crafting. I think I heard you mentioned something about them, but I cannot find it again. Anything will be useful. Many thanks, Tara x


  135. Lindsay I channeled your frugalnes this weekend!! Where I live in can only find really expensive Arches blocks that are out of my price range. Soidid some research and learned about padding compound. Igot my hands on some and nowican buy less expensive pads of watercolor paper and make my own blocks. Just paint the compound around the edges of the pad, clamp and let dry. Oh yeah, leave a small opening. I haven’t seen any good videos showing this and was wondering if you could do a video on the process.


  136. Hi Lindsay! Love your channel it is teaching me to paint many new things!
    I was wondering If you could do a tutorial on how to paint a building in watercolor as I am trying to paint the house from Psycho and have no Idea where to start!
    Also could you maybe do a tutorial on how to buy brushes?
    Thank you!


  137. Hi Mrs. Weirich!:) I’d love to see you paint in watercolor a medeival castle picture of some sort…I think that would be really amazing! thanks!:)


  138. Hi Lindsay. Loved the Christmas Tag video. Would love to know how you made the faux Wink of Stella. It looked really great on the ornaments!


  139. Hi Lindsay,
    I was happy to see a new watercolor video on youtube the other day! I especially appreciate the way you show us how to use only a couple of colors and mix them. When I paint outdoors I only have the old tiny Cotman paintbox and don’t even use some of the colors in it.
    I would like to be able to watch you painting a foggy Fall Foliage landscape. I wonder how vivid Fall colors can be combined wet-in-wet with hazy bluish atmosphere without the colors mingling to a muddy mess.
    By the way, I enjoy watching your videos in realtime without speeding it up. Painting just doesn’t seem right to me if you rush through it. Why rush through something that is fun?

    Liked by 2 people

  140. I enjoyed your marketing video…..could you talk about deciding what to charge for our art??? I struggle with thus. I look at what others charge and what mass market charges….I am a card maker. I have been asked to make wedding invitations that will be hand stamped. I am at a loss as to what to charge. Thanks for any help!

    Liked by 1 person

  141. Thank you so much! Your answer gave me a lot to think about. I have been a card maker for my family and friends for over 20 years. Because of that, I rarely shopped for cards and had no idea what cards cost. So, one day, I was at Target and I wandered over to the greeting cards section. I was very surprised what a simple birthday card cost!!! And then, cards with some embellishments were $7 dollars!! On top of that, that company probably made thousands of that card……so I recently started seeing if I could sell mine. I was selling mine for $5-7 dollars…..I charged $7 for cards that had a lot of die cutting and took a fair amount of time to assemble. I sold a lot of them to this one office and then, didn’t really hear anymore from them. I think that is because I haven’t sent them more cards that I made for fall. I am confident that the cards are well made. I am a perfectionist in construction and style. I think I need to market my cards… others will see them and order more.
    So sorry for this lengthy post! I enjoy talking to others who also make cards!! Thanks for your blog!!

    Liked by 1 person

  142. Lindsay. I am enjoying your watercolor tutorials etc very much as I live rural and need on line assist. Thank you so much for your humor, life insights and just general fun projects that can help us forget all the ugly news we see and hear on tv and read on line. Again thank you for carrying us away Hilaryr

    Liked by 3 people

  143. Dear Lindsay, I have to say your video tutorials are great – thanks to one of them I managed to paint my very first watercolor painting couple of days ago! And I must say I’m quite proud of it =] I’ll keep practicing for sure! 🙂
    I would be happy to see your tutorial on paintig watercolor Christmas cards, if you don’t mind… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  144. Hi Lindsay!

    Finally got the courage to make a request (LOL). I would love to see another oil painting tutorial when you have the time/inspiration. I’m not picky about the subject matter, though I love large Georgia O’Keeffe-esque floral paintings.


  145. one of my fav paintings of all times in Vincent van Gogh, Starry Night….i would love to see you paint that one! 🙂 thanks! PLEASE!


  146. Love all your videos Lindsey and thanks so much for sharing all your knowledge with us. So lucky to have you on utube. I wanted to ask you about your preference for using coloured card behind your work. Could you explain your criteria for choosing the colour you choose? Do you always choose pale colours, I’m interested to try this and come away from white as I admire your results so much. Also, I know this is a bit difficult but I cant find any of the paper/card you recommend on your videos here in Australia. The only card I seem to be happy with for pencil drawing, stamping and a small amount of water colour would be Stampin Up Whisper White. Could you recommend another for me to try that may be more affordable and available over here. I seem to be lost, there is such a variety but they are all very expensive to use for my cards. Perhaps if you could just advise a weight and surface type? Thanks again.


    1. I wish I knew more of what was available over in Austraila. I think you might want to visit a copy/print shop and ask if they will sell you a few sheets of the color you want. They will be able to buy it at a much lower price than art suppliers because they buy so much. Look for 80# and up and a smooth surface, uncoated.


      1. thankyou Lindsay that’s a help. Sorry I spelt your name wrong in my comment. I will leave a comment if I come across a good paper as someone may like to know. cheers for now.


  147. Love your videos and your work. Looks so doable. Haven’t tried yet, too engrossed in the videos! Could you do a dragonfly, perhaps with lolly pads? Thanks for sharing your talent!


  148. Lindsay: I wanted to ask you please in the Scrap & Stamp nov/dec 2014 mag. on page 47 you give the center step card template. I know I am getting older but I can not read the dimensions that are shown. Is there any possible way to get those please???? Thanks so very much, blessings!


    1. Yes, the card was 6″x12″. score 1″ in from each edge at 1″, 2″ and 7″ and then you make a cut between the end of each score, then score at 6″ between the cut lines and fold it like the photo shows:) I think I have a video making this type of card, let me find it:


  149. Hi Lindsay,

    I love your videos! Over the past few months, I jump on my treadclimber every morning, watch a video, then run to my studio to paint! Getting lots of good art made, an in the meantime I’ve lost 30 pounds : ) yay me!!

    Anyway, I have a frugal tip that I literally stumbled upon. I have boys, boys have nerf guns ( well mine do) Those little foam darts (are everywhere) make the best smudgers for gelatos and inks.

    I thought you’d like this idea…seems right up your alley.

    I would love to see more of your beautiful watercolor flowers. Keep up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person

  150. I’ve noticed on some tutorials that the artist sweeps brush across a page and the water colors are separate. There is a tutorial where a flower petal is painted with a juicy red, but it looks yellow and orangish too. Then while it’s wet she adds drops of darker red that blend but not completely.
    When I try to replicate that I get a solid reddish color, or it’s so wet the paint pools. Adding red blooms and blends. I use Reeves I know they aren’t the best quality but I can’t figure out why if I lift a juicy mix of colors I get a soggy blend that becomes a solid single color. Help?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Reeves are not bad paints:) It sounds like you have too much water on your brush and that makes the paint dilute and spread too much. Wet the petal, wipe the brush on a rag then pick up your lightest color, drop that into the petal, rinse brush, wipe and proceed with the next color and so on. I bet you just need to dab your brush on a paper towel before you grab more color. You might need to premix your colors on your palette so you have wet color to work with but I think this will solve your problem.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi, I’m just putting my 2 cents worth here and Lindsay’s reply is very informative. But perhaps the artist you saw is double loading the brush. This means they dip one side of the brush in red and the other side of the brush in yellow. When they are applied to the paper, both colors are swept in and if the paper is first dampened with clear water, the color will run and meld together with all kinds of different hues blending nicely. This works best with a flat brush because there are 2 corners on the brush to load. It can be done with a round, but you need to keep the colors separated on the tip of the brush when you load them to get the effect.


      1. Great suggestion. If she did, it was a tutorial and she didn’t mentioned doing that. I did see another artist that did as you mentioned and one that marbled her paint on the palette. When she lifted the paint to her painting the colors were not totally blended. I think Lindsay hit the nail. I used too much water.


  151. Lindsay could you do a tutorial on shading with coloured pencils please. I colour images of flowers to put on my cards but they look flat compared to yours and I know its because I’m not sure where or why to put lights and darks. I’ve improved so much with my blending of colours thanks to you (really big time thanks to you!), but they still lack the depth and warmth to make them look real. I would love to make my images “pop” out they way yours do. Can you help me here please. Living in a small fishing town in Queensland Aust. I don’t have the option of art classes. I use Prismacolor Premier pencils and also have a set of Derwent Inktense Pencils but I don’t like using the Inktense. Love all you do please don’t stop, I watch everything!! cheers. Joan

    Liked by 1 person

  152. Hi Lindsay, Joan here again, just going back to my comment above on the 1st Dec. I just watched your video – How to Draw and Colour Cherries with Colour Pencils. This is what I would love you to demonstrate again using flowers and explaining where to put the white
    and dark areas.
    I loved the video and keep watching it over and over to soak up all your information. I noticed that under that video (about 3 months ago it states) a comment was left asking if you could talk more about colour theory. Oh yes please, me too, that would be great. I really hope you can help me out with this request as I’m so excited to find that I can actually copy / draw some objects and my blending is improving. I can only show the results to my dog but that’s ok she doesn’t mind a bit. lol. Thanks again and keep smiling. cheers. Joan


  153. I have a couple of things…
    1..I would love for you to paint a Christmas tree.
    2..Have you ever used Chameleon alcohol markers? You are supposed to be able to get six shades per marker. Each set comes with 20 base colors and are refillable. They are quite pricey.

    Liked by 1 person

  154. Hi Lindsey, I was watching some of your storage videos and you mentioned that in winter you change to a bulb that warms. Do you think the daylight cfl bulbs help keep the blues away? I have several friends that really experience SAD when the winter hits our area.


  155. Hi Lindsay,
    I was just admiring your BEAUTIFUL PanPastel painting of a snow scene and wonder if those pastels are toxic. I used to use the hard AQ Faber-Castell chalks until it dawned on me they might contain a lot of toxic chemicals. Faber-Castell refused to tell me what pigments they use so I switched to Talens Rembrandt although they are quite soft and messy. The PanPastel seem to be even softer but less dusty, maybe because you rub them into the paper. I noticed you were able to use hard pastel sticks on top of the softer PanPastel without everything crumbling off the paper. If I could be sure the PanPastel aren’t toxic they would be perfect for me. Do you know anything about it?


  156. Hi Lindsay,

    I was trying to find a quick video on color theory. You explain things the way my brain works (almost like I’m talking to myself 😀
    Anyway, I would love for you to do a video, or give me the link if you already have one, about how to combine colors…in a good way.

    Thank you!!


  157. I’ve seen other crafters do a money saving tips for the year. Sometimes it’s like a mini series. It would be nice if you had a mini or permanent series of money saving tips.


  158. Hi Lindsay! I JUST found your channel when I decided to try my hand at watercolors. My friend has requested that I draw her a mermaid, so I drew a sketch of a mermaid looking out at a sunset. I’d really like to try it in watercolor, but I’m not really how one would watercolor a mermaid. This might be a bit of an odd request, but you seem like a lady who likes a challenge, so I’m putting it out there. Thanks! I love your tutorials!

    Liked by 1 person

  159. Hi Lindsay,

    I am about to take over a room in my house for crafting. Yay!!! What advice do you have? I have seen your video tours of your awesome craft room. I want everything in there, as I am sure a lot of crafters do.

    Thank you,


  160. I’ve seen on YouTube people glazing, sealing, protecting their work with a water based glue, sealer etc. How can paper be protected/sealed by a “water” based glue/sealer?


  161. Hi Lindsay. I’m part of a design team of a new stamping forum called Happy Little Stampers. I recently was send your amazing video tutorial on using glue sticks to create stencils. Was wondering if you would give us permission to link to your youtube video on this at the forum. Thanks. Loll (


  162. Hi Linsay! I’ve been going through All of your ask a crafter videos, I just play it continuously on my Tv while I work on things for the past couple of days, lol. I came across your homemade ink refresher recipe awhile back and I made some and have been using it for several months but I didn’t make it with distiller water but with just tap water. Is my ink pads going to mold because I didn’t use distiller water? I’m getting worried because I’ve used it quite a bit on a lot if my stampin up ink pads. Please help, I want to thank you in advance for all you do. By the way, I received my Caran D’Ache crayons and it says pastels on them but it looks like your crayons. Is it just a name or did I purchase the wrong set? I hope not cuz they wear expensive:(


  163. I was wondering if you can recommend a Photo editing software for my mac so I can print my photos on my printer at home like you do. Thank you for all your help! You must be sick of hearing me tell you how Awesome you are, lol Thanks again in advance:)

    Liked by 1 person

  164. Hi Linsay. I have another question, I just purchased the Tsukino Brilliance black graphite pad but I can’t get a good stamp from it. I thought maybe it was dry so I reinked it too but it stamps like its dry. Can I use the ink refresher that I made using your recipe or am I suppose to use denatured alcohol? I purchased the denatured too, lol
    Thank you in advance. Have a great weekend:)

    Liked by 1 person

  165. I would love it if you could do a beginner pan pastel video and discuss all about them. I’d love to see more cards using stamps with them as well. I’d also love to see your holiday gifts from this year especially the craft related ones. Last, but not least please, please do more cards using Lost Coast Designs those are my favorite that you do. If you have any stamps from the Carmen’s Veranda line that Lost Coast just took over those would make great cards too.

    Liked by 1 person

  166. Hi, Lindsay. I love landscapes in watercolor but really have trouble being successful. So videos with landscape techniques for not making them too detailed would be great. Also, in your video on displaying and packaging watercolor, are the PaperMart bags sized a bit larger so that, for instance, an 8×10″ bag will easily accept an 8×10″ mat? Or do you need to order a larger size bag? I’m not sure what size to order. And where do you get the glue gun that you used to run a strip of tape on the back side of the painting to glue the backing paper to? And what is the brand of it? Thanks so much and enjoy your blog and youtube channel a lot. Penny


    1. an 8″x10″ bag will accomidate a 8″x10″ mat, order the size of the mat:) The adhesive gun is called ATG and it is made by Scotch.


      1. Thanks so much. I have been reading some of your blog posts and I am amazed at all the things you do! When do you have time for all of this? Everything is just so professional and well-done and the videos you make are so full of energy and optimism. It makes my day when I hear you talk. Thanks again for the info on the bags and glue gun.


  167. I just finished painting an owl from a photo with watercolor paints. I don’t like it at all! Can you paint the full body of an owl looking sideways at the camera/viewer? If I could post a photo of my owl I would, just to show how awful it is and where I need to improve overall.


  168. Hi Lindsay, I hope you and your family had a Fabulous Christmas! I had another question regarding your melting crayons video with a coffee mug warmer. Of course I bought a coffee mug warmer after watching your show and I thought it was the coolest thing ever, lol. I found tons n tons of crayons from my kids rooms and I was just about to throw them away before I saw your tutorial since every year we need to buy them for school supplies and it was taking up way too much room. When the warmer arrived, it was a USB warmer. Instead of melting the crayons, it would just crumble and leave all the wax chunks all on my project. Do you have any ideas on what I can do with them? I can’t return it since I bought it on ebay from china:(. I should of bought it from amazon instead. Can you believe that they don’t even sell these at my local walmart? Yeah, that’s Hawaii for you. They don’t carry a lot of things here. Thank you in advance, sorry the question is so long!! Have a Great New Year:)


  169. Hi Lindsay, I’m just starting out using watercolour, paint and pencil. Could you do a tutorial on which brushes to buy when starting out and what each brush is used for please. I cant afford very expensive ones but the cheap nasty ones I do have are terrible !!! lol. Many thanks. Joan


  170. Hi Lindsay, I have been watching your videos for a while now and love them. You do a great job of explaining techniques and making me feel like just maybe I can do it too:)
    Could you please do a video explaining how to plan a painting- how to decide on elements in the composition, and how to decide on a color scheme, and how to translate a photo image or other resource into a painting that is not photorealism, deciding what elements to include and what to leave out…..
    Also explaining how to decide what to paint first- top to bottom, background to foreground, etc, in different mediums (watercolor, colored pencils, pastel, acrylic?)
    Thanks soooo much for all your generosity!!!!!!!
    Also, could you please make a list of recommended colors/brands of watercolor tube paints for me to start out with? I have been painting with the white nights set, but some of my favorite colors have run out…. I would have to order online and ship internationally, and looking to have a nice set of colors but not go overboard of course….:)


  171. I visited my sister in Seattle for Thanksgiving, and one of the places we visited was the snoqualmie falls. I have been trying to paint the falls, but am having trouble with painting the water. I was wondering if you could do a watercolor tutorial on how to paint this. I can send you my pictures by email. It had been raining and there was an unusually high amount of water flowing at the falls, so I really wanted to try to paint it, but i don’t even really know where to start.


      1. Lindsay,

        I just wanted to let you know that if you do paint the pictures I sent you, feel free to post them. They are private pictures that I took so there is no copyright issue.


  172. Hi Lindsay, big fan of your videos! Your attitude towards what you do makes it really enjoyable to watch (:
    I have a question about the watercolors you use. What brand do you think works best? I have some but I’m not a big fan of how they work. They don’t “run” with the trail of water I make for it. Maybe it’s the way I use them, but u would like to know which ones you use/think work best.
    Thank you (:
    P.S. I think I might have posted my comment twice. Sorry about that lol


      1. Thank you (: I will look for them
        I use Reeves. At the time I bought them they were the only ones available.


        1. You can buy M. Graham watercolors at the three main online stores( Blick, Jerr’s Artarama, and Cheap Joes. I have found Blick to usually be the cheapest, but recently got a great deal at Jerry’s, so be sure to check around when you are looking to buy.


    1. I’m sure that photo is copyrighted, that is why I use photos from Paint My Photo because the photographers give artists permission to paint them. I could get in trouble painting a copyrited photo. I hope you understand. I can try to find something similar though:)


  173. I contacted the owner of that photo, explaining a little of what you do. I asked if she would give permission to you to make a tutorial so others could follow. As soon as I hear back, I will let you know. You do so much for us, I thought I could help you this time! Hope that’s ok with you!

    Liked by 1 person

  174. Hi Lindsay, Sounds like you have an extra busy January in front of you. Good luck with everything. My question is, I’ve just bought a set of Winsor & Newton Cotman Studio Water Colour Paints at a very good price. (so exciting !) After reading all reviews I feel I’ve made the right decision but its just occurred to me, do I refill these pans with new pans or do I buy the tubes of colour and just squeeze some in the empty pan space? Does this tube paint then set into a block? I’m a little confused about what is the best way to refill my pans when they are empty. Thanks to your wonderful cheerful videos I feel brave enough to try my hand at watercolours. Thanks so much. cheers. Joan


    1. you can do either:) I usually just squeeze in some paint from a tube because tube paint is easier to come by:)


  175. Hello there from Australia,
    I’m wondering if there are classes available online for using water colour pencils?
    Also I would love to request a Spring Garden tutorial using water colour pencils. Thank you!


  176. Hi Lindsay,
    I just found you through a Pinterest link using the stamping gear from Inkadinkado. I received a few sets for Christmas and was trying to learn about how to use them. You had great info on it and many other things. I love all the crafty information on your site. Thanks for sharing. I do have a question that you may have answered before but I haven’t found it yet. A few years ago I invested in Prismacolor pencils and their hand sharpener, but everytime I tried to sharpen the pencil the lead would break. I really do not know what I was doing wrong but became so discouraged I placed them on the shelf and have not returned to them again. I see people making great projects with these pencils and would like to use them but am afraid to try to sharpen for fear I will have nothing but nubs left. Please help.


    1. it sounds like your pencils were dropped. I have had this problem and what I do (do so at your own risk) is microwave them on high one at a time for 6 to 8 seconds, let them cool and they the sharpen fine. I say at your own risk because it works for me but your results may vary. Also if you go more then 8 seconds the paint will bubble. You might try 5 seconds to start in case your microwave is too hot. Disclaimer: Do this at your own risk;)


  177. Lindsey-I was experimenting with Sakura Gelly Roll pens today trying to create the look of Wink of Stella’s.

    I laid some color from a Stardust or Glitter Gelly Roll pen on my craft mat then picked it up with a water brush and applied to cardstock. It worked great and a little goes a long way. You might want to try it. Cheaper and I feel the results are just as good as Wink of Stella’s.
    I really enjoy your YouTube channel. Teaching myself to watercolor and your videos have been very helpful. Thank you.
    Love from Minnesota,


  178. Hi Lindsay, a busy month for you this January. Could you help me with a recommendation please. I use watercolour pencils to colour mostly floral images on my cards, so the area is not big. I have a set of Derwent Inktense (24) but these are not my favourite tool, I also have a set of Derwent Academy Watercolour Pencils (24), which I like, but would prefer to replace these with a better brand as these don’t seem to have a lot of pigment in them.Could you suggest a brand somewhere between these two please. I don’t have a big budget, but I could save for a decent set of 36 pencils if that would give my images a good clean look, and provide bright colours as well as pale colours.The Academy just doesn’t seem to have enough depth (thickness) to the colour and the Inktense is good but only for certain applications. Many thanks for your time. cheers. Joan


      1. Thanks Lindsay, I have a friend in Canada and she is going to purchase these for me and send them on to Australia, I live in Queensland. You can only get sets of 24 here and they are around
        $60 (wow!), so I’ve been very lucky this time. Stay well and happy, cheers, Joan


  179. Hi Lindsay, I am watching all your videos, but mainly watercolour, as I’m trying to learn how to blend colours, especially in small areas such as flower petals. I love the way you sketch the basic image i.e. Hibiscus Water Colouring, Quick Hummingbird etc. By the time I’ve sketched these images out – I know my first attempts at water colouring them will go in the bin so all the time spent on the basic sketch (which is super duper hard for me) has been wasted (although good practice, I admit). So I was wondering would it be viable for you to sell these sketches in your shop? If I could purchase your sketch and print it out a few times I wouldn’t lose so much time, I could use that time to concentrate on the actual colouring, blending etc, much more fun for me. I know you have the tutorials for sale I just thought this would be another item to sell and as its one sketch by itself, possibly cheaper? I know I could photocopy my own sketch but it would be much nicer for me to have yours :). Perhaps at the end of your videos you could mention the link to the sketch for anyone wishing to purchase. As always, love all you do and will always be a fan. So hot hot hot here in Australia right now, almost envy you the cold. Stay well and happy. cheers. Joan


  180. Like you, I am not one who really enjoys or is good at it. I have found stamos that have a lot of open area, like flowers. I stamp them with one of Tim Holtz’s distress ink…..called something like lite tea…..It’s very faint when you stamp it. Then I do my watercolor and you cannot tell I stamped it. So, you might want to try that. I LOVE water coloring!


  181. Hi Lindsay love your vidéos and would love to be able to do more. My request is being disabled and low on income can you do more make your own supplies. Can afford them.


  182. Hi Lindsay, No request today…just a question. My husband asked me IF you have all of your videos backed up and saved. The reason he asked was there is a well known marketer that had her whole entire YouTube account wiped out with no explanation or warning. I check out your sites daily and just want to make sure you do not lose anything. Keep up the great work. Debbie


  183. Lindsay your videos and info. are a dream come true. I found you about six months ago. Lately, I have been into the whole “Art Journaling” and mixed media scene–especially transferring what can be done on paper onto fabric. Starting with paper though! Here is my dilemma, the mediums one uses for paper are so darn expensive, and you have to have a gazillion different types, weights, formulations etc. Seriously, is there any way to make my own mediums or buy a ton of one or two and make all the other formulations? I realize you may have Golden or Liquitex as sponsors and sharing medium recipes may violate your agreements. So any help you can give is appreciated. Oh! I would be willing to purchase an expensive mediums recipe book from you, so you could monetize a recipe book. I know in the long run it would save me tons!


    1. you don’t need them all, maybe white gesso and matt/gel medium. I am going to do a video explain all the mediums. I like latex caulking in place of texture paste, flat white acrylic primer works well in place of gesso (add a pit of plaster if you want it thick) and you can use mod-podge rather than the gel medium if you want. Truth be told I rarely use mediums, gels or gesso in my journal, it is not a rule you have to. You can also ask yourself if the people you admire are pushing products or organically like them. I am not sponsored by any paint or medium company and if I were it would not prohibit me from sharing homemade recipes for supplies:)


  184. i was wondering if you had a video as to how to make deco mesh wreaths. I purchased the items from PaperMart and was curious. Thanks so very much! hope you are feeling better!! Blessings, Angela


  185. Hi Lindsay, I was watching one of your videos yesterday and I see you
    laminated your tags (they had crows on). I thought “that’s a great idea”.
    Today I went looking for some type of self laminate sheets I could use
    but no luck. I don’t want to buy a laminating machine as they are about
    $60 here for a cheap brand. Do you have any ideas on how to laminate
    without a machine please. cheers. Joan


  186. You chicks have me so excited about getting my craft room finished I will send the before and after shots it is really funny I look like I am a hoarder now but am very close to the room of my Dreams but I lack the pen storage holder you have I see in your room it looks like a small wine rack like accordion style again I just found your show and I have been really addicted I been watching for over 15 hours hope you win the crafty award I a so a happy crafter two thumbs up see you soon on u tube Theresa


  187. Lindsay, I am a retired grandma going to art school online. This semester I’m taking color and design and our first assignment is making a value scale using gouache. I have not worked with this product before and was wondering if you could tell us a little bit about your experience with it. I have learned so much just by watching your tutorials and love watercolors! By watching your watercolor tutorials I have been teaching myself about painting with watercolors which I used to be so afraid of because I didn’t know how to control them. Thanks to you for sharing your knowledge with us.
    Reba Kinney


    1. it is opaque watercolor that dries with a matte velevety finish. It can mimmic the look of acrylics but it is watersoluble when dry. I have not done much with it.


  188. Hello Lindsay, first, thank you for taking the time out of your personal life to share everything you have learned in crafting. It is very much appreciated. I am totally addicted!! I have a question/possible request. I just watched a CHA video show casing the Ranger Archival Inks and how they work with embossing paste. I have a rather large collection of dye inks with reinkers. Do you know of a way to make a dye ink into an Archival Ink? Adding denatured alcohol doesn’t give enough drying time to get the embossing paste to stick. Now, if Ranger came out with the mini ink pads in this form, I would just by them, but alas, they are not available.
    – Thank you, Terri-Lea


    1. I don’t know if this helps or not, but a couple of weeks ago I was playing around with my first Tim Holtz Distress Inkpad & decided to see if it would work with a clear embossing powder over it. To my surprise it worked just fine. The slightly uneven look that the ink had when I stamped it still showed through, but it still embossed. The paper I used was from my Canson XL Mixed Media Sketchbook.


  189. She added embossing powder right over the archival ink. I always thought that archival inks dried too fast to do this, but the Ranger Archival must have glycerin. I was not sure if the alcohol and the glycerin would work together. Do you think the denatured alcohol will work better than rubbing alcohol? The goal is to get metal and glass to take the embossing powder without flaking or cracking off. Thank you for your time and expertise. Keep safe and warm 🙂


  190. Aloha,
    I have a question about your faux cloisonne jewelry box tutorial. What is the name and where did you get the floral stamp from? I’d like to purchase the same and also what brand of gold embossing powder are you using?



    1. The stamp came from Cardmaing & PApercraft magazine and I think it was called “flowers from an edwardian garden” and I think the gold EP was from Stampendous.


  191. Hi Lindsey, you are an amazing artist. My question is that what do you do with all the paintings when you are done? I am learning watercolor pencils, inktense, and paint. I was wondering if you seal your paintings/cards? if so could you do a video on the process and useful products out there? thank you so much in advance.



  192. Hi Lindsay, Glad your over your cold – so miserable! Could you give me your opinion on Reeves Watercolour Paints please. I have a set of Cotmans water colour paints in pans (24) but now they are getting very low I’ve looked at the price of tubes both 8ml and 12 ml and they are very expensive here in Australia, I wondered if I could get away with using Reeves? More for painting cards than large size projects. Would you be happy with these? thanks for your time. cheers. Joan


    1. They are good, they are actually made by the same people who make Cotman. They will be fine, I recommend them to my younger students. You just might want to add a dab of honey or glycerin into the paint if you are putting it in a palette to dry because it might crack a bit.


      1. Thanks Lindsay, that’s a relief ! I will keep my eye open for specials
        on the Cotmans as they are so lovely but will be happy to buy (and use ) the Reeves paints. cheers. Joan


  193. Hi Lindsay, I have two requests please. Could we have more basic beginners water colour paint tutorials. I watched and successfully painted your bamboo tutorial yesterday – actually felt so pleased with a result I could use. I love all your tuts. but some have (for me) a lot going on and at this stage a few items in the projects are enough. It would be great if you had a play list for Beginners Painting Tuts. My second request please. Could you show us how to sketch some simple small birds. Most of my cards have floral, leaf content and it would be wonderful to add a small bird that I had drawn and coloured myself.
    I love all you do and please don’t ever lose all that wonderful creative energy. If you could bottle it – you could sell it. lol. thanks again. Joan.

    Liked by 1 person

  194. Joan again, I forgot to say……. I love your heading on this blog page, the coloured pencils all lined up. Its clean, simple, bright, energising and brilliant. Plus, doesn’t take long to load as some websites due.


  195. Hi Lindsey!

    Jody (owner) from Hallmark Scrapbook here. Would it be possible to email you with a few questions? If so, please email me at customerservice(at)hallmarkscrapbook dot com
    Looking forward to hearing from you




    1. Linsday, I need help! I own several stampin up stamp pads & ink refills but a friend said I can have her pads she does not have ink for. Since they do not make the ink required for these pads is there anything I can do to either clean them off to add new stampin up colors or just clean them off to add different inks???? I hate to see her toss these!!!! They are all in great shape!


      1. I’d just choose the closest color and reink them. If SU doesn’t have the right color look for Memento refills. Joann fabrics (online) often has them on sale.


  196. Hi Lindsey! LOVE your videos! You’ve said you do wire work and make jewelry. I’d LOVE to see you make Ear Cuffs! Please! Please! Please! Thanks in advance!


  197. I really love the work you do and I also love the Ask A Crafter. I have even gone back and watched old ones. My problem is understanding scrapbook page layouts using multiple pictures. Not that I don’t love the “art” of the single picture and tons of stuff, color, mediums, etc to build a beautiful picture but… I struggle with understanding how to build a multi photo layout without it looking like you have boxes lines up across your page. I have watched many of your painting videos for your advice on perspective etc. but the diversity of picture content, maybe picture sizes etc. is still perplexing and right now I am more about story telling my family history than creating an art object. I hope this makes sense because I certainly still want to use lots of artistic elements ie watercolor stenciling etc. but my pages all seem to be stuck in kindergarten mode. Thanks bunches.


  198. I asked you a question previously on how to prevent molding in inka gold pots but I was also wondering if you could make a video of making your own inka gold/rubnbuff?? Thanks 🙂


    1. I’m not sure on the molding issue, maybe they use fish scales instead of mica for the shimmer. I will try a DIY version though:)


      1. Not positive this is the cause, but I’ve heard that if you use your fingers to dip into the Inka Gold pots, bacteria from your fingers can then grow and cause molding issues. I don’t have much, just a couple colors, but they’re two or three years old now and no molding issues so far. I use a Q-tip to scoop out some of the Inka Gold and then apply it, so I have never actually rubbed my hands into it while it’s still in the pot.


  199. Lindsay, hope you’re getting out from under the snow! And I’m glad you’re better from your cold. Two things. First, are you familiar with the Pebeo Moon paints? I love, love, love the color effects–on the website. But in reality, I don’t have a clue how to use the 5 bottles I have to best effect. Second (and this is really silly, and you can laugh!) is there a way to move this set of comments/questions to reverse order so that the newest are on top? Thanks for info on the Pebeo–yes, I know there are supposed to be accent marks, but I cannot do it here. 🙂


    1. Hi Regina, I try and answer questions as they come in:) The requests (videos) take a bit longer:) I have not used moon paint but Christine has and here is what she wrote:
      Christine, on February 11, 2015 at 6:08 pm said:
      Hello Regina, if I may answer as well, I use Moon paint and love it. You can use them on a painting, but what I do often is to put them on coasters. I just they them spread and than, when dry just put a sealer to protect them. Also you can put the paint in bezels rings or pendants (for making jewelry) and when dry put some kind of glossy accents or a glass dome and you have a custom jewelry, it looks great. I hope it help a bit.


  200. Hello Regina, if I may answer as well, I use Moon paint and love it. You can use them on a painting, but what I do often is to put them on coasters. I just they them spread and than, when dry just put a sealer to protect them. Also you can put the paint in bezels rings or pendants (for making jewelry) and when dry put some kind of glossy accents or a glass dome and you have a custom jewelry, it looks great. I hope it help a bit.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you both. I have 5 bottles that I got because I wanted to do just that: put it in a bezel to make faux labradorite and malachite for my jewelry making. I wonder if I could let it dry and cure for a few days and then cover with resin. Or I wonder if I could mix with resin. I guess I will just try. I just hate to waste any. It is so beautiful that it hurts (if you know what I mean!).


  201. I found the video that has that accordion shaped pen holder it is on your dies and embossed video . It is right next to pink fabric drawer and between the mason. Jar of button and mares please please let me know where. To buy one thanks also your become a designer is exactly what I want to commit my life too so please list the videos you go into more details on how to start ect any help is so appreciated love love your channel thanks a mint ooakachic Theresa


    1. oh, it is a spice rack from an old housewares store in the mall called Lechters, I have button in the spice jars, it would work for markers too though!


  202. Lindsay, do you know if there’s a way to make dylusion sprays permanent? I read that if you add some acrylic glazing liquid to them that will make them permanent but it didn’t mention proportions. Ideas?


  203. These are watercolor questions – OK so regarding paper. I understand the weights and types but I was wondering if you had some scraps that you could do a quickie painting of the same thing, like a leaf maybe on 300 weight, 140 weight, cold-press, hot-press and rough to show how different it really is, looks wise. I think I ordered a sample paper package somewhere but I’m just getting back into it and not a good enough painter to show myself. But only if you have scraps because I know this paper is expensive. I’m not concerned about 90# because you’ve shown it!
    Ok so I was watching a Blick vid about Windsor & Newton wc paints as I have some of those and the guy talked about the tubies and how painters will smoosh some out on their palettes and then let them dry and re-wet them. Only not so with W&N. It has something in it to keep it from re-wetting. So how do you keep them from drying out? Does the palette cover keep them from drying out for a nice period of time? He didn’t bother to help with the issue. Which also brings up the question I guess you need to verify the same thing with each paint brand. And OH, what is the difference between your “favorite” brand and just other brands. Is it because of the pigment they use? Like real cobalt? So even tho this is long it’s not really I just type a lot. Thank you, thank you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Teri,
      Weight in a ppaer really does not affect the look of the paper, just the amount of water it can take before buckling. I usually use 140lb cold press for painting. It is the middle of the road, not too rough, not too smooth. Hot press is very smooth, like cardstock, it is best if you want to rubber stamps or draw with a fine pen (rough paper will damage a fine pen)and when you want smooth detail, it is caled hot press because it is pressed under hot rollers. Cold pressed is pressed under cold rollers and has a subtle texture, it is the most versitile and most common paper. Rough is not pressed, it is great for landscape and for any paintings you want to have a texture. Also the look and texture varies between brands as well. My favorite is arches but it can be costly. i buy #140 unless I get a heck of a deal LOL!

      OK, the paint debate. I ALWAYS squeeze my paint out and let it dry. I have done this with EVERY brand under the sun (including windsor and newton) and some people will swear that the paints will not be as vibrant this way but I dissagree. You can have a look at my paintings and let me know if they are not vibrant. I think they say this to promote people buying pans if they want dry paint and to promote them using more tube paint because you will waste some by working from the tube. That said my favorite paint are M Graham because they stay semi moinst because they contain honey and it also keeps them in the moist stage without molding (and they are cheaper than Windsor and newton) BUT there are a lot of good brands out there. DaVinci, Marimiblu, Yarka and others. Cheap Joes Art Stuff sells affordable sampler packs of major brands of paper, I think you should try one and they also have (and I plan to try it the next time I place an order) sample palettes of their paints (American Journey and I never had tied that brand!) so it is a great way to try for a little cash. I hope it helps!


      1. Thank you Lindsay. I have mostly American Journey and found them to be very vibrant. I found my old paint card I made with them 15 years ago and they are still vibrant. Dusty but vibrant. I went thru my paints and discovered I have several brands so it will be fun starting all over again and checking them out at no extra cost!. Hey I even found I have some 300# paper! Thank you for answering my questions. I really appreciate it. Like A LOT!!


  204. Hi Lindsay, Just wanted to say I got a lot of info from your answer to Teri’s questions, so thankyou for that. I’m going to mortgage the house tomorrow and buy (on line) some Arches paper as I just keep buying cheap stuff and its no good. I have to by online, therefore sight unseen as there are no shops in my little village. Also, paints I asked in a previous comment about Reeves – well I just love them to bits and would recommend them to anyone. They are vibrant and even when dry you can go back and work the colour without problems. I still have my Cotmans which I also love but I shall keep them for my “master pieces” – in about a hundred years. Thanks for everything! cheers. Joan.


    1. Hey Joan, it’s Teri. I just did major research on prices. DickBlicks is the best price but they are very close to Jerry’s. I bought from CheapJoes along time ago but I think Blicks is best. Make an account and sign up for email and you’ll probably get a 20% discount code and free shipping if you’re going to spend alot. Every little bit helps. Actually sign up on all of them for the discount emails! I’ve saved on every site. It’s great. Thanks to Lindsay for reminding me of all 3 sites awhile back.


      1. Thanks Teri, as I live in Queensland Australia I don’t have access to your wonderful suppliers. I also have been researching, but haven’t had
        much success so far. Unfortunately living in an isolated area I cant ask liked minded people or access shops or classes. Eventually I know I will solve my problem. Appreciate your input. cheers. Joan


        1. Joan,
          Kate Palmer aka Sparkle Tart lives in Kirwan, Queensland Australia and has a YouTube channel and a blog ( She is a wonderful artist and she could probably steer you in the right direction. Lindsay and Kate are my favorite people on YouTube.
          I hope this helps. Good luck!


  205. Hi Lindsay I need your help I have copic pens the fine point and brush tip. Some of the pens have dried out I know there not empty because I haven’t used them much. Is there anyway to reconstitute them I know the markers can be filled and I believe the pens can be also but these are not out they are just dried out. Do you have any Idea’s thank you for any advanced help.


    1. There are 3 options: You can buy reinker in the color of the marker and reink it, they have a syringe they sell for this purpose, you can send it out to be reinked to a store that offers Copic Reinking usually for $1 a marker or you can add some blending solution to the marker to loosen up the ink in there. the 3rd option mat lighten the color a bit if it has started to run out. I have used denatured alcojhol for this with luck too, and you can, as long as you are never going to use it in an airbrush system because denatured alcohol has a poison in it so people do not drink it vs the copic solution (ethanol) does not.


      1. Hi Lindsay thanks for info I have a big bottle of the Coptic blending solution would I pull the pen nib and put in drops. Cause its the pen not marker.I’ve never had to refill any of my pens or marks but I do have some of the thing I need to do it but not the syringe. Sorry to bother u again with this wish u would do video on refilling the pens. Thanks for in help you can give me! Suzan


  206. Hello Lindsay, I would like to thank you for the time you put into your YouTube painting videos, they have been so helpful to me as I have just begun painting again after years of being away and I had a very limited amount of information about water colors and the technique’s for using them.
    As for my request I was wondering, with Spring right around the corner if you might do a watercolor with Crocus as a subject, or if you have already done such, could you please direct me to where I could find it.
    Thank you again for such wonderful instructional videos.
    Be Well
    Bill Slater


  207. Hi Lindsay, need your guidance since you’re the stamp lady in my circles. I’m looking for stamps with military insignia’s on that you know Army, Navy, etc. Do you have any suggestions to where I might find them to purchase? I can’t find them for my life for some reason. Also anything patriotic, I’m working on a project for a company and can’t find stamps to help me create a unique texture. You can find me on Google, or respond here and we’ll connect. Elizabeth


    1. good timing! Viva Las Vegas Stamps has some and they have 45% off today only with coupon ss2015 it is an annual sale but the website seems to be down. I’ll let them know on facebook that the site is down. Check it out today to see if it is what you want and you can save!


  208. Hello Lindsey!
    Your channel is wonderful. Here is my request. How about a tutorial for making a Fabric Midori Travelor’s notebook. Usually they are made of leather, this is not frugal. Thanks!


  209. Lindsey – I want to thank you for the kind and generous heart you have! Making all these videos for people like me is so helpful. Because of health problems it is difficult for me to travel and go to classes. I am a lucky girl to have found you and your “peeps!”
    I have a request that I am hoping you can help me with. I purchased a die cu rom Create and Craft…..the die is called Coture Into The Woods. I went to their website thinking they may have a video using these dies, but could find nothing. Do you have any experience with them? The dies are beautiful….I love trees and wanted to make a card that I think is called a gate open card with a tree on either side. If you can give me any guidance, I will be forever in your debt! Have a wonderful day!!


  210. Hi Lindsay, Would you have any ideas on sizing cheap watercolour paper so that the colour doesn’t sink into the paper in 3 seconds flat. Im just starting out in watercolour paints so don’t want to throw away
    sheets of expensive paper. I have the correct weight 300gsm but its cheap and I just don’t get time to “play” with the colour. Blending is a nightmare. I know you probably wouldn’t recommend this as an option but just to help me through till Im more experienced would be such a
    help and savings. Any ideas please. Thanks for your time and stay well and happy. cheers. Joan

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks Lindsay, I will do that and I’m also trying some Gesso that I
        found hiding in a cupboard – never used it, so I’ll give those two a go and see how I go on. I’ve ordered some good quality w/c paper from U.K., even with postage its cheaper than here in Australia. cheers. Joan


  211. Hiya, first time I have visited your blog although i watch your videos all the time and you inspired me to make a scrapbook for my brother who works in afghan filled with all his favourite photos and my word who knew a glue gun was soo hot haha.
    anyway i wondered if it would be possible for you to do a video on perssonalised candles – like the type for a wedding favour where the writing is printed onto a candle.
    Many thanks
    Tania x


  212. Hi Lindsey first of all I want to tell you that I was an art major in college hundred years ago so I decided to teach my granddaughters to paint my older granddaughter who started at age 9 paints in oils and is very good she has taken grand champion at the fair every year since she started she’s now 12. So then I started teaching her younger sister to watercolor because she of course couldn’t oil paint it’s a sister thing but I told her the rules I learned which were very confining for her she decided she didn’t like it she did take reserve grand champion okay so come this year she’s now nine she decided she didn’t want to paint it wasn’t fun so I didn’tknow what to do so I typed in beginning watercolor videos and you came up I love you videos she loves them she’s so happy to be able to do her thing with her paints so thank you so much and keep doing the videos I love them and so does she. Thanks


  213. Hi! Ive been enjoying your youtube videos and how-to projects. Ive just gotten into die cutting and although I love it, the static electricity from the machine is really frustrating. Have you heard of this complaint before and do you know of anything I can do to correct this.
    Many thanks.


    1. I have nott had this problem, is the static coming from the dies/paper or you? If it is on the dies try using a fabric softener sheet between the die and a scrap paper and that will probably keep future cuts from clinging, you can also wipe the plates with the sheet too.


  214. I enjoy everything you do! I have a question that I am hoping you can answer. I am making wedding invitations for a friend’s daughter. I stamped the reply card and want to make envelops to match. In the past I found that card stock is too thick and computer paper is too thin. Any suggestions on what I can use? I have to make 100 invites. Right now I am makings he envies for the reply card only. I may or may not make the envie for the invitation. I am waiting for some dies to come from Craft and Create. What type of paper do you suggest?? Thank you so much. I want this invitation to be special!!


    1. I use the paper that comes in the 180 sheet pads from the craft store (i use up the leftovers I don’t use for scrabooks and cards!) I usually wait for them to go on sale as they are $20 a pack normally and they go on sale for $10-$12. I have a wedding invitation project planned for next week and I will be demonstrating this:)

      Liked by 1 person

  215. Hi Lindsay, my name is MJ and I’m sixteen. I was wondering if your could do a watercolor tutorial of a ranch-y/ hilcountry landscape. I live in Texas, but I have never successfully painted my own sourroundings! Much love toward your channel, you have taught me a lot about watercolor and art. Thank you!


    Liked by 2 people

  216. Hi Lindsay! Love your videos. You mentioned in your last JoAnn’s haul video that you use satin pins for stretching your cross stitch. Can you explain how you do that? I love to cross stitch and can’t afford to have everything framed professionally anymore (especially the silly little projects). Thanks!


  217. In one of the recent “Ask a Crafter” episodes you mentioned that you were planning to do a video covering the different types of art media/mediums. (IE gel medium, matte medium, heavy gel, different types of gesso) I would really LOVE to see that from you. Obviously the companies that make these products (Golden,Liquitex, etc) have vids, but they all seem to be aimed at fine artists. I know that you can explain the uses for crafters. Even if you had to break it into seperate vids per product type, it would be soooo helpful. Pleeeease….

    Liked by 1 person

  218. Can you do more candle tutorials, Please? I love your energy. You are the best teacher. Thank you for your time, talent and energy!


  219. I want to make some special people watercolor cards for Easter and I would love for you to share an idea for me in a tutorial. I liked your chick and egg painting but would love to see more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lindsay, could I just agree with Sarah C. here, I also would love to see more watercolour card tutorials, I love all your watercolour tuts, but it would be great to have more tuts suitable to card size, nice short 12 min tuts basic (i.e. your bamboo tut – my one success lol) its such a good size to start water colouring with but so different from the bigger size tuts which I also try out but at this stage get a little lost. I’m more likely to have success with the card size and be able to produce an item I can use – builds the self confidence. Thanks for your time and stay well and happy, you always brighten my day. cheers. Joan


  220. Hi Lindsay, Hope your well and keeping warm. Its stinking hot here with high humidity – I almost envy you. I wanted to ask do you ever use Masking Fluid in water colouring. Do you have an alternative idea or recipe of your own. I’ve never used it but thought it may be handy when painting small areas. Any thoughts please. Thankyou for your time. cheers. Joan (in Australia)


  221. Hi there Lindsay! I’m trying to find a way to build my own MISTI stamp tool by My Sweet Petunia. Looks like a blast to use… But $50- a bit high for this little crafter ☺️


    1. hmmm….. how about a stamp mat/surface, a t square ruler,a small piano hinge mounted one side on the stamp mat surface and the other glued/screwed to something like those clear plastic box frames, like Lindsay used when she made her own gelatin mats

      Liked by 1 person

  222. Hi Lindsay! I have permission from my friend to post his photo of gerbera daisies but I don’t know how to post it for you to see. I would love to see it painted in watercolor. It is a very dramatic photo and would be beautiful in watercolor. Can you let me know how to get the photo to you? Thanks, Linda


  223. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and taking the time out of your busy life. All of you! When I was in elementary school my art teacher showed us how to make brooches but I can’t remember how to make them anymore. The supplies that I remember are spoon, image, pin to put on the back. I don’t remember if it’s plaster or what that we filled the spoon with. First we put the image on the spoon face down. I don’t recall if we put plastic (but plastic sounds right???) or sprayed something on the spoon to keep it from sticking to the spoon. Filled the spoon with something white making sure to level it. Put the pin on the back so that it could be worn. Came back the next day and popped it out of the spoon. I don’t remember if we covered the image to protect it. It has been so long ago but I would really love to be able to make some again. Hopefully one of you can help me to be able to recreate a good memory. 🙂


      1. Isn’t it amazing what our minds remember (& forget) . 🙂 I remember being so happy when I gave it to my mom. Thank you.


  224. Hi Lindsay, I’ve just watched your video entitled “Fancy coloring with BICs and Sharpies final” which I enjoyed. I don’t think you mentioned what type of white cardstock you used (e.g. weight) and I would have loved to have seen how you did the lovely backgrounds too, regards Dee (from Australia).


  225. Lindsay,

    During your storage videos I saw that you have the whole set of polychromos. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how to use them. I am having trouble figuring out blending with them and they are a lot harder than my old prismacolors. I bought these instead of more prismacolors because of the recent quality issues and now I just need to know how to use them.


  226. Lindsay,

    My daughters (12 & 6) and I have enjoyed watching your youtube tutorials on watercoloring. We are all really getting into it…painting something everyday. I was wondering if you could show us how you would go about painting a dandelion fluff (or 2). It seems like it might be hard but I bet you could figure out a way to make it easy. You really make learning the basics of watercoloring fun. Thanks for all the tutorials you do, we’ll continue to watch!


  227. Lindsay, thanks for your helpful tutorials and product reviews!
    My request is for your review of Clearsnap ColorBox Blends Ink Applicator By Eileen Hull. I think the idea is interesting – they contain 10 times the ink of a stamp pad and your hands stay clean – but I can’t find much info on the web. Eileen demoed it on youtube and one reviewer had trouble getting it to work.


      1. Gosh, you are one-of-a-kind awesome! Thanks for your kind reply and so swift to boot! I just thought that this Ink Applicator sounded like a helpful tool, but only if it really works.


          1. Hi Lindsay, Thank you SO much for your WONDERFUL detailed review! I am sorry for writing this so late – Easter & vacation came, then etc… Seeing you use the Blends applicator helped me think about things that I would have no clue about otherwise (i.e. how should applicator work inside foam). I am glad that you thought to use them on embossed paper because that is something I use, also for pointing out that the slow-drying ink is for blending purposes. I like the colors. The idea is clever and I think I will try out a couple too. I am so impressed with your energy and how you inspire others to get creative! Thank you!


  228. Miss Lindsey–is the product Kilz primer paint and Gesso the same? Are they interchangeable/substitutes? Because on is definetly cheaper than the other! 🙂

    Thank you!


  229. Hi,

    I am trying to find some watercolour pencils which I can invest it. I have purchased the Inktense ones due to your videos. But I want some that you can rework. I was wondering if you would consider doing a watercolour pencil comparison video.

    Thank you


  230. Another great tutorial Lindsay thank you. I have to have these markers. Would you please consider doing a watercolour cherry blossom tree. They are so pretty and would lend themselves to watercolour beautifully xx


  231. Hi Lindsay , enjoyed the demo of tomatoes …. After the watercolor, you used the watersoluable crayons, is that because you shouldn’t put watercolor paint over the crayon? So the crayon part is used toward the end of painting ?


  232. Hi Lindsay, Was interested in working with freezer paper. Would you do a tutorial on the many ways it can be used in art/crafting? Thank you!


  233. Hi, Lindsay, my mom loves bears and I have been trying to paint her a realistic bear, but mine comes out looking flat and unrealistic, I need help with fur, I use you credit card technique all the time now love it! thanks, but I couldn’t get it right for the fur. I just watched the cat tutorial you did a long while back and its great. If you ever get time or feel inspired by it could you do a bear for me, or something with similar fur technique? Thanks in advance Sarah


  234. Hi Lindsay. I love butterflies. Would it be possible to see a tutorial from you on drawing and painting a butterflies, or group of butterflies, with your watercolors and watercolor crayons? I am new to watercolor and am really interested in seeing what more you can do with watercolor crayons. The vivid colors look so pretty.


  235. Hi Lindsay, I learn so much from you. Thank you. I am confused about using blenders with watercolor pencils. Should I use a water brush or a blender with blending solution? My blender pen seems to be dry. Do I try to open it and fill it with 1/2 glycerin and 1/2 water, or just put it into a cup with the solution? Thanks for your help.


  236. Hi Lindsay, I have an exciting problem. My family have decided to get together and buy me a set of watercolour pencils for my birthday (63).
    I’m not very artistic but love my card making and enjoy adding a little
    something I have sketched and painted to the card. I think, after watching all your videos that Albrecht Durer would be the way to go. If this offer was made to you, would you choose this brand? keeping in mind that I wont be using these for large projects. Do you think I should stick to some other brand that would be just as good for what I use them for. I do have a small set of Reeves. I would love your opinion, many thanks. Joan in Australia.


      1. Thanks Lindsay, I managed to find a set of 60 pencils on sale for not much more than the sets of 36 so I’ve ordered them. Stay well and happy. Cheers. Joan


  237. It would be fun to see a painting with abstract colors, real drawing but with unreal colors for shadowy effects? How do artists choose what colors to use when they want this effect?


  238. Hi Lindsay! I’m sorry to ask you these newby questions but I am a beginning stamper. I bought some stamps and there is so much black in the picture. I thought you were supposed to color them. IE: You have the butterfly with the black edge wings and more black in the middle of the wings, but there are stamps with even more black. R U supposed to color over the black? I don’t know what product does that. Also the stamps have all these little dots and dashes, etc. In one of your vids you said they were supposed to be where you put shadows. haha I was dotting and dashing. I would welcome a little short total beginner stamping tutorial on all those little so-called instructions in the pictures.
    BTW, I’m not sure if you got my request about painting a black crow or horse or dog to show how you would do it in watercolor. You thought I wanted you to paint a pic of mine, but I didn’t, just any ol crow or black animal to show techinque. Thanks, Teri


  239. Hi Lindsay, just wanted to fyi you I made a purchase thru Hallmark. Make sure you get your credit. I went thru the link on your blog but I have no idea how it credits you. Teri Williams


    1. Thanks Teri! There is a code I add to the end of the link and it let’s them know I sent you;) I appreciate it!


      1. Yeah it was over $100.00. You should have more companies do that. I’ve bee laid up watching videos and some of the other people are hooked up with a lot of stores.
        Well wait I should ask are there other stores we should be aware of that you are hooked up with. You help me so much I wanna help you every way I can!


  240. Lindsay, I have left over landscape fabric and have been racking my brain on how to use it in ANY craft. ideas?


      1. that would a good Halloween decoration. Keep thinking and if you come up with anything else, please let me know!


  241. Hi Lindsay! I have been watching your tutorials and have been creating lots of watercolour pictures. Can you please make a video on ways we can bind the watercolour pages together to create a water colour book? I don’t want to frame mine, I’d love to just bind them somehow to put on a coffee table…. thank you lovely.


    1. I recommend putting them in a scrapbook in page protectors to protect the paintings from fingerprints and spills, there are lovely options. I like the classic faux leather ones by WeRmemoryKeepers


  242. Hi Lindsay, Just wondering if there is any other way to get the crimped look that an embossing folder gives? I do not have the machine that does this and I really like the look. Thanks!!


  243. Hi, Lindsay. I am enjoying watching the birds come back to my feeders. I have had bluebirds throughout the winter, and I was wondering if you could do a watercolor or watercolor pencil of bluebirds. They are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing your gifts and talents with the rest of us. I am fairly new to painting, and I often watch your You Tube videos to help me.


  244. So my latest realization of what I don’t know. HA. You are always talking about you cut something, using this die, stamps come with the die too so I’m assuming you are using a die cutting maching! me smart now been watching Lindsay. But what/which/how/who/where? What do you recommend for people that ist’s just a hobby. This is your fault. I started out only wanting to learn how to watercolor and now I’m addicted to everything including pens. I told you that already. LOL. So can you share this information? What do you recommend and how in the heck do they work, what they can do or tell why you like something and I’ll go to their site. I don’t know all the names.
    PS I hope you know I’m kidding when I blame you. Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do? LOL! Your a doll and I happen to know you have a warped sense of humor as I do. Thank you.


  245. Hi Lindsay ! Could put the link to the video that shows how you make these funny pop up or shaking elements on a card ? I am not sure that my explanations are clear. You made a spring I think with wire to pop up a card or an element on a card. Thanks in advanced. Chris


  246. Hi Lindsay! I love all of your craft videos and eagerly await your new ones on Youtube. I wanted to ask you what travel watercolor set you recommend? I watch your watercolor videos and can’t wait to watch them again and follow along 🙂 Also I would like to see you do more pastel (soft chalk) tutorials. Keep up the wonderful work you do and thank you for all your tutorials and guidance!


  247. No request here, but a comment. If you want your tape gun to roll smoothly, you have to hold the tape surface flat on the page. You lean your gun to the left, which means you’re only making partial contact between the tape and the paper. Lose the tilt and you should have much better luck with your tape gun.


  248. You are always talking about you cut something, using this die, stamps come with the die too so I’m assuming you are using a die cutting machine! But what/which/how/who/where? What do you recommend for people that it’s just a hobby. Thanks, (I asked this b/4 but I think you missed it because you passed right by. 🙂


      1. Hi Teri, If you go to Lindsay’s untube site under the main banner where all the colourful ribbons with beads are, under there you will see a small
        magnifying glass, click on this and a bar will come up for you to type into, just type the words Die Cutting Machine and a heap of Lindsay’s tutorials will come up for you to choose from, I’m sure you will find all you need in here. I know, because I watch everything! lol. cheers. Joan


  249. Hello Lindsay. I have been a follower of yours for years. Love what you do. I have a request. Craft Test Dummies did a couple of videos on the Faber Castell Gel Crayons. The look fantastic and I’m wondering if they can be used like Gelatos because they are SO INEXPENSIVE. Target has an 8 pack listed at 3.99. Would you please check them out and let us know what you think of them. Thank you! Cheryl aka – Foreveraftercrafter.


  250. Hello Lindsey, donna here from the uk, was wondering if you could do another spectrum noir pencil video, no blending solution just pencils please, I carnt seem to get the technique right, I love to watch your videos as you explain it so well, and I can do it along with you. Be so great full.

    Happy Easter to you and your family.

    Donna xx


  251. Hi Lindsay, Could you do a video on mixing colours with watercolour paints and how much water should be used in different situations. Its not always easy to see how much water you have on your brush. i.e. Paint a Hibiscus. I seem to either have too much or too little, the result
    means I have lines in my colour, like blooms as I go back and try to add
    shading etc, or the colour is too watery and ends up looking dull or faded. Im just getting a little lost here. It would be great to watch you mix your colours and also how to achieve other colours. I know you don’t use black. What about white or a pale pink? This is where I end
    up with watery dull colour and I cant seem to get it right. It would be such a help and so informative to actually get my mix right for once.
    Thanks so much for your time. cheers. Joan – Australia.


    1. Hi Joan Lindsay paints in layers allowing the paint to dry in between, Lindsay often talks about bloom . Keep at it. make practice sheets. I create little boxes that I label so I can remember. You can buy a cheap color wheel that explains color. Buy anywhere from walmart to the art store. Lindsay has covered this a lot.


      1. Thanks Judy, I didn’t realise about “layers” but that will explain a lot.
        I shall forge onwards. lol. cheers Joan


    2. I do the same as Judy I tale a 9 x 12 (or there about) piece of wc paper, divide it into about six boxes and try different amounts of water or different techniques. I take notes too. A saying that I have heard many wc painters say is “while its wet if it looks right, its wrong.) Also it will depend on the look you are trying to achieve. But overall…just have fun with it!! Relax and paint. You’ll get it.


      1. Thanks Kerswin, I shall have to splurge and get some decent wat. col. paper for a start and then take your advise. All advise is welcome as
        Im new to drawing and watercolouring, but loving the experience. thanks again. Joan


  252. I post on YouTube as Cheri Pate. Here’s a comment I left on a video asking for a tutorial or some pointers. I didn’t know you had a page just for these. 🙂

    Do you ever use oil paints? I’m exploring my arts & crafts horizons. I got an 18 set of Marie’s Oil Colours for less than $15 & got because I was curious. Except I don’t really know what I’m doing. Any pointers or could you do a tutorial is you own some? Please. :)


  253. I would like to understand glue guns better the hottest one really burn you and melt things here and there. The low temp. glue is not very good. My question is there a decent glue gun with a sharp point that does not plug up or ooze out the side.? I would like low temp glue that is good quality dries clear and remains flexible. how about one that does not drool glue every where while it is resting.? Any thoughts? I want to get a new one but the ones I find are so crappy. Been there done that. I did a search on your channel and lots using a glue gun but not one about glue guns. Perhaps I missed it? Thanks….


  254. Hi Lindsay I love that you review new products. I have been looking at the MISTI stamping tool, since I stamp several of the same thing. But by the time you add shipping it is just too expensive for me right now. It is at: Do you have any ideas of something else we could use to get the same precise stamping? Thanks!


  255. Hi Lindsay I was wondering if you could do like a calligraphy tutorial. I have to do fancy writing on a lot of things yet I have no idea how


    1. i’m hoping lindsay doesn’t mind, but another artist i follow on youtube does some nice calligraphy tutorials- her youtube name is OvernightArtist. 🙂
      (i’m only mentioning this because Lindsay already posted that she’s not a calligrapher! ❤ )


  256. Just tried your blending with baby oil video. LOVED IT!!!!
    I used Crayola color pencils and baby oil GEL. It worked great and when I was done blending with my Q-tip, I used a tissue ( mine is Puff Basic if it matters) to “buff” it and I was then able to apply more color.
    I made sure it wasn’t just my mind playing tricks on me by adding a purple over blue. It stayed on. Oh and I used cheap card stock and no bleed through or warping.
    Thanks for your great videos. I responded to your video question regarding length of videos yesterday (Easter)and I think it went under the April 4th blog posts.


  257. Hi Lindsay!

    I came across Sakura Solid Markers online today. I haven’t seen them before today.They’re opaque, permanent when dry and blendable when wet. They twist out like a Gelato. Wonder if they would be worth the investment? Please investigate. Thanks! 🙂


  258. Hi Lindsay! I just came across this product on the SAA website, and was wondering– have you ever tried watercolor POWDERS?
    i’m just wondering if they’re worth the investment. is there something about them that is absolutely unique? or can i get the same effects by grinding up a watercolor tablet….?
    thanks! hope this one happens- i always love watching you play with new ‘toys’!


    1. funny:) I just ordered 3 bottles of brush, they were backordered so they will be here in a few weeks;) They were only about $2.17 a bottle at Blick with a large order coupon I had;) Stay tuned for a tutorial!


  259. I love recycling. I have watched videos of people doing collage with sales papers, newspapers etc… I’ve tried it but the image on the back comes through the front. I know that using images that are on thicker, better quality paper would fix this problem. Do you know of any ways to use the thinner paper images without the back image coming through to the front? Thank you.


  260. I am working on a project that requires me me to stamp on a coated shoebox. The box is black and I am trying to use an acid-free ink pad pigment-silver and a stamp. I am having a hard to getting it to dry and set What can I do?


  261. Hi, Lindsay. This might be more for Ask A Crafter. I received, because I made a purchase some time ago with a company some free stuff. I got a Faber-Castell pencil that says Water-based varnish. Then it has “Germany Perfection 7058” I have no idea what this pencil is for. Could you shed some light on this?


    1. I might be able to help. It might be a sample of one of Faber Castell’s “Perfect Pencil”. It might be a sample of one of Faber Castell’s “Perfect Pencil”. It’s a shorter than average graphite pencil that can be used with a special cap that protects the point & has a built in sharpener. The cap can also be put on the back end to extend the pencil when using. They have plastic versions all the way up to fine metal with a diamond in the cap! That version must be truly for the person that has everything! The text that reads “water-based varnish” is on some of my fine art pencils & I believe it just refers to the varnish that coats the pencil casing. If you go to & type in “Faber Castell pefect pencil” it pulls up all the listings for the differ for the different versions of this product. Maybe this is what yours is. Sorry for the long reply!


  262. Hi Lindsay, I’m new to crafting and find your videos super helpful. Where I get stuck with my own art is with the composition. I mainly do art journal pages, but they never turn out as well as I thought they would and it takes me ages to work out what I’m going to do in the first place. I live in New Zealand, and there’s not a huge market in terms of classes for art journalling, so I rely on the internet (mainly your YouTube channel). Do you have any tips for a newbe, about layout etc, or could you do a video? Thanks


  263. Hi Lindsey, I would love to see an updated frugal craft room tour! with a view of your photography table set up. Would love to see a pan of the craft room to see the size you work with too as I craft in a small area. I’d love to see a video on storing blank card bases as I have so many but don’t know an efficient way of storing them. I would also love to see a video on what media you can use on stamps…I can’t afford a lot of ink pads so i’m looking for alternative methods?

    thank you, keep up the great work!


  264. I am recently addicted to your daily tutorials, can hardly wait each day to turn on the laptop to see what you are doing…..would like to request a video on uses for Mod Podge and must say, you have encouraged me to try some water coloring, will try stamping and then coloring in first and perhaps get brave enough to sketch later on.

    I am 74 and in poor health, but love learning and trying something new


  265. Hi Lindsay ! I have a request : I keep on forgetting what kind of cardstock paper I need for what kind of ink, or pencils (light watercolor no need of watercolor paper), alcohol markers … I remember the Neenah 110 is great for cards because more sturdy and the 80 pound as for the first layer. But very expensive for me to buy in the US and then make it come to Panama. You talked about Rock Collection (sorry I certainly spelled it wrong) but where do you buy it ?? I can’t remember the video.
    To make it short, can you make a video (even short) just on that, so I can put it in my favorites or a written chart on you blog so we can find it easily ? Thank you so much. I need to buy a ream of cardstock paper for my cards and don’t want to make mistake.( I will buy from the US to Panama that’s why).
    Thank you !!!


  266. Hi Lindsey…super fan here.

    I love your vids and I bet Nicholsons would give you free peerless watercolors if you asked. I am excited to start using them and would love your tips.

    Also I need help learning to use my pan pastels on mixed media projects. (Cards, canvas, etc)

    I’m so glad you are healthy and thanks for what you do. Tell your daughter she is too cute when she helps with the vids.


  267. Good morning Lindsay! Before you say anything I did search, or tried to search your prior vids for my request. I went to your YouTube page, clicked the magnifying glass and typed my search, but it brought up everyone’s tutorials? I also tried of course just using your handle — thefrugalcrafter? Anyway, just want you to know I searched before requesting:-) But, with my luck my request has already been done and if this is the case, I’m really sorry.

    Ok, my request … I just bought the Sizzix BigKick at Hobby Lobby March, last month. It wasn’t a bundle or anything like that, but it does come with the new extended platform. Lindsay, I haven’t even opened the box yet!

    So, I’ve been spending hours trying to find all of the absolutely necessary shims, platforms, etc. for it. Every time I turn around, it seems, there is some other brand new product, shim, whatever! It’s becoming a nightmare!! I’ve even gone to the Sizzix site hoping to find a neat little list of essential shims — no such animal.

    I wonder if you could please do a video about the absolute necessaries, especially ways to get around having to buy more stuff!! Like homemade shims or frugal crafter type shims and platforms or whatever?

    Like I mentioned, I do have the standard cutting pads and the extended multipurpose platform. Do I absolutely need the solo thing for wafer thin dies? Do I need the magnetic platform plus the new tray? Do I need just the movers and shapers and the tray? Holy cow!! This is driving me CRAZY!!! LOL ?

    I forgot to mention that yes I did watch the vid where you used flashing for a shim, but I think this was just because of the older machine? Like can I use mouse pads in place of the silicone thing I now have to have just to emboss? I really thought I was making a smart investment and of course it’s just my luck and my impulsivity that nothing goes right for me. :-‘( Yea, kinda dramatic, I know.

    I know you are an extremely busy lady and I really thank you so much for reading my request and hope you could do this request. Or, maybe, I could do us all a favor and take the thing out of the box and USE IT?? I’m kinda, uhm, intimidated by it.

    Ok, I promise I’ll shut up now!! Thanks again Lindsay!! I really, really LOVE your channel and blog and thank you for all you do!!


  268. greetings from glowing…. hey love your easy talk-it-through videos… i learn by my photographic memory so its been awesome to follow along and learn from you..sorta like learning disability ADHd learner… one of those ;you know… but i wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart. i do not have a website but you can email me at if you care to answer my question… Have you reviewed pigment inks made in china?i found this item on ebay and i wish the lady “miss deal” the seller of that item a lot of luck but she must have purchased the item from china seller:( bad luck cuz they say martha stewart pigment cat eye inkpads but dry out because they DO nOt stay in a stack in one therefore i had to use tape to tape the one side…. and it lost its appeal.. ink is gr8 to use with embossing powders but seems like maybe a COPy with Martha stewarts name on it? do you feel like you could look into china inkpads? they were awfully cheap! sincerely… online called glow, glo,or glowing…. 🙂 three cheers for help from a frugal crafter williing to share her ideas… and somehow when you dont even try, more when you are just chating 2 unseen me… you make me chuckle… cuz i can share in your one-of-a-kind :0 🙂 like its kinda fun:) and you dont say things like some ones i have heard where you just wanna close your ears! thanks for your time and efforts… I am one of a kind but i am wierd where i do not care for publicity… so please? dont answer me here? only on my private email? that way i can” stay” secured and remain friendly.. LOL 🙂 ( thanks 🙂 love glow


  269. Hi Miss Lindsay, I have a request for you. Could you do a video detailing how one sets up videos like you do? The steps involved, editing programs and how on earth do you get that little frugral crafter water mark on the bottom right? I would be very interested in hearing about the process. Thanks!!


  270. I’m hoping you have a solution you could suggest for a problem I’m having. I’ve had some difficulties with my micron pen drawings lifting when I use watercolor over them. I’ve also had them lift while blending prismacolor pencils with a colorless blending pencil!!! It doesn’t seem to matter how long I let them dry, which has been up to 24 hours. The paper doesn’t seem to matter either.


  271. I have a question that you might be able to answer for me? You know how you buy a packet of canvas’ and it often includes these wooded strips with one end cut at an angle? Well what are they and how do i use them? Thanks in advance! PS i love your work! 🙂


    1. they are canvas keys to push in the corner of a canvas if it sage, they go in the back of the stretcher frame in the corner.


  272. Hi Lindsay. My husband and I found you on youtube and have been watching you for a week now. We love your energy and your videos. My husbands whole family is very into art and I also love art but I have never tried to do anything .No one in my family was ever interested in art so I am jumping in now and trying to learn how to draw and I have surprised myself and my husband how well I ma doing as a beginner. I am getting ready to retire the end of this year and we are wanting to maybe start a little business making cards and stuff to sell. I would love for you to do more beginner type videos of card making using colored pencils and markers. Also I love the watercolor pencils, Also I would love your recommendations of what is needed to start a small business in your home online selling, I know you do not like to sell this way but we like it. We had a online business for 5 years selling home decor items so we are familiar with it. We know nothing about stamping so we are wanting to learn all we can. We would love to know the best places to buy card paper and stamps. Please more beginner videos.


  273. Hi, Patricia–saw your comment & decided to ‘chime in’ too–have you ever tried digital stamps? They have so many pros: very little storage [one folder on your PC], printed on your PC printer on ANY paper and ANY size, so many FREE ones on the internet, etc. One of MANY great sites is: [] –lots of FREE digital tamps DAILY! Try them–think you’ll really like them!


  274. hi there! my mom Mary Ellen has recently taken up water coloring and has been watching your tutorials. I love seeing her get back into her artwork and she loves watching your water coloring pencil videos. her 60th birthday is coming up in May and I’d love to get her some really good water color pencils and paper. what do you recommend? Thanks so much!!


    1. the best paper is probably Arches and the best watercolor pencils are probably Albright Druer by Faber Castell. For a close alternative try Derwent inktense or Derwent watercolor. A more affordable paper is Strathmore 400 series in the brown label. Happy birthday to your mom!


  275. Hi! I just recently found you on youtube. I love the videos!!!!! I have a question. I wanted to make use of empty aluminum cans. And I was wondering if you knew whether or not they could be used with embossing powder? Thank You


      1. Thank You for getting back to me so quickly. I figured that I would do what you did when you embossed the matte board. I’m probably going to use wooden manicure sticks, to hold it in place. And then easy does it. Again , Thank You so much!! 🙂


  276. Hi Lindsay, you are indeed right, my Faber-Castell “pencil” is an eraser. It is an ink eraser. Thanks for checking for me.


  277. Hi Lindsay! Do you have a recipe for homemade stamp cleaner that works on solvent based stamping inks (Staz-On, etc.)? I apologize if you have discussed this before & I have missed it. Thank you for all that you share with us!


  278. Where again do you get the paper for protecting your surface? It’s shiney on one side so you can mix paints and fun things and regular on the other side. I’m not interested in the expensive piece that Ranger provides. I could’ve sworn you mentioned it before but after hours and hours of trying to find it I give up and have to ask
    Thank you.


    1. I got the 2 pack or big oven liners from LTD commodities (also ABC distributing) and it was $8 for 2 and I think it is the same thing as ranger.


    1. yes, I have refilled everything, I think with those I pulled out the nib and dropped the color down the hole.


  279. I know how much you like using buttons on your cards, as I was perusing Amazon, I found this and thought of you!


  280. I would really love it if you could suggest or do a video demonstrating different uses for the concentrated watercolours like those you used for the DIY Shimmer Mist Sprays Video. I now have some on order (not the same make, couldn’t afford those, but hopefully similar) and I’d love to know what else to do with them.


  281. Hi Lindsay – I so enjoy your blog and tutorials. Would you mind explaining the difference between pigment and dye based markers and inks. How can I tell which is which if the info is not on the package?


    1. it will say if it is pigment, Pitt pens and Micron are pigment based india ink and Windsor & Newton are pigment based watercolor. Most are dye based. Alcohol markers are dye based. If it does not say then it is probably a dye.


      1. So do I understand correctly that if I stamp or draw with pigment (Pitt, Micron or watercolor) it will run when rewetted but the dye based alcohol ink will not? Thanks.


  282. HI Lindsay, got a quick question for you. What video editing software did you say you use – the free one? I’m having problems with Window’s Movie maker software for some reason and need to switch to another software. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance. Elizabeth


    1. I don’t use a free video editing software, I use Video Studio Pro by corel and I really like it, I have used 3 versions of it. If you get the next to latest edition it is around $40
      I think on Amazon. You can try the free trial on Corel to see what you think but it will be more expensive to get the newest. I tried a free one once but it was difficult, less powerful and left a watermark in the middle of my video.


  283. Hi Lindsay, I am addicted to your videos and am not even close to finish watching all of them so I’m not sure if this is already done. I’m getting a Teresa Collins stamp maker for mother’s day and was wondering if you have a video or even tips on how to use. Additionally, do I have to use the gel packs or is there another way of making these stamps. Thank you very much.


    1. I have a tips blog post but I could never make a video beacuse my lights would expose the packets too quickly. You have to buy their packs or order from Imagepac in bulk, be careful, they have a shelf life. I had quite a bit of trouble with this machine honestly, sorry I can’t be more helpful.


  284. Hi!! I sent this to your Facebook page too. wasn’t sure which you use more often.

    Hi! thank you so much for answering my questions on your blog about what watercolor pencils and papers to get for my mom for her birthday. I’m curious though now about watercolor brushes. there are SO MANY out there. what are your suggestions to get her started? I saw at one of our local craft stores they have artitst’s loft ones and they have different sets of necessities natural hair watercolor brushes, necessities natural hair watercolor wash brushes,round brushes, etc. suggestions on these or perhaps something else I can find on amazon? thanks so much!!


  285. Hi Lindsey, I was wondering if you have heard of twinkling h2o’s water colors? If you can could you do a tutorial on them, so far the only thing I’ve seen people do with them is to paint backgrounds with them if that’s all you can do with them I don’t want to invest in them, because otherwise a person can just do a water color background and put wink ofstella on it to get the shimmer. Thanks a lot. Love your videos and enthusiasm, you always make me smile.


  286. hi there to the frugal crafter… love all the tips and suggestions and helps in general:) thanks…
    i do have a question for you.. is there a way you know of to make your regular cheap paper into wats called “glossy cardstock” ? i would love that cuz i have a wack of heavy weight paper and nobody seems to be complaining but surely there is a spray or something that can make it glossier so you get that shiny beautiful design paper? just wondring… and i got a bunch of makeup supplies the other day as this is much cheaper… just wanted to know how to add the powder makeup to other solutions… to make a liquid pearl mist effect… in other words cant afford perfect pearls..!!! i would appreciate getting your suggestions… like maybe we cud do a stroll down the lane together and try walking backwards or something real dorky like that? You make me laugh cuz i have alot of hype too… thanks for giving such lovely free shares.. and all the best in the future… by the way, did you get that first question i had.. was sorta long… but i never seen your answer… dont know where to look… can you send that answer to my email? sincerely loving your resources to my questions cuz i 2 timid when it comes to trying all over online asking people questions i dont know… LOL.. feels like i know you by now…and ya i sorta do:) k well love ya and its not being took for granted with all your efforts and work… thanks again…. glow


    1. you can try painting glossy mod-podge on the paper:) What was your first question? If it was submitted to ask a crafter it get read on the show, if it was posted here I answer here:)


  287. Howdy!

    I know you’ve reviewed the spectrum aqua markers but have you looked into the Kuretake ZIG Clean Color Real Brush Pens (apologies if I missed a video I did a search and nothing came up)?

    I’m sort of curious if the two, spectrum aqua and Clean Color Brush pens, are comparable to each other or just completely different? Sort of like you mentioned in a recent video that the Prima watercolor pencils were nice, especially since they have flesh tones, but not necessarily needed if you already had something like the Inktense pencils (hoping I’m quoting that correctly…).

    Thanks so much for your time and all your videos- they are wonderful and honestly can make a bad day a littler brighter at times.


    1. Hi Lee:) I have not seen them to buy but I think Kristina Wearner (spelling may be off) reviewed them on her channel and Craft Test Dummies might have too. I’ll see if I can find them though, they might have them at the stamp show I am attending next month:)


  288. Hi Lindsay, Just wanted to thank you so much for the video “Colour Mix Brush Sunset Paint Tut”. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou, this is just want I needed to see. I could see your palette, I could watch you mix,
    I could see how much water/paint ratio – and this is where Ive been getting lost. I loved this video and will watch it again and again and again. Very grateful for your time and effort. I know your in running mode at the moment with all your commitments but any more beginners
    in watercolour paint would be wonderful. I think I will be able to produce this project whereas in others I’ve gotten lost with so much going on. Enjoy the school holidays and have some fun time when you can. Best of health to you and your family. cheers from Joan in Australia.


  289. Hi Lindsay,
    Have you used the Gina K Designs ink pads and paper. Saw this on Youtube and they looked nice and I like her colors. Would be nice to get a review of these items. I cannot find any reviews online. Love you and your work. My husband and I love to watch you. You make us smile.


  290. I love this blog and youtube videos. I have never left comments before but like every video I have viewed. I hope I am leaving the comment in the correct area for your watercolor swatch give away. I have oil painted for many years but we are moving from one state to another and my supplies are packed. You made watercolor painting look like such fun I had to purchase some cheap supplies and give it a go. It has brought me much joy and satisfaction and the clean up is very quick in comparison to oil. So I would like to say thank you for your time and effort in doing these videos.


  291. Hello lindsay! Big fan here I Love your art and craft tutorials
    Have you done a sort of sea shell type background and some sea scapes and that be cool, or Lilly flower also pretty be good 2 see some new videos I haven’t seen them all, Love your work and spread the word to many facebook friends yep it is gracie from fb 🙂
    your so cool I think I may I have mentioned that LOL
    hello from england!


  292. Hi Lindsay, Just wanted to thank you for the “How To Set Up a Full Watercolour Palette” video. Its exactly what I needed to hear and see. I learnt so much for this video. Thanks for taking the time. I would to see a video on watercolour paints being used in small areas, such as petals and small animals its hard to control the flow of water in these situations and any help would be greatly appreciated. I watch all you do so thanks again for your time and sharing personality. cheers. Joan in Australia.


  293. Hello Lindsay Gracie from facebook here!

    Have u done a tutorial video of a ‘poppy field’ painting in watercolour? just doing the single poppy picture today after watching your very beautiful poppy flower with crayons

    You have been so helpful with your you tube videos you should be on television!
    Thanks and I hope this request hasn’t been asked before LOL
    from a big fan of the frugal crafter! 🙂


  294. I didn’t know where else to post this so here goes- Have you ever tried Sparkle Mod Podge? It’s a fantastic substitute for the clear glitter pens. And a whole lot cheaper. I dare say you could make your own with fine glitter and mod podge. Maybe something for the Frugal Crafter to experiment with? 😉 Thanks for all the great tips and videos!


  295. Being on a fixed income, I love how you create alternatives that we can make ourselves. Do you have any ideas to create something similar to the MISTI for stamp positioning?


  296. Hey Lindsay! What an inspiration and motivator you are! THANK YOU! I have learned so much from you and was hoping you might be able to help. I just got some Kraft Tex. Great product. Looks like paper/acts like fabric. Anyway, I am just getting into mini albums so the possibilities of this product are endless. However, I am looking for an adhesive that will work with it. ScorTape, which is fantastic in mini albums using Card Stock, just doesn’t cut it with Kraft Tex. I’ve done some experimenting with Scotch Quick Dry, Tombow mono multi, Ranger multi medium matte and find that while these work in adhering Kraft Tex with other mediums…NONE work with Kraft Tex with Kraft Tex. The best result was from Aleene’s original tacky glue…but even that can be pulled apart. I love the product but want my mini album efforts to last! Any ideas?!?!?!? I emailed C&T Publishing and am waiting on their response..but then thought of YOU and thought…why not! Thanks for your time…and for all your fun videos! You are one gifted and talented lady!


  297. since the Ranger ink Refresher has come on the market…I knew I could come to your site to find out how to make my own….I went to download at Microsoft word and everything came in gibberish! there was nothing I could read! HELP! Thanks so much as always!!


  298. Hello, I would love to see a watercolor tutorial of a zinnia flower. Also I live in your area and was wondering if you still give classes at the public library. I’ve heard you mention it on your videos. Thanks so much,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had to cancel classes this month due to work obligations but hopefully I will be back on track next month. You can “like” the orrington Public Library’s Facebook page for more info:)


    2. That sounds like a good idea, I have some Zinnias growing from seed, they are about 1 inch high, hopefully I’ll be able to paint the flowers before the year is up.


  299. Dear Lindsay, I love your videos. I follow your instructions and create some lovely paintings which I upload to my instagram, Facebook and Pinterest accounts.

    Would it be possible for you to do a watercolor on canvas video? A larger canvas if possible?

    With gratitude,


  300. Hi Lindsay,
    I have been watching your watercolor tutorials and craft videos and subscribed to your channel a few months now. Since i too have a channel, i was really excited about the day you got your youtube play button. I thought that was really cool!
    From that moment on, i wanted to learn a little more than watercolor.
    I noticed you had some videos with regards to the business side of your life, but as I dug a little deeper, i was truly impressed with just how MUCH you had going on behind the scenes. WOW! YOU are busy!!
    So if you have time, I would love to learn more about licencing. How you came to set up licence for your website, mygrafico. Well, a little more than that I guess.
    I am interested in licensing out crochet patterns or even ideas or tutorials for how to make specific things that I KNOW people will want to sell the items on a smaller scale or maybe even for commercial basis.
    I made a lot of mistakes starting out, and people have swiped my ideas, and gone on to forget all about where the idea came from.

    Now i want to make better decisions protecting my ideas before moving forward. Would you mind sharing information on how to go about this. Do i need anything special, or is it just a matter of writing up the terms of agreement on my site, and offering a fee?
    I have a lot of other questions, but i don’t want to bombard a busy woman such as yourself with an extensive list of business related questions.
    Huge thanks in advance for taking the time to answer if you are willing and able.



    1. I would sell your patterns with a limited commercial use license, meaning you give the pattern buyer the right to make and sell these in limited quantities (under 1000) and offer a mass production licence for an additional fee so if someone wanted to mass produce the design in quantities over 1000 they would pay an additional $100 but here is where it gets tricky for clothing items, the pattern can be copyright protected meaning the pattern can’t be shared or sold BUT since clothing is utilitarian it can’t be copyrighted. your hat pattern can be but the hat is self can not. That is why there are so many knockoffs in fashion and it is also why coach and channel plaster their trademarked logo all over everything because their trademark is protected. Fabric is funny because you can’t make things to sell with licensed fabric because Disney or whomever owns the image so they can charge licencing fees if the fabric is used in a commercial setting. Copyright law is confusing. My big concern is that your patterns do not get copied and shared and peopel do it and do not realize they are ding wrong, so many times people will say “don’t buy that, I’ll photocopy it for you” and I say “I know you mean well but that is a person’s living, please don’t copy the patterns.” I also hear Favecrafts pays for patterns to give away on their site so that might be an avenue to explore. Good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow! Quick reply! Thanks again. I really appreciate such a solid piece of advice. Look forward to following along, and learning more. LOVE your watercolors..

        Much success to you!


  301. Hello! I recently got a Dove Blender pen set. If you ever happen to get your hands on one…heck, you’ve probably got one already, lol…I’d love to see a video on how to use it properly…I don’t feel I’m getting good results. Thanks for all you do!! Staci


    1. Hello,
      Did you ever make a video on the stampmaker? I did a search and can’t find one on your website. I found where you show a picture of the library card stamp you made and on that page is said you would have more on the stampmaker later. I have not been able to find anything else on your website about it. Also, you show how to make pigment ink. To make a dye ink would you just use regular watercolors and alcohol spray?


      1. No, every time I tried my filming lights exposed my gel packets. I actaully buy my dye reinkers because I have a hard time finding a liquid with the right properties, liquid weatercolor is close but it is not really a savings over reinkers. You can get them 40% off often online at joann fabrics.


  302. Hi Lindsay! You have done so much to help me get back into the groove of painting, I love your videos! I was hoping you could do a tutorial on watercolor gems? There are some beautiful examples on google images if you search “watercolor gems” 🙂

    Thank you again!


  303. Hi Lindsay, would you please do a watercolor tutorial on painting a dog, maybe using your dog as the subject? I really enjoy painting animals. Have a safe Memorial Day.
    Thank you,


  304. Hi Lindsay,
    I like working with watercolor and want to try my hand at painting some of the unique plant species that grow in the desert where I live. Many of them have these soft (looking) white hairs that are really beautiful with backlighting. I’m not really sure what method I could use to get that effect with watercolor though. Could you do a tutorial on that? There are some great examples on this website in case you aren’t familiar with the types of plants I mean.


  305. Hi Lindsay, I just watched your tut on watercolour Stargazer Lily. So great, thanks so much for taking time for this one. I learnt so much as Im such a slow beginner but in this tut I could see your palette, you explained the paper and brush. The use of one subject makes its easier
    for me to follow and Ive always wanted to do a flower with white edges so now I can try, also I could never paint stamins on a flower they just always looked messy but I see now how you leave space in your reds and then paint in the spaces, plus mentioning painting the petals by skipping so paint doesn’t run and just wetting one petal at a time. So many of my queries have been answered, So wonderful…… thankyou again!! I see a request above for painting a dog that would be great also a cat, so handy to use on cards for animal lovers – don’t make it too hard. lol. cheers Lindsay, stay well. Joan in Australia.


  306. Lindsay,
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge! You have really expanded my crafty world! I have a question about Dylusions Paints, the acrylic paints that come in the short, wide pots. Crafters in other videos and blogs seem to be SO excited about these paints. Do you know if there is anything special about them, or are they so appealing due to the very cute packaging? At $5 a pot, are they worth the cost, or could I use my Basics Acrylic paints from Michaels (so much cheaper with coupons and sales) and get the same effects? Some crafters have said that these paints don’t have a “film” when dry and are better for layering techniques. True? or just hype? Thanks for any response!


    1. I rarely believe any hype about famous crafter’s acrylics (or art supplies for that matter) because I have been contacted to private label my own line and they are the same stuff you can get elsewhere. I am not saying that is what ranger does I’m just saying if a company would hire the likes of me to put my name on paint what is the world coming to LOL! Kidding aside I’m sure the paint is nice BUT you are paying for the marketing, labeling, and licencing there and the big advantage would be if you love her color palette. Also their preference for working properties would be in the paint, matte vs glossy, slow vs quick drying etc. I think they are a toothy matte acrylic so a paint like basics are fine. A lot of crafters are afraid to mix colors too so that is part of the allure of a celebrity paint (the color is mixes so no worries) so you are fine with your basics:)


      1. Lindsay,
        Thanks for the quick reply and thanks for your thoughts and information! I WAS enticed by the palette colors and oh-so-cute packaging. But if I can get the same (or very similar) effect with the paints I have at home, I don’t think it’s very frugal to pay extra for a swirly font on my paint pots.
        I must say, however, that I think it’s pretty cool that you were asked to put your name on any product! I’ve been watching your videos and reading your blog for years. If you endorsed a product by putting your name on it- I would consider purchasing it. You have never steered me wrong all these years! 🙂 The world is a better and prettier place with Lindsay in it!!
        Thanks again, for the quick response- and for adding years of enjoyment to my crafty life!!!!


  307. Hi, Lindsay! I am a senior high school student all the way from Malaysia…. and I loce your watercolour tutorials. So I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on the famous Mt.Kinabalu, to give me a plain idea how to do it right. I keep getting off on my piece. *cries* Thanks in advance.


    1. what a gorgeous mountain, do you have a particular viewpoint of the mountain you like? I would need to find a copyright free photo to paint from:)


  308. Hi,
    I asked about how to make dye refill for dye ink pads. I was asking, because I have a few Stamin Up retired ink pads that they no longer sell refills for. Colors like Groovy Guava, Concord Crush and Blue Bayou. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


    1. You could try liquid watercolor and mixing but what I would recommend (and what I do because I rely on dye based ink for 90% of my stamping and want it consistent) is mix the stampin up reinkers you have to get a close mix of buy a memento reinker as their inks are comparable. I wait til has stamping stuff 405 off and I order what I need and at that price you can’t make it cheaper. My homemade mixes are fine for kids inkpads but not thick enough for stamping and I’d rather pay a few pennies more and not risk ruining an inkpad.


  309. I found your channel on YouTube a few weeks ago and have even had a chance to try some of the things I learned there. I do have a challenge for you based on a problem I have. In going through my acrylic paints, I found that I have three small bottles and one large bottle of red paint. Can you help me find something to do with all of this paint?


    1. Do you have any frames that need a redo? Paint them red and then you can crackle gold paint on top for an amazing finish. You can do the same for any furnature too:)


  310. Hi Lindsey, I love your videos and inspiration. Thank you so much for continuing your education of painting and demonstrations of products. Those are extremely helpful!
    I have a question. I bought a package of Faber Castel Artist PIT pens in black and the Medium and Fine don’t right. I couldn’t return them because I didn’t use those 2 pens right away. I’m sure there is ink in them. Is there any way to revive the nibs? Or is it a lost cause?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you again for all you do.


  311. Hello Lindsey! Happy June 1st to you! I was wondering what you do with your hands before you work with ink. Some say to use Invisible Glove…….. but I was just wondering if you have something similar and/or what you do to wash up after inking…….. LOL when I go to work some days my hands look horrible! Thanks for your time and suggestions. Barbara Jo


    1. there is a lotion I use called Creamy Petroleum Jelly and you can buy it at the dollar tree, I use it a couple times a day and it creates a barrier against the ink and paint. It is sold in the baby section of dollar tree:)


        1. I used to work at a printers and the ladies there would rub just a drop of glycerine onto their hands so the freshly inked printing would not stain their hands. Could be worth a try. cheers.


  312. So, I have this idea. But I need black watercolor paper which seems to be non-existent. Any suggestions on how I could substitute products or “fake it”? I read that I could possibly use gesso. But I don’t understand how that product works. Another blog suggested using Somerset printmaking paper. Any ideas?


  313. Hi Lindsay, I just watched Fishing Boat Watercolour Sunset tutorial. Thanks so much it was very helpful to me – a beginner. It was great to be able to see your palette and how much water / paint you mixed and the paper you were using is available here in Australia so I have ordered some of that. Also, although the picture was beautiful there was not too much going on for me to follow. Looking forward to trying this one out. Thanks for thinking of the beginners and as always your work is stunning. Stay well and happy. cheers. Joan in Australia.


  314. First, I’d like to thank you for so many inspiring videos that give people like me the confidence to try something new. I am a home health nurse who works from 11 pm to 7 am and am fortunate enough to have a patient who sleeps for the most part of the night. Leaving me with about 6 hours of quiet (free from child, husband or telephone) time that I need to keep myself occupied in order to stay awake & alert. Watercolors have been perfect! Not much equipment is required, it doesn’t take up much space and it’s quiet. My patient wakes every morning asking, “what did you paint last night?”

    Here’s the thing, up to this point I’ve not done anything with any of my paintings but I was at a loss as to what to get 2 teachers who have been very dear to my son as end of year gifts & they both went on & on at our Halloween party last year about how much they loved the canvases I had painted for the party. So, I thought, why not?

    My problem is that I waited till the last minute to try to get the pics framed. And even bigger than that I have no idea how to frame a watercolor!! I’ve seen people who’ve just stuck them in frames & they look awful because they get all wavy. So, I called Michaels & Hobby Lobby to see what my options were. I already had mats & frames, I just needed the pics mounted on some kind of hard surface. I explained to the frame dept clerk that I was clueless, what the situation was & asked what they would suggest. Michaels said for $15-20 each they would mount the pics on mat board & Hobby Lobby said they mount on foam core for $7 each. My husband was going to be great & take care of dropping off & picking these up for me & based on the fact the it was cheaper, he hates going in Michaels 😛, and it is much easier to get to our Hobby Lobby he opted to take the prints there. He gets home that evening after work & as I attempt to put these in the frame I quickly realize that there’s no way the backs will go on the frames because the foam is too thick.

    After a very long and unnecessary story, my question for you is how do you mount your watercolors for framing? I typically paint 8×10 or larger. Is this something you do for yourself or do you have a framer do it? Any light you could shed on the subject would be so helpful!! Thanks again for all the fun videos & for keeping me awake at night:-)



    1. I have moonlighted as a framer for years. I cut a mat to fit my painting (you can buy a precut mat in a standard size that will fit a standard from for instance a 8″x10″ opening to go in an 11″x14″ frame) and then I hinge the painting yo the back of the mat and place a sheet of foam board behind it. I put that with glass or plexiglass in a frame. I use gallery style frames because the frame is deeper to accommodate the mat and backer. Sometimes you can fine frames with the mat and backer board included. That would probably suit your needs better at a much lower price. I would place a piece of acid free paper between your art and the backer board though in case it is not acid free.


  315. My request is a little off topic. The links you put under your videos take us to another page. Could you set them up so they open in a new window? When I look at your links I don’t want to loose the video. I’d like to see what you are sharing along with checking out what you are doing…. if that makes sense. Thanks, I love your videos!


    1. Usually, if you pause the video you are watching, watch the link and hit the return button, it almost always brings me back to where I was.


  316. Hi Lindsey, I have a question about gouache paint. I would lave to be able to use my gouache on the go without having to carry around a bunch of tubes with me, so I was wondering if you can you put it into a travel palette like you can watercolors or will it dry permanent like acrylics do? As always love your videos. Thanks.


  317. Hey Lindsey, I was wondering if you do more watercolor paintings on landscapes or flowers. I’d really like to see more as your tutorials are really helpful and a great way to learn about painting. Do you mind me asking but, what kind of watercolor paper do you recommend using?



    1. I like 140# Arches most but there are many other nice brands. Fabriano Studio, Strathmore 400. Cotman and Canson Montvilleare good budget choices.


  318. Lindsay, I recently discovered the fun and challenge of watercolors. As I am learning to paint with water colors (I am from Spain), would love to paint some of the white architecture from the southern region of Spain, Andalucía.

    Could you do a tutorial on a “pueblo andaluz”? Thank you for your wondeful tips and techniques. I truly enjoy watching your videos.


  319. Hi Lindsay. have only recently discovered your channel and have seen all the flower painting ones…..your love of flowers really comes through! Have a question about the lovely metal watercolour palette you use in Flower Painting video 41 ‘Orchid Watercolour Full Lesson’….where did you get it please?
    Also I searched your channel and I couldn’t find anything (yet) about gouache?… it something you might highlight for us? Have just bought a beginner set to try out but there’s not much on it in Youtube so I’d love to see your relaxed, approach to it,
    Thanks for presenting such an open, friendly and informative channel..


    1. the metal palette came with the paint I used, the QOR watercolor high chroma intro set of 6 colors, they are wonderful paint, about $25 for the set. I prefer transparent watercolor but gouache can be used the same way so try any watercolor tutorials I offer in gaouche, the look with be a softer pastel look but will work just fine:)


  320. Hi, Lindsay! I hane a photo from my trip to the show of an old barn I would love to see you paint. I drove past it several times, and the last time I went past and thought “That’s the last time I will probably ever see that barn”, and kept driving. I made it about a mile down the road and kept thinking what a great painting it would be, and had to turn around and go back to get a picture of it. My camera was a little crooked because there was no place to pull over so I had only a short time to get the shot because the was a car coming behind me. The barn is actually standing straight.

    I would love to seer how to go about getting that lovely image into paper!


  321. I have been crocheting a lot of dish scrubbies with nylon netting and have kept the tiny snippets from trimming in a jar. Besides stuffing them into a mesh bag and making another scrubby from them, do you have any other crafty ideas on what to do with them? Thanks so much for all your instructional videos.


  322. Lindsay, I’m not sure if this is the right place to put this, but I just watched your You Tube video comparing colored pencils. I just wanted to say that from what I understand, the Spectrum Noir pencils are wax-based, not oil based – at least currently. Were the older sets oil-based? Sorry, I couldn’t comment via You Tube because I need some sort of account and I don’t really want to set one up! 🙂 Love all your videos – I’m a relatively new viewer, and I just put two and two together and realized that you have a My Grafico shop… apparently, I’ve been a fan of yours for years without knowing about your videos and blog.


    1. Thanks! the tins that my pencils cam in said Oil Based but it was either a misprint or they were a blend without enough oil to be considered a trie oil based pencils, I do think they are more similar to my Polycolor and polychromos pencils than my prismacolor or coloursoft pencils though so I reckon they have to be partially oil based.


      1. How interesting. Thanks for the feedback, Lindsay. And I agree, in your video the pencils did act more like the oil-based ones than the wax-based ones.


  323. Hi Lindsay, Just wanted to comment with Danielle above about not leaving a comment under your you tube, (but I do tick). I also am asked to open an account and don’t wish to do that, but you have said you check here regularly for comments so guess this is ok. Just to thank you once again for all you do, I always learn something even if your video is not exactly in my area of interest. Stay well and happy. cheers. Joan in Australia.


  324. Hi Lindsay ! Could you please do a video on how to paint in watercolours or watercolour pencils a Greek villa . Thanks so much for all of your videos ! I really enjoy watching them!


  325. Hi Lindsay! I just watched the paper tassel tutorial and wanted to comment, but “comments have been disabled” so tried to find on your blog …? Well, it’s kinda silly, but I think it could maybe be used as a hoola skirt and I could almost see a doll shape? Thought this was pretty neat too. I said it was silly, but I think this idea would make a great skirt for a mixed media project or whatever. Thanks again for sharing your talent!

    Oh! Wait!! One more question, I promise 😉 I’ve googled this but definition was vague, to me any way, and wonder if you can tell me what in the heck is a solvent ink? Obviously, I have an understanding of “solvent,” like to dissolve something, but don’t get purpose of solvent ink? What’s it for? As they say, “if you have to ask …” Thank you very much for your help!


    1. that is weird, I have not disabled comments but youtube has glitches now and then, great idea on a hula skirt! (as long as it does not rain LOL!) A solvent ink is like Staz-on, it is alcohol based and permanent and tu can stamp on metal, glass, ceremic etc. It is like the alcohol ink you get from ranger in a stamp pad.


  326. Hi Lindsay, 3 questions for you – if I may, and also a request please. Being a beginner in water colours I’ve just started to use some decent wat. col. paper (140 lb), not the best quality but a big step up from the rubbish I have been using. Can you tell me is there are right and wrong side to use? Both sides look the same to me on the three brands Im trying, they are all cold press, I do notice one has a more texture on one side. I’ve been using both sides for economy as I still throw the results away, but I would like to know as I mark the back very carefully when I tear off a paper to make sure I use the front.
    Also mixing paints. How do I achieve a very pale pink and a very light grey. By the time I’ve got these colours the tone I want they are far too watery and fade away on the paper. Should I use the dreaded white here? or do you have a better idea. Thanks.
    And lastly, I would so love for you to do a tutorial on basic perspective for use on floral scenes or small projects to use on cards, not the big street scenes and so forth that you would frame. It would be so helpful to see where and why the petals fall more nicely than I can achieve, and how to place flowers in the background so they look balanced. Thanks Lindsay. Stay well and happy. Joan in Australia


    1. Hi Joan, You can use eiither side of the paper:) Most of my tutoruials are aimed at beginners so have a look around:)


      1. Thanks Lindsay, having worked in the printing trade for years I learned to really inspect paper before use. lol.
        Just watched your video, Peacock Birthday Card and you commented that your librarian gave you some old magazines. Well by sheer coincidence I found about 30 old stamping mags. in a junk shop and brought them home. Had a great time reading thru them and seeing the old methods and tools we used (about 10 years ago). I tore out all the articles I wanted to keep (the mags were a bit smelly and old to keep) and now I have two bulging files full of great ideas to use my old stamps. Aren’t we clever ! cheers. Joan in Australia.
        p.s. also loved your card as I have just ordered a peacock stamp (2″ x 6″) to go with my peacock emboss folder and use on bookmarks. bye.


  327. Hi Lindsay. Your video on the new Blendz was very timely. I have a ton of pigment ink pads and refills that I don’t use anymore and I was wondering if I could repurpose them….and then I came across your video. I think I’ll be playing with my pigment ink reinkers to get more use out of them. Your video was great and showed some uses without always using embossing powders. Love your channel – it’s very entertaining and informative.


  328. I love the video about your new camera. What support do you use for your overhead shots of your work table?


    1. I have a stick attached to my ceiling and I attach the camera to it with an elastic strap and velcro. I showed that on the video too:)


  329. Greetings! If and once you have the time, could you make a tutorial on how to use different shapes and sizes of bezels? Whether to put ceramic or glass, for making pendants, earrings, rings and bracelets. Need someone experienced to tell me how to go about the entire process. How to choose the bezel. For example, if I have a round bezel, how difficult or easy is it to find the same size of ceramic tile (a round ceramic tile or an oval sized one) so that it fits in the bezel perfectly. Also, there are different kinds of bezels, one normal where you just place the glass or the bead or the ceramic on it with a strong glue, the other is the one with a fancy border, which after you put the bead/tile, the border kind of comes over the sides of the bead (like a clasp). A little confused as to how to put it in, because clearly it acts like a blockage.
    Also, the best metals to use, mainly brass bezels are pretty common.


    1. I would not call myself an expert, maybe check out Fire Mountain Gems, they have a good selection and many tutorials on their website, I think they would be more helpful to you them me:)


    2. I use bezels for jewelry making for ready made stones but also for casting my own materials out of clay or resin. My favorite sites for iformation are Blue Bottle Brush, Beadaholique, Fusion Beads, and Fire Mountain. For resin casting into bezels, Resin Obsession.


  330. Hi there Lindsay, I just watched your Mini Painting Ruffled Pink Flower, I think you must have done this just for me! (vanity vanity!). Its exactly what I needed to see. The size of your project is the same as mine as I use this size as a “card topper” and then put this away to be used on a card – coordinating my colours etc when needed. This finished size is 5 and 1/4″ x 4″ and this fits into a standard envelope. I loved the way you mixed your pencils with water colour paint and I could see your palette etc and get a good idea of what you were mixing. I also have Albright Druer Pencils and some mid range water colour paints (Cotmans). This has been such a big help to me as Im trying to improve my drawing (therefore not buying so many stamps) and I love the water colouring but need a great deal more practice, all part of the fun. Many thanks again it was such a great tutorial to watch. stay well and happy.
    cheers. Joan in Australia.


  331. Hey Lindsey!
    I’ve watched literally all your watercolor tutorials and I’ve noticed that your techniques have made me become a better painter and they inspired me. One type of painting tutorial I was really looking for was a waterfall watercolor painting tutorial. I didn’t seem to find one. Could you pretty please do a beautiful waterfall scene watercolor tutorial? I would really appreciate it! 🙂


  332. Hi there,
    i just got a pack of “Stabilo Woody 3 in 1 crayons “(i got them in germany, don’t know if they’re available in your country). I just started doodling with them and i think you would totally live them. They arevery thick and react lovely to water. I suggest you trying them, i think they work very good for drawibg that don’t have to be too neat.
    Have a GREAT summer,


  333. Hi Lindsay, Just watched your tutorial “Bird of Paradise Mini Tut”. Really enjoyed this, thanks so much. It addressed some issues I have
    painting on my card size paper. I have found when I try to reduce your finished picture into my size card I lose perspective and proportion but now I can follow this beautifully. I’m very much a beginner. You talked about “backwash” that has definitely been a problem and showing how to place definition after you have dried your flower was just what I’ve been trying to improve on, I seem to really mess up here and I’m never happy with my result. I could see your palette clearly so could guess the gauge of water / paint. I hope you get chance to do tons of these “warm ups” as they are a half day project for me. lol. So a big thanks from me.
    I used to take my camera on my dog walks, but like you – learned very quickly that every time I framed up my picture my dog (Molly 36 kgs of
    Bullmastiff) would give a little tug on the lead. Oh well……. it is, after all
    her walk. Stay well and happy and good luck to your girls on their crafting channel. Cheers from Joan in Australia.


  334. Hi Lindsay, just love your blog and videos! Really inspiring. I was wondering about your basement studio, specifically dealing with lighting and dampness! Thanks!


    1. I use daylight CFLs in aluminum clamp lights from the hardware store. I often open the bulkhead to let fresh air in ad I have a de-humidifier I run if the % humidity is over 40%. I think the lights I run keep the air dryer too, I have not had a problem with any moisture damage. We have a sump pump too to keep everything dry, Basement Systems installed an inside perimeter trench that feeds to the pump, it works great!


  335. Enjoy watching your videos so much! As the Christmas season approaches, please paint more Christmas water color gift tags. They are quick and easy even for a beginner.

    Thanks so much in advance!


  336. Hello! I love your videos and I’ve got to learn so much! I was wondering if you’ve done a watercolor seashell tutorial, and if not, I would love to see one sometime! Thanks for being awesome!


  337. Hi Lindsay, My husband and I would love to see a tutorial on the cost of getting set up in jewelry making. Also where to buy supplies at a good price so you can actually make a profit. What items seem to sell the best, etc. We are going to be selling online our handmade cards as well as original artwork and designs and we would love to add some jewelry pieces but we have no idea how to get started or what we need to get set up. We love to watch you and respect your opinions.


    1. I recomend if you live in the USA to check out Fire Mountain Gems, the more you buy the more you save, they have price drops on quantity and if you are getting started it can reall add up in saving, plus the prices are so good that i know some craft shop that buy from them to resell. Also they are likely to have everything you need. My $5 earrings do better than anything else but I sell in a shop and at craft fairs and not online. The biggest thing would be to get good photos so make sure you have a macro lens for your camera. Try to make something unique and pay attention to color trends in fashion so your jewelry will be what people will want to buy. You can got he eTSY route for a shop and Amazon will have a handmade site going up soon and that is what I would try. Also pinterst is offering “buy” buttons for some people, you can sell for free on Intagram with Inselly and Volusion offers a free facebook store even with the cheapest plan. A lot ot people go for Shopifyt but Volusion is a better deal I think but with either of those you need to set up merchant account with credit card providers. Check out for good tips, she specializes in handmade businesses hand he has lots of free training. She also has a YouTube channel with lots of good stuff.


  338. Hi Lindsey!
    Who do you buy your computer printer ink cartridges from? I think it was someone on ebay. Thanks.


  339. I love your tutorials. They are so informative and entertaining. I have withdrawals if I don’t get my frugal crafter fix each day – LOL. Thanks for all you share with us. I have a request for a video that brings us through all the steps of printing one (or several) of your digital stamps from mygrafiico and using it on a card or other project to completion. Oh, and by the way happy birthday wishes to you and I hope you enjoyed your vacation enormously!
    Mary Ann


    1. And I’d like you to include recommended papers, and ink for printing the digital images. Maybe spacing the image on the page, and mediums that you would use to color the images, etc. Thanks again – Mary Ann


  340. Hello! Thank you for sharing your awesome tips and techniques. I was wondering if you would do a city skyline painting in water colors. Thanks in advance!


  341. I would enjoy seeing you do a pond scene tutorial, I hope you get inspired to do one 🙂 btw the longer the better 😉 lol thanks.


  342. Hi lindsay!
    I would really like it if you could do a video on a 2015 studio tour. I also would like it if you could do another watercolour pencil landscape !
    I really like all of your videos as they are really helpfull ! I would really appreciate it if you could do one of these requests !


  343. I would love to see you do a Rainbow Lorikeet watercolor tutorial. Paint my photo has some great reference photos 😉


  344. Hi Lindsay, Just watched your Easy DIY Beaut Handmade Journal, your so clever and creative. I have tons of 12 x 12 double sided patterned papers here and I wondered if you could give me some ideas on how to use them up, perhaps something like this journal? The papers are much lighter weight and being double sided couldn’t be written on, unless you inserted some blank pages? I would love to be able to use these for something useful to give for small xmas presents. Not necessarily xmas papers though. Maybe a short tutorial? Any ideas for me Lindsay? Welcome back from your holiday, glad you had a good rest, pity (for you) it was not longer. All the best. Joan in Australia.


  345. Hi Lindsay. Like everyone else, I love your videos and unique persona. Perhaps others are just thinking of taking up watercolors or oils as I am. My question (which I searched for but didn’t find any viable results) is about the difference in brushes used for these mediums. I understand the basics, and don’t think I’ll take up oils any time soon, but am so inspired by your watercoloring that I’m itching to try it. I RECENTLY FOUND A SALE ON BRUSHES THAT ARE RECOMMENDED FOR OILS AND ACRYLICS. WOULD I BE DISAPPOINTED IF I BOUGHT THEM AND DEDICATED THEM TO WATERCOLORING? They are hog’s hair, if that makes any difference. It was a good deal, but I don’t want to waste my money. I’m frugal, too. 😉 It may not be a topic for a whole video, but maybe one for AAC. I think you’ve inspired a lot of us to take up watercoloring, even though many of us have never tried it. Thanks for all your videos and wonderful blog. Even if I don’t have an inclination to try a new medium, I love watching everything you offer. You are full of inspiration for so many and your love of teaching and sharing is beyond admirable.


    1. Don’t get hog’s hair for watercolor, they are too hard and scratchy and will damage your paper. Try Nylon or a synthetic sable.


      1. Thanks, Lindsay, for the super fast response. I’ll put your recommendations in my purse and see what I can find. You are one of two blogs/YT notifications I look at right away. You’re the absolute best!!!


  346. Hi, I was watching a tutorial of a gift tag with holly on it from 2013 and was wondering if you could do a video with water colour pencils


  347. Could you do a tutorial on how to paint a water drop/rain drop, maybe on a flower? I work mostly in acrylics, but would be interested to see it done with water colors and copics as well. Thanks! I watch you everyday and have bought many things from your links , hope the companies share the wealth with you! Liz in Massachusetts


  348. Hi Lindsay, Just watched your Stamp School 5: 3 ways with wat. col. pencils. Brilliant ! Thankyou ! A friend asked me to make some cards suitable for youngsters and I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of ideas, I don’t usually make children’s cards. I’ve watched your “Faux Sumi-e Stamped Postcard” as this is the type of card I wanted to create, my love of watercolour points me in this direction. So after watching this Stamp Sch. 5. I’m now bursting with ideas. These are great tutorials, love them so much. I’ve been making cards (and stuff) for over 15 years and I’m never to old to learn new ways. Thanks again Lindsay, as always inspirational ! cheers Joan in Australia.


  349. hi, I tried to ask this before, but I don’t think it went through. With the newest fad being the watercolor powder, could you get the same effect by crushing cheap watercolors, ie. children’s paints? Thanks


    1. it might be hard to get it fine enough, I’d use the cheap tie-dye kits when they go on sale at the craft store, the powder will be easier to use and already comes in bottles. I got a kit of 5 powder colors at Micheals for $5. I tried grating inktense blocks which are much stronger than childrens watercolors and the results were not nearly as bright as dye powders.


  350. Hi Lindsay,

    I like all your videos but I’m always happy when a watercolor or watercolor pencils video pops up. I like the short videos showing how to make the small paintings but also the longer ones demonstrating how to paint the larger detailed paintings.

    I’m still struggling with oil pastels and seem to get less bad each time but I still don’t get it how to apply the highlights. I always thought the whole process was back to forth compared to watercolors so it would be the highlights last but it never works out for me. My highlights are smudged and not pure white. Once I tried out applying them first to make sure the tooth of the paper was blocked by white but it was hard to see where I was drawing on white paper.

    I used to draw with chalk pastels and it was far easier: highlights last and it worked out fine. I am near to chopping off a chip of white oil pastel and pressing it down in place with my thumb to make it stick! Help!


    1. when you are almost done a painting scrape away the pastel where the highlight will go using a palette knife. then the white should stick clearly:)


  351. Hi Lindsay,
    I can’t thank you enough for all of your great videos. I always learn something new no matter what the subject.
    I have a question…I am getting back into watercolors. When my tube water colors dried in the palette, then cracked and lifted off of the palette. I purchased Royal & Langnickel because they were inexpensive, but as of now they are unusable. I don’t even like the color intensity. They are very thin, weak colors. Is there any way to save these? I’ve heard you mention glycerine before, but not sure that this will help. Sometimes when we get cheap stuff, we get what we pay for.

    Thank you in advance for your time! I appreciate you!


    1. do not toss the paint, I use Royal and Langnickle in many of my classes because they are affordable But you do not want to let them dry completely, paint with them strait from the tube, add some water to them, they will work great! Just add a bit of fresh paint to glue the dried paint back in the palette, spritz with water and paint. You can learn a lot for painting with these from the tube and then start buying artist quality tubes one at a time as you run out of R&L and you can afford them. Give them another chance:)


      1. Lindsay,
        You are the best! Your quick reply is appreciated. I can’t believe how much time you spend helping others. You are an angel. I gave the Royal and Langnickle another chance, using them straight from the tube, and it works. Thanks for saving my paints and me money. 🙂


  352. I would like to see you do a card making or any project actually, with the stamps you got in the Joanns and Jerrys haul, I know that was awhile back, but if you liked them/still have them, I”d love to see what you can do with them.


  353. Hi Lindsay, A million thankyous for the colour wheel tutorial. I also have trouble with warm and cool and mixing but I’m more than happy to watch this tut. many times till all that valuable information finally sinks
    into my brain cells. You explain so clearly, thankyou for your patience.
    Stay well and happy. cheers. Joan in Australia


  354. Hi Lindsay, Could I ask you please, on your stamp school tuts could you show us the easiest and best way to use part of a stamp. When I try to colour part of the image by whatever method I use its never a really clean result. The stamp my be flowers with some buds at the top and you don’t want the buds. Or a greeting, and its situated on the stamp so you cant just cut it off after stamping. I hope this is clear, it would be great to watch you do this. Many thanks. Joan in Australia


  355. Hey Lindsay! I’ve been watching your stamp school videos and they seem really awesome. But I’m having a bit of a problem, getting good stamps can get really expensive. I’ve seen your huge stock of stamp binders and I was wondering if you collected all those stamps at the same time or over a period of time. Was it a whole process of buying stamps over a long period of time? I just want to get a bunch of stamps inexpensively, so I am hoping that you can give me a bit of advice on how to carry on getting a plethora of stamps! Thanks and love your videos!


    1. it was over years and years. I find the best deals are at when they have a 40% or 50% off stamping/papercrafting sale which happens often, they have lots of brands online and you can’t beat the price. Try not to go overboard though, collect slowly and you will get a better stash.


  356. Hi Lindsey. My daughter has requested that I make some kind of box to keep her 2 year old daughter’s artwork in. I have been looking on pinterest to find a cool frugal idea, but I haven’t seen anything I like or that was compact and big enough to hold that kind of paperwork. They come home from school with odd size artwork sometimes. Any suggestions on a nice Frugalcrafter diy project for this would be appreciated. Thanks. Cheri


    1. oh boy, wait till you see the pile when your kids are 10 and 12 LOL! I use a big (I mean big) rubbermaid plastic tote and I put the best of the best in there for my 3 kids. Tell your daughter I say “good job” in encouraging and saving her artwork:)


  357. I just wanted to tell you how I made a hinged stamp positioner for less than 15 dollars.
    I bought an acrylic clipboard(dollar store) At Staples a clear wall mount sign
    holder (7×5 $3.79). 2 small hinges at Home Depot. Plastic glue at Home Depot. Finally a little B perfect stamp positioner. I glued the hinges to the Clip board and then to the thinner side of the wall mount. I placed the Little B on the underside of the clipboard so it can be seen through the acrylic. Now it opens and closes at exact place every time. I can just use temp tape to hold my paper down when I am stamping. Maybe you can use the idea on your channel. I really love what you do.


  358. Hi Lindsey,
    As always another great video filled with great ideas. I do have a video idea for sometime in the future. Since I don’t own any traditional stamps, I use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to make a lot of my own designs for my crafting. I would love to be able to sell them as digital stamps. I think it would be great if you could do a video tutorial on how you make and sell your digital stamps. Again great video and I look forward to the next one.


  359. Tech question … Some of your videos I’ve watched are a bit blurry, or turn blurry, then back to clear, then blurry again? Anyone else having this issue? Is the camera focusing in and out or not focusing? (FYI, other you tube channels are clear for me) thanks!


    1. I wonder if you are having bandwith issues or (other people at home using the internet to stream TV and stuff while you are wathcing) youtube will kick you back to a lower res video when that happens so the video can still play. It can also happen during a high usage time in your town when everyone is online watching TV. That is the only think i can think of.


  360. Hello!
    Thank you for all your great videos; they are so very helpful and informative. i was wondering if you could recommend some budget friendly acrylic paints for a some what beginner level painter. Thanks!


  361. Have you ever tried the elegant writer with watercolor? It seems very intriguing, but I don’t really know how to start. I would very much like to see a project using the bleeding elegant writer…when/if you find the time! Thanks. MaryAnn


  362. I have tried the Elegant Writer art and it is fabulous. Karlyn Holman, the artist, has a great tutorial on her website. You can Google her name and get to her site.


  363. HI Lindsay ! Would you do a watercolor tutorial on a japanese garden scene or wisteria ? Your videos made me start to watercolor thank you for all your hard work don’t ever stop 🙂 and Thank you for your time Have a great day evening whatever time you see this . lol


  364. Hi, Lindsey yet another avid fan of the The Frugal Crafter. I am wondering what the difference is between Distress Stains and Distress Ink. Is there a DIY for Distress Stains? I’ve so enjoyed all your videos and have learned ever so much. Diane


      1. Lindsey, thanks so much. You are like the Encyclopedia Britannica of all crafting knowledge. Of the many things I’ve learned from you and your videos, the DIY versions of commercial products are among my favorites. More $$ to spend on the things I can’t make. Thanks again. Diane


  365. I love all your video and can’t get enough of them. I have gone over a few of your watercolor videos but I can’t seem to find one that goes over the different kinds of paper. I was hoping you would do some videos like you did with the stamping school but starting guide to watercoloring and have them numbered so that people can know what order to follow. I did try to search for some and you do have some about stretching and using them on cardstock but I would love to have something that explained more about the paper and best kind of products to use. I do not really understand what the different kinds of papers are. I heard you talk about 90 and 140 but not sure starting out what to use. If you already have these then I apologize I was searching for them but only found the ones explaining stretching and of course your regular ones with the drawings. if you have something already if you could please direct me to them b/c I did search but not sure what to look for. Thanks


  366. Thank you for everything that you do! I LOVE YOUR videos!!! I’m having a terrible time comprehending/ applying the concept of value – light, medium and dark to painting in watercolor. It isn’t that I don’t understand the concept – it’s just that it gets confusing because my brain thinks yellow – light when not always. Also, sometimes red is a dark value. You did a great video of the color wheel a few weeks ago. I’m wondering if you would ever consider doing a video on color value and maybe show how to take the make 5 – 10 colors from a light value to a medium value and then to a dark value. One of the reasons that I want to learn this is of course to make my paintings better, but especially the centers of my flowers better and my foliage in my forest scenes better etc… Thank you for reading, and I hope you have a GREAT day!! I learn something new from you every day!


  367. Quick apology for spelling your name with an ‘e’ twice. That is how my granddaughter’s name is spelled. I’ll be more careful with you 🙂 I’ve just run across a product called Micro Glaze, originally by Skycraft, then Judikins, and now Ranger/Tim Holtz. Have you used it? (I did search your Youtube channel for a video first) I would love a home made version and you’re the DIY queen. Maybe it starts with bees wax? Thanks, LindsAy. Diane


    1. I don’t know what it is, I have not used it. It is pricey, maybe it is like furniture wax, like the home decor wax.


  368. Hi Lindsay,
    I’m thinking about starting my Christmas cards soon (yes, early I know). I would love to be able to incorporate some of the watercolour skills I have learnt from your videos and I was hoping you may like to do a mini tutorial on pine trees. That would be so great, I’m sure I could manage to design my own card around a pine tree scene. As always,
    thanks for all you share on utube and stay well and happy. cheers. Joan in Australia


  369. Hi Lindsay, recently i saw a video of another Youtuber talking about doing product reviews for companies that contact you an offer the product for free in exchange for that particular review
    In the video she says that she will no longer do those because she feels like those companies are using you for your audience withouth having to pay for the publicity like they would have to anywhere else and because Youtube is growing so fast it´s up to the ppl that make the videos to take a stand on the matter and really understand the value that your subscribers have which is more than whatever said product might cost

    I would love to know if you have an opinion on the subject and maybe do a video about that


    1. Hi Souse, I do have an opinion on that. First of all it is up to each creator what their policy will be. If I contacted a company for a sample to review I would not expect to be paid for that but if a company emails me and asks me to make a video demonstrating their product I would charge for my time factoring in my social reach. I am on the “Media List” for several companies (usually because I have used their product in the past for my own enjoyment and it brought them sales) and they send me unsolicited products which I am under no obligation to use, if I like then I do if not I don’t. I do think that skilled designers deserve to be paid for their time (in money, not product) when a company requests a video. blog post or some other work created for show samples etc, that is why I no longer do “design teams.” I think design teams are the place where professional designers are taken advantage of the most. If I work on a design team it has to lead to me teaching a workshop or getting paid for my time because when you divide out the value of the product by the hours spent on projects you are looking at 3rd world sweatshop wages. BUT, there is noting wrong with helping a friend with a company, it is really up to you. The thing that bothers me about design teams is that they expect artists to work for free so they get people just starting out (because pro designers won’t work for free) and then the companies complain that their DT does nothing for them (because they are just-starting out and do not have the social reach or networking/photography/ writing/designing skills of a pro) so they do not want to pay anyone because they do not think it will lead to sales. It is a bad cycle. On the other hand working for free on a DT can give exposure to a new blogger but I get what you say, the companies asking for reviews are targeting larger YouTubers. I am a bit squeamish about “paid review” because if you are being paid you want to show a product in a good light, I do paid tutorials showcasing how to use a certain product because I feel better being paid to design a project and teach it rather than being paid for my opinion. I would send back a rubbish product and would always be truthful about what I thought. There is a lot of grey area here huh? I guess it is up to everyone to figure out what they are worth.


      1. Thanks for the reply it give me another side to look at it
        yes it is true that if they pay you for a review they will expect it to be positive and that limits you to give an honest opinion
        Yeah i totally understand if you know the owner of a new company and want to help them with their product, i was more referring to bigger or more well know companies that aproach youtubers because they realize that it´s a growing channel for publicity
        I guess there is a lot of grey in the matter and depends on each situation


  370. Hi Lindsay, Could you give me your opinion on two products please. I’m just starting out in watercolour and have used Reeves paints and W & N Cotmans. Now Id like to buy some tubes of artists quality paint and
    slowly have the colours I want. I cant afford Winsor & Newton Artist Quality – the price is crazy! Also I find M. Graham very hard to get, I know these are your favourite and I also like them, and they are a good price, but just not readily available. What I can easily buy here in Australia in tubes of watercolour paint are Dale & Rowney 5ml tubes and Art Spectrum 10ml tubes, this being the cheaper brand. Have you used either of these bands? Do you have a preference? Can you suggest another brand. I would like to buy good quality this time. Thanks for your help here. Still loving all you do and so envy you all your energy. wow! cheers from Joan in Australia.


  371. Hi Lindsay, Joan here again (as above). I’ve been wading thru the internet looking for forums on wat. col. paints. So much to read ! Of course Win & Newton Artist Grade came out on top, perhaps I could buy one at a time later on but the tubes are soooo small. M. Graham did very well from what I was reading so I’m going to see if I can get hold of these paints somehow. I would still love your opinion on the above brands, but I also do wish to buy good quality paints this time. No offence to good old Reeves brand. Lindsay – yet another request – could you do a short tutorial on why these paints have Series numbers. I’m lost here…. Series one…… series two….. what’s the difference?? Does it matter? I see there is a price difference when you compare the same colour. Is Series 2 better quality than Series 1.? Sorry to be so long winded here and thanks a million. cheers. Joan in Australia.


    1. Hi Joan, The Cotman paint is better than Daler Rowney and Art Spectrum, I have used all of these. I don’t know what you have available but here are some good brands: M Graham, DaVinci, Yarka, Merimi Blue, QOR, Windsor & Newton, Daniel Smith are all good. Jerry’s Artarama has good prices and ships overseas, I have no idea what the charge is but their prices are great. The series refers to price, the more expensive pigments cost more, often you can get a “hue” which is a synthetic pigment and cheaper.


      1. Thank you so much Lindsay, sound advice that makes things a lot
        clearer for me. thanks again. keep smiling. Joan in Australia


  372. Hi Lindsay. I have a question. When I use my art journal sometimes there is a bleed through on the back of the page from my markers and such. What product can I use to go over that bleed through to make the page fit for another journal page? I have thought of gesso but have never purchased it. And if I used gesso what mediums can go on top of it. I know paint can but did not know if markers would write very well on it or other things like watercolor, colored pencils, ink, pastels, etc.. I hope this question makes sense. Looking forward to your reply and thank you ahead of time. And as always…keep up the great work and I love watching your videos.


  373. Hi Lindsey! I recently found some videos of yours while searching for some tutorials for my Mixed Media art class. After watching you do all these fun journal pages, I am definitely inspired to start my own. So my request would be, what products would you recommend a beginner to have in their arsenal?


    1. oh boy, that is a loaded question LOL! I would pick a waterproof pen, watercolors and chalk pastels I think to begin but also look for supplies that look fun and use what you have.


  374. Hi Lindsey from sunny South Africa. I am 76 and just started with watercolour pencils and paints. I would love it if you could do a tutorial on a rabbit. Love your work. You have inspired me. Cheers for now


  375. Hello! First off a big THANK YOU!!!!! Your YouTube channel is my all time favorite and I truly look forward to your videos – especially the watercolors! 🙂 You really brighten our day! [And thank you for talking through the videos and explaining what you’re doing. So helpful!] Secondly I wondered if you might consider a watercolor tutorial for a stack of coffee mugs for some fun kitchen art? God bless you and yours! 🙂


  376. Hi Lindsay, A quick question for you please. Do you have a recipe for colours to blend from your watercolour paint palette to make a nice light turquoise colour. Thanks for sharing your time and knowledge. Big hug from Joan in Australia.


  377. I love your tutorials! You refer to a site called Paint My Photo, unfortunately an invitation is required to join the site and view the photos 😦 I would love to see what is there but cannot….but I still love your energy and very helpful videos. I need to watch at least one a day 🙂


  378. Hi Lindsay, I actually stumbled upon your channel looking for cardmaking inspiration. I’m a crocheter and loom knitter but have recently gotten back into creating cards for my church and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if you could do a video on your recommendations for supplies for beginning cardmaking. I searched your channel to see if you had already done a video on this but I didn’t see one. Anyhoo, love your energy and passion, it really comes through on your videos!


  379. When you can, please go to the Blending Video you did recently and answer my supply question regarding Darice’s “foam mushroom” blenders that come twenty to a pack. You highlighted them as dense and useful. Thanks!


  380. Hi Lindsay, Please please please could you draw / water colour a pine tree for me so I can start my xmas cards. I can sponge a background and stamp in little pine cones etc but I need the basic (simple) shape of a pine tree without snow. It would save me having to buy a stamp, which I cant find anyway. I know your very busy and I’m sorry to be a pest. Hope you can oblige. Stay happy and well. Joan in Australia.
    p.s. loved your girls ‘new’ room, wish all mums were like you, the world would be a much happier place.


      1. Thank you. when I tried to post a comment to your recent mosaic frame project the captcha value prevented it. I’m sure 3-2=1. I was wondering where you got the mosaic tiles. Also, yes, please do a stamp carving tutorial. Very much interested.


        1. huh, that is weird…the tiles were from the craft store years ago. You can use brocken dishes, sea glass or flat backed marbles too!


  381. I found this rub-on making recipe. Not sure where online that I found it. Have you tried anything like this?

    Create your text in Photoshop using 720 resolution.
    Flip the text in photoshop to print the text backwards.
    Or maybe use flip horizontal setting on the printer.
    Use overhead projector transparency sheets to print on–Staples has. Set up printer to output 720 dpi.
    Run the transparency thru the printer to print on the glossy side.
    Use the burnisher with up and down strokes to transfer the text, not sideways.


  382. Hi Lindsay, I need your help. I have been watching your Youtube tutorials for about 2 years now. I am a watercolorist and have won a couple of ribbons for what I call a semi-realistic style. I need your help in changing watercolor style.You can see some of my work on my facebook page, The style I want to learn eludes me as how it is painted. Here is the style I want to learn. Can you do a tutorial on how this is done?

    Best regards
    Richard McKinney


  383. Hi Lindsay! First of all, thanks for sharing your art with us, it’s great!
    I’d really love to see you painting a red panda in watercolor or inktense 🙂 Greetings from Europe!


  384. Hi Lindsay! Thank you for sharing your gift, and for all the honest reviews, and expert tips you share on your tutorials! I have heard of using eyeshadows like chalks — would love to see a tutorial or 2 on different ways to use eyeshadows in card making – thanks so much!



    hi lindsey…..this is actually for transfers that i used since the 1970’s. i use clear contact paper 4 transfers instead of packing tape. you will not be limited by size and contact paper is less shiny. plus you can get clear in diamond texture.

    evie ;D


  386. Hi Lindsay, I have fallen in love with pencil crayon coloring. Is there a white pencil that is opaque, that I can use to highlight and to put snow on the roof?


    1. the coloursoft by derwent is really white and good quality, also Prismacolor but that white breaks a lot. I’d go with Coloursoft.


      1. Thank you so much. I will try the Coloursoft and let you know what happens. And thanks for your quick response. I always know I can go to you for good advice.


  387. Hi! I just recently discovered your videos on YouTube. I’m a mom of six and it’s hard to find the time to paint, do you have any ideas on fun and easy watercolors that I can use and include the kids. I’ve just got a set of watercolor pencils from my husband and I would love to see some sort of dream scape. How cool would that be?! Thanks and keep up the good work!


  388. Hi Lindsay, Yet another request from Joan in Australia. Could you please do a tut. on a sponged beach background, perhaps the waterline and sand dunes. So many stamps I could use if I could do a simple sponged background. My watercolour skills are not up to standard yet lol. Many thanks (once again). Hope your over your head cold and feeling great. cheers from Joan.


  389. Hi Lindsay, I have really enjoyed the stamp school and have learned so much. I do have a request maybe for a future video. Could you please explain to us the card sizes. I really don’t understand when someone says “A4” and such. Also the sizes to cut the cardstock and the sizes for the layers. If you already have a video on this then please show us the link in one of your stamp school videos. I appreciate all the time you use to show us these really cool things!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  390. Hi Lindsay,

    I was wondering if you have ever used the Faber-Castell PITT pens (either the big brush or the regular) and what you think of them, compared to something like Copic?



    1. they are a different animal, the regular ones have longer lasting tips where the big brush tend to fray. They are permanent when dry BUT you can blend them with water until then


  391. Thanks for the photos, dear Lyndsay amd for all the great content and the wonderful energy you share with us!!!
    Watching you paint and talk is uplifting, inspiring and also takes me to a happy and calm state of mind, thanks so much for this!
    please paint and teach the flowers, and the pumpkins and more birds , PLEASE!!! ❤


  392. Love your videos…have learned a lot. But I am having a hard time figuring out where to post questions. How does someone get in touch with you???? I am not “web/blogger savvy”. I am lucky I can turn on a computer! Please help me out here!!!!


    1. Hi Lindsay. I do have a request. I saw your post on Tim’s video concerning the 10$ for Youtube. I know it is not exactly your domain of expertise but you seem to understand this new “thing”. I personally don’t understand anything can you explain it to me please ? thank you. Pay or not to pay, that is the question (and why). Many thanks in advanced.


      1. You tube is rolling out an optional plan that let’s people pay $10 to watch YouTube ad free. Nothing will change if you don’t want to pay. You just will see the ads:)


        1. ok thanks, and what about the money we get when people see an add. I have a Youtube channel and Tim says that we won’t have anything any longer if we do not sign in. Is this correct ? I don’t get it.


  393. Hi Lindsay, I have a question about Deep Red stamps. I recently purchased several from Joann’s. Do I need to trim the extra rubber around the stamp image? I wanted to ask you before I did anything. Thanks!!!


  394. Hi Lindsay,
    I bought a stamp that I thought I was going to make Christmas card from. It is Tim Holtz’ Santa Letter. It is this one:
    Not this one:

    It is a small stamp at about 2.5″ x 3.5″. I cannot think of how to make a card out of this. All of my previous cards that I have made at just one layer cards. I’m a beginner. I think this card needs layers and a background, but I can’t think of what or how I can do this.

    I know you may not have this particular stamp, but if you have something similar that might guide me. It doesn’t even have to be a Christmas stamp.

    Ugh. I should not have bought a stamp that I didn’t have a vision for. I usually buy stamps that I can “color in” with markers or watercolors.
    Any help you can provide will be so immensely appreciated.

    Thank you,
    Pam in Michigan


  395. Hi Leslie! I watch your videos all the time! I have a request. I’d love to see a video on how to create a weekly planner. I love the Erin Condren planners but I simply can’t afford one! I have cancer and am now on LTDI until I beat this thing and money is a little tight! Shipping to Canada has made purchasing one impossible for me. I’d love to see your take on how to create one that will give me the feel of that style of planner without the cost. I’d also love to see a video on DIY planner stickers! I’ve seen some recipes on lick able sticker glues, but I’m not sure how to create the stickers! I’ve thought about buying a printable planner from Etsy, but would want to take it to staples to print. Or maybe, you have some alternative planner ideas? Thanks so much!


  396. Hi Leslie. I’ve got another question/request…lol.. I have recently fallen in love with card making but I don’t have all the die cutting equipment etc that I see on so many videos. I’m wondering if you have any ideas on simple, no frills ways to make cards for birthdays, Christmas etc. DIY stamps would be great! Right now, I am drawing all my images by hand. I’m trying to save up for a Cricut explore air but I probably will have to wait till after Christmas. Just thought you might have some awesome ideas. Thanks


  397. Lindsay,

    Have you ever tried to paint with lipstick. I have a lot that I was going to toss, but I googled to see what else I could do with it. I could use it to remake new lipstick pods, but I don’t care for the colors. The other thing that came up was the Lipstick Artist, she paints with lipstick. I figured they were probably like a gelato/gel stick. I tried some of the lipstick on just some index cards to see I could see how it would react with the paper and if it rubbed of. For me it I did a swipe and left it alone and then the next swipe I blended into the paper and it dried quickly and did not wipe off. So I thought I would ask if you could do a video on how to paint with or use old or not the greatest color lipstick. How acid free would it be and how would you protect the artwork you made with the lipstick. Is it cost effective over gelatos/gel sticks if that would be what they were close to being like? Or can you melt them down and add them to palette of paint? I am so curious as to what ways you come up with using lipstick in arts and crafts.



    1. I have not, I don’t think it would last, it would probably be similar to gelatos but I think the oils might leave oil spots.


  398. I am looking for a video, or tutorial, on how to make dimensional paint, something a little thinner then what is usually available, so I can do thin, sharp lines…if possible…


  399. Hello, I love your last video on Crocheting the Cowl. I loved it but I got a little confused on the second row but I still loved it. I have been searching for a great video on finger-less gloves and I hope that if you have time you would make a video on doing that. I am really wanting to find a material that is really soft. I live with nerve pain in my hands and arms and most of gloves made at the store are to big or always have a inside seam (sp) line that hurts my hand and I am needing one that doesn’t cover my fingers due to the nerve pain of course is why I am looking for the finger-less kind. lol
    I would love to see what you can come up with. I would love to learn how to make it were it can go above my elbow, I am not sure if you would need to have a stretch material or just add rows to adjust for the bigger part of my upper arm. I have never done something like this and I apologize if I am using the wrong terminology for crocheting. lol I know you have a lot of request but if you know of any good videos or if you find time I would really love that and it would help me out so much.
    Dawne Caldwell


    1. hmmm, I think that you might be better off sewing fleece gloves rather than knitting or crocheting, it would be a slow project on double pointed needles with fine yarn and I think it would be too advanced for me to do let alone teach.


      1. thank you for getting back to me and I understand as you can see I do not know anything about sewing so I wasn’t sure how to even begin doing that. I am happy you let me know. I have been searching for someone who can help me make them b/c I am not sure my hands would let me do that kind of work anyways but I am glad I asked thank you.


  400. Hi Lindsey,
    Love your videos. Thanks so much.
    Years ago (probably 20+) I had an art teacher teach us how to paint with oils on glass ball ornaments. Anyway I am having a hard time finding info on doing this again. Do you have a video on this? Linda


    1. huh, that is new to me, was it a folk technique like rosemalhing? Or did you put the paint on the inside of a clear ball?


        1. the seller changes, it is different people selling on amazon, I just search “HP02 generic ink cartridges” and see who has them, replace the HP02 with the kind of cartridge you need.


  401. Hi there, I would love to know how to watercolor a cherry blossom..I have tried and searched other you tube video’s and alas, nothing is worth trying…help 🙂


  402. Hello, I’d love a tutorial on how to paint a ship (or a sail boat) at sea, preferably with watercolors. Thanks for the inspiring channel!


  403. Hey Lindsay,
    I recently came across a technique called, “Caught in Crystal”. The few videos i saw asked for fancy stuff to do it. Do you think it can be done by easily available stuff instead of buying new expensive stuff? Also are alcohol inks compulsory for this technique? Would love to see a tutorial from you for this!
    Thanks, Aastha


  404. Hi Lindsay,
    Have you tried yet your new gelli plate from Stampendous ? I would like to buy one because much cheaper than the original one. Could you make a video using to see if it is as versatile ? Thanks


  405. Hi Lindsay! My Mom told me about your u-tube channel about 2 years ago and I enjoyed your videos so much I watched all of them from your beginning video and now I am watching them all again! You are such a joy to watch and, like thousands of others, I look forward to your new video each day. I do have a request. (I know you have so many!)

    Would you be kind enough to explain how to use colored pencils alone. Like how hard or soft do we color and why is it that you can color with them and not get any more color? Are they supposed to leave flakes on your paper? I know you say use what you have and I do that, it’s just that it seems the videos I see have them being used with other mediums which is nice but if you could do something about tips and tricks with only the pencils. Maybe student to mid-grade? It would be such a wonderful help!

    I know you do a lot with watercolor pencils and they are all excellent-it’s just not something you can do if you don’t have water with you or watercolor pencils. I like to color in stamps with them and know they would be better if I knew more technique.

    I’m sorry this is so long. I hope you consider this because others could benefit from your knowledge on this subject also
    Thank you for your time and thank you so much for all of your videos and sharing and visiting with all of us! Your videos are one of the bright parts of my day and I truly mean that! Sincerely, Teresa Thank you again!


  406. Lindsay, Can you make a video showing how to make a homemade version of the Misti Stamp Tool? Love your videos. I have been watching them since about 2010. Keep them coming. Thanks for all your hard work, classes and helpful information.


  407. Hi, Lindsay! Not sure if this will make it to a video or not, but I have a request. I have been going back and forth between watercolor painting and acrylic painting for several years now, which is totally great. However, I would love for you to do a small, simple subject in both acrylic and watercolor at the same time, and talk about the differences in the two mediums and why you might think, “this would look great as a watercolor painting!” or “I can just see this in acrylics!” I just think it would be fun to hear your thinking process and your preferences. Thanks!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I think that’s a great idea. I’m basically an oil painter but have been learning watercolor and have also worked with acrylic. I think it would be great to see comparison of all three mediums – watercolor vs acrylic, acrylic vs oil, oil vs watercolor. If anyone can do it, Lindsay, you can!! You ROCK!!!


  408. Hey Lindsay. 🙂 Greetings from germany, I found your Youtube-Channel a couple of weeks ago and was super exited, of how understandable and inspiring your videos and tutorials are. Thanks for reviving my love in drawing and painting. 🙂
    And I have a liddle request or wish. I’d like to do a not too detailed watercolorpainting of our dog, who ist quite old, as a memory for when he will pass away.
    I already have a simple sketch of how it should look. BUT my beloved furry friend is a Gordon setter and has a nearly complete black fur. And now I’m a little overchallenged by trying do do the black fur without letting him look like a black painted wall. Is that even possible? I hope, you understand, what I mean, it has been a long time since i wrote my last english text. 😉
    So, my request ist: Could you do a tutorial of how to paint a long, unicolored fur?
    Sincerely yours, Nicola.


  409. More like a question…I watched your two videos on transferring designs to tiles with xylene. I am using a copy I ran off on a Brother MFC laser printer, a white ceramic tile, and a chartpack xylene pen and the image just isn’t transferring.
    What on earth am I doing wrong????? I double checked by re-watching your videos…and I swear I am doing exactly what you’re doing…but nothing is transferring. Spent a fortune on that stupid laser printer and it not only won’t print (it does copy, tho)…I can’t use the copies to transfer. I am totally confused and don’t know what to try next. Help please!


      1. Absolutely…just ordered more toner for it. I do have a request into Brother to find out if it has changes its formulation of its toner over time…but they haven’t answered me…they probably think I’m nuts! But I did read somewhere that both Brother and HP had gone to an epoxy-based toner and I don’t know what that means (I am NOT a chemist) or if that makes a difference or not. Do you know what that means?


  410. Hi Lindsay! I just watched the Flower die set with the watercolor crayons used on the stamps. I have watercolor pencils and the Peerless watercolor papers. I have a very small scrapping space so I have to be careful what tools I add to my arsenal. Money is also an issue. Can you do a video or blog showing the difference between the watercolor paint tubes, crayons, pencils, dry kid cakes, Kuretake Gansai Tambi 36 Color Set Japanese Traditional Solid Water Colours and watercolor markers? I would probably use the watercolor for stamping the most. I have debated whether to get the Spectrum Noir Watercolor markers, but space and cost have stopped me. Any guidance would be appreciated. Oh, I am NOT an artist, so painting is not an issue, just stamping, card making and backgrounds for scrapbooking. I like the idea of using them with stencils, something the pencils and peerless can’t do. Thanks again for taking the time 🙂


      1. So exciting! Everyday I look to see what you have come up with in watercolors. How nice you are to take the time. There are so many Christmas kits going on sale in the next month or two, I may be able to get what will work at a discount. I do have the Faber C. metallic gel stick set. I wish there were more colors available. The Prima oil pastel crayons seem so bright. I can’t wait to see how the regular watercolor crayons compare. TOO MANY CHOICES!! Thanks again!


  411. Hi Lindsay, i was wondering if you would consider doing a video where different people send you a picture of something they are painting, or have paint, and you give your opinion on what they could do to improve it or how they could have done something different or change something in the composition.
    I Find that learning from “mistakes” you make is the best way to improve, or by looking at the suggestions you make to other people you can also learn a lot.

    I´m pretty sure a lot of your viewers would like your opinion on their work and it would be a video that involves your audience.

    Liked by 1 person

  412. Hi, I keep looking for a cheaper alternative for the foil used in heat embossing (like with a Minc but I use a laminator). Do you think the metallic film Papermart sells would work? Thanks



  413. HI lindsay.

    I love your u tube channel!

    Do you have any papermart promo codes you could give me?

    I love their stuff but -yikes is it expensive,

    Thanks again for the great crafty ideas



    1. Papermart does not have promo codes, it may seem expensive but you are getting bulk amounts, some items come in smaller quantities, just look for the smaller quantities tap on the order page of items you want.


  414. Lindsay, I have bought denatured alcohol, mineral spirits, glycerin, and polycrylic. Question, what do you use these things for? I know you have a glycerin video and loved it, I have watched it many times. I , however, could not locate any videos on what or how to use the denatured alcohol and mineral spirits. I am not sure what to use the polycrylic for other than dipping paper beads into to make them strong and waterproof. Any videos you can direct me to or lists would be helpful. And if you have time to make some videos for those other chemicals like you did the glycerin would be amazingly helpful. Have a great weekend.


  415. QUESTION: Hot glue sticks- What have you used the colored or glitter hot glue sticks for? You mentioned them on a haul video awhile ago, so curious as to the uses you’ve found.


  416. Hey Lindsay I’ve got a question. Can the Ranger Mulit Medium Matte be thinned down with water? I couldn’t find the bottles of it at All they had was the small jar of it so I got it and put it into a fine tip applicator and I am having a hard time squeezing it out. I mean hand shaking and cramping hard time. What’s your thoughts on it? In the videos that I have watched of crafters using the product they don’t seem to be having the trouble I am. I am using the same applicator they are. I just don’t want to mess the glue up. It’s kinda pricey. Thanks for your help.


    1. it should thin fine but to be safe take a small amount on and put it on a palette and add a few drops of water and see if it mixes in, if it mixes in smoothly then go for it a little bit of water at a time.


  417. Hi Lindsay!
    Let me begin by saying how thankfull I am for your video’s. I’ve learned so much! There is however something that I’m really struggling with. I have a hard time drawing correct tonal values. My lights are never light enough and my darks never dark enough so there is little contrast. I have a hard time seeing values especially in colored pictures and in real life. Could you give some tips on how to improve on this? Thank you so much! Cheers


    1. I suggest putting your darks in first that way you have the darkest dark and the lightest light (the paper) and if there is not strong contrast at this stage darken the darks and everything else will fall into place:)


  418. I love all your videos! I have a ton of stickers from when I collected them when I was young and don’t really know what to do with them. I was hoping you might do some sort video on how and where to use them in cards or other projects. Also I was wondering if you have an opinion on prismacolor watercolor pencils? Thank you!


    1. I don’t use stickers much at all, in fact I gave most of mine away to kids who would use them. I think the prismacolor watercolor pencils are not the best quality and expensive, for the same price you can get Derwent and I feel those are better quality, just my opinion though:)


  419. Hi Lindsay, Just looking back to some of your older utubes. In March 2013 you recommended the Big Shot as the best machine (in your opinion). Would you still hold to that? I have the chance to buy a die cutting machine for xmas and would really appreciate your opinion.
    Also I did make a comment on your chook situation, I don’t know where that comment ended up (lol) . I think your chook has a disease that is pronounced as cock-sil-a-doses. Its a kind of flue and the main sign is a dirty bum. I nurse my chooks through this and always wash their bums as part of the process. Mostly they survive, don’t give too much yogurt as that could add to their discomfort. Good luck. You can tell when a chook is going to be ill as their cone will flop over to the side and go very pale in colour. Good luck to chookie from Joan in Australia.
    Thanks Lindsay.


    1. Yes, I will recommend the Big Shot, mine is still going strong after YEARS of daily use. I have the regular one, there is now a big shot pro that takes wider dies but mine handles all of the dies I have. Rosie has a rose comb so it was not floppy but it was pale but it is nice and red now. I think she was weak and her bum was dirty because she would not stand to use the bathroom. She has been bathed and she has stayed clean. I have been giving her oatmeal today and water. Tomorrow I will mash up some of her chicken feed pellets with water and feed her that. I have not seen any sign of parasites, ticks/mites or worms so maybe. Do you give the chickens anything for the flu? Honestly she looks fine but she acts a bit out of it like she forgot how to be a chicken.


  420. I’m so excited for your upcoming Christmas tutorials! :)) Thank you for doing them. I had an idea today – I really would LOVE to have a Christmas village set up in my house, but I can’t afford to buy a Christmas village this year so I will have to start looking at yard sales next year. However, I saw where some people use cereal boxes and templates and make them. Have you ever done this? Do you have any resources on making Christmas villages? Or even better would you do a tutorial on how to make your own Christmas village? THanks!


      1. I guess like anything it could depend…I was thinking like 5 x 5 inch bases with maybe varying heights depending upon the type of building…maybe 6-9 inches? Maybe a street scene with lamp posts, City hall, a couple of stores – toy store, candy store, general store, post office, Church, a couple of houses and/or a court house, maybe ice skating rink or a park with a Christmas tree…I’m just dreaming big 🙂 It could also maybe be something miniature. I thought it would be easy to decorate with the fake white snow from Joann’s or Michaels and add some battery operated small candles inside the houses to make them light up and battery operated Christmas lights. I’m just not sure on creating the templates/and or the simplest or best way to decorate the houses to make them look pretty and less like cereal and oatmeal boxes. Thanks for considering it!! I think you are amazing 🙂 and your work really inspires me!!! Because of you – I have been painting everyday of 2015 …you inspired me to step outside my fear and be creative!


  421. Hi! I have a bunch of the Dylusions, etc. spray inks, but I never use them because they make such a big MESS. Do you have any ideas on how to use them differently besides spraying? Love your videos! Thanks!


  422. Hi Lindsay, thank you for all the amazing videos and amazing tips. Do you have some ideas for frugal party favors for 40 preteens (11-12 years old). I want to budget at CDN 5.00 per gift. Even at this seemingly frugal budget, it does add up fast! Many thanks for all your help. Xo


    1. if it was girls I’d go to the dollar tree and get 4 nail polishes and a nail grooming kit, for boys maybe a survival kit with a flashlight (.99) bandaids and other survival stuff that you can buy in bulk and divvy up. Depending on the theme of the party you could do other things too, check out oriental trading co for ideas too!


  423. Hi Lindsay I was wondering if you’d be able to give us a list of supplies we would need to paint/craft along with you in your live videos that we could get ready before hand. I think it would be fun to craft right along with you!!!


  424. Just a tip. I found that Darice sells a bead storage box that is ideal for storing Dew Drops and mini Tim Holtz. I found item at Walmart, and it was really inexpensive. It helped me out. It keeps one from digging through a basket, pouch or box.


  425. Hi Lindsay,

    I was wondering if you had ever made your own wire wrapping jig? I did a search on your youtube channel but did not find anything.

    I want to dabble in it so I don’t want to make a ton of purchases if it isn’t something I really like.

    Thanks for any information you can provide


  426. Hey Lindsay…I’ve got a question. I am working on Christmas Cards and I’m using silver metallic pigment ink and it’s not drying. I have tried heat setting it with my embossing gun and I’ve tried using clear embossing powder on it, but it doesn’t even stick to it. I’m not sure what else to try. The ink is Stampabilities brand. Is there anything else I can do? On the back of the ink pad it says that heat setting it speeds up drying time. How long should I heat set if for? Thanks for any help.


    1. I was able to figure it out. My clear embossing powder was super old so I went to Hobby Lobby today and bought some new powder. I also tried the Color Box brand of silver metallic ink and it did a lot better when I embossed it. 🙂 Thanks.


  427. Love your videos! Would you please do a review on the Viva Decor Inka Gold? It’s a fantastic medium that can be used as a paint or watered down and used as a watercolor.


  428. Will you consider doing a card or craft in October next year each day to celebrate the 31 days of Halloween Lyndsay style? Also I’d love to see more stamped cards using stamps from Lost Coast Designs and Caremen’s Veranda their stamps are so quirky and cool. Just basic stamping is fine. I just love everything you do with their stuff.


  429. Hello Lindsay, I love your videos, they’ve taught me so much! Is there any chance you could do something a little different and paint a French cafe scene (with no people), or a french street? I’m getting pretty good at flowers and landscapes, but I’d really like to paint some architecture and such. Thank you!


  430. Hi Lindsay
    Would you consider doing a water color Flamingo? I think they are delightfully tacky and would love to make some cards of them for my crafty friends as they always make us smile! As do you!!


  431. Hi Lindsay! I’ve been a fan of yours for a couple months now; ever since I was interested in watercolor and watercolor pencils. I have a request/challenge for you, and I know you have already done these two, but I just want you to choose one of them. Lol! Completely in watercolor pencil, can you do a Siamese cat or a orange/yellow lily? I have a daughter named Lily and would really love this! But if not, that’s okay. 🙂 I love your artwork and look forward to see more!


  432. Hi Lindsay!

    I know you’ve showed us how to cut mats and mat watercolor/colored pencil/pastel pieces, but I don’t believe you’ve showed us how to mount to foam core and frame. I have a few paintings I’m giving this year, one of which I’m mailing from Pennsylvania to California, so I’d love to at least mount it for my friend after matting or tell him how to. Thanks!


  433. I am having trouble finding a paper that will work with alcohol markers…what do you use? Cardstock just doesn’t seem to work at no matter which one I use they must sink in and won’t blend worth a darn. I am also having trouble blending my watercolor markers…even on watercolor paper…and I have both the spectrum aqua markers and the spectrum noir markers so I am not using cheap markers. I am frustrated and disappointed since both of these sets cost a pretty penny.


    1. I use Neenah cardstock and it works well for alcohol markers and watercolor paper for watercolor markers. Make sure towork on the paper dry though and add water when you want to blend. It takes practice:)


  434. I use Hammermill’s Color Copy Digital Cover paper (100 pounds). It blends like butter with alcohol-based markers and is cheaper than Neenah’s (about $22 for a ream of 250 sheets). Love it!


  435. My friend’s little girl is 9 years old, and she wants to do sculpey clay modeling of little scenes and animals. Can you recommend some basic tools and materials I should get her? I don’t have very much experience with clay. Thank you!


  436. I saw a video of foiling laser printing with a special heating machine. She also mentioned using a laminating machine. Do you know if we could use an iron? Or heating the printed surface from the reverse side? I looked on your site and couldn’t find a related video. Did I miss one? Thank you!


    1. I think you can use an iron as long as you buy the foail designed for the minc machines. That is a trend I have not been into BUT I grabbed some foiled paper so I could play with it without the cost of a machine): Micheals had some $5 12″x12″ printed foil pattern cardstock so I thought I’d give it a whirl:)


  437. Hi, I am needing a LOT of help making cards with ONLY 12 pencils, textas, stickers, coloured paper and just normal highlighters. I’m 13 years old, and those are ALL the supplies I have. Please help me. Thanks soooooooo much


    1. try tea-bag folding, you use small squares of paper to fold pretty medallions. It looks lovely ad you don’t need many supplies.


  438. Hi Lindsay, I was wondering if you have a home made substitute for the Fantastix Colouring Tools, these are a great little tool but not that cheap here in Australia. A cotton bud does not do the job. And lastly, but most important, I would like to wish you and your family a wonderfully Merry Christmas and safe and healthy New Year. Greeting from Joan in Australia


  439. Enjoyed your video on the projects from coloring pages AND the beaded tassel you used for the bookmark caught my eye, too. Would you do a video on beaded tassels similar to the one you received from your friend in India? I see you have some tassel videos for earrings and such, but a beaded one would be lovely! Thanks for considering and Merry Christmas.


  440. Dear Lindsay, I love your videos. I think you are a wonderful artist and have wonderful happy energy. I have subscribed to your YouTube channel and your blog and watch your YouTube videos regularly.
    Please consider reviewing the St. Petersburg White Nights pan paint sets. I love the plastic palettes they come in – wish I could buy the palette alone, but also the paints seem very vibrant. I watched two youtube video reviews – both of the reviews showed the person speaking mainly and showed very little of the palette and the painting experience. Your videos are much more informative and helpful. Thank you.


  441. Hi Lindsay, I’ve been wanting to ask you. I have Gelatos (Gel Sticks) here and from my first attempt at using them I’ve found them difficult.
    I rub some on a palette and take to wet water colour paper, but I never get that nice creamy result that you mention. Mine don’t seem “creamy” to me and the brush comes away with tiny lumps of colour in the hairs. If I just scribble some colour onto the paper then it looks scratchy, not smooth. Any ideas? I ve had these about 18 months and they are stored properly but definitely not a creamy consistency. I was considering the microwave for a few seconds. Any ideas please? A big Merry Christmas to all your family and have a safe and healthy New Year. Here’s to a wonderfully “crafty” 2016. cheers. Joan in Australia


    1. sounds like they may be older stock and dried out. Maybe spritz them with water, recap and let sit right side up overnight and see if it helps. Just a light mist of water though:)


      1. thankyou Lindsay, I also thought they may have been old stock. I’ll give your suggestion a try. Thanks for your time. cheers. Joan


  442. Hi Lindsay, Hope you had the best ever Christmas and thanks for all the effort and time you have put into keeping everything rolling along with your tutorials etc. I have two problems I would love your advice on please. I would love to use gold foiling on my cards. I don’t have a Minc machine or a laminator and I don’t wish to purchase these, Ive tried a hot iron with no success and a few other methods but I’m just wasting the foiling, which here, in Australia is not cheap. Could you do a tutorial on using foiling without the use of the above mentioned machines, any ideas please? My second “please help” request. Next year 2016 I’m going to purchase a new printer, something I have not done for about 10 years (mine has been so good) I want a decent printer that can print out good photos with good colour repro. Ive never had a laser printer is this something I should be looking at rather than an inkjet? Could you offer some advice based on experiences you have had. I know you did a tut. some time back regarding printers. What would be your top priorities when purchasing? So many things to think of. Id so appreciate your input so I can have a list of questions to ask when I’m out shopping. I know I want a printer that will take card and uses inks I can afford. This is the reason I don’t wish to purchase a machine for the foiling.One purchase is enough for now. Thanks Lindsay, sorry this was so long. Have a safe New Year. cheers Joan in Australia.


  443. Hi Lindsay,I really want to get into scrapbooking but I don’t know what to get.I don’t want to go shopping and buy something that I will never use.So if you had the time could you maybe do a scrapbooking 101, a beginners scrapbooking video or an essential scrapbooking products video.
    -Hannah Kelleher.


  444. Hi Lindsay, I just watched your tut. “No Scrap Left Behind” You mentioned home made paper. Ohhh please ! could you do a tutorial for us please !! I would love a basic guide to start me off and its such a
    good way to use our scraps, as you say: These are good scraps of high quality and a shame to waste. This would be very exciting. Any time I’ve looked at this idea it seems to involve lots of special trays and sieves and equipment so I have not taken it any further. I would love this if you ever get the time. As always, thanks Lindsay. cheers. Joan in Australia


  445. Happy New Year! I’m not sure if you’ve covered this before, but I was wondering if you could talk about brushes and glue. What kind of brushes should you use for glue, and how do you clean them? As always, I find all of your posts wonderfully inspirational! Thanks so much! –Lael


  446. Can I turn my Distress Ink Stains with dauber tops into Ink Spray Stains? Do I need to dilute them? Where can I get tiny spray bottles in quantity. The ones at my Dollar Store are too large and those Ranger Mini Misters are too small.


  447. Madly waving just like Lindsay! Hi !!! New subscriber in honeymoon stage with your channel. Love it, Love you! Happy New Year! If I had my Lindsay wish it would be for a couple of watercolor tutorials — one of a frost polar bear scene (with cubs too, of course!) — and two (for later this year) a lovely mermaid watercolor interacting with a seahorse friend. Love to you and yours, Peg


  448. Hi Lindsey! I have a question that I have never heard you talk about. I have some old-probably 10 to 14 year old-Zig Memory System markers. They say pigment ink, acid free, archival quality, lightfast, waterproof, fade proof, non-blending on the marker.
    Can these be refreshed? I’ve seen you demo a new product called Zig Kuretak? (not sure of spelling) Are they similar?
    Most of them seem just fine but the paler colors not so much. Since I have never heard or seen you use these memory system I’m kinda not sure if I should mess with them. Can you help please?
    Thanks in advance and thank you for replying to an idea I had about scraps! I was very honored to have a comment back!
    Have a wonderful day and I hope to hear what to do! Thank you again!
    Sincerely, Teresa

    Liked by 1 person

  449. hey lindsey, i wondered if you used/reviewed the silhouette mint? i tried searching for a video but did not have any luck. i would love to see what you think, i have high regard for your reviews. in addition i wondered if you had some ideas on ink options. other reviews ive seen have attempted other inks (did not work well) and tried blending their colors to make new but did not have success.. id love to hear your input on the machine, bringing in your own digital images and the ink colors/diy possibilities. thank you!


  450. love your videos. I agree – please do a video on night sky OR aurora borealis (northern lights)etc i use a white pen for the stars janice from Victoria BC Canada mastercrafter1.


  451. Hi Lindsay! I am Zoi from Greece. I found your YouTube channel almost by accident when I was looking for a video-tutorial on how to make a bird’ s pendant. And that was it… I fell in love with your videos instantly. Especially with drawing flowers in watercolors and watercolor pencils. My goal is to try and watch all of your videos in a month or so. I am doing pretty good by now. There has been almost 7 years since I last painted anything. My mothers death made me depressed. But you made me want to draw again. You are a big and such a sweet inspiration for me. You make me smile and get up and create. I want to THANK YOU SO MUCH because you made me see the colors in life again! I am wondering if you could do a video on how to draw a fairy (perhaps in watercolor pencils). And I have a second request (i’ m sorry if I ask a lot of you). I have a small dog, a Chihuahua to be exact and I would like if you can do a video on how to draw him and what is the best medium to use. I will send you a photo of him. Again thank you from my heart! 


  452. Still waiting for you to do the make your own embossed paper from toilet paper that I brought up a couple years ago. I think people would love it. So fun to see the success you are enjoying! Well deserved. Miss the old upside down days though – LOL – I bet you don’t! But actually it helped me a lot in thinking about what you see instead what you think you see. If you need more class on the embossed paper, send me a message! Thanks.


    1. many art papers are the same size as frames in the USA ot they will fir pre-cut mats to go wit a standard frame.


  453. Hi Lindsay. Your Alcohol Brush Marker Comparison! Money Saving Tips! video was very informative. I have the Spectrum Noir markers old and new. I found a video that showed using Ranger’s Cut n’ Dry Pen Nibs in the NEW Round Spectrums worked as a cheap brush nib alternative. BUT, 70% of my Spectrums are the old square shape. The chisel opening is larger on the square markers than on the round markers, so the Ranger nibs just fall out. Can you look at your Cameleon brush tip ends and see if they are about the same size as the square Spectrum chisel ends. I found a replacement nib set for the Cameleons and it would be great if they worked. Honestly, Spectrum noir brush tips replacements are crazy over priced. I did try the Fantasix brush pens by cutting the plastic off and using the brush end in the square Spectrum. The material isn’t the same and the ink is not flowing to the end. I am hoping you can help. Thanks again for all of your time and experience. You have been amazingly helpful.


  454. Lindsay, I ran across your marketing videos yesterday…let me just say, bravo! Great information; has given me the direction I’ve been searching for. Had some ideas prior, but you have helped clarify my thought process. Thank you! Would love to see more…


  455. Hey Lindsay, LOVE LOVE LOVE watching your videos! I had 2 questions but found one answer in the Frugal Foiling video, great stuff! My other question is this – I was just wondering to myself if there was any way to create your own rub-ons? I thought to myself if anyone knows it’d be you. I’m imagining maybe running a transparancy sheet through the printer for your designs/lettering, and then coating the back with some sort of medium that would transfer when rubbed. What do you think?


    1. Graffix made a special ink jet paper for this, or you can print on transparencies or wax paper and run them on your paper.


  456. Hello Lindsay! Thank you for all your tutorials! I’m asking again about the Zig Memory System.
    I know you’ve been busy and not feeling too great. Just didn’t know if you had seen my question.
    I have these and they are at least 10-14 years old. Forgot I had them. Anyway I have never heard you use or talk about them and wonder how to refresh them. They say on the side that they are pigment ink, acid free, archival quality, lightfast, fade proof, waterproof, non-blending.
    What are they best used for if they’re all the above and can they be refreshed? If so-how and what do you do with them?
    Sorry. Not trying to nag-just don’t know if you saw the question.
    Thank you again. You are the video I have to watch every day. I have watched all and some many times. I learn all the time-even on the ones I’ve already seen!
    You are a great teacher and I appreciate all you do for all of us! I never skip a commercial either since you told us it’s important!
    Have a great day tomorrow-looking forward to the live show!
    Sincerely, Teresa


    1. sorry, I missed the question:) You can refill them with a waterproof ink or reinker, They are not refillable per the manufacturer but I usually have luck pulling out the chisel nibs and adding ink. Good luck! I do not mention this brand because I do not have them.


      1. Thank you soooo much! I just found your answer and I greatly appreciate it!
        By waterproof ink or reinker do you mean a certain brand? Or where would one find this? Does it have a certain name? Ranger is waterproof but I think it’s dye ink and the markers say pigment but I don’t know if pigment inks are waterproof?
        Again-thank you so very much!! I watch you every night and really enjoy and appreciate all you do for us! You are a great teacher and so fun to learn from! And so glad you’re feeling better!
        Have a great day!
        Sincerely, Teresa


  457. I love your bookmark featuring the Japanese geisha. FYI. Kimonos for women are always folded left over right. Men’s kimonos are right over left. Having taken dance lessons, it was the first thing we learned when we put on our kimono.


  458. I have a question about the Spectrum Noir Aqua Markers. Are they refillable? I had seen where you were going to check on this. Any luck?


  459. After watching all your great videos I told my family I wanted some colored pencils for Christmas and my kids bought me a nice set of Royal Langnickel for a gift – it’s in a nice wooden box with some pencils, a sharpener, etc and some sticks – but absolutely NO information – i.e., I don’t know if they are wax-based or oil based pencils and I don’t know if the sticks are firm pastels (like Nupastels) or if they are simply art sticks of wax-based pigment like what’s in the pencils – are there any tests I can do with them to figure it out? Do art sticks blend differently than firm pastels? I contacted Royal Langnickel – but without any numbers or identifying information they don’t seem able to help me out. The pencils include 12 different colors, 4 fluorescent colored pencils and 2 metallic colored pencils – if that’s any clue. I think if I could figure out what kind they are I would be better able to use them properly/effectively. Any advice you could offer would be much appreciated.


    1. it is a smooth thick board used by illustrators, It might work well for watercolors if you are not getting the paper too wet (like watercloring stamped images) but a hot press watercolor paper is an even better pick. Bristol board is usually used with markers.


  460. Hi Lindsay, happy new year!! Can you believe it’s Feb already?! Wanted to ask you if you could do a watercolour painting of grapes on a vine? I think grapes are the prettiest fruit around, with its multitude of hues and was hoping you could teach us how to paint them in watercolours. Thanks for reading!!


      1. Ohhhhh lucky me! Thank you, thank you! If I miss the ‘live’ version (I’m not in the States and in a completely different time zone) – will you be uploading the video? Thanks again, I’m super excited!


  461. Hi Lindsay, Health wishes to you and your family. I can see you are totally busy busy busy. Good luck with all your crafty business. I’m hoping you can help me out here. Can you explain how to emboss part of an image please, i.e. I have stamped a butterfly and I only want the
    centre body part to be embossed. Do I make a partial mask? I’m sure I’ve seen this somewhere but have looked thru all your tuts. and cant find what I’m after. I love the way all your playlists are so well organised, thankyou for that, usually so easy to find what I want. Utube is full of tuts. but they are all embossing the entire image. Hope you can help me out on this. Thanks for all you do, so appreciate your time and always smiley face. cheers Joan in Australia.


    1. I would use a stencil and a ball end stylus to just emboss the part you want, or you can use a texture mat and stylus.


        1. Hey Lindsay, Guess what I just found in my stash, a Dual tip clear emboss pen. Wow, it must have been in there for years, Ill go and give it a try for my butterfly. thanks for your input. cheers. Joan


  462. Hi Lindsay! Love your tutorials and I am a huge fan of your watercolor paintings. Can you do a galaxy or nothern lights tutorial using water colors?


  463. I have a question about a magazine you had showed in a haul video (I think) that included a stamp with the magazine, and wondered how to get it. It might have been Cardmaking & Papercraft? I looked into getting that one, and it was crazy expensive for a subscription since it came from the UK. Could you help me, please?


  464. Dear Lindsay,

    I started crafting in 2012 and since then you have been inspiration to me. I admire your thoughtful money saving tips and storage solutions. I regularly search your blog and channel for any such need.

    I started off my passion for crafting with high hopes. However, to my dismay I wasn’t able to continue for long since my two year old didn’t allow me to continue with my passion on regular basis. I love making layered cards with flower embellishment.

    I am looking for a solution to store my bulky multi layered cards in way that the flowers and other embellishments don’t lose their form and beauty. I put in a lot of labor to make those embellishments myself. Please visit my blog just to see what I am into and what I need.
    Kindly suggest a suitable solution to store those cards at home so that the beauty and shape remains intact till the cards reach my possible clients. Please also suggest any cheap or affordable packaging solution for cards to courier as well. Thank you!

    Pooja Tare


    1. kraft jewelry boxes can be ordered in a size to accommodate handmade cards and will prevent them from being crushed when shipping. You could use these boxes for storage as well or try clean corrugated pizza boxes, a pizza parlor may give or sell you some clean ones cheaply.


  465. Hello, my request for a video is a full tutorial on what Gouache is and how to use it. And if you can store it in a watercolor pallete for later use. Thank you and I love your videos, they got me back to painting. Thank you, Alicia Miller 😆


  466. Hi Lindsey,
    I love, love your watercolor videos. I would love to see more. You are an amazing artist. I love that you can work with any media. You have inspired me to start crafting again. I haven’t done much for about 10 years. I try to do something every day.
    I had a couple questions. Can you post more watercolor pencil videos? And where can I get the bags to put the finished paintings and cards to sell?
    Thank you so much…and God bless
    Bille Summers
    Wellington, Kansas


    1. I get the bags from Papermart. I have more watercolor pencil videos coming up soon, I just posted on to youtube yesterday:)


  467. Every once in a while you apologize for talking too much. Recently I have been watching videos looking for steps to draw pet hair. Lindsey when you talk you are doing and that makes a world of difference. I can not tell you how annoying it is to listen to someone talk, and talk and talk some more about what to do or how to do it but not demonstrate. Watching a video of hands waving over a project or a stagnant photo of an object is so irritating. I would much rather watch you actively showing me how to do something and chat about what ever you want. It’s as if
    I’m listening to a friend. Please don’t feel you should apologize you are offering free lessons and help to anyone and everyone and for me it’s gift. Thanks


  468. Just got my new Jerry’s Artarama March Catalog electronically and what was on the first page but the Lukas Beslin new Water- mixable oil paints that are suppose to have a traditional oil paint buttery texture… I’m wondering if you use these for one of your Friday Live video tutorials? Thank you for everything you do!! I So appreciate you!!


  469. Not sure if this is the best place to ask this….I have a ceiling fan with lights beneath it. I can’t find replacement shades anywhere (including the manufacturer). These are small and held up by a nut like device above the light. The shades have metal at the top and a ring at the bottom. No other supports. The paper/plasticy material is looking a bit heated, not burnt but brown. I want to replace or cover the shades since I can’t replace them. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you


  470. Hi lindsay.
    I have seen several videos, yours included, that start a project with some sort of under drawing. Some people use graphite or charcoal or paint or watercolour pencil. I can’t figure out what medium is the best to under draw for different mediums, eg watercolour, acrylic and oil. Can you please explain what the best under drawing material is for each situation. Thanks, Elaine from Ireland.
    P’s happy St Patrick day!


    1. for watercolor or acrylic you can use a watercolor pencil, pencil or graphite paper. I use oil pastels for oil paintings


  471. Good Morning Lindsay,
    I was wonder if you are going to do Q&A with your friends?
    Thank you for all you do for us!
    Aideen Hammes


  472. Would love to see one of the jazzy, bright multicolored giraffe, elephant or horse watercolor paintings. Or anything watercolor will do. Thanks for your tutorials Lindsay! – Terry


  473. I love your videos and subscribe to your newsletter. I use your ideas when I go into nursing home and do painting with them. I was just asked to teach at an MS support group. I love your fall foliage painting can it be done in acrylics? Do you have a picture that you based it on or a picture of your painting? I want to use it for reference. Everyone interprets differently.
    I nursing home group just finished and apple blossom painting. Hope you are successful at Craftsy but hope you continue to do free tutorials. You are so good! But I have MS and even a $25.00 class is out of my and others price range.
    I also did the Easter Bunny cards with my seniors. They loved it. I would love more cards made with water color pencils. I go into the home twice a month so I need lots of crafts. Your creativity is spreading like ripples in a pond. Thank you for all you do


  474. Your great videos got me into jewelry making and card making. I have always been an avid sewer. My favorite videos are the ones where you do not have to order all special supplies and can use much from around the house. My name is Brenda and I live in Glenburn ME.

    In checking out lots of other videos, I personally feel yours are head and shoulders above the rest. Oh, and I have heard your local wood pecker on the videos. I have checked with local craft stores and no lists of craft fairs available. Any ideas or help would be appreciated. Happy Crafting! Which Maine town do you live in?


    1. Hi neighbor! I live in the bangor area too. You can see craft fairs listed in the classified section of the paper but Zonta at the brewer auditorium, Sunshine crafters (Anah Shrine) and most local churches and schools have fairs:)


  475. Please please please consider doing a series of all mixed media and tools that go along with them like
    It would be great also you could show all brands you have kinda display them it would be neat to see the whole set up maybe advanced and beginner but really display all you have and the tools too no demonstrations also with acrylic all the medium options from gesso to string gel to pumice. You could let your sponsors know these videos get people in the buying mood I am always looking to add to my studio its extensive but I always have more room 🙂
    Thanks for all you do I watch you daily I am a financial advisor by day and abstract artist every other minute free I have.


    1. you could try using future floor wax, it is a very thin acrylic sealer, it might be called Pledge flow wax now.


  476. Please do a Dollar Tree or Dollar Store challenge! Maybe even make it into some kind of contest? Or show us on video what can be done with just dollar store stuff!


  477. Hi Linsday! I’m really into fashion illustrations, but all of the videos online for water coloring stuff like that are very detailed and precise….almost like using the paints as markers. Your carefree style of just slapping the paint on has really rubbed off on me, and I want to carry that into fashion designing. Could you possibly do a tutorial on how to watercolor clothing, with all the textures and shadows and folds etc…but still maintain that loose style? That would be amazing!:) I love your videos, and they really have taught me most of what I know about art. Thank you so much!


  478. I’ve love to see you do – in watercolour paint (not pencil) – an image containing those very dark purple flowers that are almost black – like black hollyhocks (var. Black Knight) or viola (var. Midnight Runner) or tulips (var. Queen of the Night). I’ve tried doing them in Dioxazine Violet but I just can’t get it quite right – thought it might be a challenge for you! there are suitable reference photos are on my PMP gallery ;oP


  479. Hi Lindsay! I have a photo I’d taken of a wildflower called a “bachelor” button from my flower garden on PMP. My name on that site is Furner69.

    It’s under “garden flowers.” I would really, really love to watch you paint this flower as I have no clue how to paint the spikey bits. Plus, this blue is one of my favorite shades of blue.

    You probably know your way around PMP much better than I, but here’s the link (I hope it works) to the photo.


    If none of this works thanks anyway, but I would be so flattered for you to paint my pic! I’m obviously NOT the greatest photographer, but I think I did Ok on this. Plus I like the background.

    Alrighty then, thanks a million and I really hope you are stumped some day with nothing to paint! 🙂


  480. Lindsay if anybody can do this I know you can…well at least I hope you can…I want to make my own Misty stamping system…I don’t have a $100 to drop for one…so is there any other solution that I could make for my own…I was thinking about a DVD case but that’s to flexible… do you have any ideas…I’m sure there are a lot of us that want one but can’t afford it…thank you so much for your help…


  481. Hi Lindsay,

    After the cow sketch with pen & ink & markers with watercolor glazes, I thought it would be fun to know how to get different greys in watercolor: blue-greys, purple-greys, yellow-greys, brown-greys etc. In opaque media you can start with black & white, but since neither is used in traditional transparent watercolor, I thought it would be cool to learn how to mixed different toned and temperature greys.


  482. I love your tutorials! I love your talking; I cannot believe how many tutorials have no talking, just printed words. I need the voice explaining what is going on. Your enthusiasm is catching, so please keep it up! would love to see a watercolor northern lights or even just a winter night tutorial. I can’t do the fine details by brush (I lost sensitivity in my fingers, so I don’t get the feedback I need). Can I substitute watercolor pencils for that?


  483. Hi Lindsay, if you get the chance, I would really like to see a review on the Mijello Mission Gold paints. I’ve been seeing a few videos on youtube about these watercolour paints and they look interesting. Thank you 🙂 Love your youtube channel by the way.


  484. I have tried to make the Pandora beads, but according to your instructions the beads come out longer than rounder. Please help as I have watched your video countless times and still can’t get them right.

    I took a 5/8 strip and got 2 strips from it. But I think I am unclear what size the straight strip needs to be.

    I am using a number ten knitting needle because for now I am making my own designs on computer paper.

    5/8″ strip is too wide and much more narrow. So what size?


    1. copy paper is thinner than the scrapbook paper I used, use a thicker paper and it will turn out rounder.


  485. Hi Lindsay, I love your tutorials and I have seen an improvement in my skills. So thank you! I would love to see a watercolor tutorial of a peacock. thanks!


  486. Hi Lindsay, I love your tutorial and follow you pretty regularly. I’d love to see a card for a man who loves to fish. I’ve noticed that there’s not a lot out there for masculine cards. I’ve seen a few fish cards but they are a bit “cutesy or more for little boys.” I think it would be cool to see a watercolor Trout, or something like that. Thanks for all of the work you put into your video, etc.


  487. Hi Lindsey!
    I enjoy watching your YouTube channel! You have helped so much in my exploration of water colors and I had a question. I am heading to the Caribbean for vacation soon and I was wondering if you had any suggestions on a watercolor palette I should bring with Caribbean colors. I was looking at some Daniel smith colors but there were so many to choose from I got a bit overwhelmed! Any help would be much appreciated 🙂
    Thank you



  488. I love watching your videos. Could you please do a tutorial using watercolor crayons? Thank you, Karen


  489. Hi Lindsay,

    I have two requests could you do a watercolour of a bird called a ( cunban tody) it’s a very pretty multi coloured bird I think native to South America . Also a rhododendron flower as they are all out in bloom over here in England. Thank you Laura


  490. Southwest landscape Beautifully done…thanks for sharing Lindsay!

    Love and watch your channel for years now and been enjoying your Watercolor videos lately. So, I started watching them little by little from the beginning…4/11/2012. Can you suggest some Student Grade non Toxic watercolors you like…use? I’m looking for non toxic student grade because my cat will drink the water no matter how many safety’s I put in place.

    I jumped on Jerrys but couldn’t find anywhere “Student Grade” “Non Toxic” asked on Jerry’s LIVE CHAT and this is what was said (still confused and don’t need a $80 set of “non toxic paints” (not for children under 11 lol)…Please Help, Thanks!)

    “Unfortunately we do not have anything that is student grade and non toxic, I apologize. These are the student grade watercolors I would recommend: LUKAS Aquarell Studio Watercolors
    Oh, I actually did find something…All Paint is NON Toxic: 93 pc Fundamentals All Media Set”

    Thanks again Lindsay, have a Lovely day!

    ps please slow down in your videos, lots of good info gets lost…lot’s of Crafty Love to U, Crafty Smooches!


  491. Hey Lindsay,

    Hope your having a Fabulous day! Sorry, about my comment above being in the wrong place…I really thought I was on your blog post of the lovely Southwest Watercolor. lol Hope you answer my question anyways.

    Since I’m here can you do an updated Watercolor supplies you use and where you get them video and/or Watercolor School? Pretty Please! I’m thinking special Frugal Crafter Kit at Jerrys with 6-8 Winsor & Newton paints and your three favorite brushes!



    1. you need to look at each label and look for the AP nontoxic label, grumbacher academy and cotman are mostly non toxic. I have to dump my water when I am done painting because my car is a stinker too! i like a #8 round, 1/2″ and 1″ flat as favorite brushes. Aqualon, neptune or Mimik Kolinski


  492. Hello Lindsay,
    Best of wishes to you and your family. Could you please send your recipe for your energy levels – how do you do it all? – wow !!
    I wanted to ask you, I’ve fallen in love with the winsor and newton watercolour paint colour OPERA ROSE its very very similar to the distress ink colour Picked Raspberry. Do you have a suggestion for mixing this colour with my W & Newton Wat. Col. Paints. Many thanks for your time and help. cheers from Joan in Australia.


    1. that is a magenta like color, I think a pure magenta qould come the closest. Opera is an expensive color from W&N but I have seen other brands come out with it at a lower cost.


  493. Hi Lindsay,

    I have a question about polyester resin (jewel making) I’m brand new to it and I’m having a bit of difficulty with dullness and crackling? I hope you can help.

    So far, here are the two things I’ve tried to make.

    The first one is a heart shaped piece about the size of s 50 cent piece. I mixed 1/4 ounce of polyester resin with 3 drops of the matching catalyst. I wasn’t actually sure how much to add for a very small amount and my house temp. I used a heart shaped ice cube tray but only filled it up 25% full to keep the piece thin. I just found out that it was latex and is not recommended for resin molding. That piece didn’t crack but came out dull and frosty – not clear. I won’t do that again.

    The second thing I’ve tried (twice) is a 14mm marble. Same resin/catalyst ratio as above. I made the marble out of a rubber mold I made a few days ago. Both times the marble came out perfectly round but VERY cracked and dull.

    I only want to mix 1/2 ounce of resin or less at a time. I have zero intention on making large/thick pieces. Please tell me how many drops of catalyst I need for 1/2 ounce of resin??

    I live in Arizona and my house is about 77/78 degrees right now. You mentioned living in Arizona on your video and I said, “Hey, that’s me!” Lol.

    I’m also covering the castings during the curing time (overnight) is that bad since it’s fairly warm in my house? Please help, I want shiny, smooth clear pieces. How can I prevent the crackling? How many drops should I use for a half ounce?

    Monica 🙂


    1. if you still have the peices try coating them with a thin acrylic sealer. that should make them clear. I bet you do not need so much catalyst in that heat. I recommend preparing as many moslds as yu have ans mixing the smallest amount of resin there is a recipe for and use it. the brittleness comes from too much catylist, too little and it is sticky. it is a delicate balance. I only cover them outside but I don’t think it matters.


  494. HI Lindsay…..this is a two fold message….first….I was in Hobby Lobby tonight and found a clearance rack that had a Windsor Newton Cotman Water Colours 6 Pack set with a brush and a pad of water color paper for 8.99. So…how’d I do?? It has Lemon Yellow Hue, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Intense Blue (Phthalo Blue), Sepia, Ivory Black and Chinese White. Yes I bought it!!

    Also do you have any interest in seeing some photos to paint? I do photography as a hobby and would love to have you look at an picture of an male American Bald Eagle I took and see if you would like to do a water color of it. Just a thought.

    Well happy travels and blessings!!
    Kathy Moore


    1. Good deal, you did good! You can share photos with me via the frugalcrafter facebok page or with many artists at paint my photo


  495. Hello, Rashmi from India.Your artwork is very inspiring…just started quilling /jewellery making a while back but your work made me realise there is so look much more to crafts !!!.would love to know your opinion on my work,if its not much of a trouble.please do let me know your email id where I can send you the pictures or the link is ……Thanks a ton for making creativity so fun and easy.


  496. Loved your 2016 Stamp Show Haul but could you please let us know the name of the show and how we go about finding info on these stamp shows? I want to attend next year. I am your neighbor in nearby Glenburn, ME. Thanks so much!


  497. Oliverbecker222& I was thinking that I had seen a post previously about how to recondition wood block rubber stamps but can’t remember what the answer was? I have boxes and boxes of them that I’m going to have to put in the garage due to space problems and I know that’s it’s not good for them. Can u give me some advice so that they aren’t ruined? Also do u have a review on the new card size misti stamp positioner? Thank u enjoy u so much!!!


  498. Hi Lindsay!! I love your youtube channel, I live to watch them as they are so relaxing especially the watercolor videos. I am working on my drawing/watercolor skills and as a beginner, your tutorials and advice is very helpful. I was wondering if you could do a painting using just one colour, maybe a landscape. I have seen the one where you used just 3 and absolutely loved it.
    Thank you for all the creativity and waking up the dormant artist inside me. 🙂


  499. Luv the hydrangeas u did today. U always inspire me. I just bought a square wooden table and chairs at a garage sale, c to put on my patio ( in my house now using for crafting, need more room lol!!) I would like to use stencils or something to decorate the table. any ideas ? The table Is painted with white enamel. By the way I ran across Cinnamons site today hoping to get some painting tips. What’s with the silliness? I help any help!!


  500. WOODEN POSTCARDS. Hi Lindsay. I have followed your channel for some time and love the diversity of your talent … something for everyone! Recently while cleaning my craft room, I came across a small stack of wooden postcards. I can’t remember what I wanted to do with them (ha). Would you provide a video on decorating the wood and best way to write on them (stamping or decoupage or coloring or??) Thanks so much


  501. I’ll bet you kept all those StampinUp rubber pieces we had left over from cutting the stamps out way back when. I do and decided to put some together and make a mosaic stamp. I love the look of it but am having trouble deciding what kind of design would look good on top of that kind of background. Sometimes I think I am ocd about putting things together on a card. Do you think you could use your pieces to make a mosaic stamp and make a couple of cards with it to give me some kind of starting place for using these? One could get very creative even with the pieces. Thanks, Linda


  502. Hi there,
    I noticed that youhave bought from the stamp store :
    Local King with a show coming up in Aug 6th 2016 stampaway sharonville convention center
    I would like to know your thoughts and reviews on their Markers that they sell ?


  503. Hi Lindsay! I love your videos so much and they’ve taught me a lot, I’m so grateful I found your channel. Any chance you could do a wave at sunset? Sometimes it’s hard for me to capture movement in water colors even though the paint moves so nicely. Thank you and have a great weekend!


  504. Have you ever thought of trying to DIY your own photo polymer stamps? I saw an Instructables on it and it really intrigued me.


  505. Hi Lindsay! Love your videos! Thank You for sharing 🙂 I was just wondering if u do a comparison between the different pigment powders like brusho,color burst and magicals. i’m looking to buy
    Thank You!


    1. that is a good idea, I need to find the magicals and bister but I have colorburst, some brusho and nuance


  506. Hi Lindsay, could you do a review of the new spectrum noir oil based colored pencils, I like to see them in use before I make a decision to buy. Thanks, love your tutorials.


    1. There is a review of the Painterly Days coloring book on the Mind of Watercolor YouTube channel. During the time when he is painting in the book, he is also interviewing the person who drew the pictures. It is a great interview.


  507. Hello. I love your videos. Thank you for posting them. Is there any possibility of making a tutorial on how to paint a water color painting based on a photograph,Thank you,


  508. Hello. I love your videos.Thank you for posting them. Would it be possible to post a water color tutorial on how to paint a house based on a photo? Thank you.


  509. Hi Lindsay!! I just wanted to say thank you for all you’ve taught us!! I have a request video. Would you show us everything you can about the Scan and Cut machine? Also please don’t cut your videos!! I love them long and for those who don’t they can speed them up!


  510. Hello, I love your videos! I was wondering if you could do a video on the foam circles/pieces that often come in the mail order box. I recently ordered a box full of scraps, and I love all the materials, but I’m stumped on the foam pieces. Do you have any ideas? Thanks in advance. P.S. I Love love love the diy crafts supplies videos you do.


  511. Hi Lindsay! Greetings from Croatia! I would like to see you making a pair of long, dangly earrings in boho style. Maybe even some paper beads to incorporate. Thanks!


  512. Hi Lindsay,

    Can you do a plein air video using water brushes? Or at least a few more videos with water brushes in general?


      1. I second that! I just feel like I have no idea what I’m doing with a water brush at all. And how many different ones make sense to have? When other then travel would you recommend? I’d personally love just an intro to how to use them best! Thanks!


  513. Hi Lindsay! 🙂 I’m just getting back into scrapbooking after a long illness and wondered if you could do a video explaining the differences and their uses of dye ink, pigment ink, archival ink? And also give the recipes for refreshing each? I’m just so confused by all the things. And can’t decide which one is best for me or if I need to use one for one thing and another for something else.

    Thanks for all your great videos! 🙂


  514. Lindsay, Thank you for sharing your ENERGY with us. It’s marvelous and contagious!!! Here’s my request:

    Could you show us how to paint a few different styles of MORNING GLORIES, such as realistic, impressionist, abstract, pop… so that 1) we can learn how to paint that particular flower, AND 2) so that we can see the differences in these STYLES of painting?

    Thank you! — Canny


  515. I am trying to learn how to use glazes to get glowing watercolors and was wondering if you could do a tutorial on watercolor glazing while completing a painting. I have seen videos on glazing, but they don’t explain the process or don’t show a finished work in which there was a lot of layers to create a luminous effect. Also, I know how much you love sap green, and I wanted to let you know about another great earthy green, undersea green, by Daniel Smith. I know a lot of people ask you about their watercolors, and I have a bunch of them and love them, especially ones you can’t find in other brands because they use actual minerals(Primatek line). If you ever wanted to try Daniel Smith watercolors, I have heard that unlike other brands, their dot cards contain enough paint to complete a small painting with; you wouldn’t be able to do a large wash, but they do give you enough paint to decide if you like the color and properties of their paints. They have some really nice granulating paints. They are also the only company who still has the single pigment to make QUINACRIDONE gold; a lot of people say other companies make it, but if you go to a store, they have all switched to mixes instead of pure pigments.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Have you ever contacted Daniel Smith directly? Since you teach and do YouTube videos, they may send you some tubes to try out and review since it is free marketing for them? They have great customer service and I think they would be willing to work with you. I have seen other videos sponsored by them on YouTube where the artist got free tubes and was using them.


  516. Lindsay,
    Kind of new to crafting again, after many years of absence. I hear so much about direct kinds of pens people use( winka stella, —–noir, gel pens, a few others I can’t think of the names.).
    Would you do a 101 class on them, and explain there application, and when it should be used. Thank you.


  517. Hi Lindsey
    I love your videos… Especially the watercolor tutorials. Could you do one on Lenten Roses or Hellebores? They are one of my favorite flowers.



  518. Would love to see a 101 on the different types of pens out there ( uni ball white, winka stella, —– noir, gels, ect. ). I’m come back to crafting after a long absence, and quite confused on which pen is for what application, and when to use it. Thank you michelle


  519. Hi Lindsey, I love your watercolor tutorials and since you are from Maine like me, I would love to see a lobster one!! Thanks


  520. Hi Lindsay ☺
    I follow almost every works of watercolor for Beginners on your Youtube channel.
    Your tutorial are the best one in all I ever watch cuase your tutorial is very clear and easy to understand!
    Thankbyoubfor those ones!

    I just wonder if you can make some tutorial about night skies like aurora or milk way or starry night……………

    especially the Aurora,cause I have some problem on it and couldn’t find any clear Tutorial s for beginners like yours works😳😳
    very grateful for your videos for leading me step into the watercolor world!


  521. hi there! I’ve been trying (not so successfully) to paint an edelweiss flower for my grandmother lately. if you have the time, a tutorial would be super helpful!!!


  522. Hi Lindsay!

    Another request here for a tall order I’m aware, but would you be willing to show us ho w to work large scale in watercolor, like on a full 22×30″ sheet or maybe a half? I’ve seen some larger works on paper in both colored pencil and watercolor and have just been awestruck and it’s a long-term goal of mine to try. Subject matter is not important. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I rarely see even time lapses of large-scale watercolors or just larger works on paper in general though I see plenty of them done by professional fine artists (the colored pencil ones I’ve seen are stunning). Lindsay also gave me a few general tips on Friday’s live show of the sunflowers, so there’s a good place to start.


  523. Hi Lindsay
    I love your watercolor tutorials, you have really inspired me to start
    painting again, after I haven’t picked up a paintbrush in many years,
    because I’ve been using mediums such as acrylic and oil paints
    which are really not my medium, but watercolor certainly is.
    I also turned 40 this year, but I still feel 20, I must say, you
    certainly don’t look 40. I say your as old as you feel. I was wondering
    if you could do a tutorial on watercolor painting on a townscape
    of a beautiful city such as Amsterdam or Paris and also a tutorial
    on flattening your watercolor painting after its done when its
    buckled during the painting process (if you didn’t stretch it beforehand)
    Your the only person on You Tube whose watercolor painting I watch,
    I think your the best and please keep up the good work


  524. So many things have changed in the last three years since I was able to scrapbook. I was wondering if you could do a video on the different types of archival adhesives (especially those double sided tape applicators) and which ones are the best deal for your money.


  525. Hi Lindsey, in your LIVE fruit watercolour session in Feb, you mentioned doing a tutorial on ‘values’ and ‘shading’ – but I can’t find a tutorial on that. May I know if you’ll be doing one or have done one already? Please do a tutorial on that as many art-lovers like me are struggling to ‘see’ the values/shade in things, Thank you so much!


  526. Hi Lindsay: I love all your watercolor tutorials and really enjoy your live painting series. I visited Maine a few years ago and fell in love with Jordan Pond and The Bubbles and have tried painting them quite a few times but just can’t quite get it right. If you are so inclined, would you add a watercolor of The Bubbles to your request list? I just need some guidance :). Thanks so much! Hugs, Carol


  527. Hi Lindsay, thank you for sharing those wonderful videos with us, I love them all! I got a job as an art instructor but I don’t really know how to start my first class and what is the best teaching plan that helps my students to learn and have fun in the same time. Any ideas?


    1. teach what you love first, your passion will shine through and inspire them. Then pick off different art movements and mediums. Try to integrate art history as you teach a medium. Congrats on the job!


  528. I want to start by thanking you for sharing your energy and passion. My mom and I have both started playing in watercolor because of you. I would love if you could share some tips for painting white on white, or light on light objects without creating a blob or making them too dark. I’m looking for definition without overworking. I have a photo on pmp of rhododendron that is probably more helpful in explaining what I mean. 🙂


  529. Hi Lindsay! I would love to see something geared toward a small child’s interests. I have a 5 yr old grandson, a 3 year old granddaughter and a 2 year old grandson. One likes sports, super heroes, etc, my granddaughter loves mermaids, purple things, lol and the youngest loves dinosaurs and monsters. Do you do any water color paintings that could be used to hang in their rooms?


  530. Hi Lindsay,
    I watch your YouTube videos a lot – watercolour mainly. I think you’re wonderful.
    What watercolour mixing tray are you using in your Lanterns video? I’d like to buy one. I couldn’t find it on Jerry’s Artarama.
    Thank you, Jane


  531. Hi Lindsay, Can you do a tutorial on passion flower – passiflora if you like…(I would have posted the same request elsewhere also..sorry about that).
    Thanks a lot, Bharathi, India


  532. Lindsay, I very badly want to do swans and cygnets….can you do a water theme with swan carrying sygnets at its back and around them….or may be cranes…


  533. hey, I have a very biiiigggg wishlist….of which a part is , if you don’t mind, ))
    passion flower
    thunbergia mysorensis vine
    sunflower fence
    grape vine trellis

    country side theme – cowboy – sac – dollar/money bag –
    rustic barn and old car
    rail track train (olden days)
    farm land – bullock cart

    traffic signal – roads – board hoaarding with some interesting ad pic – postbox

    butterfly garden
    drums indian veena musical instruments

    coffe with froth and steam – pitcher – tea pot set
    climbing rose
    swan and cygnets

    more more glass vase flowers

    I would be glad if you like to paint any of these.


    1. Lindsay has already done a peacock tutorial. Search her videos for it. Some of your other requests may also be on her channel. Otherwise, I’ve seen some good tutorials by other artists. Just search in YouTube.


      1. Thanks Terry, I think this request was made before her peacock tutorial…ya, I do look into other artists lessons too….but wanted those stuff from our teacher herself …hehe…


  534. Lindsay, i will let you know how many days it takes to play back 600 videos when i am done doing just that! I may end up like the Tootsie Pop Owl “one, two, three, (bite). Three.” But I am enjoying all of them.


  535. Hi i like your videos and the way you teach it’s easy to follow and detailed. I’m new in painting but i love painting. My request is can you please do a video tutorial about painting table cloth or like a table. Example fruits on a table or fruits with a table cloth. I watched one of your videos painting grapes, pear and oranges..please if you have a chance…thanks much


  536. Hello! I love your videos, and with them have gone from never having watercolored to being pretty decent, and even with very cheap supplies. If you get the time, here are some other things I would like to request, and I figured I’d just stick them all in one post. I hope you don’t mind.
    *Tutorials on painting fabric folds
    *Tutorials on painting people, with different body types
    *Some videos using just the colours from the Derwent 24 set of watercolor pencils. That is the highest quality set of supplies right now and I’m having a case of “the precious” about them, because I’m still not great at deciding a comparable colour to what you use.
    *More watercolor marker and pencil videos in general. 🙂
    Thank you for all you do!


  537. I would love to see an octopus or jellyfish or both! in watercolor. I can’t seem to make them fluid and making the suckers for watercolors. I have mixed watercolor pencils with watercolors and that seemed to help but it still ended up looking…. not so great. Thanks!!


  538. Thanks for doing live shows! I love them and love the ability to ask questions. Would you consider a demo painting with a family walking the beach or hiking in the woods or out and about? People are a problem for me. Thank you.


    1. that’s too funny, I just saw a pic on a friends instagram of her girls walking on a beach ad I thought it would be great to paint, I will have to ask if I can!


  539. Hi Lindsay love your videos. I was hoping if you could draw a picture of a chow chow in color pencil. My dog passed away a year ago and he was a chow chow/german shepherd mix though he looked more like a chow chow.


  540. Hi Lindsay! Can you do some more tutorials using the Daniel Smith 6 pack of watercolors? I bought it and I would love to be able to follow along with you with the actual paints you are using. Thanks so much! ❤


  541. Hi Lindsay, I saw your very good idea: How To Make Stencils With Hot Glue.
    What I don’t know is, what kind of underlay you have to use that you can peel off your drawing?
    It would be very nice if you can give me the answer on my mailadress.
    Thanks a lot and have a good day.


  542. I love your blog and you tube channel. You have inspired me to get out my paints!

    I wondered do you have a card sized painting of lupines for sale? I would like to buy it if I could.

    George Bolton


  543. Hi Lindsay, I hope you’re enjoying your vacation! I love your watercolor videos the most but I wondered if you might do a video using the Inktense blocks and/or pencils on fabric? Maybe a shirt or a bag?


  544. Love your videos. They are always informative. Would love for you to review the new AQYLA paint by Kusakabe. It’s a Japanese product and claims to work like watercolor, acrylic, and gouache combined. It’s available on Amazon for approx. $40. Thanks for all the great video’s.


  545. I just finished an attempt at painting the rose in watercolor from your tutorial which you redid in April 2014. I’m new at this and when I applied the Alizerine Crimson to my paper it wanted to spread some. The paint seemed too liquid. My paper had no puddling. In order to get the light color and mix with the yellow to make the peachy shade, I had to add water. I don’t know how to accomplish the right balance of water. I started with little spritzing and kept adding until I thought the color was light enough. Do you have any hints/ method for achieving the right texture of paint/watercolor. As I watched you pull paint from the outlined part of the drawing, I thought you made it look so easy to gradually pull the paint from the edge. Your pencil marks also didn’t appear to show once you painted them. Can you give me any advice. Thank you so much for your videos. You make crafting affordable for so many of us. Your grateful neighbor in Laconia,NH. Sally Haddockssh


  546. Hi Lindsay, You asked for comments on your Plein Air Series. Well, I’m loving them ! I have missed your shorter more basic watercolor utubes. I realise you must be so stretched for time now with your longer live watercolor tutorials but these are far too advanced for me so to see one of your shorter utubes is very exciting. I love all you do and always always always learn something so a big thankyou for that, but I would love to see the return of these smaller shorter watercolor sessions as this is something achievable for me personally. Hope you had a good holiday and you and all your family are well and happy. cheers. Joan in Australia.


  547. Hi Lindsay!
    I was wondering if you have had a chance to try out the Fantasia brand of colored and watercolor pencils that A.C. Moore carries very inexpensively? They are on sale this weekend as well for even more of a deal. Of course, as you well know, it’s not so much of a deal if the quality is not there. Thanks for your time and happy crafting!


    1. I have used the watercolor pencils and they a re a great value for money. I paid $16 for 36 pencils and the offer is on most of the time:)


  548. Hi, Lindsay – I love your tutorials and product reviews. Have you had a chance to try the new Japanese paint called AQYLA by Kusakabe? It’s supposed to be like watercolor, gouache & acrylic all three. If you have a chance would love to see a review. It sells on Amazon for about $40 but would like to hear your thoughts before purchasing. Hope you’re enjoying your much deserved vacation.


  549. Hi Lindsey, Can you please do something that would tell us what the comparable Mission Gold colors would be for Daniel Smith colors? I am doing the Craftsy Watercolor Class and know you would know which of my Mission Gold colors I should use for it.
    The instructor is using:

    • Hansa Yellow Light (PY3)
    • New Gamboge (PY153)
    • Quinacridone Rose (PV19)
    • Transparent Pyrrole
    Orange (PO71)
    • Phthalo Blue GS (PB15)
    • French Ultramarine (PB29)

    Thanks for your help! Not just on this. I’ve learned lots from you.


    1. are you using the pure pigment set? you basicly want a warm and color of each color, match by eye or look at the pigment numbers to match. How about:
      Perm. Yellow Light
      Perm Yellow Deep
      Permanenent rose
      Scarlet Lake
      Ultramarine Blue
      Ceurulean (spelling)
      These are all in the pure pigment set, if you don’t have a color then try and match by eye:)


  550. Hi Lindsay – I love, love, love the Plein Air Series. I love all your landscape paintings and I know Maine is a really beautiful state although I’ve never been there. Thank you so much for all your new videos. I love them all. I’m beginning painting again after many years of not painting and I have learned tremendously from you. I really do appreciate your teaching style and your way of explaining things about everything! I am looking forward to seeing more from the Plein Air Series and of course the pond series too. One of the first video tutorials I watched was your lavender landscape when you used the narrow horizontal paper. I would love to see you do a landscape painting like that again using the horizontal paper of like a lupine field and pasture with a mix of other varied wildflowers. I think you are so talented and you inspire me to not quit! Thank you so for just being your wonderful and natural self on your tutorials. I feel like I have a great friend sitting in my living room with me!!! 🙂 Susan from Marietta Georgia USA.


  551. Hi Lindsay!! i know you just got a Scan and Cut not too long ago. I am hoping you will do a video on it. I just bought one and it arrived today. I am hoping I am going to save money on dies that go with my stamps. I also have thousands of graphics (Remember PC Hug Club) that I would love to print and have a machine cut them out. i know you have lots of things out there, and I love all your videos. You have been an inspiration for me. I am drawing and painting again. My Junior High Art Teacher would be proud. Thank you for what you do.


  552. Hi Lindsay. An interactive scrapbooking crop would be fun for Halloween. So would more of ‘Ask a Crafter’ for the Fall and Winter holidays. Most of us already have loads of unused supplies and we don’t need to buy anything else. Interactive events would take the edge off of the commercialism which, sadly, has overtaken your channel. It’s enjoyable for budget crafting info, but not where I go when looking for expensive fine art products.


    1. I like this idea, Icouldn’t do this until kids were back in school though. Especaill ask a crafter as Kathy and Lorraine have kids and grandkids at home, it is tricky to work with other peoples schedules:)


  553. Hi Lindsay! I just learned I can redeem some reward points I have for a ScanNCut2 – the 350 model. I’d been thinking of trying one but could not justify the cost. But I figure using points is almost free! 😄 So, I was wondering if you were planning any tutorials showing how to use the ScanNCut2? I know there are other YT’ers out there with tutorials, but you are just soooooo good at instructing!!! I will take any videos of your over anyone else’s!!


  554. Would love to see a (not realistic) VERY colorful cow head or zebra in watercolor. I know it’s probably better in acrylic or oils, but that’s not my thang 😑 Thank you Lindsay for generously and consistently sharing your talent with all of us. 🎨


  555. Hi Lindsay! I would love to see tutorials on most of the paintings you did on your most recent vacation! The single birch tree you painted while you were sitting under it looking looks amazing. The robin you did from a book, and the cupcake you made while you used the white gel pen. Thank you so much! I LOVE your tutorials.


  556. Hi Lindsay! I was thinking today about stamping…. I used to stamp and loved it, but since kids got me to busy I have it all tucked away! After watching your videos I was wondering if my old stampin up stamp pads would still work, so I googled how to rejuvenate old in pads, and who’s answer comes up but yours!!! So I just printed off your “Ink pad cheat Sheet” You are awesome and so knowledgeable! Thanks for helping all of us crafters!! 😉


  557. Have you ever tried out “watercolor” using a Speedball Elegant Writer pen? It’s so cool. The lines bleed with water and allow you do do shading to leave as is or to add traditional water color on top – check out artist Karlyn Holman video. It’s so cool … and frugal! Awesome start to create a mixed media piece. I think you would have fun sharing it with everyone as there is not much on YouTube about it.


  558. Hi Lindsay,
    You are amazing and know everything about mixed media. Here is a question…have you ever seen or done any art projects using cheap make-up/old make-up/kid’s make-up or cosmetics? They have such vibrant and shimmery colors in the make-up aisle now-a-days, especially eye shadows and liners. I wonder if any of them would work as watercolors or even like pastels? I have a lot of make-up that I used to wear daily, but I have pretty much quit since having my daughter. I would rather do arts and crafts with her than spend time in the bathroom mirror. I also have a ton of nail polish. I think some might be ruined from moving from Florida to New Hampshire and being in storage. Can I use it for anything fun? I would love to see some videos on this.
    Thank You for All Your Advice and Videos,
    Grace & Elena


  559. Hi Again,
    I searched make-up on YouTube and found the metallic watercolor and acrylic made from eye shadow video. That was great. Can I eye liners be used for anything or liquid eye shadows/ liners? What about non-metallic eye shadows? Can I just add water and paint with them? I subscribe on YouTube. My daughter is a super creative 3-year-old, but we both love your videos.


    1. you can use eyeshadow in place of decorator chalk or panpastels:) The eyeliner would be good for darkening edges of panels on cards. Have fun with them!


  560. hi thank you for the reply.. love the videos.. i have some watercolor pencils and i was wondering could you do a watercolor pencil tutorial on a beach scene or if you cant maybe even some sea animals..thank you


  561. Watercolor paper comparison!
    Could you do a comparison on diff quality papers?
    You comment on paper you use, but it would really be helpful to SEE the difference.
    I wonder if the trouble I have learning WC painting is more my skill or crappy paper.
    As a Tole painter I find quality brushes and surfaces are 60% of the quality of my finished item.
    I am really really hoping to lay some blame on the paper! /;-0 Lol
    Love your vids on all subjects.


    Can you do a little painting on different quality papers so we can SEE the difference?
    I taught myself to Tole paint and found that using high quality brushes and surfaces made all the difference in my finished item. I also found that it also made a big difference in developing my skill.
    I am hoping that will be the same for learning H2O painting…cause right now – I suck at it. I need a fall guy /-;0 lol

    Thank you for your videos etc. I enjoy them all!


      1. Thank you so much for the link! I will watch it.
        Sorry for the double posts….didn’t think one went through so I sent another…thats my story and I’m stickin to it


  563. I have just started with watercolor pencils. I am using Derwent artist quality. When I make a scribble on the page like you do and then paint over it with water the paint only bleeds a little bit into the water. It does not spread out liberally like your watercolour pencils 2. The lines are still visible until I scrub on the the lines slightly on the lines with a soft brush. Also when I apply paint to a brush witho one of the pencils I only get a very light amount of watercolour when I apply the brush to paper. Am I doing something wrong?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Here are some tips as I have those pencils and they are very nice. Color with the side of the lead and don’t press hard or you will grind it onto the paper. Use watercolor apper or mixed media paper (it is sized so the paint stays on the surface) and don’t use too much water. Use a nylon brush (not a waterbrush) dip it in water and scrap the excess water on the edge of the water jar and then liquify the pigment.

      Liked by 1 person

  564. hi lindsay, could you do a painting on mushrooms and toadstools, have a tiny passion for them both eating and studying,
    lol thanks jayne uk x


      1. hope its not this friday! only just found out that you do live tutorials and now i wont be around to catch it. will make sure i do next friday though. thank you for them, theyre wonderful. jayne.


  565. Hi! My name is Tonette (like your big Toe and a hair Net), I’m 32 and have never painted anything in my life, however, I plan to change that thanks to you. I have recently found your YouTube channel and watched nearly all of your videos in less than a month. I would LOVE to see you do a tutorial, speed painting, lesson, anything, where you draw and watercolor paint a Weeping Willow Tree. Thank you for teaching me so much.


  566. Hi Lindsay, can you paint something manly. Not sport related but just a nature scene? My dh is really hard to buy for because he has no hobbies or intrest but he loves homemade gifts. I would love to paint him something for his office for a Christmas present. He does love farm scenes….something in wheat would be pretty, doesn’t matter, I will love whatever you come up with. Thanks:)


    1. I just found a beautiful landscape on paint my photo, there is a glorious quarry pool, trees and mountains, how about that? I mightdo it for Friday’s live show.


  567. I love everything u do. you are such a gifted artist, I’m wondering if you could show us how to draw Whimsical faces. I like the big eyes that are almost cartoon like. Suzi Blu does them.. but I like your instructions, because you are always simple and very informative. Thank you.


  568. Lindsay, I see Blue Herons all the time around my home and would love to paint one in watercolor but I am a total novice (not to mention chicken to try) I would love a tutorial on a Heron. I would even be happy to provide a photo! They’re so beautiful and graceful.
    Thanks for your time.


  569. Lindsay can you please do a watercolor plumeria flower video love you videos and your personality see you in your next video


  570. Lindsay can you please do a plumeria flower watercolor video love you ad your videos and you see you in your next video


  571. Thank you, Lindsay, for all your great videos! Not only have I learned a lot about techniques to use, but you’ve really helped me get over the fear of painting and making mistakes. You’ve made me realize it can be fun to paint instead of stressful.
    I was wondering if you could help me understand something? I see how to emphasize things painted either near or far, but what if I want the real focus to be on something that is in the middle of the painting? For example, mountains in the background, weeds in the foreground and a field with a pretty old barn in the middle that I want to emphasize?
    Thank you again for all the wonderful tutorials and reminding me that the “art police” aren’t going to be knocking at my door, so just have fun! 🙂


  572. Review idea:

    Maybe you could review color by color against all brands one video at a time and do a series like compare wn, ds, qor etc their sap green one video and the next their magentas I think that would be a new twist on reviews.

    You do a great job!!!!!!!


    1. Thanks April! That’s a great idea but I do not have every color from each manufacturer and since all of the watercolors can be used together I like to try colors I have not used before if I am splurging on a new brand. Even the premade kits use different colors. So I would be afraid of not representing a lineof paintfairly and I don’t want to do that because there are so many awesome brands. I think though I will start comparing swatches on video as I goforward with reviews so people can see how a set compares with a similarily priced set so they can spend their dollers wisely, thanks for the idea!


  573. Hey, Lindsay , Love your videos, I’ve Learned so much with them! I was wondering if you ever paint urban sckethes? I live in the city amd ir os easier do paint buildings then landscapes!
    Thanks for everything !
    (Sorry for any gramatical mistakes I’m actually from Brazil)


  574. Hello Lindsay, Its Jimmy from Youtube!
    After browsing many of your videos and also trying a few myself, I was wondering if you have yet painted a Great war battlefield sketch or something similar, I am in the Military myself and was wondering if you could perhaps help me along the way of painting such scenes.

    Hope you can help me out, either way I will continue watching your videos and practicing the best I can. Enjoying them and your energy!
    Many thanks !!


  575. Hi Lindsay, Just wanted to say thankyou for your shorter water colour tutorials i.e., fall leaf and cupcake. I have so missed these shorter lessons. I learn so much just from listening to your chat and watching, and it gives me the opportunity to incorporate some water colour on my card making. I will never make an artist but I ssooooo love to play
    with water colour on cards. Thanks again for your time and talent sharing. cheers from Joan in Australia.


  576. Hi Lindsay! Love your channel, tutorials and reviews. I am curious if you have ever tried Fine-tec pearl watercolors? I have searched and cannot find anything on them on your you tube or blog. I saw someone else’s review and am curious if you have any experience with them?


    1. I have seen them demoed by Baylee Jay on youtube and they look fantastic, even better than Gansai Tambi but I have not used them myself.


  577. Hi Lindsay, On one of your recent tutorials you made a comment about washing your versa mark ink pad. Just something you said in your chat so I cant recall which tut. My versa mark ink pad as gone grey and discoloured, can I was this entire pad in warm soapy water and leave to totally dry out and then pour in glycerine to refill it? As always, I admire you so much and thanks for your time. stay well and happy. cheers from Joan in Australia


    1. Just wash it and press a towel to it to remove excess water and add glycerin while it is still wet, it will dilute it but that is what you want:) Be gentle when cleaning the pad though and if it comes off of the base a few dabs of gorilla glue will stick it back on while it is wet.


  578. Hi!
    I would love to see more beginner watercolor tutorials with maybe a hot air balloon?! I’m struggling in getting the right look. Perhaps you have a few techniques and tricks?

    Love your stuff. Thanks for inspiring me!



    1. try shading (using deeper/darker color at the edges) on the sides of the baloon to give it roundness:) Great idea for a tutorial!


  579. Hi Lindsay! Love the Fall leaves you’ve done and the other Fall foliage tutorials. I was wondering if you could do a Fall tree that’s changing with the beautiful colors that isn’t so far in the distance? Thank you for all the wonderful tutorials!


  580. hi lindsay, loved yesterdays tutorial . may i just ask, you have said before that you use the slight bigger than most m graham paint tubes that have a little honey added to them , but they are a little pricey here (£10.75 ) a tube! in uk , so could you recommend an equivelant alternative thats more affordable ..but same quality, dont want paint to dry up and crack in the bad atmosphere that i unfortunately have here. thank you. jayne uk


    1. try the daniel smith watercolor sticks, they are the same paint as in theDS tubes but you get more for your money, you can ct off the amount you like and put it in your palette. Itis a new discovery for my and a money saver because you are not buying water, just the pure pigment and binder. Or try pans. White knights are very good and $3.50 per large pan with I think it close to a 10ml tube of paint.


  581. Well, I don’t know how many videos you have now, but…I have watched them all in order. That was last year, so I don’t remember how long it took, lol. But, this is a request. I bought my daughter an art kit when she was in high school, a moon or two ago. Since they were abandoned when she moved out, I have used them off and on myself. While deciding if I should buy some “quality” colored pencils, I finally did my own comparison with what I have in my poor stash. Stopping with the first two, I am a little impressed and wanted to share. I have been carting around “Essentials” for quite awhile, (like you, I always have something creative to do while riding in a car, wathing at grandchildren’s games, etc), not thinking much about quality. So, I got out my daughters kit and immediately noticed a huge difference, her pencils were so much creamier, and didn’t break; and, i tested them against my 12 piece Prismacolor. The brand is “Gallery”. I am sure you are familiar with the big box kits, in their cute little briefcase. I have looked all over the Internet and do not see a review on anything in the kit, pencils, oil pastels and watercolors. I believe a review would be helpful to many who wonder if they should buy/gift a set. I wonder how you feel about the pencils, etc, with your knowledge and experience. Thank you for your consideration. Loretta


  582. Can you do a watercolor painting of a peacock feather? I loved this bluejay feather n now have a request to do a peacock, but I’ve never done one before so I’m hoping you can help.
    Also, a watercolor black eyed Susan would be awesome! It’s my favorite flower and I’d love to paint it 🙂


  583. Hi Lindsey! I know you have heard this a thousands times but I am going to put it out there… I just love your videos. It was you that got me hooked on card making and water coloring. Now with that said I am good with the card making but the water coloring I get stumped. I have MANY products, yes I am a collector and looking for a support group! I have played with them, but the concept of creating colors and mixing I get completely loss, i know weird. I am sitting here watching your Water Color Pencils 101 and loving it! Can we done on water color 101 as well sometime? I love watching you water color, you make it look so easy… and I just want to learn from you!


  584. I’m confused about blender pens. Could you do a 101 on them? The various types, are they interchangeable, how to use them, how to refill them/DIY them. Is a Dove blender for watercolor, colored pencil, alcohol markers? That’s an example of the questions I have. So many types of blenders and not all say what they are for. Help! 😀 Love your videos, Lindsey – thank you!


  585. trifles, that’s an excellent idea! I’m feeling the same way about the colorless blenders. Which are water-based and which are alcohol-based? Which brands make blender pens and where can I get them?Ditto that last request, Lindsay!. And thanks!


  586. Hi Lindsay!
    I LOVE your channel, you have taught me so much!
    I’ m from Brazil and it is really hard to find good quality materials and I was wondering if you could post a rembrandt watercolor review?
    thank you!!


  587. I love the painting you did of all the domed buildings and all the brilliant colors used.Saw it in it’s entirety.I don’t know if I would ever be able to do something that gorgeous.I love the greeting cards you do and I paint some for myself as well.You have taught so many techniques.I was new to watercolor several years ago,and never had a lesson,but plowed right in.I watched also Sus Sheewee’s program on create and also learned to paint from her as well.
    I watch your tutorials over and over again so I can learn and remember skills you teach.How do I ask a question when you are live painting.Is it always on a Friday at noon.


    1. yes, fridays at 12:30pm ET, just watch on youtube (links in blog post on that day) and if you are logged in on youtube yu can ask a question in chat:)


  588. Hi Lindsay
    I have a question for you. Could you please tell me how best to store watercolor pencils. I bought some really nice canvas covered storage cases from Jerry’s Artarama . I also have all of the Prima’s and took your advice about labeling with Washi tape, I also put a corresponding piece of the tape on the matching tins and then put all of the pencils in one of my new canvas container. But I also have the full set of Derwent watercolor pencils as well as the full set of the Inktense (Christmas and B-day gifts from my wonderfull husband) pencils and I am unsure if I should take them out of their tins. What is your advice on storage of the watercolor as well as the Prismacolor and Derwent Pastels, they are also still in their original tins. I worry that they may get tossed around to much in the tins. I really appreciate your help. All this because I am trying to make my area to be less stressful when I go in to “play”.
    Thank you


    1. I have gone back and forth with my storage and now I keep one brand out on my desk in cups and the other brands in their tins. The pencil trays should keep them from getting banged around.


  589. I love the pitcher with brushes you did in acrylic!! Would you consider doing the same in WATERCOLOR??? Thanks for all you do!!


  590. Hi Lindsay! Several months ago you replied to me about why my paper was drying so fast and i couldnt work with it. (i couldnt find that email again to answer your questions). You asked what kind of paper I was using. Well I was using Artist Loft 140# from Michaels. I have found that after buying canson xl 140# and fabriano studio #140 that artist loft paper has no sizing in it. Would not recommend it to anyone!!!! I also have been using canson xl media #98 which is a little better for watercolor but not good for washes as it does dry pretty quick. I also mentionef I live in colorado and all paper does dry quickly here. But with the new fabriano and canson #140 i am getting much better results. Thank you for replying and your many suggestions on your videos. They have been soo helpful.
    I also wanted to send you some Artist Loft paper so you can try it for the many people that have asked about it. Email me an address where i can send it (your store).
    Thanks so much for giving so much of your time to make your great videos. They have been so helpful.


  591. Lindsay, I want to show my paintings to you and get an opinion on those. How can I do it other than facebook…hope am not bothering you. thanks..


  592. Lindsy,

    Could you a darker pigment watercolor and theme like Tim Burton ‘s Beetle JuiceI would love to know how to do a richer watercolor. Love watching your show! Thanks.😶


  593. Do you have a video covering the basic watercolor brushes we should have for starting out? I know you’ve mentioned some of your favorites in different videos but I never write it down. I’m hoping you have one spot with them gathered there. Thanks and I love your videos!


  594. Hi, I was wondering if you have ever talked about the water one uses when you watercolor? I’ve been using filtered water because the tap water leaves a nasty red film on my tiles and I figured that can’t be good for my paintings!

    Also, do watercolors need to be “finished” in some way, to preserve them?

    I’m really enjoying watching your YouTube videos. Oh, one more question – how does one join the group chat during your tutorials?

    Thanks for your time to read my questions!
    Have a Wonderful day!


    1. I have hard water that will leave a film and it is fine for painting:) I mat paintings and slip them in acid free clear bags until I can frame them, I think spraying a sealer does more harm than good. To join the group caht you have to watch live at 12:30pm ET friday an youtube and it is easier on a computer. You need to be logged into youtube and the chat box will be to the right of the youtube player. Hope to see you Friday!


      1. Well, I was there but the chat option apparently isn’t available on tablets. It’s definitely not available on the Amazon Fire Stick. LOL! I’ll dust off the ol’ laptop next Friday and see if I can chat along.

        Thank you so much for answering my questions! This morning I happened on an old video by Art Tutor with Rob Dudley and he said if you wouldn’t put a goldfish in it, don’t paint with it. Maybe I’ll drag out my old Brita and use that instead of my Good drinking water. (Yeah, it’s really that bad.)

        I’m going to go back and watch the video again and catch up on the past ones while I anticipate next Friday. Have a Great weekend!


        1. Huh, my water must be better because we have had thriving communities of goldfish and sea monkeys:) We do have a water softener though and it is fine so yeah, maybe filter is or fill some jugs and let the minerals (maganese probably) settle out before using it.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Longyard, I couldn’t get the chat to work on my IPAD either so I suspect you do need to go to a full computer, either desktop or laptop, to get the full LIVE experience with Lindsay in Fridays. As soon as I went to my desktop, everything was right there on the screen in front of me! 😊


  595. I would like to request a review and tutorial with Derwent Graphik Line Painter pens. They look cool. I’d like to know how to use them similar to watercolor paints (or not). Thanks!


  596. Hi Lyndsay. I just got some watercolor pencils from Amazon , 72 in set for $19.95. They seem real nice 5o me but have nothing to say what each color is called. The company is colore. Have you used these or even heard of them? Wondering if they would be 2orth a tutorial.


  597. Hi Linsdey , do u have a video on how to make homemade embossing buddy if u have i cant find ot on ur blog. Could u show how to make one. Ty


  598. Hi Lindsay. I would love for you to review caran d’ ache luminance colored pencils. They are very pricey. I am thinking of getting some and would love to know what you think of them. I would be happy to gift you a SMALL set – I did say they are pricey 🙂 Thanks for all your hard work. you have helped me grow so much as an artist


  599. Hi Lindsay! Have you heard of Shinhan watercolors? Saw them on Amazon. 18 – 7.5 ml for $18, 24 – 7.5 ml for $23 and 30 – 7.5 ml for $30. These are called Shinhan artist watercolors. They also have another brand called Shinhan Professional SWC which for 32 tubes are $85.00 larger tubes dont remember exact size. I would like to see a review on the cheaper ones and maybe a comparison beyween the two as the second is really expensive. I did a search for Shinhan watercolors and very few popped up. Thanks. Kam


  600. Hi Lindsay,

    I would like to request a Friday tutorial on a crow or raven in watercolors. I have Turner Artists’ Water Colours set of 18. While making color charts I discovered that wonderful turquoise color. I mixed Rose Red (which I bought separately) and Phthalo Green and got a beautiful black shade. Then I saw how the turquoise reacted to the Rose Red and immediately thought of the iridescence of raven feathers. I’m a beginner so I’m not quite sure how to create this iridescence look with matte watercolors. So, with Halloween coming up, working with a mixed blacked and creating iridescence with that turquoise, I figured it couldn’t hurt to request a raven tutorial. Thanks for all your help and insight.

    PS I really enjoyed and learned a lot of information from the watercolor pencils tutorial. Also, I like the videos where you talk as you are working best.

    Thanks again, love your channel!

    Liked by 1 person

  601. Hey Lindsay. I know you have talked about the Reeves watercolor pencil in your watercolor 101 video and how much you liked them as an inexpensive alternative. Have you tried the Reeves watercolor paint tubes before? If so, what did you think and have you done a video review of them? Thanks for the help, and I continue to love all of your videos!


  602. hi lindsay, i was wondering if you would consider a tutorial on how to do water droplets and bubbles. i know its not very exciting but im sure lots of people would love to know how to make it look natural, dont mind what medium you use. would still love to see you paint mushrooms and toadstools too now that autumn is here. thankyou for all your videos and inspiration once again. jayne uk


  603. You are my hero ! I have been watching ur videos since the beginning. Back in March I lost my eyesight and was sure I would never see again . Long story short I was able to find a Dr willing to take on my case. I still listened to ur videos . I could visualize what was being done . I am now beginning to get my eyesight back . Ur videos have been such a pressure reliever and helped me understand how important it is to live each day to the fullest. Thank you .


  604. Hi Lindsay, thanks again for the wealth of knowledge and talent you share with us. I have a question. I’m ready to buy a set of Inktense pencils. I can afford the full set of 72 but wonder if that is overkill for a wanna be artist with only copy abilities. Should I stick with a 36 set to prevent me from trying to use too many colors? I understand that the 36 set would be duplicated if I later impress myself and think I deserve the full set (grin). What do you advise? Which set would be more frugal for the jnitial purchase? I have no high quality pencils or paints of any kind. Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  605. Hi Lindsay, Just watching your video Beginner Fall Landscape Tut with Schminke. I just loved your little 3 minute sketch of the jar and 2 roses. I
    noticed within the first 10 comments one person asked for a tut. on this sketch. Yes please – if you have time I would love to see that. Being a card maker and loving water colour, although my talents are very limited, I would love any short basic watercolour tutorials. So if you every have chance to put together a few more short basic watercolor tuts, I would love that. Wishing you health and happiness from Joan in

    Liked by 1 person

  606. Lindsay how about doing a tutorial on using fabric paints and or markers to make HOLIDAY THEMED PILLOW COVERS. I saw plain linen pillow cases at IKEA for $5 and I know you could do something amazing with them!


  607. I love your paintings of birch trees! I love watercolor paint but have recently gotten into working more with watercolor pencils. Would you perhaps do a tutorial of a landscape painting (with a birch tree!) using watercolor pencils?


  608. Lindsay, few months back when you were back from vacation you showed the red birdi…can you do a tutorial on that and the three buckets too…please…:)


  609. Could you make a video on projects that can be done with plain white cardstock?
    Maybe combine this into a crayola or dollar store challenge.

    I have tried watercolors on this kind of stuff and the paper curled and buckled. Would be interesting to see what you could come up with, given the low quality of the materials.

    Love your videos. I always look forward to seeing them!


  610. Hi, Lindsay: Love all your videos and have learned so much by watching them. I have a couple of watercolors questions:

    Which color of RED [in the 72 pencils container of Derwent Inktense pencils] do I use for the red stripes of the US flag?

    Also, when I get a little red mistake in the white stripe [after I’ve already used a clean wet brush to lift it off and tissue to blot it] how do I correct the dry ‘pink’ that left?

    Thank you in advance!


  611. Hi Lindsay, thank you so much for the free art education! I usually check to see if you have reviewed a product before I try it after several bad purchases so thank you! I did buy a couple of Davinci watercolor paints recently as they were almost half the price of others regularly and were on sale, so I wanted to request a review. i couldn’t find any reviews for this product on youtube. I just got them and they seem pretty good so far. Thank you.


    1. they are good! I have about 9 colors, I used them a lot when I had my teaching studio because you could buy them in 37ml tubes very cheaply. They are great! I will try to do a review on them, they are the same as Cheap Joes American Journey paints


  612. Hi,Lindsay: Thank you very much for all your videos–I’ve learned so much, especially watercolors. I have a couple of questions:

    I’ve drawn a bald eagle holding an American flag in his mouth for the PMP Oct 16 monthly challenge. Which RED would you use for the red stripes [I’m using the 72 count Derwent Inktense pencils] ?

    When doing the red stripes and a bit of the red gets in the white stripes,
    what can I do to correct it after I’ve used a wet clean brush to lift it & blotted it with a tissue?

    Thank you in advance for your help


  613. Lindsay, I have to say this. it bothers me that Blitzy is using “happy crafting” as their slogan. it belongs to you.


  614. Hi Lindsay,
    I am a long time fan . You have given me courage to plow through my self doubt and press on to learn watercolor. I too am a huge fan of M Graham wc’s & wonder why u don’t recommend them when asked about which are good to use on your wonderful Friday tutorials. Would love to see a review of them. Thanks for giving me courage & inspiration.
    Barb a


  615. Loved. The squirrel video! Could you do some more with the water soluable graphite? Thank you for all your teachi g. Time. And infectious enthusiasm. I work 3 jobs and look so forward to everything you post so my life is about somethi g besides work.

    Liked by 1 person

  616. I absolutely love your painting style. I have tried, unsuccessfully so far, to emulate your style, but everything I paint turns out looking so tight & controlled. Any suggestions on how to “loosen up”? And thank you for all the great product reviews – these are so helpful!


  617. Hi LIndsay,
    Firstly thank you so much for your watercolour tutorials, they are fabulous. Really enjoy watching them here in the UK.
    I have just started painting and with Christmas fast approaching I would love to paint a simple Christmas watercolour on card to send to family and friends.
    Would you be able to help me with one of your lovely tutorials?
    Many thanks.


  618. Was so inspired by the squirrel tut. that I did a bunny and have another bunny picked out to do soon! I have the Derwent water soluble graphite and I feel they didn’t “dissolve” as much as what you were using. S’alright, it came out really cute anyway!

    Please do some more wittle cutie-patootie animal vid’s! Watching you draw them out helps it “click” for me.


  619. Hi Lindsay
    First, just love your videos and your personality. I’M new to drawing and watercolor. Lately I’m struggling with a metal mug or vase or whatever.
    I took the photo on, the artist is breccabaroo and it’s beautifull tulips in a silver “thing”
    Would’d like to post the photo but for some reason the copy /paste dosen’t work.
    The point is that I Would love a video on how to paint silver shinny things.
    I’m a big fan, tanks and God bless you and your family.


  620. Hi Lindsay, I couldn’t find an appropriate place to ask you about your Craftsy class and materials list (usually with Craftsy classes you can look at required materials list before registering). I definitely want to take the class, but from what I gather, you use some materials/supplies I do not have and I have to budget for them (e.g., stencils, stamps, etc.) All I have are watercolor paints and paper, a very few waterproof markers/brush pens, charcoal and graphite pencils


    1. You will want watercolor crayons (or watersoluble oil pastels) a few stencils, mica powder and chalk pastels for this class in addition to your watercolor. We stamp with found objects from around the house:)


    2. You will want watercolor crayons (or watersoluble oil pastels) a few stencils, mica powder and chalk pastels for this class in addition to your watercolor. We stamp with found objects from around the house:)


  621. Hello Lindsay. I accidently entered in a giveaway, for Angela’s and yours watercolor course, several times. How can I delete the extras, I am so embarassed. I didn’t think the comment section was working. Imagine my surprise, when I saw them, tonight! Thanks in advance.


  622. Hey Lindsay!

    I’ve been watching way too much YouTube and came across some videos using Yupo and Brusho (not together). The yupo has me stumped but the Brusho looks so exciting I ordered some from Amazon (Jerrys was a lot more expensive, I checked). Anyway, I’d love to see a video with you working with those two mediums. Your videos keep me inspired to “keep on crafting”! Thanks for all you do.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lindsay,
      I took a workshop once using Yupo paper and enjoyed the way it was free and flowing in an abstract way. It was new and interesting for me. However, I’m not really an abstract artist so I was wondering if you could use Yupo paper to paint a traditional watercolor or acrylic painting? I bought a few sheets of Yupo paper at the worshop that I haven’t used.
      Thanks for all your tutorials. I’ve learned so much.


  623. Hi! I love all your videos, Lindsay, and learn so much! I know you have made a lot of watercolor videos, but could you ( when you can) make one that breaks down what the watercolor ‘codes’ like PV19, PY175, or PPV19 mean? What do the letters and numbers stand for? How do you know its lightfastness, fillers, or fugitive, etc? Maybe we need a Watercolor 102 video:) Thank you.


  624. I love your video tutorials!! please bring back the PASTEL series, I already tried the ones you have on youtube and I have been desperately waiting for more!!! Please!
    Greetings from Vancouver, Canada!


  625. I love your video tutorials!!! Please bring back your PASTEL series! I already tried the ones you have on youtube and I have been desperately waiting for more!! please!
    Greetings form Vancouver, Canada!!


  626. Hi Lindsay,

    Am really enjoying the livestream videos, Sarah is an utter delight!

    I live in Australia and Jerry’s, most art supplies companies in the US and Amazon sellers don’t ship products here so we can’t buy many of the products you review. Artist quality art supplies are very expensive here. We have W&N but I would have to sell my car to afford an artists quality set of 24!

    We have an Australian brand of artists paints called Art Spectrum and they make artists quality watercolour and oils ( the Australian Landscape series have very pretty colours) do you get this brand in the US?

    If you can get them could you do a review of them please?

    Thanks for the videos, hi to Sarah.


  627. Hi Lindsey! I love love love your videos. ESPECIALLY the ‘how to make cheaper mediums’. Is there a way to dupe the Ranger distress paints? I was wondering how an airbrush medium, acrylic paint and empty bingo daubers would work. What do you think? I’d love a video of your ideas on this paint.
    Thanks a bunch!!


  628. Greetings Lindsay, Sarah & Chewie. I really enjoy your tutorials on watercolor. I haven’t done much sketching in years so I print subjects from my HP office jet. I would also like to use the prints in a mixed media art journal, but wet mediums smear the colored inks. How can I keep the ink from smearing?


  629. Hey Lindsay! I remember in one of your recent videos you mentioned when painting white objects or flowers in watercolors, to exaggerate the shadows. An idea I thought, I would love to see maybe a painted bouquet of white flowers with a color/colorful vase/jar/container reflecting onto the flowers. I tried to paint some white flowers this weekend, and it turned into a weird blobby mess 😦 But anyway I’d love to see you paint something like this! (maybe one of the flowers could be alyssum, they are a favorite and cute and tiny!). I can definitely do white teacup reflections (from your tip that snow is not “just white” from an early video), but flowers seem to elude me, especially in bunches! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  630. Hi Lindsay! I love your watercolor videos and your personality! I think you are hysterically funny, entertaining, and very talented. I wish you would do a watercolor video everyday. Your videos are the highlight of my life, and I think of you as more of a treasured family member I look forward to listening to and watching you paint everyday. On days when you don’t do a watercolor video I watch one I have already seen again. I have seen some of them 6 plus times.

    I wonder if you could do a close up painting of an apple tree or just an apple tree branch with apples on it? I would also enjoy more bird videos, like maybe a bird in front of a birdhouse, and maybe some winter scenes with birds in them. And how about a partridge and a pear tree for christmas, and then maybe some pomegranets?

    Please continue to do your w.c. videos, and if you get any negative comments tell them to go suck an egg!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree!! Both with the watercolor paintings, having her on in the background and repeatedly watching videos. When I actually paint along with her I have to pause and rewind (repeat). I’ll catch myself saying “Lindsay wait! I’m not that fast!!” Oh and I ageee about the eggs too, 😁😁


  631. Hi, Lindsay – your watercolor still life’s are exquisite! Would love to see more of these on your live Friday tutorials. Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge & skill. I’ve learned so much from watching you.


  632. Hi! I watch as many of your videos as I can, subscribe to your channel, etc, Watch on wordpress. CANNOT figure out how to leave a comment (for example on the christmas tree). I just get more and more and more frustratrated!! Any way to make this any easier?? I am subscribed everywhere. Didn’t even want to become a wordpress member but it seeme I had too.


    1. Hi Expressyourselfrt! I hear your frustration, but if you’ll just go to the bottom of the comments on the Christmas tree post there’s a spot where you can comment just like you did here! 🙂

      Lindsay, is there anyway you can either archive some of these comments here, or make a “return to top” button? Scrolling back on a tablet takes quite some time. LOL!


  633. Hi Lindsay,

    I’ve got a bunch of eye shadows I’d like to use as home-made Perfect Pearls. I’m wondering if adding a little water and gum arabic powder to the powdered eye shadow will make it behave like paint, as well as make it permanent. (Is it possible the “resin” in Perfect Pearls is gum arabic? Hmm…) And if I then add some glycerin to the mix, will I get paint that acts like watercolor, but is permanent? I’d like to end up with a paint that looks nacreous and doesn’t rub off onto the other elements on my cards and papercrafts. (Am I going to have to spray some kind of fixative over my home-made paint to make it permanent, like people have to with pastels and chalks?)

    I am also not sure how much of the gum arabic powder to add. Could you suggest appropriate ratios of the ingredients to each other?

    If my questions inspire you, perhaps you could do a video on this topic. I am sure I’m not the only person who was inspired by you to buy up a bunch of eye makeup from the dollar store to use as a crafting supply and would welcome some new ideas on how to use it. And I know I’m not the only fan of yours who would love to see another video from you on making your own craft supplies.

    Thanks for all you do,
    Melissa Brown


    1. you don;t need much gum arabic to bind it to the paper. It will be like a watercolor meaning it will reliquify with water but eyeshadow will work fine for this


  634. Hi Lindsay! I wanted to ask if you would consider doing just a “chat with Lindsay” maybe every other month or three? Sometimes your community doesn’t have questions, per say, and we would like to just exchange information. For instance: I had asked you about matting; I made some little 4X6 inch paintings and had already bought the frames of the same size. You told me about tubes to get the watercolor paper off the glass. Guess what I used? Coffee stir sticks! I very carefully split them, slid them onto the edges, used some white tape to cover the white lines (’cause they sent sent striped ones instead of the clear ones I thought I was ordering!), and Bob’s yer Uncle! It cost me $1.80 for a thousand stir sticks, but I got my presents framed and ready to give, and now I don’t have to worry about them becoming ruined Thanks to You! 💜
    See? Sarah doesn’t want to read all that out during the live classes on Fridays (even if she could remember all our inane chatter) and you probably don’t have time to read it all after class before it disappears, and it only goes back so far anyway, so if we knew there was a chat session coming up, we could save all our tips, tricks and accolades for during that time. 😆
    Hope you are having a wonderful time on your chaperone trip!


  635. Hi Lindsay, I am a new subscriber to your channel. I have watched your videos for many years and they are awesome. Lindsay if you had cheap watercolor paints ad you wanted to make them better and not crack when they dry what do you do?


  636. Could you possibly review the DaVinci Watercolors? I absolutely rely on your reviews, they are always spot on. Just ordered the mission gold PP set based on your recommendation. And my White Knights set is exactly as you said it would be. Love love love you!


  637. Hi!!! I absolutely LOVE your work and the way you film your tutorials is my favourite out of all the other youtubers I watch. Could you do a watercolor owl tutorial?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. wow…my son too is asking me to paint an owl for quite a while now. He likes owls…shall I send a photo to the id you have mentioned below for red clover…

        Liked by 1 person

  638. Hi Lindsey, I have a pic of a red clover and would love to see if you could do a watercolor painting tutorial of it. My mom is now in her mid 80’s and the red clover in Tennessee holds a special place in her heart. I would like to learn by watching you paint the pic so that I could do one for her. I have the pic and could email it to you if you would send me your email address. Mine is Thanks in advance. I love everything you do and have watched so many of your tutorials I have lost count.

    Liked by 1 person

  639. Hi Lindsay. Loved your real wreath tutorial. Will you do a video on making a christmas ornament wreath with ball ornaments etc.? Thanks.


    1. what a cool idea, I have never done one but I have a foam wreath form (from the dollar tree of course!) so I will see if I can get some cheap christmas palls and try. Thanks you for the idea!


  640. Can you do either a color pencil or water color showing something, anything looking shiny and wet? I’ve seen eyes and lips drawn like they were almost coated in oil. I’d love to see how it’s done.


  641. Lindsey…I watch your videos faithfully!
    I need your help. I travel to my University in The Netherlands/Royal Academy of Art…I’m a retired doctor and I travel overseas about 6 times a year and teach watercolor classes.
    I am in search of the FABART traveling brunch sets/with the brushes that attach to the handle/interchangeable …they are in a Wooden case. I saw them on your new video that was in my mailbox today. However the link DIES NOT lead me to these brushes. I looked on Amazon…but cannot find. I would LOVE your help. Also I’m taking a class of yours on Craftsy and loving it!


  642. Lindsay,
    Since the first video of yours I watched when I was searching for some guidance for my first craft show last year, I was hooked! The variety of videos, from frugal crafting, simple but elegant cards, whimsical creations, and your painting tutorials is fabulous! Whenever there’s a notification of your newest video, I look forward to learning something new. Thank you!


  643. Lindsay can you do a comparison to Princetone’s snap line andd their watercolor brush line, ps love your video’s


  644. I would love to see some quick watercolor holiday cards, e.g.:

    – Christmas balls
    – Christmas tree
    – snowy landscape
    – reindeer (probably not that quick?)
    – candles & pinecones
    – snowflakes …

    I just got the Cotman pocket box (my first watercolors) and love your approach to just paint small cards and then send them off. So holiday cards seem like the best first projects!

    Liked by 1 person

  645. Hi Lindsay! Thanks so much for sharing your love of art and vast knowledge with us. I’ve learned a lot watching your videos. I couldn’t find any videos that demo YUPO papers for watercoloring. Have you ever tried them? If not, would you consider doing a product demo for them?


  646. lindsay, do you have a video using the pearlecent watercolour pallette?
    just watched one of your hauls where you purchased a set


  647. I only recently found you and have been gorging on Ask A Crafter videos for a week now. I love them! But I got to S3:E28 and then couldn’t find any more … did you stop making them?? xx


  648. hey Lindsay, most unfortunate thing… one of my favorite squirrel cling stamp tore ( ohhhh) when I pulled it off the block. Is he gone forever??? Any ideas? He’s only gone about 1/2 way from top to bottom… please? Thanks, becky and thank you for all you are doing too


    1. I think i might try and glue it. Smell the stamp, if it is sweet smelling it is photopolomer, if it has no smell it is sillicone. If silicone I’d try a silicone glue but you want to glue it where there is no printing surface (in the gully) if photopolymer I am not sure what I would use, you might just be able to arrange it on the block so you can still stamp it.


  649. Hi Lindsay!
    I am a beginner and I mean beginner painter in watercolor and I have been enjoying your videos! Thanks for being the most energetic and friendly perspn I have seen doing watercolor.
    I watchef a video recently of the chickadee painting. I loved it . I failed at getting colors right and I always seem to mess up on how much water and how to do the blending of colors. Anyeay, I am determined to keep trying and keep watching your videos.
    Being the holiday season, I was wondering if you would consider showing us how to do a cardinal. I just love to eatch them at the feeder in tje winter. They are so pretty.
    Thanks again and keep up the great work! You are an inspiration to all of us!

    Liked by 1 person

  650. Re Snowy Rural Road in Watercolor.
    Noticed when you painted the fence posts that you painted “around” the snow on the fence.
    I would have to paint the fence and then put the snow on top.
    How does one make this thought transition in painting or sketching? Is it practice, practice, practice?
    Thanks, Jackie


  651. Hi Lindsay, I was wondering if you have heard of the company ArtnFly, could you please do a review of their alcohol markers?


  652. Any chance of some more pastel painting tutorials one day, please? I enjoy all your videos, even for the crafts I’m never likely to try. Thank you


  653. Hi Lindsay! I was just wondering if you had heard of a brand of watercolor called “Shinhan”? I saw it on ebay and it looks like a good value – 15ml tubes and the lowest price I saw was a little over $6 for the first tube and then less than $5 a tube if you buy more than one, that’s including shipping. The seller also had all the light fast and pigment numbers included in the description. 😲
    I know you just got a big box of new paints to play with, but I’m sure all your Frugal Followers would love to see what you think of this brand at some point in the future. 😆
    Thanks for all you do!!


  654. Hi, Lindsay – the next time you do a review of “cheap watercolors” would you please review the Richeson Watercolor set available now at Dick Blick for $5.47 (standard 24 color set). I’ve heard these are beautiful, vibrant paints and a great buy for someone wanting to try watercolor without spending a fortune. Thanks again for all the great product reviews – they are so helpful!


  655. Hi Lindsay,
    Could we please have a watercolour tutorial of a hot air balloon in the sky?
    As usual with a round object it is difficult not to paint it flat. The one i tried had stripes but still didn’t manage to make it “pop” so do speak!!!!
    Many thanks.
    Ps- Love the fox 😄👍🏻


  656. I was just looking through my “Items You Like” folder on PMP and saw a gorgeous still life that has recently been posted by Steven Lempke. It doesn’t have Xmas items in it but most all of them are green or red. It has a bit of a Dutch master’s feel to it, I think. ( I love it but also realize that I wouldn’t have a clue how to approach it–or the confidence. (I’m in one of those “places” at the moment.) Given your fearlessness and willingness to tackle anything, I thought this might make a terrific subject for this time of year that wasn’t “religion-specific.” I was thinking of watercolor for this although it would probably be easier in either oils or acrylic (neither of which I work in at the moment, so that wouldn’t help me much, but…

    I did look through your albums and noticed that you are partial to Viacheslav’s still lifes. I am too but again, one has to be brave and adventurous to give them a go. Hope you will consider this wonderful still life by Steven. Thanks!


  657. Lindsay, while you were doing a review of Jerry Q watercolor paints, you were flipping through your sketch book and came across a painting of a rooster. I would so love a tutorial on that.
    Your tutorials have helped me in so many ways. Thank you.


  658. Hi Lindsey! I was recently given some new brushes (Royal & Langnickel Camel Hair). They seem nice but I don’t have much experience. The problem is I keep finding single bristles on my paper. Do I need to condition them or are they just not very good? xx


  659. Hey there Lindsay ..
    Happy holidays .
    How bout a video on how to get you great pics onto paper for the watercolour tutotials .
    Love your stuff. VeryVery inspiring


  660. Hello Lindsay,

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    I just wanna say that I’m a really BIG fan of you, I really enjoyed watching your watercolor videos and I learnt so much from them. My request is PLEASE make more watercolor landscape videos! 🙂 Please please pretty please! 🙂 Can you make another one that’s similar in style to the Snowy Rural Road (One point perspective) and similar in style to the Frosty Fall landscape? I really LOVED those 2 paintings you did, and I wish I could see more of such similar style and colors.

    Thank you very much in advance! 🙂


  661. Hello Lindsay from UK, I painted the ‘Christmas Cupcakes’ and was pleased with the result! Noticed on another video you had painted cheesecake as part of a review, any chance of a cheesecake watercolour lesson? Thanks so much, Happy Christmas

    Liked by 1 person

  662. Hi Lindsay!
    I’m trying to find ways to set up a craft room in an apartment. This means that I can’t put up permanent shelves or cabinets. I’m like you in that I don’t just have ONE avenue in crafting. I have a garage full of supplies but they are not organized in the slightest. I don’t want to craft out in the garage because it’s COLD out there, and I’d like the opportunity to clear it out and actually use it as a garage. 🙂 I’ll be making one of the fairly large bedrooms into the craft room/office. What would you recommend using that has minimal damage to walls (nails/screws, etc)?


    1. i would get the clear sterilite or iris carts, they go on sale for $15 frequently at department stores and they hold a lot. You can stack them too if you remove the casters. I have them under my table or sometimes stacked on the wall. You can move them as you need them and rearrange


  663. Hi Lindsey, I love to see a review on the Mungyo Water-Soluble Oil Pastel that you bought on haul. I don’t have Prima pastels where I’m from and I was thinking about buying the MUngyo ones. I was wondering what you think about them.


  664. Lindsay,
    I have those, but another thing I use are those cube type storage shelves available at Big Lots, Target, etc. I have 2 in my craft room and have them side-by-side now but have used them stacked. The cube style allows a great way to separate supplies by craft or item. They come in 4 or 6 cube styles.
    I hope this helps. Joanna

    Liked by 1 person

  665. Hi Lindsay, love your work and passion, thanks for all your tutorials! I was wondering if you could please consider doing one with the moon in it. Maybe a moonlight snowy forest scene or something. When I try to do the moon it looks like a yellow blob in the sky and then getting the moonbeams and moonlight to look realistic feels impossible! Other ideas were an owl and little red mushroom/toadstools.Oh and i loved your autumn landscape with watercolour pencils, so beautiful, woild love to see any more landscape watercolour pencil tutorials. I’m babbling on now sorry haha! Thanks 🌸

    Liked by 1 person

  666. Hello Lindsay,

    Do you have a video reviewing watercolor paper? I didn’t see one when I searched your youtube channel. I really enjoy your reviews and think it would be helpful to learn what watercolor paper you think are the best bang for your buck… best cheap, best expensive, what makes them the best, etc.

    Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  667. hi lindsay, hope you and your family had a lovely christmas. i know i asked you before but would it be possible to do a mushroom watercolour tutorial next year sometime, would love to learn how to paint them. thanks. love your work. j x


  668. Hi Lindsay I hope you had a wonderful Christmas . I love following you you have such great helpful inexpensive hints and tutorials . One of my biggest problems is finding a large bottle of vegetable glycerin . All I can ever find are the little 1 ounce bottles of Wilton . I’ve been to a couple of health food stores and they look at me like I have two heads and have no idea what I’m talking about LOL also Do you have website for gerry’s or mardens?
    Keep the videos coming I love them and so does my five year old granddaughter. She watched the video of you painting little candies they looked like wrapped Taffy. She immediately went and threw me a picture using colored pencils of her version of your painting. It was wonderful.


  669. Hi Lindsay, I am very inspired by your paintings and how nice you manage with all craftings, I even painted the water lily from Dec 2015. I wanted to paint smth space related like a star nebula or galaxy or supernova, but have no idea how to get the cool effect and I thought it might smth interesting to draw in watercolours. And thank you for the ox gall video!


  670. Lindsay,

    I’d love to see a poured watercolor tutorial. I’ve recently discovered it and would love to see a step-by-step.


  671. Lindsay, we both saved a landscape photo on PMP named ” Morning Light” taken by Terry Dekker. Can you do a tutorial of this landscape. I’m not sure how to go about painting it in watercolor and would love to see you do it. Thanks


  672. LOVE the vintage butterfly/pansy painting. I want to give it a try. Would you kindly provide the drawing? Pretty please? Thanks Lindsay.


  673. Hi Lindsay. #1 How do i email you about purchasing one of your paintings. #2 I really love the wayercolor /colored pencil mixed media. Can you do another? Maybe something like your fanulous fox?? #3 How can i share with you something i have done so I can show you how much I’ve learned from you?? You’ve changed my artistic life. 🙂


  674. I would really appreciate a review/tutorial on the QOR Watercolor ground. I bought this…hoping it might help me with some Watercolor techniques…I am horrible at watetcolor…learned in acrylics and oils…and making the transition to Watercolor is very difficult…but I can’tell make this medium do anything!!! It’s a Golden product and these are usually pretty good…but either this one kinda sucks…or as is more likely…I am doing something terribly wrong! But I am stuck with 3 jars of this and can’take make it work very well! Would appreciate your assistance/input on this product. Thanks.


    1. Mary Ann,
      I’m sure Lindsey will respond to you but we know how busy she is and I was curious about the Watercolor ground you inquired about since I was not familiar with it. I, too, am an oil/acrylic painter who is learining watercolor, so I feel your pain. There are some brief videos on their site about the product and from what I gathered they act for watercolor like gesso does for oil. It prepares ANY surface for painting with watercolor. You could paint on wood, cardboard, brick, clay, etc. Or you can use it on w/c paper for more texture, but use less water because it is more porous. I’m sure it would take some practice to get the ‘feel’ of it but it sounds like it would be interesting to use. Here’s a link to their website. Happy painting!! › Golden Artist Colors › Videos


      1. ok…..take your time…….. hahahaha…..btw. thanks for answering…..I’m from Philippines…so, everything is limited. and i love your videos too….


  675. Hi Lindsey!
    I love all your videos and have watched them all! Everything is wonderful and I’ve learned so much. I went and bought some water mixable oils after seeing you use them and was wondering if you could do more oil paintings. Thanks so much!


    1. I was interested in the paper mentioned in this inquiry, so I checked it out. The paper looks intriguing but since it is not shipped from Amazon, the shipping charges are way too high – almost as much as the product itself. Sorry I can’t do that on my budget.
      Lindsey, I love the way you are always trying to figure out ways to help us save money but still give us the best supplies for the money we spend. Keep up the good work.


  676. I can’t tell you how much I loved the video on painting a realistic eye! Immensely helpful! I have one question-I did not catch the name of the brush you used to remove color from the iris. Thank you so much for your kind assistance!–Tisa Vergskis


  677. Lindsey,
    If you would send me your mailing address I would like to send you a present showing you what can be done by printing copies of your paintings. I posted a comment earlier today after watching your latest Haul. Don’t know if you get a chance to read them.

    Ron Rappoport
    444 Spalding Lake Circle
    Aiken, SC 29803


    1. thanks Ron, I appreciate the offer by I am uncomfortable giving out my address since my mail comes to my home. I hope you understand.


  678. Love your videos, thank you, thank you! Wondered if you ever considered fast forwarding through repetitive or slower parts? For example, when demo-ing cleaning something on both sides, fast forwarding the second side, or even skipping ahead. Thanks again.


    1. sometimes I do, it depends on the situation:) Most of my viewers are adamant on “real time” for my videos so I usually go with that, feel free to skip over the boring bits if you like;)

      Liked by 1 person

  679. I would love an in depth M. Graham review and comparison please 🙂 (I am sorry if I missed it already, I couldn’t find one.

    Also someone was suggesting, in live chat, a brusho painting. Maybe even one with the Ken Oliver powders if you can use that in place of an actual watercolour pan?

    Lastly, this is so weird, but would you sniff all your alcohol markers and tell us what the lowest odour ones are? I have tried Copics and nearly passed out but I love the pro markers I bought and they don’t smell a lot at all. I would just like to expand my colour range and wasn’t sure which other ones would be ok. I also let my 9 year old use my supplies so I want something that is a little less wiffy. I would, however, suggest labelling the post “marker sniffing” – you might get a whole lot of unwanted attention from some sectors of the community 😀 ~ lol

    Its refreshing to have someone you trust to trial things and tell the truth about them. I appreciate that you spend your hard earned money on that, so I can make more informed choices. It might be enabling but I see it as pretty vital to my own artistic journey – to being able to create within my budget (Money, time and space budgets).

    And, you rock!! I always learn something, its a springboard to inspiration and I love your humour. Thank you.


    1. I think the blick markers have the lowest oders but I really don’t think any smell that strong:) I used brusho in a background on youtube tonight but not a full painting, I’ll have to think on that:) Thanks for the kind comment!

      Liked by 1 person

  680. How much glycerin should you add to WC paint that is cracking? Can you just put it on top after you have squeezed out of the tube or do you need to stir it up with a toothpick? I bought some of the Phoenix paints in a tube and want to set up a palette. I have gone thru a couple of sets of WC paints and simply cannot get decent results…they look like something my granddaughter did…I have been painting for 20 years…mostly in oils and acrylics…and WC paint is proving very difficult to get the hang of.


  681. I just think this was just great, I wish I can do somthing like this. But unfortunately money is tight, and I do not have the materials. I recently started watching your videos and they just inspire me so much. I just keep drawing when I get the inspiration from you.
    Thank you~


  682. I love your tutorials! You are great. I have both a question and a request. Question first: I don’t have green gold, is there a mixture that I could substitute? Now for the request: I watched an ArtSherpa video where she painted an old blue door in a rustic building with a window and window box in a stucco wall with some old brick showing through. She painted in acrylic, which I don’t have and I wondered if you could do something similar in watercolor. Thank you.


  683. I enjoyed your video showing how to package watercolors for art shows. Do you also have a video showing how you package watercolors for shipment so they don’t get damaged?

    Thanks, L. P.


  684. Hi Lindsay! Absolutely loved your cosmic background in today’s video. Just wanted to share that I also enjoy using the Schmincke aqua bronze powders. When I looked into purchasing them initially I was astonished by the price! I did some more research and found them from a UK website (Jackson’s art) and purchased all 5 colors for about $50 including shipping! I thought it was a great deal considering they’re about $20 each here in the states.

    Also, I wanted to ask if you have heard of Kremer pigments? And if so, would you consider reviewing them? I stumbled upon their shop while I was visiting in NY and splurged by purchased a pearlescent/metallic watercolor palette. I found their shades to be very pigmented, especially on black cardstock. However, I would love to know your thoughts on any of their watercolors.

    Thank you for all you’re wonderful videos!!!


  685. Hi Lindsey! I make a lot of tea (oolong usually) both for iced tea as well as kombucha. I have a lot of the little tea bags wrappers that I thought would make a cute embellishment to a card when turned inside out and maybe painted or stamped on. Have you ever done anything like this? Thanks for sharing all your talent with the all of us. We sooo appreciate you!

    Liked by 2 people

  686. Hello Lindsey! I’ve followed and watched most of your watercolor landscape-like pieces and they really help me a lot when I’m trying to learn how to paint a landscape. As a fellow artist I feel adding nature like background to my works of fairies and such would look perfect with my art, but, I’ve never come to learn exactly HOW I should start in learning landscape painting.

    I was wondering if you could make more videos painting more forestry/shrubbery like landscapes. It would help me a lot and I learn so much and so easily when I follow your tutorials. Maybe make a video on helping new comers to landscapes, maybe give tips or advice or tutorials and how to work on landscapes.

    How do you know what layers you should start with? How do you know what to sketch or how sloppy and loose the sketch should be? How can you break apart the landscape in different painting layers to achieve the final outlook you want? Unlike painting humans, forest and nature like themes are not so straight forward.

    I’m just really confused how how to start or learn how to paint landscapes, and I find following your tutorials really help me a lot and allows me to learn new things and add it into my work. Please make more landscape like tutorials of nature and trees and plants, etc.

    Thanks Lindsey!


  687. I would like to request that you do a loose watercolor of a city scape such as a Chicago skyline? Also could you do a few basic pencil drawing tutorials? Thanks. You’re amazing.


  688. Hi Lindsay!
    I recently watched your video showcasing rubbernecker stamps, and was interested in placing an order…do you happen to have a current promo code with them…the one listed has expired? Thanks for your wonderful videos!


  689. Lindsay,
    First of all….I love you! You’re so funny and energetic! Can’t get enough of your ideas. I’m an idea hoarder…wish I were as prolific as you.

    Anyway, I’d like to put in a video request. I saw you mentioned that you get the Smart Art box. I know there is Sketch Box and Scrawl box in addition to the Smart Art box. Are there any others? Have you thought about doing a review of the monthly art box subscriptions?? Or a comparison? I would be interested in hearing what you think of them.

    Thank you,


    1. Hi Heather, I am conflicted about reviewing some of the other boxes because Smart Art is a sponsor. From what I have seen Smart Art has the biggest and best boxes so i am afraid I might unfairly compare the two because I am used to such a big box and I worry viewers may not trust my opinion because I am sponsored by one box and they might think I like them best because I am paid to promote them. There are lots of unboxings and reviews on other youtube channels though so I suggest you have a search and see what they have to offer. I think The Art Sherpa did a side by side compariston of the major art boxes:)


  690. Hey Lindsay I just found your youtube because I was searching for the best watercolor pencils. I am just starting out with any form of watercolor and thought the watercolor pencils would give me more control. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial for a Hedgehog using watercolor pencils? I love hedgehogs and would love to follow along to one you create!
    Thank you,


  691. Hi! I have a painting and wood working question….My husband has just started creating things with his scroll saw. Currently, he is making 3D animal puzzles – elephant, lion, cats etc… He has asked me to help him paint them. We want to give some of them to the children in our family and also to friend’s children. Do you have any tips on how to paint or stain these wooden toys so they are lovely and SAFE? I know the craft paints are non-toxic – is there a safe sealer that you know of? Do you think that it’s better to stain them? If so do you have a recommendation? Also, I read liquid watercolor is a great way to stain them? Which brand do you think would be most economical and safe for children? THANK YOU for everything – you are a great artist, an amazing teacher and you are so kind and generous with your time and knowledge and skill. I watch you every day – I appreciate everything I have learned from you as well as the encouragement to keep on trying no matter what! 🙂 So, thanks!


    1. I would do acrylic craft paint because watercolor as stain with transfer to wet hands (or mouths) as there is no binder, you are safer with acrylic paint.


  692. Aloha Lindsay! Boy, I do love your tutorials. I am searching for a way to make my own “micro glaze,” a product to seal envelope art using distress inks or color pencils so they don’t get ruined in case of rain. The brand names are about $10/ounce plus shipping. Most won’t ship to Hawai’i, only contiguous 48 states. I need help. I know it’s basically a wax substance but can you share any more information to help us “frugal-wannabe” crafters? Mahalo oh so much!!!! Rosy aka KonaRose


    1. melt together beeswax pellets and mineral oil, when it cool is should be a soft wax, if it is too hard ad more oil and remelt, if too sift as more wax. Good luck!

      Liked by 1 person

  693. Hi Lindsay, hope you are enjoying your vacation. And many thanks for covering all sorts of topics in your videos while you are away 🙂 I had a request. I have learnt a lot from your tutorials and I am progressing from beginner level. I would really appreciate if you could do a more detailed paining tutorial with multiple elements like or I simply love painting flowers. Thanks!


  694. Hi lindsay! I would really like to se you drawing moore of asian faces. I did a geisha yestarday and I colored it with watercolor pencils… the problem is that I couldn’t get the right color…. I aplied also blue and greens on the face but is not looking to good. So would you like to do an asian skintone with water color pencils?


  695. I really like your videos; they give me a lot of confidence. I think you need a secretary to go through all your comments. My request, which I think I left somewhere once before, is a doorway in watercolor similar to the one ArtSherpa does in acrylic. I love old doors, and have some photographs I’ve taken and would love to paint. Thank you.


  696. Hi Lindsay! I was wondering if you’d be willing to paint a great blue heron in watercolor. April 3rd is the second anniversary of my mother’s death and she loved them so much. Whenever she saw them she would tell me, “It’s going to be a good day.” As such, they’ve become my favorite subject. It would mean a lot to me to be able to watch a video of you painting one around that time. Missed your live videos while you were on vacation! Glad you’re back!


  697. Hi Lindsay! Thank you for all you do. I love your videos! Would you do some more pastel….pan, oil, soft, pencils. I loved the pastel month last year.


  698. Hi Lindsay, I wanted to thank you for your video “Golden Sunset Beginner Watercolour. 3 colours. So glad to see a new beginner watercolour painting, its just at my level and I will be excited to try this.
    Also just watched Silhouette Stamps Inky Backgrounds which was full of ideas and information. I will be watching this one a few times ! I was going to ask you if you would review the new Tim Holtz Distress Oxide Inks, there claim being that you can layer upon layer and never get “mud”. I’m very tempted but the set of 12 here in Australia would be AU$110.00 so if I could achieve the look with what I have – that would be a real saving. What do you think.? A big thankyou for all the work you do and the best of health and happiness to you and all your family. Cheers from Joan in Australia.


  699. Hi Lindsay, I am an archaeologist trying to learn watercolor painting to add to my repertoire. I am struggling with perspective when trying to recreate images such as these (, I would to see a video tutorial that address this and has tips and tricks that may make it easier to learn. Thank you for all the great videos (past, present, future), I eagerly wait for them each week.


  700. Hi Lindsay,
    Thank you for your great videos and reviews. Like Joan above, I would also like a review of the Tim Holtz Distress Oxide Inks, or maybe a comparison between the new Oxide Inks and the regular distress inks.

    I do not own any distress inks but often see a lot of card backgrounds being made using the mini version of the regular Distress inks. I thought about making a purchase of basic primary colours when the Distress Oxide Inks were released. These however only come in the large size. I would love to hear what you think.

    Best wishes


  701. I’m loving your Facebook Live tutorials on Fridays when I can catch them. Two of us commented on your crab FL that we’d love to see a watercolor tutorial for Painted Ladies (Victorian homes). Not sure why we thought of that during a crab video (free associating? LOL!), but I told the other commenter that I would make the request, so here it is! Thanks for considering!


  702. Hi Lindsay! FYI. In January you demo’d a 24 set of Aquafine Paints available at Jerry’s Artarama. I thought they looked great so I ordered them, knowing they’d be back ordered till mid February. Haven’t heard from Jerrys so I looked up my orders and found they had been cancelled!😬 I Live Chatted with Jerry’s. They say the company cancelled as a way of cleaning out the inventory system since they were ‘long back ordered’ but I could reorder by phone , explain and get free shipping.

    When I looked, I don’t think they are offered anymore. Guess your endorsement of the set ‘broke the bank’. Not sure what you might do with this info, but I’m quite disappointed in Jerry’s for not notifying me and maybe for not anticipating demand.

    Love your blog! Love your watercolor tutorials and info. Really love your excitement, enthusiasm and encouragement.


    Sheila Reed


  703. Hi Lindsay, Could you please recommend 2 cards that are best to use with alcohol markers. I ask for 2 as one may not be available here in Australia. Many thanks for your input. cheers. Joan


  704. Hi Lindsay, I join your many fans when I say that I love your watercolor videos. I used to paint, years ago, but put my stuff away and haven’t touched it until recently. As a side note, you’re right that watercolor never goes bad. I took out those old paints from over ten years ago, cleaned the palettes and moistened the paint and voila! just like new.
    My request, which I have left before is whether you could do something similar to the blue door which the Art Sherpa shows in acrylic. I would love to paint something like that, and I can’t seem to figure out how to do it in watercolor. Thank you. Sharon


  705. I have been looking for the review/comparison of Michael;s art markers and other similar markers (artist quality, student quality, crafting) and I can’t seem to find it. Did I see it elsewhere? I was looking at a comparison for adult coloring purposes. Thanks!


  706. I was wondering if you would do some tutorials on drawing hands, feet, knees,elbows, arms and legs. Thank you.


  707. Love it, as always!! Lindsey, this is Karen Sizemore again. I wanted to follow up on my suggestion for monthly contributions for your art. Patreon is a way to do that. I contribute to Angela Anderson, who just started doing that and she’s getting somewhere around $1500 a month from people like me. I also sponsor Steve from Mind of Watercolor there. I think it would be an excellent way for you to earn some cash from those of us who love you . Just a thought… thanks for all you do.❤🙏🏻


  708. Hi Lindsay! I love your videos & enjoy your upbeat personality! I have learned SO much from you!

    I just purchased online a 12 whole pan set of Schminke watercolors for $105.00, which I thought was a deal compared to prices for the half pan set, from a company called Culbi. (I hadn’t heard of Culbi before.) I started to unwrap the pans & the paper stuck to the pigment! I can’t scratch it off the cake. Plus my cakes are cracked.

    Was this a deal too good to be true? Is this an ancient set & that’s why it was so low-priced? Should I send this back for a refund?

    Thank you, Lindsay! ❤


  709. Lindsey, I was also wondering if you could do a tutorial that involves painting a night scene. Most videos that I’ve seen are galaxies and silhouette they are not very robust or have a lot of the details that one would expect. I love seeing all sorts of paintings, I just don’t see many night scene watercolors. Do you think you might be able to put one together. I searched “night” on the youtube channel and nothing pulled, but if there is something please let me know. Love watching your video’s, especially the live sessions. Thanks so much for doing what you do!!


  710. Hi Lindsay! You have inspired me with all your great still life watercolor paintings. I have been trying to create some interesting still life photos at home, but I am having trouble. I would love some tips or maybe even a tutorial? I’ve been trying for awhile. I’m using my floor lamp from target that has 3 different bulbs. I’ve tried all different angles and combinations of lights and I’ve been trying since you did the gourd painting back in the Fall. I even tried with glasses of water with different colors of light. Anyhow, I would appreciate any tips you have :))


  711. Love your vids. It’s fun to binge watch on a topic over the years and see your hair change😸. I’m interested in learning about a product called Watercolor Iridescent Medium. Saw it in both Blick and Cheap Joe’s, several brands. I love the look you get with twinkling H2O’s, wink of Stella, etc but they seem pricy for such a specific use. The medium is pricy too, but I already have watercolors and I could mix any color needed. Theoretically anyway I can’t mix a decent purple. Yet. I’ve a limited budget, so I’d like to know how it works before I spend. That’s where you come in, for many things. You’ve helped me to make better choices, and to think before I buy. Thanks.🎨


    1. I have the winssor & newton and you just mix it in with some paint, it works great and is cheaper than buying a set of H2Os


  712. Hi Lindsay
    Love your channel. I tried looking through your channel but couldn’t find and hence asking.. can you do a video for diy embellishment mousse like inka gold or nuvo. Thanks.


    1. I have used white paintable latex caulking in a tube from the hardware store, you can tinit it with any acrylic paint or ink:) Works great!


  713. Thank you so much for your wonderful video’s and blog. I am a beginning watercolor painter and I have been enjoying your videos. I am so encouraged by your teaching style and positive attitude and have been learning so much! Blessings, joy and gratitude to you!


  714. Hi Lindsay,

    I do journaling, and just heard about these Derwent Graphik Line Makers. There is a short Derwent video demonstrating these, and they look like they’d be a lot of fun. I wonder if you might do a review of them. I checked your playlist and I don’t see them on there. I know you’ve done other Derwent reviews, but not these, or at least I did not find it. I like the fact that these have a fine point and can be blended. I love your videos, especially the ones with Sarah in the background and people are asking questions while you paint and you answer. I’ve learned a lot by watching and listening. People ask a lot of good questions. Thanks for all your hard work Lindsay, I really appreciate you sharing your talent and advice. Hugs from Sharon in Florida.


  715. Hi Lindsay, I asked a question some time ago but it was overlooked, I know you were super busy at the time so its easy done. Could you please tell me if you have a favourite card to use with alcohol markers. I don’t mind if they bleed a bit through the card but do you have a card to recommend that will help with blending and good colour etc. Many thanks Lindsay I so appreciate your time. cheers. Joan in Australia


    1. My apologies Joan, I prefer a few different cards for alcohol markers: Neenah Classic Crest Super smooth #80 in color solar white is my most often used, it does bleed through. If I need something that wont bleed through I pick GinaK Pure luxary heavyweight and I also like Papertrey ink’s stampers select, it has a little tooth so it works good if you like to later colored pencil over your alcohol marker. I am sure there are other fine brands too,that is what I prefer tho:)


  716. Hi Lindsey, I just love your ideas and enthusiasm. Thank you for all the tips you have given us, they are gold! Wondering I can pick your brain? I got a huge stamp set from a charity store, so cool. The stamps were stained but I managed to clean them and they stamp beautifully. However, there were several pigment ink pads in there too, and some of these are dirty? Contaminated? It sure what to call it, but the red has black in it, the orange has purple all over it, and unfortunately they are stamping “dirty”. Is there a way for me to clean them? I’m not worried about the ink, I have plenty of reinker, but the pads would be nice since I don’t have pigment in pad form. If not I will have to toss them, no biggie I didn’t know they were in there so no loss. Thanks for any help you can give me.


    1. I have washed versamark pads with dishsoap and rinced them well, blotted with towels and reinked. I color ink might be messy but give them a try, sometimes the ink is OK and the stain is only cosmetic.


  717. Lindsay, I have seen your videos here and there for years but I just accidentally came across your video where you talked about ART as a CAREER and some ideas on how to do it. I just wanted to come by and say THANK YOU! I love your ideas (so excited to find out that I’m already doing some of them!). I love your enthusiasm & your philosophy about SHARING what we know, if we want to be good teachers! So funny that I’m teaching ART as a career. I NEVER liked or was good at art in school. It wasn’t till I found scrapbooking in college did I get involved and now I have my own STUDIO in my basement and teach weekly in Kansas City Missouri area! Would love to chat it up with you more sometime! – Shari Keller


  718. Hi, thanks for the great videos. I am new to the crafting scene and recently got some versamagic chalk ink for stamping. Some of the new inkpads were already dry. Is there anything I can do to revive them? Thank u. N


  719. Hi Lindsay,

    Your videos and your general crafting style and attitude are such an inspiration to me. I was wondering if you could do a video or post back on your recommendations for an art fair demonstrating paper crafts. I mainly do cards and project life type scrapbooking and have signed up for a “makers expo” at my local library showing others what you make. I really want to get into teaching techniques and making connections in my area and help out beginning paper crafters. Any ideas would be appreciated, like Should I do a simple make and take? Thanks again for all your inspiration.


    1. A make and take would be your best bet I think, good luck! Oh and ask for emails so you can create a local student email list so you can notify them when you have a class or workshop.


    1. I dont have a video but here is how I do it, I adhere the painting to a colored matte board and then cut a mat so the opening is 1/4″ larger than the painting all the way around so you see a bit of the reveal of the colored board underneath.


  720. Hi, I’d love it if you did a tutorial on how to paint/draw a mallard duck in any medium. Thanks for the wonderful tutorials 🙂


  721. I thought that you had a video a couple of years ago that used nail decals on something…maybe I am not remembering correctly…but I thought it was on your channel. I apparently went out and bought some at that time…and recently came across them while attempting to clean up my craft “stuff”…now I can’t find the video…am I “mis-remembering”? I do that occasionally!


  722. Hi Lindsay, I’m hoping you can help me with a problem I have recently bought some Spectrum Noir Alcohol Markers and cannot get
    the lids off. At age 65 I do have some hand issues but normally manage very well. My husband has had to bring up a vice from his garage and attach to a table in my room. I clamp the lid in the vice and
    then just “wiggle” so I can use. Ive tried placing some oil in the cap to
    kind of spread around and I thought this would free up the lids but its
    made no difference. Any suggestions please. I have two sets and cant
    use any !! Many thanks for your time. Joan in Australia. p.s. I believe they have now re-designed their pens, perhaps this is why I was able
    to purchase so cheaply.


    1. Hi Joan, I find the new style harder to uncap, are yours round or square? You might wrap a rubber band around the cap so you can grip it better. I think it will be easier once you used them a bit, my caps come off easier now. You can always email crafters companion to see if you have a defective marker set.


  723. Thank you so much for such a quick reply. My pens are hexagonal (more square than round). The lids are so tight even my husband has a battle and he has strong large hands. Thankyou for the rubber band idea I will try that. I don’t think they are defective as its two packs I bought. Guess I shall just have to use them a lot !! cheers Lindsay take care of yourself. Joan in Australia


  724. Hey Lindsay, Joan again, Bless your cotton socks!!!!! The rubber bands are an excellent idea, my husband is putting them on for me now and its works great !!!! What would we do without you?? Thankyou
    so much. cheers. Joan


  725. Hi Lindsay!
    Many thanks for your generosity and inspiration. I have discovered your videos only a couple of months back and I am hooked!

    Here is my question. Is it possible to DIY a deckled edge in watercolour paper?

    Here is why. I want to paint 4 postcard sized paintings in one Arches sheet, and would like to have deckled instead of straight edges.


  726. Hi Lindsay,

    I love your website and all the videos. I have a problem. I can’t draw very well but love watercolor painting. Do you think it is possible for you to give us sketches we could print out before we start painting along with you. I hope that this will become available to all your viewers soon. I bet I’m not the only one in this predicament.
    Thanks in advance,


    1. I like Deborah VanHooser’s request. I cannot draw either, I keep trying but still am not very good and I really want to draw. I love your flowers and it looks so easy when you do it, but mine look awful. I know you do put downloads at times but maybe you could show us how to draw the flower shape just a little slower, I am getting there but not there yet. Thanks for all your videos, I even go back to the old ones for help and FUN. Love your energy.


  727. Request review of “YES – all media cotton canvas”. Would like to get your opinion as seasoned artist, even tho as my previous comment indicated i used it already.


  728. Lindsay, you are awesome! Because of you I have begun doing so many things, with my God given talents. Thank you so much for everything,
    I have told so many about you. I am excited about the watercolor classes.
    God bless to you and your family. Look forward daily to your projects. I am now trying to work with the Windsor & Newton water oil paints, as my first love is oil painting. I haven’t had any training
    with watercolor except with what I’m learning from you. Thanks again. And you truly are a treasure to us all on learning from you on “”you tube ”
    Janice Smith/
    Austin Texas ( a true lover of your home state “Maine” 😊💞🙏🏼👩🏻‍🎨👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍💻


  729. Good Morning Lindsay!!
    I know you’ve spoke about doing a tutorial using bleeding tissue paper and making fairy wings from it so they look ethereal. Hopefully this is still on your agenda!


  730. Hi Lindsay, your #2 fan here! Everyone else claims to be #1, so I’ll happily settle for #2. Anyway…I just found your series of “Ask a Crafter.” Is it possible to go back and put in a few words in the title of each one and say what the subject for that day is? You know, like craft cards, watercolor, Inktense, marketing, etc. I realize this is a huge request in regards to your time, but if you can find an assistant to help you (teenage children could work…)!

    Also, thanks for your recommendations of certain colors. I just got my box from Jerry’s with my first Qor paints and I specifically ordered Cobalt Teal based on your recommendation. I also ordered Quinacridone Gold Deep–it looked so gorgeous on the web page.

    Carol R, Florida

    Liked by 1 person

  731. Hi Lindsey! Avid fan almost sorry you are doing so well, I love how I felt like part of a small group of privileged people.
    Do you have a fix for foxing on paper. I found a favorite print that had fallen and the frame broke so I put the print away and ignored the foxing that had begun. It popped up today during a clean up and the foxing is much worse. I’d hate to lose it, can it be helped? It feels like water color paper, it’s held the plate imprint. It is a single print in dark brown ink. If the foxing can’t be fixed is there away to prevent it from progressing? Thank you


  732. Hi Lindsey! I love your videos and was hoping you could do a watercolor tutorial perhaps featuring a lizard? I want to paint dragons and such and would like to see some good scale painting techniques. I suppose a fish could work too?

    Thank you as always for making such great and prolific content. Always pretty relaxing after a bad day to come home and watch something like a card video ❤


  733. Hi Lindsey,
    I love watching your videos. Even the tutorials for crafts I don’t do like stamping and card making. I love your watercolor tutorials and would love if you could try a flamboyant cuttlefish. Their colors and the way the colors blend seem like it would lend well to watercolors. Although really any under sea creature such as an octopus, angler fish, Jelly fish would be fun to watch you paint. I’ve just been struggling with the flamboyant cuttlefish. 😀


  734. Lindsay,
    I just spent a ridiculous amount of money on the Dylusions ( which is a brand I love!) paint pens. It wasn’t bad enough that even after following the directions I had problems keeping the paint flowing- I realized that my good ole Ultra Fine Sharpies looked exactly the same for a fraction of the cost!! Amazon has 24 pkg of basic colors for 10.75 – I paid almost $30.00 for 8 Paint pens! If you haven’t done a comparison video- this would be a good one!!


  735. Hi, Lindsay, i watched your video on making charms from shrink plastic. Can you stamp an image on it with permanent or solvent ink? You said not to use dye ink, so I just wondered, what could be used..


  736. Hi Lindsay, I just heard about soft press watercolor paper. Do you have any? Can you do a video using it? Thanks! Nancy


  737. Hi Lindsay! Can you do another loose watercolor painting , one similar in style to the really colorful building ❤ i find that to be the most inspirational to see how you control color


  738. I wouldn’t really enjoy watching your work process for a Willow tree. Specifically, how to address the definition of so many leaves. Thanks for sharing your beautiful talents!



  739. In the lilac video you mentioned making highlights by scraping back the paper with xacto knife. Is there anyway you could include this with an upcoming video? I hear people talk about it but never seen it in action. Thanks for all the lovely videos. You are awesome, your channel is awesome and I have learned soooo much. My husband was watching me paint and said, wow, you are getting really good at that. He also called me an artist! Still smiling from that comment. I can’t thank you enough for encouraging me to actually put paint to paper. Dreams are coming true over here. Thanks.


  740. Lindsay can you do a full fledged friday live tutorial on the following,
    1) dolphin coming to surface or diving into the water…..
    2) under water scene( with derwent graphitint) or coral reef
    3) Passion flower


  741. Hi Lindsay! I am very new to watercolor painting and I have really enjoyed your tutorials.

    I think I have a summertime sweet tooth. I recently painted a cupcake based on your tutorial. I am now making homemade cotton candy ice cream. I thought it would be fun to paint cotton candy in watercolor (or ice cream). I cannot find a tutorial from you on this. I hope you consider my request.



  742. Hello Lindsay! I’ve been looking on youtube for a bonsai loose watercolor tutorial and just can’t seem to find one. I was wondering if you might consider doing one for us. It could be very much like the parrot tulip tutorial that you’ve done and take only about 10-15 min. Some layered yellows and greens charged into different painted “water shapes” and then a few browns in the tree trunk? I’ve been trying on my own, but I don’t think I have quite the mind for watercolor yet as you do.

    And thank you so much for taking our requests!



  743. I would love a underwater watercolor painting! I have been following your tutorials for months now and I would love to do a sea themed one 🙂


  744. Holy cow, Lindsay, how do you do it?! Discipline and passion I suspect. I’ve been binge watching your videos for the last few weeks. Actually fall asleep to them most nights. Not because you are boring me to sleep, but because my brain slowly disengages while taking in your techniques. Maybe I am hoping to absord it all through my earbuds (hubs wants quiet, go figure!). I live in Maine too, about 2 hours south of you, so every time you make a reference to the weather, I feel like I am right there with you (well, basically, I am!). I was once the editor of McCall’s Needlework & Crafts magazine, creating stuff is also in my blood. I just started painting less than 2 years ago, and boy do I have the bug. I watch your watercolor demos mostly since that medium is kicking my butt, but I am determined to conquer that watery devil! So, I don’t have any special request at this time (still have lots of videos to catch up on), just dropping you a line (more like a book, looks like), to let you know I appreciate your dedication and generosity. Love your personality and I can tell that behind the bubbly exterior, you’ve got your s**t together, girl 🙂 If you ever do some classes/workshops in the Portland area, let me know. I’d love to attend. I promise I won’t fall asleep in class!


  745. I sorted thru all my watercolor paints and discovered I have a ton of gouache…I have no idea why…any ideas as to what I could do with it would be greatly appreciated. I also have a bunch of Reeves and Daler Rowney watercolor and would be interested in your opinion of these…good enough for practice, give to the grandkids or just pitch them? Thanks for all your inspiring videos!


  746. Hello! Love your work! Especially the water colors and thankyou for sharing these lessons on You Tube. My request is;
    Please please write down your paint color choices on your blog before each live show. This gives everyone time to collect everything ahead or join in late with out scrolling back. Listing brushes and paper type always helps as well. I’d love to paint along instead of just watching. According to the comments each week so would a lot of your fans. Remember, some need to search the small print on labels for the English names! Thank you so much!


  747. hello i love your videos, i am trying to set up an art and craft business but im really struggling can you share some advice, how long did it take for you to become noticed, what things have helped you, what is it really like doing art full time
    thank you 🙂


  748. Hi Lindsey,
    Your videos are very helpful to me, I appreciate you sharing your gift, as I do not live in an area where I have access to any kind of art classes whatsoever.
    Would you mind doing an underwater sea watercolor painting, with sea creatures, coral, structures (such as large rocks)? I have tried multiple times, but cannon seem to get the underwater further away structures distortion correct. I would be most grateful.
    Thanks for all you do, you are a blessing!


  749. Hi Lindsay….I’m not sure if the post I just made came to you or not…I had to go to WordPress, change my password, etc. Lol! Anyhow…Kelly Barlow did a tutorial on making a glue gun stand like the one you have, from cardboard and a small piece of glass. I’m not sure of the etiquette of doing a similar video, but thought you might be able to if she got credit? It’s really neat and frugal! I thought you might be able to improve or simplify her process! Thank you for all your great ideas Lindsay, and for sharing your gift with us!! Have a super day, and Happy Crafting to you!
    -Marci Zinn
    Here is the link to the video:


  750. Hi Lindsay,

    Is it possible to make home-made marbling ink? Have you done a video about marbling paper? I watch your videos as often as I can because I learn something new with each video. Thank you.


  751. Hi Lindsay
    I’m interested in learning to make collagraphs but I don’t have a press. I do have a small clay slab roller, a grandmark diecutter from and a big shot machine. Can a collagraph be made using a roller type machine like I mention. I saw someone on YT make one with a pasta machine. I’d like to learn to do small collagraphs that look artsy vs looking like a child made it. I know it takes time to learn and at first, will look primitive. Thanks. Tere (YT paprluvr)


  752. Hey Lindsay! So, I have a “money saving” (roughly $35- $40) quest for you… have you seen the “Magic Color Changing” die from Lawn Fawn? (I think that’s what they are calling it) I KNOW this is an easy concept, but I’m no longer good at doing teaching videos (well, I don’t do videos at all anymore) and thought that some of us (ME, ME, ME!!! LOL) could benefit from your ability to figure it out and make a “frugal” way of getting the same thing without having to purchase the die. I just can’t justify that die to my husband. I think we all have the basic supplies probably needed to do it.
    No idea how to work Google+ or even how I managed to send you this, but my email address is
    It’s much harder to do any type of message on a phone… 🙂
    Thanks for your time and consideration on this quest! 🙂


  753. Hi Lindsay, I think I heard you say you have a couple of Brother Scan N Cut machines. I’m trying to decide between a “used once” CM250 and the “2” version CM350. Your thoughts?


    1. I only have one scan n cut and it is the “2” CM350 model and I have heard several people have problems with the first versions of the machines so I’d go for the Scan n cut 2. My other electronic machine is a first generation cricut expression and it is a workhorse (before they started using cheaper plastic parts)


  754. Wow, is there any way to make the new comment box at the top of this comment list?

    My tutorial request: I’ve enjoyed your tutorials on birch trees – I was wondering if you could do one for sycamore trees. Their patchy bark is so interesting, but really hard to capture.


  755. Hi Lindsay I am looking to buy a new printer you mentions you have a Cannon May I aks what model? Thank you I will post questions here here Thanks again Bev


    1. Hi Bev, I have an HP photosmart that is about 10 years old, it has served me well. Never had a cannon printer, I have had their cameras in the past though. I don’t have printer recommendations because I have not used any new ones, sorry:(


  756. Hi Lindsay, Love your videos and have learned so much from following along! I just got back from a couple of weeks in upper Minnesota and had the fortune to see lots of showy lady slippers! When ever you have the time, I’d love to see a watercolor tutorial using these flowers. They are magnificent! Thanks


  757. Hi, Lindsay, i was wondering if you could do a watercolor painting using LaPlume markers? Are there other markers that can be used in lieu of?
    Also, I saw a tutorial on making your own gel medium, using linseed oil and turpentine. Won’t that be a bit runny? Is there some way to thicken it? Thanks for all your advice. Looking forward to it.


    1. linseed oil plus turpentine is an oil painting medium, not a matte or gel medium that you would use for mixed media or acrylics. LePlume markers are probably my least favorite or dual ended waterbased markers, Tombow, Mozart or Memento are much better as the tips don’t ward down also for watercolor painting the zig or moz art pens t=with real brush tips are very easy. Here is a tutorial I did painting gladiolas with dual brush pens, I might have even used a leplume or two on that one. If you have them already use them but if you are looking to buy new I would not recommend them over other brands.


  758. I love your joyful, honest videos. I saw your Chameleon colored pencil review – I love and need the softness of Prisma and wish they made a dual end pencil. Since they don’t I wondered if you might create a chart telling us which prisma colors to use together for shading, blending etc. Sandy Alnock did a hexagon chart for Copics but there are only about 150 Prisma colors so a simpler version using the color’s numbers would be wonderful and easy to understand. Hugs and thanks!


  759. I love your joyful and honest videos. I watched the Chameleon dual ended pencil video and wished that Prisma would create the same thing as I love and need their softness. Would you please create a list of which Prisma colors work best together for shading, blending etc? It doesn’t need to be as elaborate as the Copic hexagon Sandy Alnock created. Prisma color numbers that work well together would be wonderful! Currently the only ones I’ve learned are that Marine green and Lime Peel are great together on leaves. Thanks for all the delightful videos! Hugs and gratitude!


  760. Hi Lindsay! My name is bella and I absolute love listening along to all your videos! You’re so talented and continue to put out such great paintings! I was hoping you could maybe do a tutorial on a squirrel or a chipmunk! So cute! Thanks!!


  761. Hi Lindsay i love your videos and helpful hints i am wondering about the new lawn fawn magic slder card you posted a video on it so its not how it works except about the ink used on acetate. I have chemical sensitivities and i am unsure what ink other than an alcohol based ink (think thats what stazon is?) what other ink would work if any? I have some heat resistant acetate which i am hoping pigment ink would work but i actually havent used it was in a video ages ago and i bought it and never made it….anyways would pigment ink and heat setting work on heat resistant acetate? Or is there any other type of ink that would work? also how stinky to you is stazon? I think sharpie markers smell but can tolerate in very short bursts as they are great for colouring stickers
    Hoping you can help me because the magic slider card is SO cool. they really are coming out with al osrts of new products now.
    from Erin


  762. Hi Lindsay, I’d to see a diy video about marbeling paper!
    I would like to know what kind of paper is suitable and which colors are usable. Maybe you even know, or come up with a way to do it without water? Anyway, I would be very happy about such a video from you. greetings from germany, Jeannine


  763. I want to register for the stamps that you are giving away. I love your videos and paint with them frequently.


  764. Wasn’t to sure if this is the way to enter the giveaway I really hope so .
    I don’t normally enter giveaways due to me living in England and the cost for you to send it is huge I REALLY HAD TO DO THIS ONE !!!
    I love this card so much the colours u used are my favourite. I’ve never used oils before I always thought they would be harder to use and expensive (think I might give them a go ). We went to a huge house open to the public here in England they had peacocks walking around we took lots of photos of them . I’ve already decided how I’m going to use this technique on my scrapbook pages thanks to you after seeing this card Seeing your card ( how exciting) Please please put me in for the give away I would really love to win . Paula (I often comment on YouTube using ladybird 123. Big hugs from England xxx


  765. Hey Lindsey! I was wondering if you could do a review of the SoHo Urban Lofts Watercolor tubes from Jerry’s? Apparently they use actual pigments and not hues (cads, cobalts, ect). They recently went on sale at my local Jerry’s for a dollar a tube each. I bought a few and wanted to see what you think.

    Thank you!


  766. Hi Lindsay, I have seen you use the Georgia Pacific cardstock and I was wondering if there is a significant enough “sturdiness” difference in it and the Neenah 110lb cardstock to warrant buying the Neenah for cardbases?
    Thanks Monica


    1. I recommend Recollections #110, it is twice as thick as georgia pacific but much cheaper than neenah. you can get this at micheals or amazon but amazon is higher because it is heavy to ship.


  767. Hi Lindsay, A big Happy Birthday to you, hope you have a great day with your loved ones. Thankyou for the cupcake tut. I get so much out of these short tutorials, I’ll never be a painter but I always learn something that I can add to my knowledge so I can add watercolour to my card making. Love to watch you work, you have so much talent.
    Cheers Joan in Australia


  768. Hi Lindsay, Joan here (again) Do you have any ideas for a way to clean VersaMark stamp pad? No matter how clean I keep my stamps – and I do try, the stamp pad becomes discoloured and grey and some of that transfers when I use this clear ink and then emboss in either clear emb. pwd or white emb. pwd. It spoils the project as the discolouring shows through and I lose my project. gggrrrr !!! Any ideas please? Thanks for your help and I hope your birthday was very special.
    Wish I was 41 !!!! (lol, I’m 66) cheers, Joan in Australia


  769. Hi Lindsey!
    I’ve watched every single one of your watercolor tutorials and I particularly loved the one you did of the colorful skyline of the building. The techniques and looseness that you displayed in that painting was inspired! It’s really my favorite! Would you be able to do another like it??


    1. I looked at that photo and I think the reason that you are having a tough time getting movement is because the photo is so crisp, I think you need some variety in the waves and some waves blurry. This happens when the photographer uses a faster shutter speed but out eyes preceive the blurry edges that make it appear to be moving.


  770. I recently watched some of your older videos. If I post comments now do you get them?

    Your gel printing videos show changes/updates over time. I wonder how it all worked out.

    Did your recipe evolve more than I’m aware of? That is, what is your current formulation?

    Did your home made plate last without molding? How long did it last?

    You bought a Gelli Plate. Jerry’s Artarama has three brands available. Is Gelli your favorite, or was it the most affordable when you bought it?

    Did the Gelli plate last longer than the one you made? If yes, was the time gained “worth it”?

    Do you ever think about making a short new video to introduce, or reintroduce a topic you may have covered before some newer subscribers began to follow your channel?? It is kind of hard to know how to find some things, work out an order to view a playlist, and to figure out answers to questions. I feel embarrassed. I know people always seem to ask you about your energy, how to make money crafting, and which products you reco. You must tire repeating burnt sienna, sap green, a warm and a cool of the primaries. You do a great job, and you are so patient! Still I don’t like the idea that I’m asking a question asked and answered many times, just because I’m late to your party! I want to hang back with the cool kids who have been around a while!



    1. No problem Jennifer,
      The gelli plate with the glycerin and gelatin lasted great but I ended up tossing it because the store bought one was so much easier to store as it came in the slim plastic clamshell case. Other viewers who followed my recipe have had their plates going for years. Glycerin can be expensive and the homemade plates can be a bit more fragile (but you can remelt and repour them) so it just depends what is the best solution for you. Honestly I think I’d just make a regular gelatin plate and see how you like it, you can freeze it when you are not using it to preserve it. If you love it I’d get a store bought one for the improved storage. If you only use it occasionally you can use the frozen one. I do think the homemade ones make more detailed prints though. I have used gelli, Gel press and Stampendous. I like the gelli and gel press but the stampendous one is too hard/stiff to get a great print. Hope that helps!


  771. I’d love to see you do acrylic pouring, I’ve been watching some on you tube and would love your take on it!


  772. Hi lindsey!! I love your hummingbird tutorial and seeing that it was one of the most popular tutorials, would you be willing to do a live stream or a longer in depth tutorial of one? The first one was a quickie but maybe we can add a background to this one! thanks and love your videos and appreciate all the work you put out there for everyone ❤


    1. Yes…Lindsay…I too liked that humming bird tutorial…did it and all liked it…so will be happy to learn that in depth…please….:)


  773. Would you consider doing a Plein air oil painting lesson? Maybe even live one day? I especially would appreciate a video for newbies on how and what to pack when plein air oil painting. I have been so afraid to go plein air oil painting because I’m not sure of how to transport the chemicals safely and then also best practices for how to put things away when returning back home. I have looked for similar videos on YouTube but nothing really is the quality of your instruction. Also I trust you more!! Thank you !!!


  774. Hi Lindsay!

    Please do more haul videos! I know this probably seems like an odd request, but I love seeing your haul videos.

    Also, could you please do a video on your favorite types of adhesives, glues, and just crafting stationary? Thanks so much!


  775. Hello. First, I want to tell you that I absolutely love your videos and your teaching has helped me to produce some really great cards. I don’t know if this is the place to ask this question, but I was looking for contact information and could not find a way to communicate. anyway, I purchased some distress oxide ink by Tim Holtz and when I Spritz it with water nothing really happens. When I watched your video on it and you spritzed it with water you could definitely see spots where the water reacted with the ink. What am I doing wrong? I put a layer of distress oxide ink on a piece of paper and then I put another layer of another color on top. I spritzed with water. As I said, nothing really happened. Thanks so much, and as I said your videos are awesome.


    1. Hi Jan, I’d try a different cardstock. It works better on some papers and does not work well on others. You want a paper that is a bit slick. You could gesso your paper and let it dry before inking for a nice effect. It is trial and error, I guess I got lucky with what I usually use. Bristol will work well but I’ve also had luck with cheap georgia pacific cardstock. The ink likes paper with a good amount of sizing.


  776. Dear Lindsay, as you’ve mentioned in your videos, we all have times in our painting when it seems the painting is irreparable. We just want to toss it into the trash can. So, I was wondering if you’d consider doing a challenge sometime…you could call it the “Save a Painting Challenge.” Your viewers could send you some of the paintings they’ve given up on, and then you could show us how you saved the painting. Watching you take a mess and turn it into a masterpiece might give us more knowledge so we could do it ourselves. Thanks for all you do for your thousands of viewers (and we consider ourselves your friends).

    Liked by 1 person

  777. Thank you for all you do!!! It would be amazing if you could create a beginner stamping class for purchase. I watch Stamp school videos but I just need some in depth in the basics. I struggle with the simple things and I just would love it slowed down a little bit. I guess this sounds silly. I really want to buy some art neko stamps but I feel overwhelmed and I’m not sure which stanps to buy or how to store them.


  778. Hi Lindsay. I was wondering if you would show how to paint from a photo. There are so many things I’d like to try to paint on photos but I have no idea how to start. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, I’m really enjoying learning from you.


  779. My apologies if this ends up double-posted– I’m just having a bad-at-technology couple of days.

    I’d like to request that you make a video demonstrating how to paint things that are white- animals with white fur, eggs, white flowers, etc. I’m having a hard time wrapping my brain around the concept. I watched your wildflower video yesterday and watching you paint the daisy helped a little, but I’d love to see you show it with other objects on other backgrounds.

    Love your videos! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and skills!


  780. Hi I a doing my first pressed flowers in the microwave, my question is how can I accomplish this without a tile? My 32 year old cousin passed away Monday and I really want to preserve the flowers for future use and in his memory. Also can sunflowers be done the same way. Thank you for your time and help.
    Krazy Kelley Skinner 🤔


  781. Hi there,
    Firstly – your art and crafting is amazing!
    I’m relatively new to your youtube channel ane FB page. Been watching your videos when I can to learn new tips and techniques. I’ve been crafting for years but only recently started experimenting with new styles and equipment. This is a request of sorts but not really for a video.. wondering if you already do or would consider putting together a craft pack to purchase? Based in the UK, it’s not easy to get my hands on items you use in your videos and would be really keen to work with some different things, i.e. Papers, embellishments, stamps, ribbons, even a decent glue that you recommend. I would obviously pay you for the items and P&P plus interest for your time and being bothered to do it! Would be lovely to work with new things. I understand you’re very busy and know it may not be possible. Many thanks! Laura


    1. Hi Laura, thats for reaching out but I don’t really shop much so I wouldn’t be the right person for this. Maybe reach out in a facebook stamping group and you will probably find someone in a larger city with more access to supplies at lower prices. I takes me quite a while to go intown as I am very rural.


  782. Hi Lindsay:

    I would like to see a watercolor demo using Prang watercolors. Also, a watercolor demo using inktense, where the colors are first mixed on the palette.
    Thanks for all your great videos.


  783. I gave a chance to get either reeves liquid watercolors or royal langnickel essentials liquid watercolors. Either better for the beginner?


    1. if you mean tubes they are both about the same, I am not aware of liquid watercolors in those brands so I don’t know.


  784. Do water soluble oil pastels ever fully dry? Is there a finish you can put on them so they don’t continue to rub off? I am having trouble finding anything to use on a woodburned gourd. I want something that will add color…but won’t be as opaque as acrylic paint and totally obscure all my woodburning. The water soluble oil pastels are working well on the gourd…but I am worried about them rubbing off when handled. Have you done done any woodburning videos. If not would you please consider it? U derstand woodburning can be done on hot pressed watercolor paper and then color added wjth waterxolors afterwarda…that would be awsome. Thanks. Love all the ones I have watched over the last couple of years!


  785. Hi Lindsay, I hope you and all your family are keeping well. I wanted to ask you if you ever have a problem stamping over distress inks ( also oxide). I find after I have made a background with these inks I have trouble getting a sharp clear image from my stamp, it seems to break up slightly, especially if I have used a shimmer spray. Do you ever have this problem and what black ink would be best to use. Thanks for your time. cheers. Joan in Australia.


      1. Thankyou Lindsay, in the middle of all your worry with your daughters
        finger you managed to answer my question, so appreciated! I hope the
        finger recovers fully, such stress for all the family ! All the best. Joan in Australia.


  786. Hi Lindsay

    I am totally new in this craft but am following in love after catching your Craftsy class during the All You Can Watch sale. I feel that I can go into this with limited supplies because you have shown (also from pass YouTube videos) that we can use ‘cheap’ supplies and incorporating watercolor (that is my main thing now – beside my handmade fabric base business).

    Q1 – in your Crayon and Watercolor Greeting Cards, what type of paper do you use for the coloring? Or in general all that you use watercolor which paper do you use? I may have heard (but not sure which class since I took 12 within that 24 hours) that you use the medium quality (120lb?).

    Q2 – for most of your stamping that you color in (which ever media) what size stamp do you use? I plan to just purchase one or two if the press is right. Plus the ink, water resistant?

    Q3 – I want to make handmade written notes for my handmade craft. What size would you recommend? I plan to do something like your crayon n watercolor method. Plus the type of paper for the card. I may want to put watercolor on the card as the background so I guess the quality does play a role right?

    Q4 – if I want to glue a paper on to a piece that has watercolor painted can I use the normal Elmer ALL purpose glue or do I need to use hot glue.

    Thank you in advance for helping a newbie.


    1. Hi Zarina, thanks for your questions:)
      1. I use strathmore watercolor cards for any wet watercolor/watercolor card project: I get them in bulk because I use so many:)
      2. I look for images with larger spaces to color in like these larger ones from Stampendous (plus the prices are good!) and if I am watercoloring I use Ranger archival: but if I am using alcohol pens I use Memento:
      3. I use tags to add a handmade note. Sometimes I make these tags out of experiments that do not get used on a card. I keep a basket of pretty scraps to do this with:)
      4. You can use elmer’s to glue paper to paper:)

      The best way to learn is by doing, happy crafting!


  787. HI Lindsey. In a recent video you said you’d never use dies again. You mentioned the Brother ScanCut cutting machine. I’d love to see a video on what that machine can do and how to use it. I buy a fortune in dies to go with all my stamp sets, but if an electric machine can replace all my dies, it would be worth the money.


  788. Hi Lindsay. Could you recommend a mixed media journal for me to use. I have my collection of 40 years of recipes and I’ve decided to put them into A4 size mixed media pages to give to my daughter ( if she ever decides to cook). I’ve been a vegetarian for over 40 years and its hard to find tasty recipes so I thought this would be a good idea. Most of the recipes are my own, made up through times of need. My problem is, I don’t know which way to go. I don’t want to choose the wrong pad to journal with, only for it to fall apart. It would need to take some stencilling, stamping and ( i.e.) distress inks. It will be my first attempt at mixed media so it wont be that “heavy”. My supplies are limited. Should I buy some good water colour card and just make into a two-ring hole folder and dress up the folder, or can you suggest a spiral spine mixed media pad that doesn’t cost the earth. Could you do a utube on how to make our own mixed media journals?? I would paste my recipes onto the page when its finished. It will take me …. y e a r s …to attack this project so any suggestions would be most helpful before I set off and buy the totally wrong product. Unfortunately all supplies here in Australia are very expensive but I’m willing to pay for the right item. Sorry so long winded and big thankyou’s in advance for all your advice, suggestions and help. I’m really looking forward to starting my journey into this fun project. Happiness and good health to you and your family. cheers. Joan in Australia.


    1. I like that idea. I too plan to buy some supplies but limited. Plus, I always wanted to make my own book. I was thinking more on using the kitchen or whatever binding that looks good. Can’t wait to see Lindsay’s response to this.


    2. Try the Starthmore visualjournal. the #140 watercolor one can be used on both sides of the pages and it very sturdy and folds flat and is hardbound and will stand up on its own. They go for $6 un the USA so it is an affordable choice as well.


  789. Hi Lindsay, Joan again (sorry 🙂 ) I just watched your utube “Mixed Media Fun Mermaid Journal Page” where you transferred your printed
    matter. Gosh, what a great idea, I would love to be able to do this with my recipes. You were not happy with the results but I wondered have you been able to get better results? and how? another utube perhaps?? when your not busy that is! Thanks again and bye for today. cheers. Joan


      1. Thanks for your help Lindsay I will follow this up and thanks for the links. Also, thanks to Zarina for her interest. I’m no great artist, I just love card making and the creativity of the entire process. I would be lost without my craft. I’ve been wanting to try this for a long time now and it will be great to have a larger area to work on – I can go mad !! lol. cheers to all. Joan in Australia


  790. Hi Lindsay, I love the live shows. I would love to see you paint something in watercolor that includes cotton bolls. I know you could do something very unique! Thanks for all that you share with us!!


    1. That’s a neat idea. I think we can cover animals and other items that is white. However, I recall seeing this in one of the YouTube video but can’t remember if it’s Lindsay’s.


  791. Hi Lindsay, I just finished watching your craftsy mixed media class. I’m interested in the basics of mixed media products… mainly which products work best together or one that absolutely don’t work together? I want to create projects that will last and I’m afraid of mixing mediums that will cause each other to deteriorate. Also, another example of what I’m looking for, why matte medium instead of matte mod podge or elmers glue, etc.

    Or is there another artist out there that you know already provides this info?

    Thanks so much for your videos, classes, and help!


  792. Hi Lindsay, I just finished watching your craftsy mixed media class. I’m interested in the basics of mixed media products… mainly which products work best together or one that absolutely don’t work together? I want to create projects that will last and I’m afraid of mixing mediums that will cause each other to deteriorate. Also, another example of what I’m looking for, why matte medium instead of matte mod podge or elmers glue, etc.
    Or is there another artist out there that you know already provides this info?
    Thanks so much for your videos, classes, and help!


    1. Hi Karen,
      you can use matte modpodge or emails glue for mixed media. Generally you just need to think of adhesion when doing mixed media. For instance watercolor won’t stick to acrylic paint so that would need to go down first (markers fall in the catagory too) then you can add collage, acrylics and other things that dry. The top layers would be for dry media like pastels, colored pencil, oil pastels and crayon (unless you are using watercolor crayon as a paint or wax crayons as a resist). Basically there are no real rules except put the slower drying or dry layers on top. Experiment and have fun!

      Liked by 1 person

  793. Hi Lindsey! I haven’t been able to make the live stream in a few weeks because I’m back at school, but I have a question anyway – I ordered some watercolor paper online and it arrived with bent corners (I’ve already gotten credit from the seller), but I’m stuck with the paper. Is there a way to moisten the corners to straighten them out without wrecking the paper, either the sizing or it getting overworked?


  794. Hello, Lindsay, Kon Mari Lady! Your recent Kon Mari videos have been informative and motivating. Thank you. I also ran across some of your older videos lately, where you used stamps I hadn’t seen or not in a long time. You’ve done some haul videos, where you brought in amazing, wonderful stamps, but I havne’t seen most of them used in videos. Wouldn’t you just love to showcase some of those stamps and show off ways you would choose to use them? I always appreciate in your videos, when you talk about your decision-making processes regarding your next step, color choices, layout, how to use a stamp, etc.
    THanks for your video work.


  795. Hi Lindsay, I was wondering if you could do a video using the Mermaid Markers. Mine have just been collecting dust, I’m sort of at a lose with what to use them on. Thank you!


  796. Hi Lindsay, I was wondering if you’d be interested in making a Pan Pastel class. Really any pastels would be great but there seems to be a hole in the pastel training market, or at least from what I have found/haven’t found. Of course the live streams or regular videos work too. I know you kind of did a pastel month a year or so ago and I loved it. I have completed them all 🙂


  797. I would love to see you do a 3D looking image. Something like a broken cement block wall, with a portal into space, or a hole in wood floor with an underwater scene. Would love to see you use the inktense derwent pencils more too.


  798. Thank you for showing us your studio! I am a hobby collector, but since seeing your videos, you made me feel so not alone and you inspired me to get a handle on my own studio. I kept my crochet hooks, but ditched all the yarn. I rarely crochet, but when the bug hits, I can go get more. All the yarn went to groups of ladies who crochet and knit hats for underprivileged school kids in the twin cities. I’ve purged and organized 5 cabinets of fabric. Cleaned off my cutting table and two dressers. Re-organized my sewing machine area. Now all that’s left is my jewelry area. I took about a week to recuperate from all the purging. I think I’m ready to tackle the jewelry area, which happens to be about a 10 foot by 3 foot floor space, all the way to the ceiling. Ufdah, I’m cringing, just thinking about it. lol But hey, I would still be wallowing in fabric and yarn and stained glass and knitting looms if I can’t come upon your Konmari videos. Thanks again! You rock! I even started sharing my horror movie compared to yours.


  799. Hi Lindsay. I just rewatched your video (Jan 2017) reviewing Jane Davenport’s Mermaid watercolor Markers. I know you filmed a couple of the paintings you did with them (the stone angel, the pineapple) and I love those videos. I was wondering if you have used those markers since you first bought them? Do you still like them as much? Are you likely to do any more tutorials or speed paints with them? I’d be very interested in your revisiting this product. Thank you so much for all you share. You truly are my favorite youtuber and a great artist, teacher, and all round wonderful person. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  800. Hi Lindsey! Would you ever consider doing a Maine tourguide video…like when to go, where to go, things to try? I know I can get on tripadvisor and whatnot, but I figure since you’re a native Mainer, maybe you would have better insight =)


    1. I’ve never thought about it, maybe I will take some video on my phone as I travel around:) Off the top of my head: Acadia national park, monhegan island, the old port in portland, wow, it is a big state LOL!


  801. Just found you and your great. Wanted to know if I can press these flowers in between glass, I want to use two glass picture frames from the dollar store and put the flowers in them. What do you think? Now that it’s fall and my flowers are on there last leg I would like to save a few.


  802. A few moons ago, I saw a new watercolor that is a powder base. It’s called Brusho Crystal Colors. I have seen others use this in various scrapbooking videos.. and really think it’s amazing. especially for people like me who are trying to loosen up and play with the lovely effects water and pigments can do when they play nicely together. This also made me wonder.. like with Dr. PH martins liquid watercolor.. are they just like this powdered watercolor premixed? I was wondering if you could do a video and test them out. Looks like you can buy them on Jerrys.


  803. HI Lindsay, I have a request. I adopted my cat Poe five years ago in October. Every year I recreate his first good photo, but this year I won’t be able to. I was thinking of maybe taking one of my favorite photos of him, and trying to do a watercolor. He’s a black cat, and I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how to paint a black cat. Given that it’s Halloween season, it would definitely fit. If this isn’t possible, could you give me a few tips on how I could go about this? I’d be glad to send you a picture or two, of the ones I’m considering, if it would help. Thank you. And thank you for doing your videos. I never thought I would like watercoloring, and now I do it every day.


    1. I have always the idea of watercoloring but never had the courage to do it. After taking a botanical illustration of a rose workshop recently, I am now painting almost every day. I also took the opportunity of the Craftsy All you can watch sale to go through the various watercolor classes.

      I plan to start with watercoloring animals – start with birds after seeing Lindsay’s video of that cute birdie. Wish me luck.


  804. Hi Lindsay, I would like to request a video on explaining the absolute basic supplies required for a beginner journaling / mixed media fan. I’m getting lost in all the information. I have learnt to make my own mod podge (thank you for that :)) and gesso, but what are mediums? and finish sprays? Do I need them all? Will one supply cover 2 jobs? I’m trying to start on a very tight budget and I’m just not sure which purchases are necessary. Please help when you can. Many thanks. Joan in Australia


    1. oh golly, that is a tough one as anything goes. I recommend just getting one supply at a time, learning about it and then adding another one you start to get bored and use the supplies together.


      1. I am a total newbie with mixed media but loved the idea of doing it for ages. Last week I purchased an ink pad, one stamp and several card stocks (Spotlight was having a sale and the price was affordable). Now I know why it’s so addictive. I plan to use whatever supplies available on hand (crayons, color pencils, watercolor) but I just so love the stamping part. Especially those thin stamp sets which Lindsey use often. Which will lead to buying the distress ink – but then that’s another chapter.


  805. Hi Lindsay, Do you have a special card that you use when stamping and coloring with Prisma Colour pencils ( or other brand) ? I have a favorite smooth card to use for stamping, should I use something with
    more “tooth”? If so, can you suggest please. Many thanks. Joan


      1. Thanks for sharing. I am in the midst of creating my first ever mixed media project for a bookclub reading assignment. Need that extra push to read WAR AND PEACE by Tolstoy. It has been sitting on my bookshelf since 2003.


  806. Hi Lindsay! Love your videos. Have you tried any card making with metal duct tape? I just watched a video (I’ll share the link) where she made some really beautiful cards embossing on actual metal duct tape! Perfect for the holidays ! I’d love to see you try it. Here is a link to the video I saw.


  807. Miss Frugal, Love you and your tutorials. I have learned so much! What happened to Inktober Day 6? I kept checking all day yesterday for it. Not to sound weird but actually got a little worried about you. Kind of like when a friend doesn’t answer her phone. Anyway did you miss day 6 or am I overlooking it? You’re the best!


    1. Hi Sandy, I had my live show yesterday and I was exhausted afterward (I always am come friday afternoon LOL!) so I didn’t do #6 but I did #7 today but I did not use the prompt. It is here: I figured I miss a day here or there but as long as I am doing other creative things I’ll cut myself some slack:) Thanks for checking on me:)


  808. Hi Lindsay – I really enjoy and learn a lot from all your videos, but especially the product reviews. Would you please review acrylic inks? (I searched for ‘acrylic inks’ on your YouTube channel & nothing came up.) I’ve just learned of these – very similar to watercolor inks, but more opaque and also permanent once they dry, so you can layer nicely, cover dark colors with light, etc. Thanks very much!


    1. I have been thinking about trying acrylic inks with my glass pens because other inks I’ve tried son’t seem to be thick enough. I am not sure if I am qualified to do a review as I am no expert in them.


  809. Hi lindsay! I love watching you videos- your humor and attitude about crafting in general got me back into crafting.

    I was wondering if you had ever tried hobby lobby’s brand of watercolor paint in the tube. I just moved and we (finally) have a hobby lobby nearby. I noticed they have a brand called masters touch that seemed to have a decent lightfastness rating on the back. Having never heard of the brand, it seems to be hobby lobby specific and I couldn’t find a lot of info about them online. They are decently priced at 7$ a tube (Im sure I could buy them lower with a coupon).

    (Along this same line, have you tried the newish prima metallic accents? They are wonderful. Similar to finetec but a lot cheaper 🙂 )


    1. I have not tried it but I have heard bad things about the masters touch tube paints and papers. Some of the masters touch products are made from other companies and are fine, in fact they have a metallic watercolor set that is identical to the prima metallics and those are great and $8. I think you are better off to use a coupon and get a set of cotman or aquafine if shopping hobby lobby, better quality at about the same price and less frustration too!


  810. How about a video showing the paintings that didn’t work out and explaining what went wrong, and then explaning how it can be fixed and/or showing a version that did work (if one exists). Teaching moments!


  811. Hi Lindsay. While watching your video the other day, the one with all the great tips for pastels, you brought out an eraser guard. My husband bought one for me a few months back but I had no idea what it was or what it was used for, until your show lol. I was hoping for maybe a short video with some tips and tricks on how to use it. Thank you for all you do. 😊


  812. More Oil painting please! I would really love it if you did an oil painting with multiple layers or an impasto painting. Thanks for all your great tutorials 🙂


  813. First thank you for all of your videos and tutorials. I have been watching your YouTube videos almost every day and I am honestly trying to draw and paint every day. I do see improvements in my work thankful to you for this. I recently purchased (Ebay) Uloochi Watercolor Paint Set – 24 Assorted Half Pan Watercolors – Metal Travel Case Includes 1 Water Brush & 2 Mixing Palettes for 17.55 shipping and handling included. Have you tried this brand? Your opinions?


  814. Hi Lindsay, I hope everyone is well there. I’m just trying my hand at journaling so I’ve been using very cheap, dollar shop acrylic paints, they are poor in performance and are not helping my learning curve :). So I’ve decided to invest in some good quality acrylic paints. Could you recommend a brand please, I see the Dylusions used everywhere but I don’t want to just pay for a band name if another cheaper brand is just as good. These cheap ones are very “watery” while others look more creamy – easier to spread? As always, so grateful for your input. Many thanks. Joan in Australia.


    1. Hi Joan, I do t know about other acrylics, but I love my Dylusions paints! I think they are a water-based paint, and are thinner looking. But they coat really well. I know this doesn’t help with your decision, I just wanted to let you know how great Dylusions paints were.


    2. I personally have ot used Dylusions but for art journaling I prefer a matte acrylic because you can layer over it. I like Turner or JoSonia ACRYLIC gouache (which is a flat acrylic paint and not a a gouache at all) or Delta Ceramcoat if you can get it. Ceramcoat is $1.25 a 2oz bottle too so not only is it good quality but affordable as well. Any acrylic (and brushes for that matter) marketed to decorative painters will suit you well for art journaling and be less expensive…at least that is the case in the USA


  815. Lindsay…YOU are the answer woman….and I have a question. I have found a few of my distress reinkers seem to be very thick. I know I have had them for a while, but are they usable? Should they be thinned and if so..with what? Thanks and thanks for sharing all your talents with us. What an inspiration and encouragement!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Regular distress reinkers should be quite watery so I reckon some of the water evaporated (the tops are not very airtight, mine leak if not stored upright) so I’d add a bit of distilled water, a few drops at a time, until the consistency is normal. That said you could also just re ink the pads with the think in and give the pad a spritz of water. They should be absolutely fine to use tho:)


  816. I just have a question. I know you do a lot with clear acrylic stamps. Sometimes, I buy a set, but then don’t use it for quite awhile. Then, when I get around to it, it’s so dang difficult to get it pried off the plastic sheet. Is there a trick to it? I’m always afraid I’ll tear the stamp in half. Help!
    Thanks for all your great tips.


    1. that just happened to me and in the past (after ruining one) I would just leave them stuck to the sheet and cut them apart and adhere them to a clear block with gluestick when I wanted to use them but I had a set that was stick and I heated it with my heat tool and was able to pull the stamps off. It ruined the plastic backing but the stamp was fine. Do this at your own risk tho:)


  817. Hi Lindsay! I am curious to see you review and compare the JD Glitz-Sea watercolor palette to the Brights and Neutrals watercolor sets. I trust your opinion the most. So I am holding myself back from buying the palette without hearing what you think of it first.


  818. Hi Lindsay, Your watercolor videos have made me a much more confident painter, thank you! I would love to see you do a tutorial in watercolors on folds – like folds in cloth, clothing, flower petals, etc. I have trouble getting the shadows in the right place, let alone maintaining the highlighted areas.
    Thanks, Nancy


  819. Hi Lindsay, I hope you and your family are well. Could you please advise me. I want to buy a set of color pencils for my friend, not water color. She loves the coloring books and likes a soft pencil, she never spends much money on herself so Id like to buy her a set of 36 decent pencils. She only colors for fun – not master pieces for framing etc. I see there is a Derwent Colorsoft and Spectrum Noir Colourista sets. It would be great if you could give your opinion on any brands you have used, I’m a bit worried about Prismacolor because of the leads breaking (as mine do, all the time). Thanks for your time. cheers. Joan in Australia.



    Hi Lindsay. I’m trying to do a simple card, nothing fancy, just 3 round ornaments. I want to make them look “shiny”, almost metallic. Tried the glass technique from your course, but not quite there. Do you think you could do a tutorial on ways to make things look shiny sometime? Doesn’t have to be before this Christmas obviously, just sometime. Thanks for all you do, I really can see an improvement in my efforts doing your tutorials. And thanks for considering this request! Have a wonderful thanksgiving🦃🦃


    1. you might want to try a combination of metallic watercolors (since it is a card and not framed the shine will show) and bleed proof white for the bright shines.


  821. Hi Lindsay,
    I have been watching your YouTube videos and have learned a lot from them thank you. I am working basically in watercolor right now and I would like to see a video comparing the mixing of watercolor paint and pencils with the inktense and regular watercolor pencils along with watercolor paint and the graphitint pencils. Could you do something with these mediums? Thank you again for your help. Sincerely, Mary Blish


  822. Hi Lindsay, how about a video with suggestions for a variety of palette themes like floral, landscape, seascape, portrait, etc. giving us a list of colors to include in each group? I’ll be stocking up on small empty gift card tin boxes (easy to find this time of year) and am thinking it would be fun to set them up ready to go for specific subjects. Of course, using magnetic squares on bottom to keep them modular as needed. Hope tofurkey was not on the menu at your house yesterday! 😁


    1. hahaha, I had a tofurky sandwich for lunch but I just eat sides at holidays, I do not make other suffer the tofurky:) I am not one to really get excited over food (unless it is awesome Thai, Indian or Chinese food!) Honestly I just make sure I have a variety of colors that willallow me to mix what I need and those can be unique to each person. I like a warm and cool of each primary,sap green burnt sienna and yellow ocher and then I might add a few colors that I think will capture the local right, maybe a purple or mauve for floral, colbalt teal and naples yellow for the beach. Green gold is fun in landscapes. Sometimes I just gab a color I have not used much and take it with me to try it out.


      1. Thanks for your reply. Green Gold is high on my list of favorite! Ok, here is another idea/request. I struggle with doing bachgrounds. I have done some using your preferred method of allover wet on wet with 2 or 3 colors and I am pretty successful at it. But looking for other ideas. I have seen some paintings with something like a non-geometric “halo-ish” color pattern around the subject. Also, some with a drippy color sorta background (sometimes even drips off the main subject). Know what I mean? Basically looking for new, different, clever and interesting options. BTW, every time I hear Sarah in the background I can’t help but thing of Robin, Howard Sterns’ sidekick. And thank goodness you don’t look anything like Howard Stern!!


  823. Hi Lindsay, suggestion for a new video tutorial — difference between stains and ink sprays. I’m considering getting into mixed media artwork, but I’m confused as to the various sprays, inks and stains. Any possible chance you can do a quick video on these items to help explain to someone like me?


  824. Lindsay, I would love to see a tutorial using watercolor on canvas with watercolor ground. I have been trying to decide if it is worth it to buy some of the ground. I would love to see how the paint behaves on it.
    I love all of your videos!! I even watch the ones doing crafts I don’t even do! LOL


    1. These markers have all the bells and whistles alcohol markers should have: refillable, replaceable nibs, brush and chisel nibs, numbers AND names printed legibly and firmly on both caps, bumps on caps for easy removal and replacement, icons on both ends of barrel to indicate which nib is on which end, grey ring around brush end for easily recognition of which end is which, caps fit and snap on opposite ends, square roll proof barrel, brush nib is soft and flexible, saturated colors, plays nicely and blends well with other markers… What more could we ask for??? And at a TERRIFIC price!!! Hoping they are for reals… 🙂


  825. Hi Lindsay, and thank you for offering this space!

    You know those cheap magnets, attached to phone books and fliers? I have accumulated so many of them, and I am really tired of seeing the plumber’s info, and the ambulance info, and on and on. I have 4 kids though, and magnets on the fridge are one of the things that save my sanity! So I was wondering what materials would be best for altering them. Mod Podge? Also, a couple of them are quite large, what would be the best way to cut them to a more practical size? Are there any other uses for them?

    Thank you so much for everything you do!


  826. Hey Lindsay, I bought a 72 set of colored pencils by Schpirerr Farben on Amazon. They are oil-based, soft core pencils and I paid about $26 for the set. I think they are such a bargain, IMO better than Prismas and almost as good as Polys. Wondering if you could review them? Thanks.

    Liked by 1 person

  827. Hey Lindsay, i just bought Faber Castel Albercht Durer – water color pencil, watching your tutorials u gave me so much inspiration and confidence to try, thank you. can you please make a tutorial of landscape, sunset, with water color pencils?
    have a great day


      1. Hey Lindsay, thank you for the link, of course i watched all your great tutorials on water color pencils and also many others. Can you please make a tutorial on sunset, sunrise, sky, snow with water color pencils
        thanks again for your great tutorials
        have a great day


  828. Hi Lindsay, Just wanted to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year. Lets hope we all enjoy good health and happiness in 2018. Thank you for everything you do, in particular – your time. Cheers. Joan in Australia


  829. Hi Lindsay! I was just wondering if you had gotten into bullet journaling. I’ve been really looking to get into it lately, because of it’s combining being a bit like an art journal, but also for putting in notes, and to do lists, as well as planning out a calendar. Would love to see you make some spreads. ❤


  830. Happy day after Christmas. I was interesting in learning more about the ink pens you got (set of 8). I also got the Jane Davenport ink pen and love the way it writes. I have changed out the color once and have been using it for a couple of days and am just now starting to get some purple ink (changed from pink to blue). The idea of a different pen for different colors is a nice idea. I would like to learn how to maintain them, how to fill with the adapter enclosed, storage and any general information about these types of pens that would be helpful. Thanks for all the terrific work you do.


  831. I’d like to see a product review for these very inexpensive watercolors: “Royal & Langnickel Watercolor Artist Tube Paint, 12ml, 24-Pack” which averages about $13.00 on Amazon. I found them surprisingly good for the price and would love to see what you think.


  832. Happy New Year! I would love a review of better quality dual-ended colored pencils. Amazon has the Chameleon brand, I’m just not sure if there are other brands, or are they worth it at all – thanks!


  833. Hi Lindsay, I simply adore all of your videos. I’m not sure if this is where I go for this but… I wanted to find out of at some point you might want to do a watercolor of this Moth that I had taken a photo of, last summer. I’m actually scared of all bugs, but this one is SO pretty, that I didn’t mind it being next to my front door, under the porch light lol. It’s colors are a very bright Yellow and Pink. I do have a few photos of it that I had taken. It’s so cute that you can’t be scared of the thing, lol.


  834. Hi Lindsay: I am not able to enter into the live chat in your videos. I used to be able to but now there is no place for me to comment. Can you help me? I am logged into Google.

    Thanks in advance.


  835. Hi Lindsay. I am a huge fan and really do admire the tgought and effort you put into your art and videos. Especially with home life and work thrown in the mix. I have twin girls and little boy. I feel you lol. I was just wondering if you could do an updated video on Copyright and Angel Policies. I have been looking into it recently as I invested alot of money in the Gorjuss Girls stamp range to then find out I cant sell any of my work online which was a huge blow! I was also wondering for example, I made line of a pin badges with a popular cartoon character on and i wanted to sell them. Hand drawn and handmade. Would this be an infringement on any copyright laws. Its a mine field! You’re a pro and I thought you would have more knowledge about this than little old me. Keep spreading the crafty joy. Thanks in advance x


    1. Hi Kate, every company has their own policy. Most companies allow handmade items that are hand stamped but not photocopied but if it is licenced like disney, john deer etc won’t allow any sales. It is really a case by case basis and you should look it up for each project, ideally before you buy products. It is a minefield for sure!


  836. I just got a set of special effect brushes from Jerry’s which I think are on sale now. Although there are diagrams on the package showing how to use them, I’d love to see what effects you can show us with them. Some funky-looking brushes in that pack!


  837. I am working on a set of cards that has a detailed stamped image. I decided to mask off the stamp in order to get a nice background before coloring in the image. Have you ever compared masking fluids? Tried to search and the comparisons were mostly from commercial sites and had lots of contradictions.


  838. I’ve been going through a lot of your videos lately and wanted to know where you got your dry adhesive glue runner? All I can find at Amazon are small disposable types. Thanks!


    1. it is a scotch ATG gun and I get refills from The Tape Depot as it is much cheaper. You can get the gun on amazon or in a big box craft store with a coupon so it is an affordable option.


  839. Hi Lindsay,
    I love your watercolour landscape tutorials – can you include how to handle brushstrokes for some different types and shapes of trees for adapting to landscapes, say in Australia? How might you approach painting a gum tree for example?



    1. Fo a gum tree they have unique twisty branches so I’d get them in first and them dab on the leaves. I’ll see if I can find a good example to demo:)


  840. Hi Lindsay, Could you please help me out with some color mixing. I’ve been trying to achieve 3 colors for months now without luck. I have a Windsor & Newton Cotmans 24 palette (plus a few individual paints) I don’t have Phalo. Blue. I’m trying to achieve a pale beach sand color, a pale rose color that does look rosy and a light grey. I’d be so grateful for your advise as my colors just turn watery and ‘weak’, too much water and too much mixing – I know, I just cant get it right. I want to use these for shading on mixed media work. Hope you and your family are all well and happy. cheers. Joan in Australia.


    1. Hi,
      I’m not Lindsay but I have a W&N Cotman 24 palette and might be able to help …. Intense Blue is either the same as Phtalo Blue or near to it.
      I treated myself to Daniel Smith’s “Essentials” to learn color mixing and had a lot of fun trying out mixing all kinds of colors from those six primaries. If you need a pre-mixed gray Paynes Gray might be okay but I ordered a tube of Burnt Sienna to add to Ultramarine .. that makes a nice dark gray you can’t get using Phtalo Blue. The link on amazon is:

      I’d look around though, you’d probably find it cheaper somewhere else.


  841. Hey Lindsay! What about a nice scenic landscape on Yupo paper? The tea set looked so good so I think a landscape with some whimsical colors would be lovely!!


    1. I like that idea, let me put my thinking cap on, maybe next weeks livestream as this weeks one is planned already:)


  842. Hi Lindsay! I would love to paint a watercolour fox and also a hare to match your barn owl. The set of three would look lovely on the wall together! 🙂


  843. Hi! I’m having the hardest time figuring out clouds, and stormy looking clouds with watercolor pencil. I’ve tried everything, including the paper towel method and it’s just not working. Would love to see how you do it, thanks!


  844. Loyal Fan here! I would like to see a video on how to make DIY oxide inks. I shop at Blick on line every since you introduced it to us, and noticed a product called Micaceous Iron Oxide from Golden. I am curious if that is the magic ingredient? Also how Interference mediums work, and what we can add that medium to? If it is oopey goopey DIY supplies I am a happy camper! Thanks for all that you do!


  845. Hello. I can’t find out how else to contact you, so I’m giving this a shot. I’m sorry to misuse your page this way. I’m curious about the policy on your designs. Do I have permission to post my painting that I’ve created from your tutorials? Also, if I do one of your tutorials, am I allowed to sell it if I credit the original design to you? Or do you prohibit selling altogether? Thank for reading. I look forward to watching more videos from you.


    1. Hi Alice, thanks for asking, Go ahead and sell your handmade work made from my tutorials:) All I ask is you don’t send work you created from my designs for publications to magazines as I write for craft and art publications from time to time.


  846. Hello Lindsay,

    I purchased the 50 state birds and flowers from from Art Neko a while back. I was wondering IF you had a list of what stamps went with which states? I would like a list of the stamps names so I can tell which one is which, if you have such a list. There is nothing on the back side and there is no way to tell them apart. I have never cut them apart.

    I have contacted them but only got a response back that they were rebuilding their site. That was 2 months ago.

    I bought these stamps because I had seen you use them and really like them. I just need to know which is which.

    IF you have such a list…Please send it to me to identify them. I am hoping you have written the names on the back of yours or something.

    Fingers crossed!!!!

    Thank you,
    Debbie Moffitt


  847. Hero Arts has launched liquid watercolors in 1/2 glass bottles for $5.99 per color. I have a set of twelve Brusho powdered colors from Colorcraft, and was wondering if I can make my Brushos into the same type of liquid watercolor as the Hero Arts. I can purchase the 1/2 ounce glass bottles with glass dripper caps online for about 55 cents a bottle.

    My questions are:
    How much Brusho powder should I use for 1/2 ounce of water?
    Should I use distilled water?
    Should I add a drop of alcohol for antibacterial reasons?
    Should I add a drop of glycerin for smoothness?

    Would love to hear your thoughts on my project, or even better if you thought you could work in a “How-To” video on YouTube.

    Your fellow Frugal Crafter,
    Spokane WA


    1. I’m not sure, just dilute the brusho to the strength you want. You might want a drop of alcohol to prevent mold but distilled water and glycerin should not be necessary.


  848. I have a request for fire and flames. A lit match, on a black background . A tree on fire, or a campfire log. I did search your sight and did not see anything.. A piece of paper edge on fire?


  849. Hi Lindsay,
    I need some help!
    Could you show me how to paint silk fabric in watercolors? LIke a white silk scarf draped over an object to let the silk hang down in loose folds so something like an apple can be placed in front on the end of the scarf … a still life.
    No matter how often I try to paint that, it ends up looking like my still life object is on rigid fondant instead of glossy silk. I MIGHT be overdoing it .. that’s what usually ruins my watercolor paintings. I also end up with more color than untouched paper.
    What bugs me most is that I like my quick sketches better although they don’t show SILK but they give a better impression of loose transparent something although not necessarily silk. I’d like to be able to paint something people can recognize “silk” too! I can paint white linen but for some reason I mess up silk every time.


    1. I’ll try to think of something but I’d start off wetting the area then ass your softer shadows and then after that is dry you can sideload the more distinct folds with a flat brush.


  850. I was just watching a tutorial in painting a stormy sky, and it wasn’t so much a tutorial as just watching along. “Lindsay could explain this SO much better!” I thought. So I decided to come here and ask if you would. 😉


  851. Lindsey, I just love watching your video! They are very detailed in instruction so that is why I choose you to make a request for a how to video. I purchased the David Tutera Succulent Framelits die 562398. Not anywhere on YouTube is detailed instructions start to finish to make this flower. Can you help!


  852. Dear Lindsay , I love ur YouTube channel.I’ve been watching for awhile. I watercolor paint but recently have become interested in guoche.I’d love to see a tutorial painting tht is a combination of regular watercolor and guoche. Thanks


    1. if you check out the bottle I did last weekend that would be a good example as my first layers were applies like watercolor with thicker gouache layers on top.


  853. Hi Lindsay! I am taking your drawing course, and am absolute loving it! Have you considered doing an online course featuring mainly pastels? I just invested in some pan pastels, and would love to spend some time with you doing just pastels as well!
    Love you for all you are and all you do!


  854. Good morning Lindsay,

    i’m following your web for several months and you are a big inspiration for me
    i have a special request if possible
    2 weeks ago my daughter Maya 27 years old, died in an accident in New Jersey, she was hit by a bus
    few hours before i finished my drawing that i wanted to share with you
    since it happen i have a huge will to draw butterfly and fairies
    if possible can you please make a tutorial with water color pencils

    thank you in advance
    have a beautiful day


    1. I am so sorry for your loss, I can’t even imagine your heartbreak. I’ll try the think of a good project.


  855. Hello Lindsay,
    I have a request and I searched first. Could you please do a Tiger Lily in colored pencil on toned/colored papers, maybe with some hints and tips on choosing subject matter and picking the correct toned paper to go with it. And maybe, some where down the road, you might do a Tiger Lily in water color using the Koi travel watercolor set. I want to thank you in advance for your help and inspiration.
    Thanks again,
    Sincerely Becky B from Arkansas aka Rebecca Ann Bishop

    PS. Lots of love from the tiny town of Glenwood, Arkansas. Check us out on Google maps sometime. Sorry I don’t do Facebook or I’d love to say Howdy Do. Thanks


  856. Hi, Lindsay,
    I wonder if you have any tips/guidelines on how to put together a collage, or how to arrange a card so that it seems harmonious. Sometimes when I’m done, I feel like it looks really stupid! Thanks for your input.


  857. Hi – hope this is where I can contact you… I watched an older video where you worked with stencils. I loved a mat you were stamping on, it had a red border. Could you tell me where you got it from? Thanks for the great video!


  858. Hi, can you teach us how to watercolor a Bald Eagle? One got right in front of my windshield of my car then flew along side me looking at me through my driver side window as i drove very slow with my mouth hanging open. I have this awesome feeling now when i remember i and i would love to learn how paint one.. Please! Thanks so much

    Liked by 1 person

  859. I have seen your art supply hauls and I get jealous, even with the dollar store hauls. I keep pestering you to do something with plain white office supply cardstock!

    I challenge you to do an dollar store art challenge, where you can only make something using what you find at the dollar store. You could give yourself a budget to do it with, say $20? You can’t use any fancy equipment from your stash, unless it’s something mundane, such as a clothing iron, a blowdryer, or something you can purchase at the dollar store, that you might already have laying around at home.


  860. Would love to see more pen/watercolor combos. Even quick sketches. I’m partial to all things “beachy,” but love to practice along with you on anything!


  861. I am so glad I have stumbled upon your YouTube channel. You are an excellent artist and teacher. I bought pastels at a thrift shop and don’t know how to use them. Any suggestions. Love, love all your creations. Keep up the good work.
    Blessings to you from Sunny Florida.


  862. Hey Lindsay! Thank you for all your amazing videos! I would love to see some watercolor and/or gauche succulents on the channel in a sketchbook Sunday or a live!


  863. Hello miss Lindsay. I’ve watched so many of your videos on YouTube and they were part of what encouraged me to paint, however, do you have any video tutorials on warm and cool colors? I still find myself having trouble telling the difference between whether a color is warm or cool.

    Do you think you could do any updated videos on being able to tell the difference?


  864. I would love to learn about “negative painting”. Is it a huge departure from your normal water colour technique? Do you like it? and if so I would love to see you do this. You touched on it when painting lupins once and it fascinated me, I googled it – it seemed a bit ‘high falutin’ in the explanations though. I think I would prefer a “Lindsay” lesson if it interests you. You de-mystify things for a lot of us I think 🙂 ❤ Anna/Omyn


    1. Negative painting is a bit of a lengthy process but I added a module on this in my Essential Tools and Techniques for Watercolor course. If you previously enrolled in the course you will find it in the classroom. If you re not enrolled you can use the coupon TRYME to save 20% the lesson is really in depth, I think it will help:)


      1. Thank you! I haven’t got to that lesson yet, looking forward to it. I am loving the course though, I had a bit of a giggle.. I am in Australia and my birch trees looked like eucalyptus trees, and the red and orange fall foliage looked like a bush fire!! I guess you always end up painting what you are familiar with 😀


  865. Thank you Miss Lindsay! Your videos are so uplifting. I used to paint and draw many years ago. Last fall, I took a acrylic painting class at my church and discovered your Youtube videos. I’ve been hooked ever since. I just recently was looking at starting to use markers and stamps. Saw your giveaway and thought this might be a perfect start. I just signed up for your blog also (so another source of information). Thank you and continue sharing your blessing with us. Oh, I think I would like the ‘Opulent Color Marker Set (RM-910OPU) or any stamp you would choose. This has provided me an outlet to help relax!! Thank you again.:)


  866. I’d like to see a video on paper….paper types and uses…..knowing which this of paper to use for each project. I keep hearing about tooth and weight and pressed…..and seeing people sanding down poster board for projects, and I just don’t know what it all means. I’m just curious on how to know which paper to use. I’m a novice crafter who tends to jump in to a million things at once. My daughter calls me a craft hoarder…lol. Admittedly, I own more markers, pencils, water colors, gouache…….then I will ever know what to do with. Help a girl have more success with her novice projects!


  867. Love your videos, so much info and inspiration! I’m trying to decide which gel printing plate to buy and can’t find a video anywhere comparing them. Do you have one? If not, do you have multiple brands of gel plates and could you do a comparison? Or do you think they are all manufactured the same and work the same? I’m [particularly curious the difference between a “Gel Press” and “Gelli Arts” 8×10 plates. Thanks!


  868. Hi Lindsey, hope you’re having a good day!
    I was wondering if you knew how to paint the outside lid of the watercolor tin? I fell in love with the colorful limited edition Schmincke Acadimie Christmas tin ( but it was sold out and I didnt want to pay that much only for it to be lost or stolen. I got the idea to paint the Meeden tin since those are affordable but didnt know how to get a similar look. Thanks!


    1. I’d wipe it with alcohol and use glossy white spray paint and then drip on alcohol inks and finish with a clear spray paint.


  869. I am an avid fan of your You tube Chanel, along with another 393k. I love the things you show us.

    The reason I am writing to you is that I design and print many things including, T shirts and Mugs, I was wondering if you would be interested in me merchandising your Chanel. For example some mugs or t shirts, as that way your site is then advertising away from the computer too.

    If you are interested in any merchandising please don’t hesitate to contact me with any ideas you may have.

    I can make up a mug or T shirt with your design if you would like to sample before deciding.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Kind regards


  870. Hi Lindsay, I’ve been searching for the wood mounted stamp you used in the Dec. 12, 2017 card which had Peace on Earth as a sentiment. I loved the look. You mentioned it was retired but having the brand name of the stamp would definitely help the search. Thanks!


  871. Totally love your work. I have been watching your youtube videos. AMAZING! I have a question. I have been gifted a box of crayons from my son. Is there a way to use crayons in art or coloring? I have melted down crayons and used them as I would bees wax. But am wanting to color with them. Any ideas?


  872. Loved the watercolor window box video, but am new to this art form. How do u clean or what do u use to clean the inks/crayons off the little peg stamps.
    Thank you very much.


  873. Thank you so much Lindsay for all that you share! I am trying to let go of natural and frilled into me perfectionist tendencies that no matter what I couldn’t fit the “realism” mold. One of my all time favorite videos you did was of the ballerina using neocolor II watercolor pastels. The way you kept it “loose” (I’ve noticed not unusual to you), and the tips on how to look at the shapes between the body parts & not focus on the fact you were drawing a “person/body” was like an “AH HA”! for me. Finally I could see! I now am beginning to have tremors especially in my hands (heredatory) so I’m not sure I should take your drawing courses. Any thoughts? Other art minded people agree I tend to stiffen and/or overwork the pieces I do finish and your relaxed technique would suit me very well. How do I do this? Any thought would be very much appreciated! You make everything seem approachable. Thank You!


    1. Thank you Jenny!
      I do go over techniques to help you loosen up and get into drawing right in the first lesson with our timed drawing exercise. You can draw loose and be accurate and that is what I teach, you really want to start off loosely so you can fix mistakes before you get too deep in a drawing. The class gives you permission to relax, let go of the inner critic and draw what you see putting in as little or as much detail as you like. You start off loose and you refine so you can keep going for more detail, we never start with the detail, that would be like styling your hair before you wash it! LOL:) I think the class will help, I have many comments from happy students who are finally “getting it” and there is a 30 day money back guarantee if it doesn’t work for you:) Let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see you in class!

      Liked by 1 person

  874. Hi Lindsay,
    I love your tutorials on watercolor and have painted many of them. Recently I have been painting your rainbow designs and when my brother saw the rainbow giraffe he wants me to paint one for his grandchildren and he wants to pay me. Also someone else wants a set of note cards printed with the watermelon design that I painted from your recent tutorial. I don’t know the rules regarding painting tutorials that I watch and paint…can these pictures be sold???
    Can you give me some advice and what is your policy on someone selling the paintings they’ve done using your tutorials?
    It is so confusing. I get differing opinions from people and don’t want to do anything wrong.
    Thanks for your time and teachings, Karen


    1. You did the right thing, always ask and you never have to worry:) I am fine with it, the only thing I ask you not to do is submit it to a magazine for publication because I send my designs to be considered for publications or to licence the work (as I also licence my designs to rubber stamp and other companies from time to time) but if you want to paint it and sell it to a friend or make some note-cards you have my blessing:) Happy painting! Keep in mind most artists do not share my policies so just ask the original artist fist and you’ll be fine:)


      1. Thank you soooo much. I would never and will never submit them for publication. I will always ask. Sorry I couldn’t get to W. Springfield for a live class but I do intend to sign up for your new Watercolor Flower Workshop. It will be my first official workshop and thanks for the discount.
        Going to be vacationing in Sebago ME June 17-23. Our family spot for 40 years. Love it and bringing my paints.
        Thanks again, Karen


  875. Hi Lindsay,

    I love what you do I watch you quite a bit. I am a fan. Do you ever paint fire with watercolor? I checked and did not see anything . Thanks for sharing with us all. Judy


  876. I just started making paper beads and found your video on how to make the best one out there. What size scrapbook paper did you use


    1. If you mean the pandora style ones I used 2 strips of 12″ long paper for each bead, the fist strip was 1/2″x12″ and the other was tapered, 1/2″ at the widest to 1/16″ at the narrowest.


    1. Hi Karen! The watercolor flower class builds the flowers through step by step stroke work so no patterns are needed except for the last lesson that is more advanced (daffodils) and for that class I go through the drawing with you and also provide the pattern. No previous drawing experience is necessary to take this class. I hop this helps:)

      Liked by 1 person

  877. Hi Lindsay! Thank you for all you do for your community. I’d love a review of Shinhan professional watercolors. This brand is based out of South Korea, and has three levels of watercolor. The Professional is their mid-grade. Some people have compared them to Cotmans, but say they are better than Cotmans. (Premium is their highest grade.) The Professional watercolors are often sold in a set of 30 colors for ~$25 (for the 7.5ml tubes). I’d love to see a review and maybe a comparison to other brands. Thank you again!


  878. I would like to see a dragonfly on a green leaf. I have a picture but I don’t know how to upload it in comments. I love watching you videos. You are very informative and entertaining.


  879. I cannot find a review by you on the Finesse Colored Pencil Blender. The description says that it is a colorless solvent blender. Here in MN I’ve seen it in store at Hobby Lobby, Michael’s and Blick. They are also on the Blick website. They come in single or three packs. My googling tells me that they are distributed in the U.S. by Global Art Materials who also distributes the Fluid Watercolor Easy Blocks (one of my favs!) and the Handbook Travel sketchbooks and watercolor journals. I have a feeling you can tell us what the secret formula is! BTW-I love your videos and I’m enrolled in 3 of your Teachable courses which I also lover!


  880. I am buying a set of Gansai type paints to paint on rice paper with an Amazon credit I can only use on Prime Day. I hope you will see this before then! If you had a choice and could afford either set, would you buy MozArt or Kuretake Gamsai Tambi (36 color set). I have watched dozens of reviews of both paints and researched Gansai paint. I am going to learn Chinese Brush Stroke painting. I really want the set that will be best for birds, flowers, landscapes, etc. Thanks! I also have enrolled in all your classes and they are so much fun. (MozArt are $25.00, Kuretake are $30)


    1. UPDATE- the MozArt set are $27.00, the Kuretake are $30.00. Only $3.00 difference. I just want to buy the better made paints. I have Daniel Smith paints but my understanding is they will bloom and feather too much on rice paper. According to what I have read, Gansai paints have an animal “glue” binder (gelatin?) made to work well on rice paper. (a fact I thought you may find interesting as you are a vegan) I am still trying to find out the binder used in the MozArt and Kuretake paints. Trying to determine if they are true Gansai paints. The other brand I found are Kissho Gansai- $95.00 for set of 72 colors.


      1. UPDATE: No need to answer my question. MozArt made the decision for me. They have 1/2 off all their products today. (Prime Day)I can’t justify $29.00 when I can buy the MozArt for $13.50! I can’t wait to play around pn my rice paper.


  881. I would LOVE to see a review of the Meeden and the Paul Rubens watercolors. They both come in a great tin. The Paul Rubens have pigment and lightfastness information. They are booth very affordable, and almost worth buying just for the beautiful tins. (At least that is why reviewers online say they bought them). Thanks! (PS: I know they are not anything like the Gansai paints, this request is separate from my question above)


  882. I’m new to watching you. You have inspired me to try watercolor. I’m taking your Craftsy class and love it. I would like to see lily of the valley flowers painted or a rose with rain drops on the buds. I have a peachy orange rose bush and love the look of the rain on the petals. I also would like to know if you are aware of any place that donates art supplies for art therapy. I have turned to art as therapy since becoming disabled and have no extra for some of the supplies used in class. It is helping and I would like to expand on the class techniques you teach. Thank you in advance for any guidance or assistance you can give.


    1. I don;t know of any but I think you can find destash groups on facebook giving stuff away, I am not 100% sure tho.


    2. Diane, Obviously I am not Lindsey, and I’m not sure the type of area you live in, but I have been on both sides of the fence. I started using art for therapy but discovered while doing so I had many supplies that I used to use, or thought I did, that I decided to destash because they no longer suited my life. A lot of areas have active Freecycle communities and Craigslist you can post ISO (in search of), or even Facebook Marketplace. If you have supplies that no longer suit you, you might try to find a local or even non-local Facebook Art/Craft BST (buy sell trade) supply group. One final thought, I have heard MANY MANY people that are destashing say they are going to donate to their school’s art teacher. I am guessing sometimes art teachers need to occasionally need to destash too (especially during the summer or right before school starts). I’m sure if you are respectful about it to everyone, you will not receive any outright rude or nasty responses. A lot of people don’t want to be bothered trying to sell their destash….I would likely approach it in a way like: “Hi, I’m exploring new options utilizing art in an attempt to improve my health and am focusing on learning watercolors in particular (just as an example). I am having some difficulty finding supplies that fit my current financial situation, do you know of any place that might be looking to “destash” or let go of some of their extra materials that might help me advance in my journey?” Definitely tailor it to whatever the situation might be so that it is appropriate, but that is the general idea I would go with. Please be aware that people will sympathize but often hearing of someone’s unfortunate situation can make them automatically slightly suspicious as to how genuine your situation may be, due to many abusers.


  883. I’d love a video comparing different watercolor papers, especially the Kilimanjaro brand from Cheap Joe’s.


  884. Hi there, first of all i love your videos on the tube and appreciate you sharing your ideas and knowledge with us all. I have been digging through all of your content to find a solution to an issue i am having. I made a travel watercolor palette from a small plastic case and “gutted” eye shadow tins from a makeup palette. My paint however has started to fall out of the tins. I want to make another but i need a solution to the paint falling out issue. I am at the point of e6000ing the paint drops back in. Please if anyone out there can help please advise!! Thank you.


    1. Hi Ben, try using some honey with the paint. Honey will keep the paint from completely drying out so it won’t crack and pop out of the pans. It is best to mix this in when the paint is wet but you can add some now and also add a few drops of water so everything can swell up. Good luck!


  885. Hi, Lindsay. I bought some neocolor 1 crayons. My question is: Can you use anything to blend them? I guess I should have looked at the description before buying them. I trust your judgment, so I raced here to ask you. Thanks, for all your expert advice. Love the videos too.


  886. Lindsay, would you please reorder your comments on this blog so that the latest comments show up first? It would be wonderful to come here and not have to scroll down to find current comments. If that’s not easy to do, then forget I asked. I don’t want to make life difficult for you.


  887. Hi Lindsay…I have been watching your tutorials for a couple of years and am now taking your newest class and enjoying it.
    Loved your bookmarks, postcards and paintings from the craft show, but was hoping that you would do a tutorial/s of some of some of the flowers ( the water lily ones, especially the one with what looks like Ginko leaves and the one that looks like flocks ) besides just a review of the new paints you got. So would you please do one or both of those flowers?


  888. Hi Lindsay! Thanks for replying to my request/question about the colored pencil blending product. I will have to get some Gamasol when I have a good coupon at Michaels or Hobby Lobby.

    My next thanks if for recommending the Jane Davenport Inkcredible pen. Personally I haven’t had very good luck with products from American Crafts so I was hesitant about getting one. I want to get away from using Microns because I got through them quickly. I’m a heavy handed writing so I end up squishing the nibs. I hope to get to the point where one runs out of ink so I can try your India Ink refilling hack. Jane’s pen is a huge bargain since it comes with that converter!

    The ink you recommended was out of stock for quite some time on Amazon so I looked for other similar, waterproof bottled inks. I came upon a gem that I am a bit surprised you haven’t used/reviewed: Noodler’s inks. On Amazon you can get I gigantic 3 oz. bottle of “Bulletproof” Black for less than $15 and it works WONDERFULLY in the Jane Davenport pen. I now have 3 of Jane’s pens and 3 different colors of Noodler’s ink. Their Lexington Gray ink is my favorite. If you haven’t tried Noodler’s ink I think you should and I would love for you to review it. has a fabulous Guide on waterproof fountain pen inks in all the major colors to read. Of course, their reviews are 2nd in my heart after yours! 🙂

    Thanks for being fabulous!


  889. Greetings & Hallucinations,
    How is the Frugal Lindsay and family?
    I recently discovered your channel and have been binge watching all month, loving it!!!
    What about a watercolor pallet “tin” (or plastic) revamp, not colors inside but the outside of the palette itself. I am thinking about doing one of the Meeden tins with gold, sliver, copper, bronze leaf, some antiquing and steampunking it. Not sure what will work, or what i should or shoud not do, or even where to start. Any ideas on how to pimp my palette the [very] frugal way. I have used mostly watercolors for the past 15+ years and I am going to try to make the switch from student grade to a professional line, still doing research and hoping for after xmas deals, and would like a special pallet to use. Also how do you justify to yourself or convince yourself that you are worthy of a better quality paints? I upgraded my brushes and 75% of my paper a long time ago.
    Thank you,


  890. Lindsay, are you familiar with the Arteza brand of paints, pens, pencils, etc.? Have you ever used them or reviewed them?


    1. Yes I am and I have tried quite a few of their products and most I have liked! I love their Gouache and colored pencils and woodless watercolor pencils. their acrylics are good, their brush pens are really nice too. Just search artez on my blog or youtube channel to see the projects I have used them in. The only think I didn’t realy like was their watercolor as it was a bit chalky, I only tried their tube watercolor, not sure about the other pan sets they have as I have not used them. I find they the quality is good for the price across the brand.


  891. Hi Lindsay. First of all, thank you so much for your videos, they make me feel like I can paint too 😀
    Second, would you be so kind to make a tutorial on how to paint sunset clouds? Those which have many colours in them (pink, orange, yellow). I have tried and tried and tried and tried and it still looks like unicorn p**ped on a blue background 😀 HELP! 🙂 Thank you!


  892. Hello Lindsay! I have been following you for a while now, and have taken all three of your on-line classes. You have taught me so much and I am forever grateful for your free tutorials! I especially love the watercolor videos. You did a beautiful cat recently, and as a person with four dogs, I was hoping you would paint a dog in the same manner as the cat.
    Thank you for all you do!


  893. Hi Lindsay! I wasn’t sure but I think a triple loader brush is the same as the wedge brush you used on the Sketchbook Sunday watercolor mandala piece?

    If so, I found brushes from Museum Emerald , Robert Simmons and Rosemary & Co.(based in the UK) (called Golden Synthetic Triangular Point) that look similar.

    I thought it’d be good for people to have different choices if Soho and Beste were sold out or if someone was overseas.

    (I’m glad my insomnia is good for something, lol)


  894. Two questions. You mentioned that you had a few of the Qor watercolor tins with the hinge on them from previous sets. Would you have another one that you might part with, the empty Qor tin with the hinge? I have one but it doesn’t have the hinged cover and I really would like one with a hinge on it.

    Also, did you happen to save a copy of the line art for the long-haired cat you did? I so want to try doing one of my cat that just passed and figured that might help me to get started if I could adapt that in some way.

    Thanks for listening, and as always, love all your videos!


  895. Hi Lindsay, I love frogs and would appreciate a watercolor tutorial featuring one. Also, was quite taken by the paintings you did a while back at a crafts’ fair, featuring what I think are water lilies and would like to see you do a tutorial on that as well.


  896. I just love your videos!!! I’ve learned so much from them. I would love to see you do some painted dot mandala. I know you will come up with some great designs. A YouTube lesson for beginners would be great!!


  897. Hi Lindsay. I have a request to make: would you please do a watercolor tutorial on Canna lilies? I saw a photo of the most awesome painting of one by Nancy Meadows Taylor, I can’t get it out of my head…but I’m not experienced enough to do a decent job of imitating it. It is one of the Cannas that has beautiful red (a myriad of red shades) and green variegated leaves and the flowers are kind of a coral color (I thought immediately of Daniel Smith’s Quin Coral when I saw it), but on closer examination it looks like ther are many layers including yellow, pink, rose, a darker red and orange. I don’t know how to provide a link to it, but if one Google’s “art by Nancy meadows Taylor” a body of her work shows up including this painting.


  898. Hi Lindsay – like everyone else I LOVE your videos and am learning to paint along with you. I wanted to request some Australian wildflowers please in watercolour…. in particular the red bottlebrush it is a glorious flower that the parrots love.


  899. Hello Lindsay, Can you provide a tutorial that teaches how to draw a female body…particularly the head and torso. I never can seem to get the shoulders right.


  900. Hi Lindsay’s! I would love to see a watercolor tutorial of one of those beautiful covered bridges you have up there in Maine/Vermont/New Hampshire! Something with fall foliage would be really pretty!
    I have learned so much from your tutorials and classes!


  901. Of course I think you are awesome fantastic. I was watching a few videos about the powdered color like BrushO and was wondering how they differ from the Fiber Reactive Dye I purchase to do tie-dye. I tested it and it does liquify and you can paint with it but there are so many warnings about not breathing in the dust that I am just curious if there is a difference or if it is the same kind of product just packaged differently.


  902. Lindsey, would you please do another tutorial on watercolor azaleas. The tutorial that you have done I have tried several times but I can not seem to get it to look right. Thank you


  903. Hi Lindsay! I was wondering if you’ve ever used transparent watercolor ground? I just ran on to it on Jerry’s Artarama and got really excited about it. I absolutely love watercolor mixed media and I’ve been wanting to use book papers, etc like I have with acrylics. Can it be used as a type of glue to stick papers down? I’d like to know more about this before I buy. Would love a quick video if you can squeeze it in, I’m sure you are a very busy lady! Thank you for all your teachings and kind answers to repeated questions. I’ve learned so so much from you.


  904. Love your videos! I want to have a couple of frugalcrafter t-shirts. Florals, landscapes, or something crafty. Black short sleeve mens 3X. Thanks. 🙂


  905. Hello, it’s more than a year since i started to follow your Chanel and i love it. Thank you for sharing and for the inspiration you give . Can you kindly male a tutorial the difference between water color pencils and the NEO water color pencils?
    Have a great day


      1. Dear Lindsay,
        thank your answer

        the difference between water color pencils and neocolor crayons
        i’m using water color pencils Albrecht Durer – Faber Castel
        THANK YOU
        Have nice day


        1. the crayons are thicker, waxier and more opaque, kind of like a gouache when used and the pencils are thinner, harder and more transparent when used. Both are wonderful!


  906. Hello and thank you so much Lindsay for all you do for us beginners and others learning. I have tried and tried to scrape off paint on my paintings. It just ends up being a mess. could it be the paper i am using….I have tried most everything except arches cause I cant afford it.

    And where do I find the “Paint my picture” link that I have read somewhere and cant find it.

    Thank you ! When i am in a bored or depressed state of mind (especially since winter is coming) I listen to you give lessons and it calms me and brings me out of the so called funk im in.
    Your the best!!!

    Chrissy M


    1. paint my photo moved their site and I didn’t have time to ind all of the photos from the old site or if a photographer removed the photo there is nothing I can do. Scraping usually does not remove paint as much as leave fine lines for texture and detail.


  907. Hello Lindsay,

    Thank you so very much for the wonderful lessons you offer. You are truly gifted with the ability to teach. I would love to be able to sketch an old barn or cabin in a rustic setting (maybe in the woods). I am having problem with perspective. I am taking your drawing class and the lesson on this is helpful, but I would like to see you actually sketch the image I mentioned earlier. I want to give this to my husband for his birthday. He loves old barns and old cabins.

    Thanks so much!!!


  908. I love your videos, I’m a nervous crafter want to try new things but nervous incase I fail. However I found you not so long ago and well I go for it, if I fail I think what would Lindsey say and I hear your happy voice, Oh well you had fun, now start another project mishaps make you a better crafter. So I do I’ve done 3 watercolours with cling wrap, 1 with alcohol drips, 2 decoupage with acrylic paint. I have so many stamps and never used them, so cards n stamps is a project I intend to do. I would love to see a video of you painting with paint tester pots, as I would be interested in having a go but not sure how. Thank you so much for your inspiration and my new confidence xxx


  909. Hi Lindsey hope you are well, I was just wondering if you could do a review on the meeden not the ones in the plastic as they look like the Superior set. The 48 half pan tin on for $29 I also noticed that they sell their tins, pans half or full separate or together very reasonable. Thought that I’d let you know as you love your empty tins and pans. For I think $10.99 they had a very strange square ceramic palette rounded corners and funny wells, worth looking just to laugh at the palette lol. Love your videos I’m working my way through 600+ challenge excepted hahaha x


  910. Hi Lindsay! I just watched your lanterns video and remember a certain painting I wanted to see you do. I want to see how to tackle a scene inside a shape. Example, moon scene inside a cat or pumpkin, forest scene in a bear or wolf shape. I hope I’m explaining this well enough. Thought it would be fun and haven’t seen anything like that on your channel. As always love your videos and appreciate you immensely.


  911. Hi Lindsay! I just watched your lanterns video and remember a certain painting I wanted to see you do. I want to see how to tackle a scene inside a shape. Example, moon scene inside a cat or pumpkin, forest scene in a bear or wolf shape. I hope I’m explaining this well enough. Thought it would be fun and haven’t seen anything like that on your channel. As always love your videos and appreciate you immensely.


  912. Hello Lindsay. Love you videos; I wanted to learn to paint for years and finally found a teacher I could understand, in you!

    I don’t have any stamping materials (or stencils) but love the multimedia looks in a lot of your videos. How would you of could you recreate images like Magnolia in Oil with Mixed Media Background or the Blue water can on Birch plank; in watercolor. I do not mind masking (tape or fluid) and have a lot of fun with decoupage backgrounds.

    Thank you again for teaching me to paint.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I recommend you sketch it out and then paint or stencil in the bagkground around the subject so it won’t show through the watercolor.


  913. Hi Lindsay! I requested the pigment information from Hobby Lobby for the watercolor set (half pans in tin) that you reviewed recently. After some further explanation on what I wanted – they actually came through! It’s in Excel format, and if you’d like to have it, please contact me and I will be happy to oblige!


  914. Hey Lindsay, your tutorials are always so helpful and inspiring for the budding artist. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on a batik style watercolor project, using masking fluid. I see that you have one with stamps,but it would be nice to see a more intricate one. There are many beautiful batik style paintings I have seen on pinterest by Jean Baptiste who paints on silk, and others by Marcia Baldwin and Maria Kaminskaya, Ann Mortimer, and some Russian artists. It would be helpful to see a demonstration of this kind of project in watercolor. I don’t see other tutorials like this in watercolor much on youtube. I know you don’t use masking fluid much… but this likes it could be a fun use for it. Thank you, Lindsay for sharing so much of your knowledge and time with us all.


  915. Hello! I recently found your youtube channel and im obsessed with your reviews on different watercolors! Its so satisfying to watch. Im an Art Major Student and im focusing on photography and painting. I love using watercolor! I just bought a cheap set to try out at Hobby Lobby it is the Masters Touch Watercolor Half Pan Set of 18 colors. (Plus dish, brush, sponge) it looks really similar to the Jerry Q one that you did a review on. And i was hoping you could do a review on this one ? And tell me your thoughts? And then maybe a comparison of the 2? I did swatches of them last night and for how cheap it is i didnt think it seemed to bad for what it is! No one else on youtube has done a review on it so I was wondering if you could!


  916. Hi Lindsay! I just bought the Masters Touch 18 Half Pan set at Hobby Lobby (comes with a brush, sponge, ceramic pan). I swatched the colors out and for how cheap this kit is I was presently surprised with it! I was wondering and requesting if you could do a review on it telling your thoughts on it and then compare it to the Jerry Q 18 set because they look really similar. I think a few of the colors are different.

    -Thank you!


  917. Hi Lindsay! I was curios about the SoHo watercolor paints and if you could do a review of them. I couldn’t really find any reviews that were any good and your reviews are always helpful. Thanks!


  918. Hi i absolutely love your videos, my favourites are the card making, I always get so inspired by what you make and love how honest and fun you are during your tutorials. I was just wondering if you ever would make some play lists organized in to theams like Christmas or valentines or birthday or something, it would be easier to find the right kind of video based on that criteria, just a suggestion I know you must have many other things on the go. Thanks for making your videos I look forward to your new ones ever day.


  919. Hi Lindsay,
    I know you have a love for rocks, me too, how about a tutorial on some stacked balanced rocks – they are so zen, I just love the look. I have a photo of a rocky beach in the background with some stacked rocks in the foreground – would love to know how you might approach an image like that 🙂


  920. Hey Lindsay! I read A LOT (like 200 books a year xD) and I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on making a book sleeve / protector. Thanks Lindsay!


      1. Thanks for replying! I mean something like the Book Beau: I LOVE their book sleeves, but they’re a little too pricey for me, so I was wondering if I could handmake one.


  921. I think it would be awesome if you did some more gouache tutorials and gouache reviews! 🙂
    I really enjoyed watching the mason jar you did! It was really helpful to watch. Im getting into that medium and there isnt a lot of videos on Gouache, as compared to Watercolor.

    Also, have you worked with acryla gouache before? Or just regular gouache?


    1. Question regarding alcohol markers….I have spectrum noir markers, but am unable to find ink refills for certain colors. Is it ok to use copic or Blick alcohol marker refills? I am tempted…but would like your input. You are the gal in the know. I love your videos…your talent…your energy. Thanks for being such a great motivator and resource of vasts amount of information!


  922. I loved your monstera tutorial, but could you please do a monstera leaf or plant with transparent colors? It would be a very interesting comparison for all of us and it is a very popular subject right now!
    Thank you so much!



  923. Hi Lindsay. Seems the latest ‘thing’ in the world of stamping right now is liquid watercolor…I am intrigued and have watched many videos comparing brands and showing usages, however, I haven’t heard anyone explain the difference between these and water-based dye reinkers… obviously I am missing something. Would love it if you could clarify this for me. Basically, I don’t want to spend if I already have something comparable to use.


    1. Most of them are like dye reinkers with water added unless you are looking for a lightfast pigmented option in that case I recommend Dr Ph Martin Hrydrus as they will not fade like the other liquid watercolors do. Personally I don’t like fiddling with the bottles often so I usually use my watercolor palettes:)


  924. HI there,
    I’ve had some technical issues trying to leave a comment but I think I’ve got it. I am in western New York State and would like to enter the brush giveaway. I would love to have the mermaid set for Arteza gouache set I received at Christmas. Love your videos!


  925. Oh Lindsay! I love this so much! I would love to have her if she is for sale! (That sounds kinda weird)
    I have another of your paintings and would love to hang her in my home as well!
    I can’t remember how I contacted you before, so I’m leaving messages everywhere I can, lol!
    This is absolutely stunning!
    You are amazing!


  926. I watched the video on how to make A simple easel card although you called at the gateway our gate card. Anyhow it look like an easel card it said fancy on it and you painted something and had some butterflies on the card and on the bottom. Anyhow when I make easel cards I always well it doesn’t matter yours was simpler . My question is what size was the front of that card? You use the base by cutting an 8 1/2 x 11“ card stock and I understand the faults but I don’t know how big the top of the card was that you taped onto the fold . You also put it towards the bottom I must’ve been making mine differently OK I hope you can answer my question


    1. Let me remember… For easels I cut the standard sheet of cardstock in half and score in half like you normally would. Then I scor it again half way between the center fold and the edge to make my easel fold. Then I cut my card fron the same size as my card (in this case 4.25″x5.5″) and cule it to the bottom section (from the 2nd scor line to the bottom) soit line up when the card closes to go in an envelope. I hope that makes sense.


  927. Greetings Dear Frugal Lindsay, I hope all is well with you and yours and you are all keeping your fingers and toes warm.
    Thank you for your use and input on the Turner watercolours, I have been using them for a few months and loving them. I purchased a set of Zen brushes last week, went back again today to get a companion set, again thank you for using them and giving input.
    Congratulations on being Royal Brushes featured artist January 2019!!!


  928. Greetings Lindsay! Have you ever done a video tutorial about how to use and choose a reference photo for a watercolor painting? I know you frequently use reference photos, but you don’t explain the steps involved in using it. Are there good photo choices? How do you know what paint colors to use? Do you edit and add (improvise) elements in the photo? If yes (or no) why? Do you sketch it first? Do you print the photo close to the size of your painting? There may be more questions, but I don’t know enough to ask them. Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Renee Miller. Granger, IN.


    1. I use photos from royalty free commercial use sites like unsplash and pixabay (or photos I take) to be sure I won’t violate copyright rules but beyond that I am usually looking for a certain thing I want to paint and often combine several to get example of all the things I want in a painting.

      Liked by 1 person

  929. Could you please do a video discussing the difference between buying the new distress oxide sprays and making your own with reinkers? I’d really like to use oxide sprays but dont want to spend more money on a new product that I could have crafted myself. Thank you


  930. Searching for a color comparison chart between Arteza Watercolor Pencils (72) to Prismacolor, Faber-Castell, or Caran d’Ache. No luck finding charts that include Arteza online yet. Thank you.


    1. Head palm. Duh … I feel so stupid. Thanks for setting me straight. See? I knew I was asking the right person. Thank you soooo much!


  931. Hi Lindsay, I could not find stamp school videos among the topics on the playlist page of your Youtube channel today. There is a “Stamping” list, but it contains painting videos as well as stamping videos. Please consider re-establishing a “stamp school” playlist as it is a valuable reference for us stamping fans of yours.

    Thanks again for making all this crafting info available. I’ve learned a great deal from you,


  932. Hi, Lindsay, I don’t have a request for a video, just some info. I recently bought a Canson mix media pad 98 lbs for experimenting with paints etc. I made some DIY paint spray and tried it out. The paper buckled horribly. I thought the whole purpose of mix media paper was to accept watercolor etc, without buckling. Am I mistaken? Also, I was wondering if Surface Z ink can be used interchangeably with Stazon. Thanks for your help.


    1. I haven’t used surface z but if it is alcohol ink it can be used inplace of stazon. Mixed Media is meant for layering different media. You want a thick watercolor paper for really wet ink.


  933. Hello! I like to go to your videos to research brands, so I thought I’d ask you this: Do you know anything about Stuart Semple’s Palette? It’s relatively new, so there are very few reviews out there. I can’t shake the feeling something is “off” about this watercolor set (enough to dissuade me from backing his Kickstarter for something unrelated), so I was wondering if you’d heard anything in the paint-testing-enthusiast community about it.


  934. Hi Lindsay,
    Have you done any yarn dying? I am a camp fire survivor and received a gift of some 100% Modal . Its undyed. They told me to search for some diy projects for how to dye yarns. I feel like you’ve done something like this in the past or at least have suggestions about dying and what is best to use. I am slowly getting back into my crafts.
    I haven’t even thought about painting again. My biggest suggestion to all viewers is don’t be afraid to use the good paper or watercolors. Use them and enjoy them. I was afraid to use my high end stuff and now its gone. I won’t buy as much as I had. I plan to use what I buy then replace from now on.


  935. Hi Lindsay! I’ve been watching your youtube channel now for a few years. I’ve been kind of a chicken to start watercolor painting until just recently. I would like to someday paint this huge building by the river that my grandfather built along time ago. He was a boat builder. I’m hoping to paint it before it gets torn down someday. Anyway I don’t see any barns, or old buildings on your channel. My request, I think it will help is a BARN.
    Thank you for all your hard work and all that you do! You are an amazing watercolor artist, and such a lovely person!


  936. Thank you for all your awesome videos! You’re the reason I got into Watercolor and watercolor pencils. I once tried to use cheap offbrand watercolor pencils that would not dissolve in water and gave up. Then I saw your fall leave in Inktense video and went out and bought Inktense and Derwent wcp and love it! I would like to see watercolor pencil tutorials where you draw then wet to dissolve, but I would also like to see watercolor pencil tutorials where you lift the paint straight off the pencil with a wet brush. My requests for watercolor pencil tutorials are: 1) More landscapes, 2) Some city scapes (maybe some with rain and you can see the reflections in the street?), 3) Lemons, watermelons and lavender and just more fruit and vegetables in general, 4) A tutorial on how to paint ‘loosely’ with watercolor pencils. Please and thank you! I am always sharing your watercolor pencil tutorials with a Watercolor pencil Facebook group I’m a part of and we all love them so much! We’re learning a lot!


  937. Hi Lindsay! Would you please do a video on how to watercolor a black animal? I am trying to paint a black dog but am having difficulty keeping the black color looking fresh, and I’m also having difficulty with contrast. Thanks so much!! Carol


  938. Hi Lindsay my name is Tal and I am from Israel. I love everything u do and I am very excited that I am able to contact you. I have been following you for a while now and enjoying your way of thinking and crafting. I am obsessed with ebay cutting dies and found a very odd looking set and I have no idea what to do with it. I have contacted the seller but did not get a good answer. Maybe you will know? I have a photo of the set but not sure how to link it here…
    I would love to hear back from you.
    Have a wonderful day. Tal


  939. I really miss the live streams, the tutorials are great but the interactions among you, Sara, and the watchers was very cozy.

    My question is – I wrecked Micron by using it over colored pencil. It wasn’t new but it was old either, not on the verge of drying out anyway. Now it won’t write at all. Do you know any way to revive it? I’ve thought about dipping the tip in rubbing alcohol.

    Liked by 1 person

  940. Hi Lindsay!

    I’ve been watching your watercolor videos for years and they’ve been a great help and inspiration to me. I recently watched a video by Angela Fehr where she used black watercolor ground by Daniel Smith on wood to do an abstract and was wondering if you’d consider doing one in your style as well.



  941. Sorry that I didn’t thumbs up your shows, I watch on my ROKU TV and didn’t know how. Love your shows fellow New Englander. It’s starting to get hot and humid in middle Mass, not excited, like the cool air.

    Thanks for your shows on comparing stuff


  942. I would love a comparison video on cheep alternatives for the color dusters please! I love the look but don’t have the money to get one in every color and I’m OCD like that lol.
    Thanks so much love your content


    1. Layne,
      you might try the Kabuki make-up brushes from the Dollar Tree stores. For one dollar you get a nice brush with man-made bristles that I find works well with dye inks in place of the Color Dusters (which have hog bristles). The only drawback I can see is that the bristles are dark and I can’t see the ink color I last used, so I have to mark each brush to tell the difference. Or you could just wash them each time you are done with them.


      1. Oops! I meant to also tell you that these Kabuki brushes are very popular and sell quickly (in my area, anyway) and you may have to look for them or ask about them several times before you find some in stock. My local stores seem to get a new shipment every couple of months or so, and then they sell out in a couple days. So, if you want to try them, buy them when you see them.


  943. I am curious about the Jane Davenport pastel sets. I found 2 sets for 60% off, and bought them. However, found they didn’t work well over a gessoed surface in my art journal. Could you be so kind as to do a tutorial on them.

    Thanks for your helpful videos!



    Liked by 1 person

  944. Hi, Lindsay. I’ve been researching Dr. Ph. Martin’s Hydrus watercolor as I would like to add a set or 3 to my ever-growing collection of paint. I ran into an old live video you did of a painting of glass bottles using this medium. I would love it if you did another painting with these soon. Maybe even for the Critique Club!


  945. Hi Lindsay! I love enjoy your content so much!
    I noticed that for the last few months I have stopped getting your older content in my recommended feed. I’m guessing it has something to do with the “new” algorithms…ugh.
    Do you know if there is some setting I should change? I am thinking I am probably not the only one.
    If it is a) possible, b) reasonable, c) productive – I was wondering about you taking those videos down and re-posting them. I was wondering if it might “re-set” them or something. You have SOOOooooo many videos with so much awesome information.
    Thank you Lindsay!


    1. reposting videos on youtube is a no-no, they will likely kick out the duplicates but if you go to my channel page and click “videos” you can find all of my videos listed newest to oldest. If you subscribe to my blog via email you will get an email each time I post a new video on my blog, that is the best way:)

      Liked by 1 person

  946. Lindsay, Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed and learned from your live painting of the Boston Terrier. Your process was most helpful, especially the layering of the watercolor. I would like more of this kind of video.
    Thanks for all you do on you blog and in your videos. They are the first thing I watch every morning with my coffee.

    Liked by 1 person

  947. Hi Lindsay,
    I was wondering if you know how/have or could make a tutorial on how to make and apply sizing to improve cheaper watercolor paper? I have loads of less expensive watercolor paper and I love wet in wet watercolor fireworks! So I end up with wavy, disintegrating paper, lol! I just want to enjoy those color explosions and use up what I have.

    Liked by 2 people

  948. Hi, Lindsay, maybe this is a dumb question, but oh, well, I’ll ask anyway. I bought some alcohol markers because I saw how you blended them so nicely. I also like to add gesso to some of my papers. Will the grittiness ruin the nibs on my markers? Whaddya think? Thanks in advance, and for all your great tutorials.


    1. Hi there,
      I would not use the alcohol markers over gesso for 2 reasons, the grittiness of the gesso can wear down the nibs but also the alcohol ink in the markers will dissolve the gesso and it could clog your nibs.


  949. Hi Lindsay,

    Thank you for continuing to do all you do to promote crafting and teach us how to make the most of our crafty goodies! I’ve been watching your videos since 2013, back when you had less than 10,000 subscribers. And now you’re closing in on 500,000! Wow!!!!! You go girl!

    Last weekend I purchased a collection of Colorbox brand pigment ink re-inkers at a garage sale and then discovered that most of them had separated in the bottle. I’m used to stamping with dye inks, mostly Memento brand, so I don’t know much about pigment inks, pads and re-inkers and would appreciate your advice. Shaking them up does seem to help (and gives my arms a workout), but I’m wondering if there is more I can do. Would a couple drops of glycerin in each bottle help? Could I put a BB or ball bearing or two in each bottle to make it easier to mix up the contents? Or is it just the nature of pigment ink to separate and eventually not reconstitute (is that the right word, “reconstitute”?) when you shake it up? If the re-inkers are past their prime, will they damage the ink pads I use them on?

    I’m bothering with them because I think the former owner took very good care of her re-inkers: the bottles are in very good shape, labels and caps clean, no drips or indications of leaks, no indications of sun damage/fading/discoloration. (In fact, everything at this garage sale was amazingly clean and well cared for, including the garage.) If the re-inker bottles were not half empty, it would be easy to think they had never been opened.

    Years ago you did a blog entry and video about the shelf life of craft supplies and I re-read it yesterday. You included re-inkers on the list of items that have a long life. Well, I phoned Colorbox and asked what they consider the shelf life of their pigment re-inkers to be and they said “two years.” (I think they are underestimating the quality of their own product.) What do you think?

    If you’re looking for other ideas for video topics: how about one on the care and feeding of re-inkers and/or what all they can be used for and how to tell when you shouldn’t use them any longer. Or perhaps you could do a new video about the shelf life of craft supplies and why we shouldn’t hoard our supplies. The first one touched a nerve with your readers and I suspect you have even more to say on these subjects 6+ years later.

    Thanks again,


    1. If you can mix up the ink you should be all set, a bead or nonrusting ball bearing would help, Good luck!


  950. Thanks for all the good teaching video classes, I have learn a lot. Have you tried the Altenew Watercolors? I will like to know what do you think about them. I’m new in watercolor and I have seen your videos but not any about the Altenew Watercolors, I’m curious about how they are, the nice thing about them is that the colors matches the color stamps and the markers. I don’t know how to clasify them in my mind, if they are student or professional grade. Thanks so much for your help

    Zinia Agosto


  951. Hi Lindsay, I absolutely LOVE your tutorials. I am new to any sort of art whatsoever, including drawing, but I have recently begun watercolor and I love it. But could you maybe explain how you are doing some of your brush strokes? Like when you are making trees. It looks so effortless when you do it, but then I try to paint while watching and it’s just a bunch of ugly blobs. Thank you!


    1. Hi Lisa, it’s so funny you should ask, I am creating a landscape workshop and have a whole section just on painting different types of trees. Look for it beginning of July:)


  952. Boy, my Hubby is glad I found you, girl!
    I live near Death Valley. I just got the internet for the 1st time in my whole 56 year life 2 years ago. I have made up for all the time I didn’t have it. I have always crafted, but, supplies were always by mail and by trips out of the area.

    Since the internet, I have gone wild purchasing everything I’ve heard or read about and some I just found. As you can guess, my 401k is in danger! (lmfao).

    I finally learned how to use You Tube, and that led me here.

    I love all your tips and projects. I find them helpful and budget saving. I see you said you will try out products if you get enough requests. So my request is to see your ideas on a QUILL PEN. It goes on an electronic cutter and applies foil. I have a Cricut and have a Scan n Cut coming. The Quill Pen works with all machines.

    Once again, Thank You
    Mischelle Smith


    1. Hi Mischelle,
      I hadn’t planned on getting a foil quill as there has not been a call for viewers on it but I would look on YouTube for demos and reviews from channels that focus on digital die cutting more as they will have more experience than me. Justine Hovey posted a tutorial on the foil quill and I think it might help:)

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Hi again, Lindsay,
      Thank you for your prompt reply.

      I have another question for that great mind of yours. What is interference paint? I have seen a snippet on a video. To me, it looks as if the interference paint is color-less until it is dropped on a painted with wet gloss. ( not sure if I’m explaining this properly).
      What I did see was a beautiful burst of “a galaxey ” of color.


      1. Interference paint is a paint that appears to be a different color depending on the angle of the paper/canvas. so tilt the paper one way it looks green, the other it looks pink. Generally, these are sheet colors you can brush over an area for the effect. Duochrome is another name for these paints.

        Liked by 1 person

  953. Hi…..I just enrolled in your landscape course. I didn’t see anywhere to include the discount code, so I thought it would automatically be applied but it says I paid full price. Could you please check to see if I got the discount? So happy you put out the course I love your tutorials!


    1. I just checked and you paid full price so I refunded you $39.50 (the 50% off discount amount) so you are all set now:) Refunds are processed instantly but might take a couple of days to show on your credit card:) Thanks for bringing this to my attention:)


  954. Lindsay, I’m sure you must be familiar with Kevin Nakamura’s Stampscapes line. They are brilliant and I really think they help those of us who are art limited (shall we say) with composition. I’d love to see you take one of his stamps and make a card or canvas. I cannot think of her name but one of his more often demos did a Harry Potteresque scene. I just think it would be a fun and different thing.

    And, wow, it takes perseverance to get to this place to post! 2014? That’s FIVE YEARS. Lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ugh, autocorrect. Kevin Nakagawa. He has a YouTube channel in which you can scroll down and see the types of scenes he creates.


  955. Hi Lindsay, I just enrolled in your landscape class and I think it’s going to be great. I had asked a couple weeks ago if you had any videos where you show how you do the brush strokes, etc. So I jumped ahead to check one of the tree videos and while I love how you explain about the colors and the shape and the shading, I would love it if you could add how you are manipulating your brush as well. I’m a total beginner so while I watch you do it, it looks so easy. But then when I do it, I don’t know exactly how you are moving your brush, how much pressure you are using, etc. to make the different leaf shapes, because mine come out looking like shapeless blobs. Or if you could recommend a good website that shows how to do that, that’s good too, if you don’t want to spend time on stuff so basic. Thanks again for all you do!


  956. Hi Lindsay,
    I’m interested in card making but I’m a recent college grad with not a whole lot of money. I’m really enjoying the videoes on colored pencils, die-cutting, embossing, and stamping. But I am having a really hard time finding advice for beginners or those that don’t have the biggest budget. What would you recommend to a beginner as far as colored pencils or ink? Is it worth your money to build your card yourself or get the prescored cards online? Do you have any advice for your mid-20-somethings sitting in their studio apartment wondering when the next stamp sale will be and what’s worth their money?

    PS Faber Castell Polychromos look amazing but that price point makes my student loans clench.
    PSS if anyone in the comments does have advice for new cardmakers I’d love to hear it as well.


  957. Hi Lindsay, I was wondering if you had an opinion on the Arteza’s watercolor sketchbooks. I saw you have other arteza reviews but couldn’t find about their paper products. I always find your opinion really helpful and honest on art material, so I was wondering if you could make a review of those (if you have any) Thanks in advance, have a good day. (And sorry in advance if I overlooked an already existing review on your youtube channel, I looked for it but didn’t find it)


    1. I thought I had reviewed them but I must have tacked it in with a tutorial, in any event, I love the linen-bound ones, the paper is 90lb so it’s on the light side but I really like it. It reminds me of the Stilman & Birl beta series mixed media paper. It is smoother than most watercolor paper making it great for watercolor with pen and ink. The original “premium” spiral-bound sketchbooks are ok but not my favorite as they can’t stand up to too much abuse and I don’t care for the uniform texture on the right side of the paper however I like using the backside of the paper for stamping and waterbased markers as it is smooth. As for the other watercolor papers they sell the Expert series ones are nice!


      1. I thought so too, so I probably overlooked the video it was in, I’ll have another check, sorry about this, I hope it didn’t come across as rude.

        In any case, thanks so much for the thorough answer, it helped a lot. I was considering the small linen bound ones for a cheaper support to practice direct with ink sketching + watercolor on top (as in urban sketching), so that fits what you recommend them for. I’ll see if I can grab one of their small ones pack, as they’ve been constantly out of stock here in europe. I’ve heard about the cotton expert series but sadly they don’t sell them here on their european website (or on amazon), but I might try the regular expert paper pad. Thank you so much for your advice, have a great day 🙂


  958. Hi Lindsay!

    2 requests:
    1) You mentioned in a recent video that while you don’t regret buying the distress oxide sprays, you probably would not re-purchase them and instead would try to make your own. If you come up with a recipe for DIY oxide-esque sprays I would love if you could share it.
    2) Arteza just came out with a set of 36 grays and a set of 36 skin tone everblend markers. I’d love take on these to include the number of repeat colors between these new sets and the 120 set.

    As always, thank you for everything you do!

    With lots of appreciation,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Krystin,
      There are 26 duplicate greys in the grey set to the 120 set and only 4 duplicates in the skin tone set compared to the 120 everblend sets.

      I think DO reinkers and water would make a good spray dupe or cheap gouache and water honestly:)


  959. Love your videos and have learned so much from them…thank you. Have a “stash” problem and I am hoping you can help me out. I have discovered that I have a ton of inks, I have alcohol inks, I have acrylic inks, I have bombay india inks, I have hydrus inks, I have dye based stamping inks, I have clayboard inks. The clayboard inks don’t say what they are, pigment, dye based, waterbased. I don’t know how I got so many nor do I know what to do with them. I understand how to use the alcohol inks and the stamping inks, but what are the others for and what can I do with them? Can I use them with brushes, pens, can I pretty much use them interchangeably? I am not sure what to do with this huge stash and I need to put them to use. Can you explain the differences to me and sorta tell me what they’re all for? HELP!!!! I am a hoarder.


  960. I love your channel and thank you for all you do to teach us how to use and add to our mediums. In the process of starting to watercolor, doing some cardmaking, and starting doing calligraphy again, I looked to see if my new photo inkjet printer used pigment ink. Some do, but mine does not, unfortunately. As I was looking to price & bookmark replacement I found both pigment and dye ink to refill cartridges with. I found this bottle, very reasonably priced, but wanted your opinion as to whether or not you think this would work well with dip pens, refilling my micron pen, and refilling my stamp pad? (….and if you happen to wind up making a video about it that would be great too.)
    Do you/have you ever worked with air-dry clay?


    1. where ik is concerened you are better off to buy the appropriate ink for the job. I have not had luck using printer inks for anything other than a basic liquid watercolor and they will tend to fade over time. I suggest buying a refill ink for your favorite stamp pad (they are much thicker than printer or drawing ink) and then a waterproof ink for drawing.

      Liked by 1 person

  961. Hi Lindsey let me first tell you that I absolutely love yourTube videos. I do have a question though I did just buy the 120 ohuhu markers which I happen to really enjoy but I was wondering if there is a way to match the colors of ohuhu to either copic or stampin up stamp and blends. I’m still learning so I like to try to color with a color that is close to the one that they are coloring with if that makes any sense


  962. Hi Lindsay! Thanks so much for all the great videos!

    I just purchased the 36 Skintone Set of Arteza EverBlend Markers. As a newbie to alcohol markers, I’m really at a loss at picking which colors to blend together. Do you have any advice on this?

    I’d also love if you could make a video painting with the Arteza Real Brush Pens. I know you have some with stamping, but I’d really love to see how you do a full piece.

    Thanks for any help!! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  963. Hi Lindsay – Have you ever tried Kremer watercolors? I just ordered some. I’m not into metallics much but they have some stunning golds. I also bought some of their other colors. Couldn’t help myself. 🙂

    Would you consider doing a watercolor including a covered bridge in the scene? We have lots of these in Pennsylvania. They are particularly scenic in the fall. I thought these might also be prevalent in your northeast area.

    Thanks for all you do.


  964. Linsay I know your main expertise is in painting but could you please do something in jewelry such as polymer clay dessert charms?


  965. Hi Lindsay!
    In the spirit of diy, can you do a video of different mediums? There are the new embossing pastes, texture pastes, glitter gels, embossing mousse, stickles, nuvo drops, etc. I would like to have a better understanding of the basic mediums that are available, their properties etc, so I can diy my own version of the new pastes that are emerging in the craft market. I love love love your videos. I would like to see more videos about the basics of the different supplies out there though. I want to understand how they react, what their properties are, how they dry, what they react to etc.

    Liked by 1 person

  966. Hi Lindsay, I really like your videos. I’m new to use markers. Because Copics were too expentive for a beginner like me, I bought touch new markers. I would like to know if it exist a conversion chart touch markers vs copics. I would be able to buy only a few colors copics I can’t get with touch markers. And Learning with yours videos and others you tube classes I will be able to use similar copics colors.

    Thank you
    from a french fan of you that’s why my vocabulary is limited.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have not found one but touchnew runs on the same color system as a couple other brands and I am thinking of gathering up all of the markers I have and making a conversion chart. I’ll post it on my blog if and when I do:)


  967. I just saw some Sizzex dies on sale that look fun, but I don’t want to invest $20+ on dies that only have one purpose. Have you ever done a fold-a-long card? They have dies for pineapples, donuts, ornaments, doors, and so much more. When the card is all folded up and closed it looks like the shape of said objects, but it opens in the center like a gatefold card. Thank you for all the inspiration you share!


    1. I havent tried the dies for them but you can take ny large shape (like a heart or another symmetrical shape) and gatfod cardstock so that the edges are within the shape of the die and cut it fo a similar effect. I’m with you on spending a lot of money on very specific craft items. I need more bang for my buck:)


  968. Hey Lindsay,

    Would you happen to have tried the gel plates from the Gel Press brand? (And if yes, how do they compare to the gelli art ones?). I’ve been using for a long time the homemade one I made following your tutorial but I saw the Gel Press one on amazon here are half price compared to the Gelli Plate, but I find completely opposite opinion on if they’re similar or which one is best. Thanks in advance if you can help


    1. gel press used to make the plate for gelli arts so they are the same as the original ones anyway, I see no difference as I have some of both. They are so convenient!


  969. Hi Lindsay, I’ve been enjoying your watercolor florals in glass tutorials on Youtube. Would you consider a class (or Youtube tutorials) on painting glass still life or reflective surfaces in watercolor? Thank you, Tamara

    Liked by 1 person

  970. Hi Lin

    I love Turtle Soup Beads craft room tours….a polymer clay expert on youtube. She has an eclectic sense of style using repurposed furniture. You should check her out!

    Evie 😁


  971. Hi Lindsay,

    I just got a bunch of letterpress plates for a steeply reduced price (over 85% off!) at a national chain store and I suspect I’m not the only person looking for tips and inspirations to use my new tools.

    It’s been over six years since you made your blog entries and wonderful video on letterpressing with your cleverly improvised press made from duct tape and Big Shot cutting pads. How ’bout some new videos?

    Keep doing what you do and I’ll keep watching your videos and reading your blog, (I’m a long term fan and I especially love it when you show us how to make our own tools and supplies, hint hint!)



  972. Lindsay you are so creative. (like finding an alternative way to “foil” with one of your electronic machines) With so many people now owning electronic cutting machines, do you have any ideas on alternative ways (other than like a big shot or something) to use embossing folders – especially the 3D embossing folders. Some time ago a search turned up people using rolling pins and such…..just curious…If not, maybe it’s something you could put your frugal mind to? Thank you! Jenny


    1. you can make ink referesher (or buy it) but I take a teaspoon on glycerin in a 4 o spray bottle of water and spray it on the pad and let it sit a bit before using.


  973. Hi Lindsay! Have you got a frugal solution for boards to tape down your watercolor paper on? I don’t mind a little work to get them made, but I’m not fond of paying $10 ea (minimum!) for one 11 x 14 board for one 9 x 12 painting. That just seems excessive, especially when I still need to gesso them and tape the edges to avoid ruining the smooth surface with the tape lifting a fine layer every time it comes up. I’d love to see a few different options, my hubby isn’t a crafty guy, so we don’t have any scrap wood around either. And of course, with my disability, I need them to be a help instead of a chore, so they need to be lightweight and reasonably safe from bowing and warping. Unicorns much!? I know I know. But you’re amazing, I’m sure you’ve come up with this before, yet I can not find it in your archives! Thanks heaps, Nickie


    1. Hi,
      You can go to Home Depot, if you have one nearby.
      I bought a piece of masonite (very smooth on one side), and had them cut it up for me into the different sizes I wanted. They will cut it for you for free!
      Now I have a number of boards that are lightweight, sturdy, and smooth. I don’t remember what the sheet of masonite cost, but I felt it was quite reasonable for the number of pieces I got out of it.
      If you don’t have a Home Depot around, you can call Lowes, Fleet Farm or other local hardware stores to find out the cost of the masonite board and if they will cut it for you.
      I think Lindsay was the person who I learned about masonite from.
      I recently heard about ‘coroplast’ from another artist. I think it was Angella Fehr (pretty sure I spelled that wrong). Coroplast is like corrugated cardboard, only made of plastic. Michaels has it for around $5 a sheet, near the poster board. It is the same size as a standard piece of poster board. You can cut it into two or maybe three pieces to suit your needs. I used an exacto type knife to cut it. If your hands are strong, you could probably use a good sharp pair of scissors. It is very lightweight, works well for painting and taping and you can use a coupon for it as well. I understand hardware store like Home Depot have it as well, but I have not looked for it there myself.
      Both of these work equally well for me. The only issue I have is that the coroplast is a plastic, so not good for the environment, however this one piece will last me basically forever. I don’t see any need to throw it away as it is easily wiped clean and very sturdy.
      The masonite can also be wiped, but does stain more. But, I am proud of my stained masonite because it shows how much art I have been making! Lol!
      I’m sure Lindsay will be around soon to answer as well.
      Have fun,

      Liked by 1 person

    2. How about foam board and contact paper. You can get both at the dollar store and it cuts easily with a utility knife. Cut to size and apply contact paper on your choice and you are good to go:)

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve seen a number of people using foam core, but I hadn’t thought of the contact paper, and I have some at home! My other homemade option was cutting two foam core sheets the same size, (the dollar tree ones are really thin) gluing them together, and mod podge-ing the surfaces, then duct taping around the edges. I was worried about the paper on the foam core getting soggy, but man every board was a project and a half! Do you think the 1/4 would be ok in a single layer? I want them to last more than a week or two!

        I will be trying your suggestion out today! Thank you!


  974. Could you recommend an inexpensive set of watercolor tubes that will stay semi-moist?

    Also, I see a lot of newbies in a Facebook group I’m in buying Artist Loft Watercolor markers, not understanding that they are ink not paint, and then upset because they’re not getting the same results that they see others getting. I know that there some actual watercolor brush-tip markers out there, the rest are water-based ink that you can get some watercolor effects from. Could you do a video on this, and showing how you can and cannot paint with them, please?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I started with the set of 24 half pans from the same brand, and they’re wonderful paints. They’re challenging to travel with though, because they have quite a bit of honey in them, and they take a long time to set up “enough” to make them safe to tuck into your bag. If you really want to take it out with you, I recommend getting the 24 set instead. Here you go:

      Liked by 1 person

  975. Okay, Take-Two.

    I watched you’re latest video, and you’re right, I broke my own rule of speak in complete thoughts. So let’s try this again. 🙂

    I am partaking in a mini-reunion of a group of high school friends this summer and we haven’t been in the same room together since 1981. Crazy. Anyway, I’m going to be making small watercolor blocks and travel palettes (eye shadow compact/CD case/business card holder sized – not sure yet) to be paired with a water brush to use as gifts.

    My two best friends and I all paint, one in oils, myself and another in acrylic, and I’m the only one who has dipped their toes in the water with watercolors. I need to find a decent semi-moist tube paint (12 or 24 colors) that aren’t going to turn into a chalky blob and fall out of the tins.

    I didn’t want to try the $5 set of 12 Daler Rowney at Walmart and possibly waste my money getting the result I’m trying to avoid. The same goes for the Royal & Langnickle (although they have great brush sets for adults & kids).

    So I’m looking for decent pigmentation, stays semi-moist, and as far under $20 you can get so we can still call it frugal. LOL I’d prefer to make the travel palettes, if I can’t find what I’m looking for I’ll just get a few small half pan sets for each of them.


    1. I forgot to mention, is there any way you can set this page to load the newest comments at the top? This page is a nightmare to load on my computer browser, I can’t even get near it with my tablet with it trying to load going on 2k comments. It would be a huge help. I’d bet some have walked away from messaging you because they couldn’t get to the bottom of the page. Thanks again.


      1. Hi, I have a similar problem loading the page on my Chromebook, so I let it start to load, then hit ctrl + f and enter a search term into the pop-up window. If there is more than one entry for the word (for example: 1 of 7 for a search of the word “elegant” because I was looking for references to the Speedball Elegant Writer pen), toggle the upward pointing carat sign to quickly get to the highest number entry, which will be the most recent chronologically. Easy peasy.


    2. Me again, hacking mini palettes is my superpower/downfall… check out the Turner watercolor tubes from Jerry’s Artarama. I just did inventory last night, and I easily have at least half of my entire paint stash is Turner, vs all the other brands combined. And I found them through Lindsay here, and they’re AH-MAZING. The only thing that bugs me a little is that they can have a tendency to crack if you’re in a dry environment, but they don’t fall out. However, if you’re into pouring a billion baby pans, adding a small drop of liquid honey (or glycerine, but I prefer honey since it also prevents mold and is antimicrobial) before you squeeze the paint and giving it a little stir and some whacking to level it out is all it takes.

      I started with a set, and it was great, but each of the sets have SOMETHING that I don’t prefer, and they’re so affordable (averaging around $5/15ml tubes) that you should be in pretty good shape. However, if the mixing is all too much trouble because you’ll be making 15 sets, then check out DaVinci, they’re also amazing, re-wet beautifully, but set up nicely with no intervention. Let me know if you want a similar list of basics from them too, I can drum that up pretty quickly.

      First stop is planning. First you’ve got to decide how many pans and how large. The amazing boxes I’ve found on Amazon are matte black and shiny inside, and will fit either 15 half pans (what!?) or 6 full pans and 4 half pans! Here’s the combos, starting with the 15 half pans.

      You need Meeden pans from Amazon. They’re the perfect size. Each row in the pan starts and ends with a “landscape” pan, but there’s 3 “portrait” pans between them. This allows for the curvature in the corners of the pan. Of course you could choose to use less pans, but start with the most variety and then pare down if you want.

      These are ALL Turner paints:

      Permanent Lemon PY110
      Permanent Yellow PY154
      Permanent Scarlet PR188
      Permanent Crimson Pr177
      Quinacridone Magenta PR122

      Sap Green PG36 & PY110
      Cerulean Blue PB36
      Ultramarine Deep PB29
      Phthalo Blue G.S. PB 15:3
      Indanthrene Blue PB60

      Transparent Yellow Oxide PY42
      Transparent Red Oxide PR101
      Raw Umber PBr7
      Quinacridone Violet PV19
      Payne’s Gray PB15, PBk6, PV19

      That’s the version for 15 pans, here’s the version for the combination of full and half pans:

      Full pans:
      Permanent Lemon PY110
      Quin Magenta PR122
      Ultramarine Deep PB29
      Turner Yellow Green PG7 & PY109
      Burnt Sienna PBr7
      Yellow Ochre PY43

      and Half pans:
      Pyrrol Red PR254
      Sepia PBk6 & PR101
      Phthalo Blue G.S PB15:3
      Phthalo Green YS PG36

      Check them out on Jerry’s website, each small pan holds on average 3ml, so theoretically 1 tube will do 5 pans, but I hope your friends aren’t expecting FULL half pans, and would be happy with a healthy dollop, which means you can probably get about 10 pans to a tube. I deliberately used the full pans for those paints because they’re the base for all the other mixes, which either work between them, or with TINY amounts of the powerhouses in the small pans. Turner’s Sepia is VERY dark and cool toned, it’s very similar to a brown based Neutral Tint, or Payne’s Gray, so it suits either well as a dupe by adding a small amount of pink or blue or green, depending on what you want it to do.

      Let me know if you want more details, I don’t know if this page will allow links, but if it does, I’ll send links to the boxes on Amazon and some really great options for brushes, and there’s some options for mixing areas that don’t involve spray paint or copious amounts of nail polish, etc, or if you want the options for DaVinci paint.

      😀 Have a great day, I hope this was helpful!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I was planning on using the 12-color palette at Dollar Tree, but I’m thinking this is going to be more of a headache than it’s worth. As I said, these are going to be gifts so they’re not expecting anything. I’ve been hoping to find decent paints for $20 or less but it’s not looking good. I may just buy a premade half pan palette like Koi or Cotman since I can get two for around the same $20 if I can’t find something decent in that price range. The blocks will be 1/4 of a 9″x12″ Canson XL which is $6 and that will leave me half of pad. And then I’ll make a cover for it like a hardback book; since I also do bookbinding I already have the supplies. Thanks for your help MrldCtyGrl, I appreciate it.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Why not go with Prang? Those are affordable but a million times better in quality than something from the dollar store (I also don’t recommend the Crayola – they act super weird…). You can get a set of 16 for pretty inexpensive. Aside from that, I would recommend the Cotman sketchbox or purchasing some decent quality tubes and putting them into half pans yourself. Lindsey just did a review on some inexpensive Royal Talens tube paints that she recommended.


    3. try Royal & Langnickly but add a drop of glycerin to each pan or it will dry out and crack. Sorry for the delay, I was swamped the last month.


  976. Just a few quick questions! I was wondering how you decide to wet the paper before adding paint when using watercolors.
    And I wondered what paper you like to use the most for alcohol markers. I have Canson Pro Layout Marker paper but had trouble blending. I’m new to alcohol markers so I’m not sure if it’s me, the markers (I used Prismacolors and Arteza) or the paper. I know you mention Neenah cardstock a lot. On Amazon there is Neenah cardstock and Neenah Classic Crest. Do you recommend one over the other? And do you recommend buying it through Amazon? It has some questionable reviews on there.

    Thanks so much!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. you want the neenah classic crest, it runs about $40 a ream of 250. I have hear Accent opaque is good too and way cheaper so I ordered a ream to try. Cardstock blends better than marker paper I find but anything takes practice. Alcohol markers have a steeper learning curve than any other supply I think!


  977. I’d love you to do a video on the basic way to draw and paint a child/person in a Hallmark sort of way. Not realistic, more like Mary Englebreit or Becky Kelly.I guess like what you might find in a kids picture book. I don’t know what you call that kind of drawing (please tell me) but I’d love to be able to put figures in my paintings doing things; walking, building a snowman, sitting-whatever. I don’t know what you call that kid of artwork, it is not really realistic but kind of is in a way.
    I’ve never seen you do anything like that before.


  978. Hi Lindsay! Thank you so much for your videos, which really do make the world a brighter place. I especially appreciate how you remember to explain little things you are doing, so the beginner can understand. My favorite thing you’ve ever done are the plein air postcards, and I’m hoping you’ll do more with different settings (or at different times of year). I love trying landscapes, but seriously lack confidence (I’m working up my courage to sign up for your landscape class though!!). The teeny little post cards help me set aside my worries — it’s such a small piece of paper, it’s really ok if I screw it up! Plus because it’s small, it’s done quickly (even if I pause constantly). Even if you don’t do more postcards, I hope you post a photo of yourself painting in a kayak! I had no idea that was a thing that could be done! Thanks again. -Cass

    Liked by 2 people

  979. Hello Lindsay! I just bought the Waffle Flower Swatch Stamps (Color Combo Swatch with Tag Die/ Color Combos Stamp Set / Color Swatches Stamp Set). I have almost as many medium types as you have, so I’m hoping you can help with this. What is the best swatch set to use with each medium type? I do not want to have a full sheet of paper with small swatches and then duplicate it with tags. There must be a “best way” of getting all our colors organized so we can find them easily. I have seen almost all of your videos, and yes I binged watched from the start. I do not seem to recall a video showing which swatch method is better with this medium type. Thank you for your giving artsy heart!
    Maine born,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I use the 24 rectangle swatches for the cards I keep in my paint tins and marker bags. For my most used markers, I use the bigger 12 swatch rectangle to swatch them and punch holes in them so I can find good colors to blend and see how colors go together because it isolates them. I only did this with my largest set of markers as it is very time consuming and it can represent other colors I Have (I just match it to a small swatch if I want to use the tool with another set. ) To be honest, I love the look of the little swatched with room for the pigment number and characteristics and if I wanted a beautiful uniform swatch record I’d use that but instead I save the wrappers that come with my paints and tape them to a large sheet of watercolor paper and swatch under it since the wrapper has all the info I need. I sometimes stamp out those swatch cards if part of a tutorial I am doing uses a specific color combo and I want to explain what characteristics I wanted in the paint I chose.


  980. Hi Lindsay, I thought you had reviewed Open Acrylics from Golden. But, I have not been able to find anything either on YouTube or on your blog. If you have not done a review, I wonder if you could do so.


  981. Help! My Speedball Elegant Writer pen has dried up since I last used it and I know it’s still got color in it. You’re so good at figuring out how to re-charge pens, any ideas for this type of pen?
    (I’ve got a Memento Tuxedo Black re-inker and black India Ink on hand, if those will be of help.)


        1. you can probably drip some water on the nib or pull the nib out and add a few drops of water with a pipette. I’m not sure of the body opens.


  982. Love your stuff and cheery presentation. Looking for a way to make alcohol ink refills for markers. Finding it very hard to find any (out of stock) here in Canada, let alone affordable. Not looking to use other markers to suck the ink out of them. Thank you so much for your awesome “frugal” info. Lorna


    1. to be honest I have never made a successful DIY alcohol ink but I use Ranger and Pinata alcohol inks to mix colors and make refills for my markers in a pinch. You can get the Ranger inks at Micheals or other big craft stores. I just mix the inks by eye and it works pretty well. You can also try the blick studio brush marker refills (if blick ships to Canada?) as you might find a good match to what you have.

      Liked by 1 person

  983. How about doing a water color project where you pick random colors and drop into a wet page and let dry and then go in with micron pen and find images in the flow and mix of the paint and creat a pen drawing. I did this and made a desert seen with cactus and hills in a class I took many years ago. I love to watch your videos. To have your video going makes it seem like your sitting with me chatting. Love it. Thanks for all you do. Keep it up.

    Liked by 1 person

  984. I love your videos! I’m curious, do you think you could do a DIY version of a confetti flinger card that doesn’t require a $20+ die? I know Ellen Huston makes a die (, but I can’t justify the expense right now. Thank you so much for considering! Have a wonderful day! 🌈✨


  985. Hi Lindsay,
    I love your beautiful landscape watercolours – wondering if you can do something with a bit of an Australian landscape feel, in our local area we have huge eucalyptus trees right down to the ocean, you might remember painting the cairn on the beach from a photo I took and suggested once before, which incidentally was fantastic.

    Liked by 1 person

  986. Hello Lindsay,
    I’ve been following your for years and I love everything that you do. I was so excited that you have finally got your own signature series or watercolors. I ordered the Turner watercolor set and can’t wait for it to come in. Here lately I’ve been trying to find a good video on how to use deco foil or heat activated foil with my embossing folders. I can’t find any that doesn’t involve using expensive machines like the GoPress, Glimmer Machine or large double sided sticky sheets. So I thought Lindsay will have something she always does, but I looked through your videos and couldn’t find anything on using foil with your embossing folders. I think that this would make a great video for all of us who can’t afford those expensive machines or adhesive sheets. Love what you do and praying that you and your family stay safe and healthy.


    1. hmm, did you just want to raised part foiled or the whole design? I have a couple of ideas but will need to try them and see.


  987. Hello Lindsay
    I love your videos, including the ones on crafts I’m never likely to try for myself. My favourites, however, are the paintings, especially watercolour and coloured pencil. I’m learning so much from you — thank you!
    Anyway, my request is, please would you paint a wombat (in anything except acrylics or oils)? I know you don’t often do animals, but I’d really like to see how to go about the subject. Thanks again.


  988. Hi Lindsay,
    I have been trying out you sour dough starter recipe and I baked my first 2 loaves today – this is incredibly addictive but the best part is sharing the joy with others – it will be roast pumpkin soup with sour dough bread for dinner tonight 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  989. Hi Lindsay! I’ve watched a couple of your videos recently and I saw that you said that the Prima metallic accents watercolors were pretty good! I was in hobby lobby recently and saw another metallic watercolor palette by masters touch and was wondering if they were as good as the Prima ones! They are the semi moist metallic watercolors in 24 colors by masters touch. They just look so similar but I don’t want to spend more money on something that isn’t as good and therefore won’t be using as often! Thank you!


  990. Hi, Lindsay, I appreciate all your tips and videos. I’ve come a LOOOOOONG way craftily speaking, since following you. Now, on to my dilemma–I am making a steampunk junk journal, and in need of bronze-colored, fine detail embossing powder. I can’t find any online or in the stores. If I mix copper with black, would that work? Also what about the ratio. I hope you can help me. I’m obsessed over it, sad but true. And happy crafting to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I’d do copper, gold, and brown (equal parts) and distress it with black acrylic paint after if needed.

      Liked by 1 person

  991. Hi Lindsay: thank you so much for all the wonderful videos. I love your tutorials but I especially love your Sat Chats. Being able to feel like I am getting to know you during this whole Covid mess has helped me deal with the distance that we have to put between us now. I wish I lived closer to you and we could have a coffee and a chat together. Your videos are a godsend. Thank you from New Brunswick, Canada. Xo

    Liked by 1 person

  992. Hi Lindsay!
    I’m considering getting into card making with an overall goal of selling them on Etsy. I was wondering if you have any tips on basic supplies for beginners – especially a die cut machine. I know you use your Sizzix Big Shot but I wondered if you have any thoughts on the Spellbinders Platinum 6? Just trying to be frugal!

    Also, I’d love any thoughts you have on selling handmade cards on Etsy. I’m a bit worried about it not being very profitable (I have a full time job, so it would just be for some extra cash, so I don’t need to make a ton but don’t want it to be a waste of time either). I’d likely offer other items as well. I’m also a bit worried about copyright – I know a bit about the angel policy but I’m not sure if overall it’s frowned upon to sell cards using stamps and dies.

    Anyways, any help and advice is appreciated! Thanks and hope you and your family are doing great!

    Liked by 2 people

  993. Maybe your next class could be a class on painting white things in watercolor? like animals with fur or feathers and snow, even white objects like vases. The way you teach makes things easy to grasp and painting subtractive is a difficult thing to wrap my head around. Im not sure a single video tutorial would be enough for me to get the hang of it! Love your videos thank you so much for sparking my joy!

    Liked by 1 person

  994. Hi Lindsay,
    I was wondering if you might consider doing a watercolor that has sun rays coming down through the clouds. I always tell my Mom God is shining down on us when I see them. You may have already done one. I might have just missed it. If so let me know. Thanks so much.

    Liked by 1 person

  995. Hello 👋

    I am new to watercolor painting and I have been watching your tutorials (thank you for sharing your gift with others) I was wondering if you can do a video on the best way to store/care for your paints and brushes. Do I need to keep them at a specific temperature or humidity levels? I bought the tube watercolor paints, can they freeze? My she shed is an outside building that is only temperature controlled when I am in it. Also, how do we keep our brushes in the best shape.
    Thank you for your time!


    1. I keep my brushes bristle up in jars and my tube paints in drawers grouped by color. Palettes are flat on a shelf. Freezing will not hurt them but if you live in a high humidity area you want to make sure your palettes are stored flat and not on their side as the paint can ooze out of the pans and if you are in a tropical area I recommend leaving your palette open to dry thoroughly before closing. You can search my craft room tours for examples on storing these things:)


  996. Hi Lindsay.
    What is the difference between Ken Olivers Color Burst and Color Sparx product. Maybe you could do a comparison. I did not see one in your videos. I want to venture into watercolor pigment powders and like the bottle application of these two products so I am wondering if they are basicaly the same thing or not so I can choose wisely how I am spending my money.
    Thanks Judette


  997. Hi Lindsay!
    My request…
    Please do a tutorial on homemade 🦄spit gel stain! That stuff is ridiculous expensive and I have searched and searched about recipes or alternatives, yet I come up with nothing much.
    Thank you 🙏🤞,


  998. Hi Lindsay,
    I am so hoping you have or can create a recipe for
    🦄spit gel stain paint PLEASE! 🙏🤞 And a tutorial for it!!! It’s just way too expensive! I have been searching and searching for a recipe or an alternative, but have come up with nothing!
    Thank u so very much,


  999. I vaguely remember you reinking stamp pads using glycerin & (gouache?). I’m looking for a frugal alternative to the Distress Spray Stain. Do you think gouache & alcohol would work?

    TIA and thanks for teaching us all so much (and saving us money in the process.


  1000. Hi Lindsay,

    I love your work, you have been so inspiring to get me back into what I really love doing – creating artworks, and I totally owe it to you for my exploration into watercolours, which used to always scare me. I’m looking for some advice from a successful artist on showing my work. I spent 1 1/2 months lining up a solo exhibition and I just received notification from the Gallery owner that she has changed her mind about showing my work. Is this a common thing that happens to artists trying to break into the space of being professional? Do you have any suggestions to how one can break into the art world as a practicing artist, I feel totally gutted right now after putting in so much effort into my sculpture pieces, drawings, sketch books and a short film ( it kinda all goes together as a response to COVID and how it has changed our lives). I haven’t released my film yet because I really want to have a big impact for my audience, but I’m really scared of rejection now from the next gallery I apply to. I did cost how much it might be to bury all my work in a box 2 metres under ground, but I probably shouldn’t let this gallery owner get to me like that.



    1. Hi Jenny,
      That stinks. Did you have a contract with the gallery? Chances are they flaked out because they were afraid that people would be offended by Covid art or that people wouldn’t buy and she didn’t want controversial art up during a commercially viable time of year (or she is about to go under and is scrapping all plans and in that case you are better not showing and having your art lost in the process.) Did you have a contract? If so she legally has to hang your art or reimburse you for expenses relating to the show. This is a tough time as so many places are closed and can’t have big crowds. I’d still show the work. Maybe see if the landlord of an empty storefront will let you it all is in the window display so it can be seen by people walking by. Honestly, I don’t show my work anymore, all the galleries near me have shut down long ago and when they were here they were snobs and wouldn’t take anyone without an art degree. I can reach way more people with social media and my blog. What happened to you wasn’t your fault. It stinks tho. The gallery couldn’t handle your powerful work. It will find an audience. Don’t be afraid to look in unusual places for it!


  1001. With Christmas coming up, I was wondering if you could do a video discussing how to mat finished watercolors. I have a bunch of pieces I want to give as gifts but framing all of them is out of my budget. Im also having a problem figuring out how to pick the correct size mat as my paper is 10.2 by 7 and 7 by 4.9 which dont seem to be a common mat size. I went to michaels and was so overwhelmed I left with nothing and made no progress lol. I know for art shows you mat yours and put them in an acid free bag. Is there something on the back that sandwiches the painting inside? Are their certain brands or supplies that you would suggest. Also how do you pick the best color when picking the mat.
    Thank you for all you do. You really bring me peace of mind (which i think right now we are all a little desperate for) and you are very very fun to watch!

    Liked by 1 person

  1002. I just saw a new sketchbook and wondered if you would review it/ It is the Indigo Artpapers 100% Cotton Handmade Paper WiroPad. It looks really neat but I am unsure of the surface. I do not care for cheaper paper because of the texture on the surface of the paper (not the sizing, just the texture).I found the paper pad on amazon, Jerry’s, Blick and other stores. I would love your opinion on this paper pad.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Judi,
      It looks a lot like the Shizan and Nujabi paper that I live for looser work. I think Angela Fehr recommends Indigo papers for her work. I am really behind on reviews currently so I am not planning on ordering more things until i am caught up. I am sorry that’s no help but I trust this person’s opinion and he has reviewed the paper:


  1003. Love your vids! Have you done a video on choosing brushes? I have SO many from using different mediums and I seem to just “reach” for one and always feel it’s never quite the right one for the project–especially watercolors. Would love your guidance. Thanks Lindsay 🙂


  1004. In regards to alcohol markers, have you made, or would you know where to find, a list, chart, etc. comparing the same/similar colors? So if I’m following a video that instructs me to use a Copic #whatever, and I have Spectrum Noir, or it tells me to use Ohuhu #this, and I have Studio71 I will know to use #that? It would be a daunting volume for anyone to undertake, I know, but I figure maybe as new sets are purchased, it would be done and added to the compilation.

    The need for this has come up for me recently in learning color combinations for skin tones. Sarah Renee Clark .com has a wonderful blog page on this, but she only uses Ohuhu and I have an older set of Touch New, and just purchased a 168 set of TouchTen. In other news, Touch has recently both expanded their color line to 204, but they are now selling refills, truly making them a frugal crafter’s dream! (Of course, now I just need to see if I can find someone selling a set with just the 36 new colors…)


    1. I wish I knew of such a list, I thought about trying to create one but it would just take too much time that I don’t have. It is hard to find any cross-reference color charts because few people would have al the same color from several brands. /that said many brands use the smae ink as touchnew, it is the shinhan color system so you can matc by number for those. Copic does it’s own thing tho so matching there would be diffucult. I just choose colors that look close. Sorry, that’s not much help huh?


      1. That’s okay. The only one I’ve found is Copic vs Spectrum Noir. Right now I’m seeing a drop in price on Touch and they’ve rolled out 36 new colors, bringing them up to a total of 204, and they now have 96 refills and you can buy individual markers. The set of 168 I bought was only $46, so they’r’e shaking things up. Thanks anyway though.


  1005. Following on from Maggie’s question, above – I’ve just seen a question on Ohuhu’s community page from someone asking if there’s a way of making sense of Ohuhu’s colour numbering system. What I think they want to know is: when you compare their bullet nib pens and the brush nib pens, which have a different numbering system, are the colours actually the same inks, therefore the same colour. The person question wanted to know if there’s a way of making a colour chart to make Ohuhu’s system more understandable. I know you have made LOTS of videos about marker brands colour systems and was going to link one on the community page so they could check it out. However, there are so many, I’m not sure which one it is 😊 Please could you help, as I’m sure there are a lot of people who have the same question. Thank you!


  1006. Hi Lindsay! I received a Spellbinders Platinum 6 for Christmas but I don’t have any dies or embossing folders. Do you have any must have recommendations for beginners to start building up a collection? Thanks so much and love the new website!


  1007. Good afternoon Lindsay,

    I’ve been a quiet long time subscriber of your channel and appreciate all the time and energy you put into your videos and your craft. I was hoping you would do another video on the dr oh martins Bombay inks I bought them and haven’t used them I watched your review but still lost on how would be best to use them or if I should get rid of them since I had them for a year I’m a beginner in the watercolour and ink areas and would love more techniques and advice on best ways to use them before I decide to let them go. Or invest in a diff product.

    Thank you so much for your time
    Jessica R


  1008. Help, I’m interested in buying a small air compressor to try out alcohol ink backgrounds. Which machine do you recommend? Hope you’ve tried a few and can help me. Thank you. Edna Burgess


  1009. Hello, I was wondering if you could do a tutorial using the Faber Castell Watercolor pencils. I am thinking about buying them once I get a little more practice and you do a great job explaining about the pencils as well as what they are capable of. I think I would learn a lot coming from you. I tired other youtube posts but have not been really happy with them.
    Thank you!


  1010. Hi! I just wanted to let you know I am a beginner and learning watercolor pencils….and have watched many of your videos multiple times. I tried the daffodil’s but my pencils just don’t blend so it didn’t turn out that well. My fiancé had bought me some prismacolor markers so I am thinking about adding those to the picture to liven it up. But I would really like to know more about the brushes you use and were to buy them and brands. I do go under you video and get some of the brush information but when I try to find them on Amazon I can’t and it is extremely frustrating. So I saw that you did a video on water brushes so I was hoping maybe something like this would be interesting to some people. So like brand, where best to buy them, what you use them for etc. If this is something you don’t think will go over well I understand, just wanted to ask!


  1011. Sorry can’t stop myself. What color pencils do you recommend for watercolor pencils. Everything I have gotten has not liquified the pencils. At first I thought it was the watercolors, but I am now thinking it is the pencils. I just ordered some Aqualon brushes so we will see what happens there. I know it is not the paper because I had picked up a pad you recommended for beginnings. (I actually already had picked it out due to liking the Canson brand). So that leaves the brushes. The paints were ones done one your review and you gave them a good review for beginners.


  1012. Hello, sorry again. But I bought the art n fly watercolor pencils and used the aqualon brushes I got…and they did not work on the watercolor pencils. I am thinking of getting the mondeluz. I follow another youtuber that uses them in her drawings. I am just getting very frustrated because I can’t get a watercolor pencil that actually works. Do you have any advice or ideas on why they are not working for me?


    1. Art n fly doesn’t make watercolor pencils, they are oil based but you can use a solvent with them if you want to spread them like watercolor.


  1013. Hello, this is like my 4th message, sorry again about that. I am a very curious person when I am starting something new. I noticed that you have not done a watercolor pencil picture for awhile. I was hoping maybe you could do one that is more recent. btw I bought the Mondeluz.


    1. I’ll make a note of it, I did use watercolor pencils on one of the techniques in my 5 watercolor techniques and supplies to try post last week:)


      1. Oh yeah I remember that…thank you about the art n fly information. I wanted a water soluble pencil so I am hoping the Mondeluz will be what I want.
        Thanks for the response! I do though would still love another watercolor pencil painting 🙂


  1014. REQUEST: I watch you for your watercolor videos. I’d like to see THUMBS UP’s for other people who LOVE YOUR WATERCOLOR VIDEOS.
    I know you mentioned previously that they weren’t getting as many views as other videos but that’s how I started watching you. I think if you did more advanced videos, it would be fantastic! A lot of people do basic beginner videos but I know from seeing your ‘real work”, I see that you are a really talented artist but when you do a YouTube video, you have limited time and kind of rush through them. I’d love to watch more detailed, advanced videos focusing on different things; how to add people and figure out how to pose them doing something in a landscape, how to invent shadows; how do you make them describe the shape of the land/snow that they are being cast on, how come, when painting a house, many artists only paint an “L” for a window frame yet it looks norma/complete?, how come artists leave off the feet and that looks much better than adding feet? How to get an imagined scene down on paper and have it look okay? I just really want more watercolor videos-especially in-depth ones. I think it is your strongest skill.


  1015. I do have a set of 25 Prisma color premier markers. I see that you use a lot of other markers and so I am curious on what you think of the Prisma colors. And if you have them to maybe do something with them? I ordered a new blender just because I want to make sure blending is not a problem. I guess do they work like other alcohol markers?
    Honestly besides maybe some some watercolor pencil paintings. Finding more out about these Prisma color markers would be great. I did go online to try and fine some tutorials but they are more like cartons and they don’t really explain much. I was very disappointment at the lack of assistance using theses markers. Just an idea. Maybe something floral would be nice. Up to you. As I said I have seen you use markers just not these kinds.
    Thank you!


  1016. I’ve enjoyed many of your videos where you combine watercolor and color pencil. What paper do you recommend when combining these two mediums? I’ve found the water alters the surface of the paper, and even after the paper is completely dry, it often pills when I later apply the color pencil. Would appreciate your thoughts.


  1017. Hi! So I have been watching your old youtube videos and saw the ones you did mix medium in an art journal. I LOVE them but have you stopped doing them completely or are you still doing some now? The art journal when you did a flip through, then watching all kinds of your mixed media journal pages was really inspiring and got me all excited to go and buy a few things here and there including the Dollar Tree. Also I wanted to let you know what I think? is a great deal on Faber-Castell gelato …


    1. that set seems to have stuff other than gelatos, you get more gelatos for the same about or less here: so be sure to look at the stick count before buying unless you want the other things that come in the kids. Also check out the gel sticks which are the same thing but marketed to children: and this set of 36 gel crayons feels like the same thing as gelatos to me and way cheaper:


      1. Thank you, I had looked at those but just weren’t sure. I am returning the package. I was already debating to due to it being a little disappointing. I will look through the sites you gave me and go from there. Thank you for your advice and help!


  1018. Lindsay, you have an amazing channel and we’ve binge watched it! My daughters 10 and under love art and have been taking classes from a studio for 3 years. They’ve been taking classes through ZOOM for the last year now due to the pandemic. Do you have any videos showing how to use Tempera paint? We used to use acrylic before and just got a batch of Arteza Tempera paint to try out. THe colors seem vibrant and amazing but it’s very different from acrylic and would really appreciate if you could give us some tips. Thank you so much for everything you do!


    1. Thanks, Yulia, I don’t have any tempra videos but it is very similar to gouache and I have many of those. Just type “gouache” in the search bok. Also you can thin tempera down and use it like watercolor so you have a lot of options. Happy painting!


  1019. I have a question about one of your art journals. I don’t know if I am crazy or not but I though you used markers in one of them and used your brushes to move and blend them around. I don’t think they were alcohol markers, or watercolor markers. Or maybe they were. I don’t know. Do you know what I am talking about? Or again am I crazy?


    1. they were probably waterbased markers in an art journal, probably real brush pens. Those move well with water.


  1020. So I am not sure where to post questions on like old posts you have, I don’t know if you like get a pop up or not or something. But I have bought a black archival ink pad. And I notice in a lot of your stamping videos you use the distress oxide ones. Is there a reason you don’t use the archival colors since they are water proof and the oxides are not? or do you just like the color selection better? I am curious for my art journal and there are some cards I want to make for some upcoming events.


    1. I use Archival when I want to watercolor my image, I use distress when I want to make inky backgrounds because they blend better and are juicier. I only use black and brown archival. You can use whatever you prefer tho:)


  1021. do you by any chance have a list of what Ohuhu colors you grouped together. Apparently I have a terrible eye for color…can’t see the cool and warm undertones If you have list of colors in the various groups you made, that would be absolutely wonderful!!!


  1022. I know you have done so many card videos. I have watched a lot of them, but one thing I was wondering you could do is to make an anniversary card. I am going to attempt one for my sisters 3yrs marriage this weekend based on some of the techniques you used. But it would be really nice if you could make one. The card I am making, I don’t want it with too many hearts and whatnot, but as I said, it would be great if you could make one.


  1023. Jave you thought about doing a tutorial on Jane Davenports Power pastels? I watched her videos but she only uses them as highlights, and I would love to see how you would use them. I was hoping for a pretty picture or other ways they can be used and I think you could really do that well. I know she sends you a lot of stuff sometimes so maybe you have them? It would just be so great to see how they work in other ways as I said.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Fellowaddict, this is NOT your private site to keep quizzing Lindsay and you just pulled up EIGHT ancient requests, that clogged up my email ( which is a gross idiocy on your part; to say the least ) and ask a constant flow of queries since first signing up, that help NOBODY!

      With all due respect…JUST SHUT UP, GIVE IT A REST ( at least for a while! ), and spare the rest of us, who did NOT sign up to follow Lindsay, to be bombarded, in emails, with your constant barrage of questions that nobody else gives a damn about!


      1. This is a very unkind and disrespectful reply.
        Lindsay doesn’t need this kind of stress on her site.
        She set this up so she can answer everyones questions.
        If you don’t want to read other people’s questions, you don’t have to. You can opt out.
        The person writing the questions is looking for help with something and has a right to ask just as you have a right to ask about something you need help with.
        We are all at different points in our journey.
        Please show Lindsay the respect and kindness of letting her answer her questions. If you are upset and not able to offer anything helpful, it is better for Lindsay’s sake if you choose not to reply.


    2. I’m not sure if Lindsay has a video on these, but Jane has a video on YouTube using them more that might help.


  1024. Oh my gosh. I am new at this and am just looking for information. I don’t think you really have any right to talk to me like that. I am trying learn, what is wrong with that? And how do you kwon that any of ALL the of followers, not a single question I asked someone was not thinking or interested in it. This should be a safe place to ask questions as a beginner and learn. You really have no right to take that safe place away with the language you used towards me. Telling me to “JUST SHUT UP, GIVE IT A REST” is honestly unbelievable to me. I have every right like everyone to ask questions an ask about tutorials. You are just unbelievable rude and it makes me think what kind of person you are if you posted something like this on her blog . When I am trying to learn something new I want to know all I can about the product and have started art journaling and stamping, For you to again, tell me to shut up is just unbelievable unsensitive. Justin general your post is not okay and honestly the blog is for questions so I have every right to ask them
    And blaming me fore whatever happened to your email, I doubt that was it you are just looking for more ammo to shoot at me. You have not right to tell me how to post blogs and how and went I ask questions ad ask for tutorials. You really showed your true colors in this message and I must say they do not look very nice.
    I think your lack of respect and sensitivity in telling me thins it no not going to make me changed. I want to learn. So I will continue to ask questions and suggested tutorials. Just saying that my questions no one else cares about and that they hep nobody gives a damn petty harsh.
    I would say sorry you feel this way, but I am not. I am just trying to being myself and learn what I can.


  1025. I have great respect for Lindsay and everything she does and all tutorials she does, the suggestions from others…I am asking her questions because I trust her and respect her. Do not say that I do not because you know nothing about how I feel about her and what she is capable. You are not a very kind person and attacking me because I am new and not perfect is ridiculous. No body is perfect so to expect it right off the bat is not something you should be doing. There is a learning curve to everything and I am learning it but learning in it such negative way hat you put it makes it difficult. As I said before you have not idea how I feel about Lindsay and how much respect I have to for her. She is expellee talented and so good with all different mediums. So wanting to find out more about the, on things out but doesn’t have a tutorial on, I do not see all this harm in requesting it. Isn’t that part of the learning process? I feel like you jus wan to shove my questions down which will not just hurt me hamper improvements by others. I Don’t think talking to you is a good idea. I no not like you attitude and tact you I don’t have resect for Lindsay and all the things she has going on makes it so much more obvious that you have no clue who I am or how I am an empathetic person and really care about others and their self care etc. That is actually the main part of my job, so I do care. Don’t every say I don’t or don’t understand because I probably know about this than more about it them up. But you have to admit that Lindsay is strong, she can make her own decisions and decide what will and will not be down. Give Lindsay come credit. I do. And if she chooses not do do any of my tutorial suggests so be. But I believe it doesn’t hurt to ask. If you disagree fine, but do not talk to me to like you have been. It has been unprofessional and I will not tolerate that.


  1026. Lindsay, I just want to apologize for anything I said in my messages about you last night. I have never been basically yelled at online and for asking questions and just asking about tutorials. I of course know you must get so many so I know that just because I ask, doesn’t mean it is able to happen and again I totally understand. Last night I responded late and was not myself and was just upset and a little hurt to be told to “SHUT UP” and so on. I just think you are very talented and have been learning a lot through your tutorials and being a part of Critique Club. I just want to put this all behind me and move forward. As my fiancé said people will say things online they may not say in actual person. So I also apologize for asking for I guess too much and would never purposefully stress you out. That is something I would never do on purpose. I just hope you don’t feel the same way as Paprika Paprika. Thank you for all the work you do.

    Liked by 2 people

  1027. Hi Lindsay,

    I’d like to see some more sky and cloud tutorials, I know you do lot’s of landscapes but I love it when you break down the elements and give us a few options to choose from. hmmm, this could lead into a series landscape element “short” demonstration videos – and from what we learn we can apply to our own landscapes around the world :). Yeah OK, I admit, I want to see more of your painting too:)

    Liked by 1 person

  1028. Lindsay, I appreciate your videos! Hate to see you upset over comments or concerned people won’t like your content. You are talented & knowledgeable, and love how willing you are to share with your viewers. Just my 2 cents as long time stamper (20+ years). I especially like your card making videos, loved your recent Easter cards! Great how you added elements you had been making to your cards. You inspired me to make postage stickers too. Also like colored pencils and watercolor. You are my go-source for reviews. Please don’t join the box-openings. That’s not a review, but sometimes nice to see what you are getting and LOVE your honesty! Just do what you love, or feel moved to do.


  1029. I bought some water based dual tip markers (off-off dash off brand Tombows) and a lot of them are really dry. What can I do to remoisten them? None of them are completely dry, just dry enough that they’re not covering evenly.


  1030. Would appreciate ideas on what to do with the numerous adult coloring pages that I have colored…I’d like to add them, somehow, to cards/tags/bookmarks etc. I’m willing to cut them apart, but just don’t know how to make use of them in a unique way. Thanks!


    1. You can use them like pattern paper in cards or decopUGE STORAGE BOXES or even frame them.


  1031. Hello! So I have loved the cupcakes you have made and I do have the Ohuhu set of 48 and some older prisma colors (3 hrs old) and I saw your review on their pastel colors. I am really interested in learning marker techniques and have been watching your alcohol marker tutorials as well some others. Do you have a recommendation for an alcohol marker youtuber by chance? Also as I said I saw the pastels they have. Since I want to learn more about alcohol marker techniques would you think is would be a good idea to invest in the pastels to go with my 48 Ohuhu and prisma colors? I also bought the Ohuhu marker book as well as the color-erasable pencils to sketch with. As you can see I am serious about getting to know these markers. I have the chisel tip and brush tip.
    I really like your tutorials on desserts! They are one of my favorites. Since I am getting married I have been looking at cake pictures and drawing a wedding cake would seem so fun! That is something I am thinking about trying, but I think one from you would be really interesting!
    Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I don’t care for their recent paint, it has a bad smell and cracks if you let it dry in pans. It used to be very nice and I think their Chinese colors still probably are but the cheap sets you see at Jerry’s and in discount stores are not with the trouble in my opinion.


  1032. Hello Miss Lindsay, I’ve been following you for years now and love your channel. I found something exciting at my local Wal-marts that I thought you might be interested in. I just went to 2 of my local Wal-Mart and happen to go by the crafting section as usual LOL and I noticed that they are now selling Jumbo pads of Bee Company Watercolor & Mixed Media papers, along with Grumbacher and Strathmore papers. I also noticed that they are no longer carrying Canson XL. papers. Well I bought the only two Bee Company Watercolor & Mixed Media papers they had. I was so excited about the find that I drove an hour to the next Wal-Mart and bought two more of the Bee Company Watercolor & Mixed Media papers just incase this is a fluke find. I remember that you ahd said once that Bee Company papers were decent and I’m hoping they are better than the Canson XL papers. I didn’t buy any Grumbacher and Strathmore papers, they had tons of those, so I’ll buy some next week. LOL Anyway, if you can find them at a Wal-Mart near you I would love for you to do a comparison or first impressions on the Bee Company & Grumbacher papers at Wal-Mart to the ones we can buy online at say Jerry’s Artarama. Thanks for taking the time to read this long message. Love what your videos and blog. Thanks 🙂

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I live in Texas so it might just be a regional thing 😦 If I can still find them I might be able to send them to you if you would like. Just let me know. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        1. There is another fellow creator on you-tube that found the Bee paper at a Walmart in Florida. I live in Texas and found some of the paper in only one out of the five Walmart stores in my area. Not sure how it is distributed throughout the chain.

          Liked by 1 person

  1033. I’d like to carve some outline stamps of butterflies, but don’t know the best way to carve my lines so they stay consistently the same width. I have re-watched your three videos on stamp carving and not found a tip on this subject. It has been five years since your last stamp carving video (and they all cover making silhouette/solid stamps), so how about making a new one that includes info on making outline stamps and keeping line widths consistent?

    Thanks for all you do. I look forward to learning more on hand carving stamps from you. 😉


  1034. About 2 weeks ago, I asked you for a oil-based frugal colored pencil recommendation on one of your YouTube videos. I can’t find it to get back to it, but that’s okay. I wanted to let you know that I did buy the 120pc set of Brutfuner Squares. And I really appreciate it, these are great!

    I wanted to let you know though, that I found someone on eBay that had swatch sheets for the set. With the set comes not only the blanks, but a color copy of one she’s already done. The incredible part to these is that she’s not only written down the Chinese characters, but she’s translated them to English! So for example, pencil number 010 has a translation of “cool watermelon juice” as the name of the color. I’m including the link should you want to check them out. They’re only a $1.99 usd.

    (P.S. Is there any way to shorten this list? It is a beast to get to the bottom of this list to make a comment, although it is a great testament to how many people you’ve helped over the past 7 years. 😁)


  1035. I have an idea for a video. Creative block solution: convert an old/unwanted hardcover book into a sketchbook of sorts. I’ve glued photographs of pictures on the right side of this pages, tore out a couple pages in-between, then, when I want to practice drawing and/or paintings, I just use the photographs as reference photos and recreate the photo on the left side of the page. The print shows (unless you use gouache), but it’s a fun way to recycle old books. I don’t know whether this idea ha sounds already been done; if so I apologize for the honest plagiarism.

    Liked by 1 person

  1036. Hi Linsey,

    Have you ever tried the Neocolor water soluble wax pastels? I think they are from Karin D’Ache? (Also, sorry if this double posts it gave me login issues)


    1. Hi Bobbi,
      I’m not sure. I did get a bit behind and some youtube videos did not make it to my blog but most do and they should arrive in your email. Maybe they went to your spam folder?


  1037. Lindsay , I just wanted to contact you regarding a three set of white plastic water pans that Jackson’s Art offers that are identical to the portable painter pans. They are about $10. I just thought it would be a good option to present to your viewers. I do not need credit for my suggestion. I already had my 15 minutes of fame 😂


  1038. Lindsay- I sent a poorly worded message yesterday regarding the stackable water cups. I was wondering if the small one could be used on a travel palette like the pocket palette cups. They are less than $10 for the 3cup set. Would the small cup clip over the edge of various travel 🎨 palettes? Also , I can only find one review on the Artraveller portable art bag. The reviewer covered it briefly for watercolor. Could it be used for colored pencil, drawing as well? I know you are so busy and get lots of requests , so I understand if these items don’t make the list. Love your videos. You have such a great presentation and warm personality.


  1039. Hello Lindsay! I just discovered your YouTube channel and your blog and I am in love! Recently I purchased Ikon Art’s stencil burning set up (It’s amazing) and I’m really enjoying doing the stencils with chalk paste. I used Re-Designs chalk paste with my first stencil – although it was fantastic quality, perfect results, I discovered it is NOT erasable. Which is what I want. Chalk Couture chalk paste, IS erasable. However, their chalk paste is so expensive. I feel like there has to be a substitute! A DIY! I’m down the rabbit hole and not finding a good substitute. Grating chalk, and mixing it with hand sanitizer is NOT the answer. Not even close, LOL! Chalk Couture is THICK, smooth, creamy, highly pigmented paste. I’m going to mush some soft pastels today with a whisker of glycerin and test that out, but I am not holding my breath. I felt like if anyone could come up with a recipe, it would be you! Thanks for reading this long request, LOL! ~Jennifer


  1040. I’ve been so inspired and learned so much from watching your tutorials and videos. I should share some of my favorites with you! I need to find a way to print poetry onto watercolor paper so that I can paint a border around it. I’ve painted a watercolor border onto Arches 140 lb cold pressed paper approx. 8 x 10 and have written a poem that I want to print onto the center of the paper. I cannot find a local printer that can do it (only do laser printing on laser paper) and my home printers won’t pick up the paper because of the weight. I know that I can use software to overlay the image and have it commercially printed on just about anything; however, the couple wants the original painting and the poem is too long for me to hand letter. I printed the poem on a sheet of acrylic with a sticky back, but really don’t want to lay that down over the painting either. Any suggestions?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. how about printing on vellum and tearing the edges of the vellum and using spray adhesive to attach it to watercolor paper? It would show but it is a pretty and elegant look.


      1. Thank you so much for the fast reply! That’s an excellent idea; I’ll try that and will let you know how it turns out. I can’t thank you enough for all the encouragement, tips, and inspiration you provide! If there is another way to print on watercolor paper, I’d love to know!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hi Lindsay! Thank you so much for your spot on advice! I printed the poem onto vellum paper, cut around it with pinking shears and then carefully burned the edges. I lightly sprayed Gorilla Glue adhesive on the back of the vellum to fasten it to my watercolor border and it turned out a lot better than I expected. The best part was watching them open this gift and read the poem and see how much it meant to them. I love creating things to gift to other people! I would love to send you a pic of it, as it doesn’t appear I can attach anything here. I’m a member of critique club, but not sure how to submit something for you to critique. Thank you again for awaking the artist in me, teaching me, and motivating me to keep learning and trying new things! You are AMAZING!

        Liked by 3 people

        1. sorry for the late response on this blog. For critique club just click on the comment box and type your words and then there is a picture icon at the bottom of the box and click that and you can upload your file. I look forward to seeing your work!


  1041. Hi Lindsay, Forgive me if I missed this topic when searching your videos. I am wondering if you would consider doing a review/demo of colored conte crayons. I’m interested in this topic in part because I recently purchased a set of 12 assorted colored conte crayons from Blick, and they are absolutely nothing like I remember the basic black, white and sanguine crayons being. I was really excited to receive them but ultimately was glad I hadn’t sprung for the full set. I had to dig out some of my 25 year old crayons to confirm that they did used to be smooth like silk. Not actually made from wax, but “waxy” in the way graphite can feel. (And the softest black ones are soooo soft and smooth going on the paper, spread easily, but don’t have a lot of loose dust.) The colored ones are hard, scratchy (like cheap pencils can be – you’re drawing and then it just scrapes the paper and doesn’t lay down color) and very dusty, but the dust is hard and granular, like salt under your fingertips. I have no previous experience with the colored version, and have seen some negative reviews indicating they are made in China now, and the quality control is lacking. (But I have seen reviews dating back to 2006 saying they’re made in China.) There are also good reviews about how smooth they are, although it seems like most of the recent good reviews are from people who have never used any conte crayon. So now, I am not sure if I have unrealistic expectations and the colored crayons have always been very different from the traditional sketching colors, or if they have changed for the worse. The ones I received are like very cheap hard pastels, like a completely different medium from my old ones. I’m finding it difficult to find anyone who even knows what conte crayons are, let alone has used the colored ones and has any “historical” knowledge of them. It seems crazy that a tried and true artist quality product with a long history would basically be ruined by moving to cheap manufacturing, but that’s what it seems like. I don’t know if I just got a terrible batch or not, but I would love it if you would be willing to investigate, especially if you have an old set to which to compare the new. Thanks for considering!


    1. Hi Elizabeth, I will have to check to see where mine was made if I still have the packaging from my 12 color set. I never thought the colored versions were that great either, very hard, not as good as NuPastel which I have a full set of when I need a hard pastel. I had no idea they moved the manufacturing to China!


      1. Thanks Lindsay! Unfortunately I threw away the packaging on the set I just got, and only later read the (many) reviews which said they are now made in China. My old crayon packaging clearly says Made in France. The difference seems to (partially) be one of how finely milled the particles are. I’m very curious if any of them are still made in France. I know the black and white ones comes in different hardnesses so I could imagine their manufacture might be more carefully controlled. Maybe I will see if a local store has the small sets of the black and white and see where they’re made. I’m hesitant to buy without knowing. I was hoping the colored set would be unique and fill a gap in my collection, but I have better (but dusty) hard pastels, wax pastels, oil pastels, etc.. (P.S. I am a fellow Mainer, now “exiled” in New Hampshire….)

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      2. Hi again, Random follow-up on the colored conte crayon issue, in case you find it at all interesting. (I don’t know how you could incorporate this into a video but it would be interesting.) I was so thrown off by the texture of the new colored conte crayons I purchased (having only ever tried the basic sketching colors) that I actually tracked down and ordered a “vintage” set of 12 colors on eBay. They just arrived, and I don’t know what year they’re from, although the packaging indicates “New!” “Nouveau!” So I assume they date to whenever colored conte crayons started being manufactured. The thin foam layer in the box completely disintegrated upon my touch. It was an unopened set, but there is no indication of where they were made. In any case, straight from my mailbox in 24 degree temperature, they are noticeably smoother than the new ones at room temperature. It really is a difference of milling the particles I think (and possibly a difference in binder, but I don’t know, and maybe also how they are baked.) The old ones are just more finely milled so they go on paper very smoothly, and blend smoothly. The new ones feel scratchy (or inconsistent) and feel very gritty under my finger when I blend. I think this might be a case of another great product declining in quality. (I might “chalk” it up to COVID-related issues, but there are a lot of negative reviews dating to before COVID.) I did just also order a new set of two white 2B sticks to see whether even the basic sketching crayons, especially the softer ones, have the same quality issue, and I’m waiting to receive those. Merry Christmas!

        Liked by 2 people

  1042. Suggestion for Derwent teaching lessons: What is something artsy to do with kids when we have stuffed animal day, or pajama day, or crazy hat day… I’d like to have my students do some type of artwork when we have these special days at school, but I’m at a loss with what to do. Looking forward to your Derwent lessons! Thanks!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  1043. I purchased a set of three pen holders at Walmart for about $3.95. They’re made of silicone and have a self adhesive tape on the back. They’re called pen pal holders. I immediately thought of you and the container you use to store your wet brushes face down (I may be butchering it, but I think it’s called the puck). I bought a set, stuck them to the outside of my brush holder, and the brushes fit perfectly! They can drop-dry and stay out of the way! I thought this would be a good Frugal Friday video for those who want to save money on the puck. By the way, I also use a silicone dish scrubber (which is useless for dishes, also from Walmart) and place it inside my water jar. Works wonders! Easy cleanup and soft on brushes. I enjoy your videos and have been watching since 2015! Keep up the great work!


  1044. Hi Lindsay, I was wondering if you had any ideas/thoughts on the whole Finnabair Sparks, Metallique, etc. paints and the Dylusions in the pots paints drying out issues. Ranger changed packaging on their products to help alleviate the issue going forward but it didn’t solve my developing/existing issue of thickening – getting chunky, and then dry paint pots. Prima/Finnabair came out with a line of Liquid Acrylics but they are not the same and for some reason (maybe they use a massive amount of mica or something) they dry VERY FAST – Not only in the pot/jar, but also when using them. I really like the colors I chose of Dylusions (about 6 now) and the colors and affects of the Prima/Finnabair Paints (about 15 Jars in various amounts and states of dryness). My initial thought was – keep them all liquid and “repackage” like Ranger did. However they are drying out faster than I anticipated. I saw that Glycerin can be used as a retardant sometimes for acrylic paint. I’m not sure if I should use Additives or Mediums since Dylusions is already a somewhat translucent paint, or does that matter? I have been considering Slow-Dri, Flo Aid, or just a Pouring medium? Then procuring better bottles or whatever (I don’t have any lying around) to transfer them into to). Altogether between the “effort” and added “expenses” does it make more sense to chuck it all and look for a sale on Amsterdam, Deco-Art, Arteza, etc. Acrylic paints? I know it is somewhat a personal choice but I also know you have a lot of “frugal” supply experience so I thought it would be interesting to hear your take on the whole thing? Thank you so much!


  1045. I love your channel, thank you for the variety of videos that you do! I’m eclectic in my crafts & art supplies, so it’s really nice to have so much of what I do on one channel. Could you possibly review these paints and tell me how they stack up to other brands? It says it’s 45 colors but it’s actually 48.


  1046. Would you consider doing a video on solvent-free oil painting (with regular oils, not the water-mixable ones)? I’d love to get into oil painting, but using solvents is just not do-able for me. I’ve seen some corners of the internet say you can clean brushes with oil, and then soap and water, but I’m not sure if that’s true, or if it’s such a pain in the butt that that’s why more people aren’t going solvent-free. If I had to guess, I’d figure the old masters didn’t have access to turpentine, so I’m hoping there is a reasonably easy way to paint in regular oils without mineral spirits etc. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  1047. Hi Lindsay! I am interested in purchasing some metallic watercolours so I have been watching all of the review videos you have posted. At the moment, I am considering buying either the Paul Rubens or the Artsy set of 48. I know that you have a video comparing both brands (the 24 set), but since you’ve got the 48 set of the Paul Rubens, would you consider doing a video comparing both sets of 48? I would like to see the colour difference and check if the price difference is worth it. Thank you so much!


  1048. Hi!
    I always turn to your supply reviews because you are really detailed in the process. I’ve been kind of weary of shopping on Amazon for art supplies (for some reason others’ watercolor paper often arrive damaged or weird looking) but there’s this brand called Hippie Crafter that makes watercolor paper as well. There’s not many reviews on it but the few there are, are positive. The seller claims it to be 50% cotton which is not common for cheap WC paper. I know you don’t often review paper, but would you mind considering it? On their site they offer free supplies to art channels who review their products, not so sure how that works though. On Amazon two pads with 30 sheets each retail for $23.99, so it seems like a good price range.

    Liked by 1 person

  1049. Hi Lindsay,
    Firstly an overdue thank you for indulging me a while ago with your interpretation of the cairn I photographed on an Australian beach,
    Now I know that you like trying out new techniques and I know that you don’t generally use black watercolour but your stance on using white tells me that you just need a good reason to use that black straight out of the tube, so to speak, but while sitting at home with a broken wrist I’ve stumbled on an artist where I am starting to enjoy watching her process that she embarks on with lamp black and it’s amazing fur like looking qualities when used wet on wet. If you haven’t already seen Rachel’s work the here is one of her videos that I suggest you have a look at. I have a feeling that you’ll have some lamp black in your collection somewhere, I did, and girl you have had some influence on some of my purchases in the past. Anyhows, have a look and have a go – I think you might start using that lamp black sometimes too now, it’s pretty addictive just watching that whooooosh….when it happens, if I must say so myself:


    Liked by 1 person

  1050. Hello Lindsay!,I have been wanting to get a big set of metallic watercolors. I have watched all of your reviews but I would like to know if you would consider doing a video comparing the ARTSY 48 set with the one from Paul Rubens, since I’m on the fence because of the price difference.
    Also, for watercolors and for watercolor crayons, what are you favourite brands for toned paper?

    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think I have a video comparing the two: I would opt for the smaller 24 paul rubens set before I’d recommend the 48 artsy set personally. I have all of those sets and I use my 24 paul rubens set the most (even over the 48 PR set) and they are much shinier and more pigmented then Artsy.


  1051. I’m a card marker. I’m struggling to watercolor stamped critters. I searched through your videos- I seen watercolor pencils, markers and colored pencils, but I didn’t see any with just watercolor (unless I missed it.)

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  1052. Hi Lindsay, do you have an opinion about the Fresco Finish Chalk paints from Paperartsy ? I’ve searched if you had a specific video about it and didn’t find any but I saw you using some in some of your videos, so I assume you have an opinion on it ? Thanks in advance for your help.


  1053. Hi Lindsay, no one anywhere has done anything with leftover printer ink. I thought of all the youtubers I watch who would be able to find a use? The Frugal Crafter she has a ton of knowledge and is crazy creative you’d be the one to find a use for bottles of printer inks from people converting their printers to sublimation or the new I can’t remember what its called something to do with printable vinyl or something I forget what it is. Admittedly I am one who converted my Epson printer to sublimation ink. One youtuber took apart an ink cartridge and played with it a little but hasn’t done anything with it. Another gal took apart and empty cartridge and dyed wool with it. That’s not the same as 65ml full bottles of ink. Another youtuber made alcohol ink but its really thin runny like it seemed not as vibrant and has little bits in it. I have found that 522 Epson ink is dye based not pigment. Epson EcoTank printers are one of the most common printers people are converting it comes with the 522 refill inks. I haven’t had chance to try anything with the ink myself yet. I thought about different additives like glycerin rubbing alcohol because I don’t know if the ink the one youtuber used was dye or pigment based, I also thought about linseed oil, denatured alcohol but those scare me because they’re chemicals with a lot of fumes. Please play with this medium and see what you come up with. Someone out there has to be able to find a use for these inks instead of throwing them away or otherwise disposing of them improperly. Thank you in advance.

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  1054. Ohh so thank you for ALL your lovely tutorials. I was wondering if you can do tutorials of books that are open and the pages are in motion or the like thank you Or do you have any turorials of books I could not find


  1055. Hi Lindsay, I was wondering about the new Arteza watercolors they release recently. It’s 3 curated color palettes of 12 half pans. Are they the same as the original watercolors and if they are the same colors? I remember your reviews about their color pencils that changed. I can’t find the original watercolors on their site to compare. Would love your opinion on them and if they are still a worthwhile option now that we have so many budget brands.
    Also, I have failed no spend September with Rosa botanical watercolors.


      1. I want to take the paint out of the half pan and put it into a smaller shallow pan to put in a magnetic travel palette. I love my paints but the metal palette palette they’re in is too large and too heavy for me to carry. I’m hoping to avoid having to purchase more paints if I can avoid it. I’m disabled and spend a lot of time in medical waiting rooms and it would be nice to have something quiet, productive, and unplugged to focus on.

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  1056. I feel I’ve gotta have you teach how to watercolor Luminous Lantern. I don’t use markers so I don’t think I’ll take the marker class in which you teach the painting. Watercolor, please? It’s a wonderful picture. Thanks for all you do for us.


  1057. hey lindsay, is there a way where you can review all 112 watercolor tubes from paul rubens? ive seen the pan reviews + pr’s student grade ones but i haven’t seen u do the full 112 tube set from them.

    (p.s: its only sold on aliexpress & not amz)

    Liked by 1 person

  1058. Could you paint a watercolor pond with a fountain in it? If possible, the ones that go out in a triangle or v form from a center point; I believe it is called an Aerating Fountain.

    I have a project for class, and I am struggling to find examples of this type of fountain. The teacher wants me to sketch the painting before I can paint it, and I’m not entirely sure how to draw or paint that kind of fountain as this is my first time working with watercolors.

    Thank you so much,

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Do you have any recommendations for a course for a complete beginner to do to learn the basics of proportions and perspective please?


  1059. I have a question…I have the original 72 set of Inktense pencils. I was thinking of adding to my set, but thought about purchasing either the blocks or watercolors. What would be the advantage between either the blocks or pans?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It really depends on how you like to apint. You can pick up the blocks and draw and color like the pencils or use them like pans but they case is larger to carry around. If you only want to use them like paint you can get the pans to save space otherwise I think the blocks are a better investment.


  1060. Hi Lindsey – I love your videos! Your reviews are a goto for me before I buy products I’m unfamiliar with. Do you plan on reviewing any of the Grabbie products? I did a search and didn’t find anything on your blog or YouTube channel. I suspect they are white labeling products from China, and am interested if you would consider them student grade or artist grade.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t because it’s all white labeled stuff. The watercolor are Semi-art I think and they are not great. You can find similar stuff on Amazon but you can also find better stuff for about the same price.


      1. Thank you for getting back to me! They have an art subscription box of all Grabbie products, and I was somewhat tempted, but think there are better alternatives which use premium brands if I decide to get one.

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  1061. Hi Lindsay! It has been over ten years since you last made a video about glues/adhesives and I am asking you to update us with your current thoughts/knowledge on the subject, especially on using acrylic medium for a glue (Seems to be very popular these days to use Ranger Matte Medium in this way.) and the best liquid glues to use for papercrafting that won’t wrinkle up paper/cardstock. Thank you for continuing to share your expertise with us. I’ve been watching you on YouTube for about ten years now and am still learning something every time I watch one of your videos or read your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  1062. Would you please share how to search for art specials on Amazon during Prime Days? Perhaps someone else in the community could answer. When I search under “Arts and Crafts,” what I find is many pages of cheap, child-appropriate, or off-brand goods. I feel rather dumb to be asking this, but perhaps someone could help.


    1. there is really no search, I search my favorite brands and product to see if any of them are on prime specials or a good price but there is no search term. It’s mostly the cheap off brand stuff so you really have to hunt.


    2. You want to search by craft, by company, and buy item. Think about how big a Michaels is. Now multiply that by Amazon. You have to go to the department in the store where the craft supplies you’re looking for are stocked. So if you’re looking for acrylic paint or embossing powders, look for those.


    1. I saw those on amazon once but they had really bad reviews. They are definitely trying to look like Caran D’ache but The Neocolor 2 crayons are made in Switzerland and they don’t private label for other companies so sadly this is a dupe. If you get them let me know how they are!


  1063. Hi Lindsay! i was browsing amazon.. I have been researching brands that are “the same” .. I saw you had a couple videos of those too. Here is a link to the colored pencils by ugmic. They look an awful like faber castell and they have a red box for their s basic grade. Looks like art grips maybe?SUPER SUPER cheap. Was hoping you could review!!!
    72 Drawing Pencils – Coloring Pencils for Adult Coloring, Soft Core Watercolor Colored Pencils Set for Drawing, Sketching and Adult Soft Core Art Supplies for Artists, Adults and Kids


  1064. meant to add the link for the “red tin”
    Ugmic 72 Colored Pencils – Colored Pencils for Adult Coloring, Soft Core Oil Based Coloring Pencils Set Professionals and Colorists Sketching Art Supplies for adults, Kids and Beginner(Tin Box)
    thanks for reviewing things so i don’t add to my art hoard without insight! xo!


  1065. I would love information on blogging. I want to get noticed and I plan on doing and sharing more of my process. I see you have a great following and with a free blog. How do you embed your You Tube videos, and all yout images on the little 1G that we get with the free plan. I have the starter plan and am constatnly deleting photos. Thanks


  1066. Holy Smokes! That’s a ton of comments.
    have been looking and have not yet found a You tuber that has some classes on watercolor plus some additional mediums to add to it to enhance it further. I would love a series on WC+. And you would be an excellent candidate as you are already experienced in many other medium. For instance, a watercolor painting that is in enhanced with gouache or even with2 or three other things. I do this in my own work now. I see how many things u r already doing so I can totally understand if your interests do not go in that direction. And also if possible I would really enjoy some advanced tutorials…
    Just an idea.
    Love your Sat Chat!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lindsay got a quick question for you. How do you seal oil paintings. I’ve got the Fixative spray for sealing oil pastels that you recommended in one of your videos, but I have no idea how to seal an oil painting. I don’t want to start an oil painting until I know how to seal it. Please let me know at your earliest convenience. Maybe you can do a video on this issue. Thanks again for all you do in helping to educate artist like me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oil paint will dry on it’s own. You will want to varnish it with an oil painting varnish about 6 months after it is dry. You can use Gamvar when it is dry to the touch. It’s not a big deal if you don’t varnish it right away. The paint cures so it is not going to reactivate or smudge.


  1067. Hi Lindsay! I follow your youtube channel. Such fun and so much information!

    I uusally prefer Arches watercolour paper to paint watercolour but just received a block of Clairfontaine’s 100% bamboo watercolour paper. It seems quite good what do think? Could you review it next time you review watercolor paper?


    Shuna Riegler

    Tel aviv

    Liked by 1 person

  1068. Hello Frugal Crafter,

    I’ve run into a problem with a couple paper punches I picked up at garage sales and I don’t know what to do. Then it occurred to me that this situation is similar to the ones you used to do videos on a when I first discovered your videos and later on “Ask a Crafter”. The punches will work, but I have to put my full weight on top of them to get them to move to cut. I think they may need to be oiled or lubricated in some manner, but I can’t figure out how to do it without making a mess and having oil come out on my papers when I punch afterwards. Do you have a suggestion or a solution perhaps?

    Thanks for all your hard work on behalf of us crafters,

    Melissa Brown


    1. You can spray them with WD-40 and then punch without paper to lubricate the punch. Then punch though scrap paper until no residue remains.


  1069. Hi Lindsay. I’m a big fan of your videos. I learn so much!

    I recently came across some waterbrushes on Amazon that look similar to the Derwent ones you showed in a recent video. Could you do a comparison between the two?

    I’d also love to see more video tutorials using waterbrushes. I know they’re not your favorite, mine either. But, I’m hoping to challenge myself more.

    Liked by 1 person

  1070. Hi Lindsay! I am an avid fan! Love your videos. I wish I lived near you to absorb some of your energy and inspiration!! If you ever offer classes in Maine, I would definitely sign up for the weekend. But to get to the point, many times you have mentioned an Etsy shop which your sister buys those great mugs with the crazy faces on them. Would you mind telling me again the name of the pottery shop? Thank you, Jane Crisci


  1071. Hi Lindsay! I am an avid fan! Love your videos. I wish I lived near you to absorb some of your energy and inspiration!! If you ever offer classes in Maine, I would definitely sign up for the weekend. But to get to the point, many times you have mentioned an Etsy shop which your sister buys those great mugs with the crazy faces on them. Would you mind telling me again the name of the pottery shop? Thank you, Jane Crisci

    Liked by 1 person

  1072. Hi, I have a REQUEST if you make more stamps, not sure what your contract was with the company that you designed peg stamp sets. It would be wonderful to have those sets made into stamps and maybe with dies since I can’t fussy cut if I wanted to layer the bunnies, leaves, trees, mums etc. I wish I had bought them, however I could not afford them at the time even though they were very reasonably priced. When I had some extra money saved they were out of business. I have followed you since I believe you first started, I am still finding videos I haven’t seen probably due to a stay in a nursing home for 9 months from a stroke. Anyhow, if you can use those peg stamp designs to make clear stamps with them and maybe with dies I would love to buy them. I am going to buy from Craft Stash a few things. I already see at least one thing has been sold out, so good luck to you. I love how you always say buy only what we want and will use, not sit on a shelf or in the landfill. I tend to gravitate towards people who are not really “selling”, but just having fun and if your going to use it then buy it. That is why I love watching Tim Holtz and you when you have product out there just being real and having fun. Thank you so much.


  1073. Hi Lindsay! Long time follower and I have loved your videos. I am a handicapped wc artist and am confined to a wheelchair. My beautiful husband has planned a little get away expressly for me to be able to paint plein air and I am trying to figure out how to do this. I am thinking a James Gurney style easel; but, won’t be able to build it myself. Do you have any recommendations? I would love to see a video on plein air wc easel alternatives.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think a lap desk might be your best bet. I also saw wheelchair trays that hook on to your chair so you don’t have to worry about it slipping off. This one has a water cup holder:
      Maybe you have something like that already. then I would recommend a small palette of colors and a sketchbook. You might also want a clip on beach umbrella for shade (for yourself and your paper because painting in bright light is a challenge)


      1. Good day and thank you for everything. I do big and small watercolor and acrylic paintings using my ironing board as my easel. I think its time to buy a proper one as my family has kindly requested I iron their clothes.

        I don’t have a lot of money and I do both big and small paintings.

        What would you recommend please

        Thank you


        1. I think the best value on easels and studio furniture is from Meeden, they have a website: and I have a coupon code for a 10% off discount: Lindsay10 and they do free shipping over $40 they offer a range of table top easels which are cheaper, some have storage or floor easels and drafing tables. I would think about the space you have and the money you have to spend. I recommend the wooden easels over the metal ones for heavy use. This one will go flat for watercolor or upright for acrylics: if you can swing it I think it would be the best bet however if it is not in your budget and you have a table to use a table top easel will be fine.


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