Crafting with Easter Egg Dye!

Hi friends!  I bought this Easter egg dying kit a month ago with the best intentions of dying eggs with my kids but between the school play and their busy schedules we never got around to it. I knew if I saved the kit until next year I’d forget where I put it so I thought I would mix up the dyes and color some craft materials. My girls loved these bookmarks and they will last longer than an egg for sure.

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I liked the soft colors I was able to get on the ribbons. They have a vintage vibe too because of the crinkled seam binding and vintage art supply stamps. Watch the video to see how fun it is to work with egg dye! I bet you can pick up some of these kits on clearance right now too!

This tutorial is sponsored by Top Flight Stamps!  SAVE 10% off your next order with coupon code: thefrugalcrafter10 *USA orders of $50+ ship free!

Supplies: *may contain affiliate links

1. Dissolve dye tablets in water.

2. Stamp images on manilla tags with waterproof ink and color with clear crayon if desired.

3. Dip tags and seam binding in dyes. Let dry.

4. Re-dip tags if a darker color is desired.

1. Use less water or leave materials in the dye longer for stronger color.
2. Do not add vinegar as you would for eggs because the acid could damage paper over time.
3. Keep leftover dyes in spray bottles if desired for other craft projects that won’t need to be washed.

This project came out much nicer than I expected and I am glad I have some dyed and crinkled seam binding leftover for other projects. I just love the soft vintage feeling it gives a project especially in the pastel colors. I also love that you can get a 100 yard roll of white for about $12 and make tons of colors to suit your needs. When it doubt buy white as you can always alter it! Thanks for spending some of you day with me today and til next time happy crafting!