Aqyla Review

Hi friends! Over the past week I have had the chance to try out a new type of paint that is a cross-breed between oils and acrylics. It’s called Aqyla and it is from the Japanese company Kusakabe. A viewer asked me to review the paints and the company kindly sent me a sample. This is not a sponsored post, none of my reviews are sponsored but I like people to know if I received a product for free so they can make informed decisions. Rest assured, you will always get a truthful review from me.


Watch the video to see how I liked the paint and learn the pros and cons of this medium.

You can find out more about Aqyla here and save 10% using the coupon code: thefrugalcrafter

Update: The Aqyla mixed with acrylics dried just fine:) It did take a couple of hours though.


  • Affordable, the 18 colors set I used was $46
  • Open stock available in 72 colors and effects mediums
  • Compatible with oils, acrylics and watercolors
  • Easier to blend than traditional acrylics but dries faster than oils
  • High pigment load, no extenders
  • Lightfast and uses tried and true pigments I recognize from other artist grade paints


  • You need to mail order it

I hope you found this review helpful. I base what I review on viewer requests so if you would like a product reviewed just let me know in the comments below and I will try to accommodate it (if I haven’t reviewed it already!) Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

5 thoughts on “Aqyla Review

  1. Hello Lindsay! Thank you for your enthusiastic review of this great product, Aqyla. I have never heard of it before. It looks very interesting, and so I plan to buy and try some. I read the product brochure which I downloaded from the company website (through your link). Wow- there are so many possible uses for this paint, and it can be used on so many different surfaces. I am very impressed!

    Keep up your crafty goodness! Thanks from Pamela, in Ontario, Canada


  2. Thanks Lindsay!! You covered SOO much. These look great & your review was terrific, however I like you like oils & WC better than acrylics but I appreciate knowing about these.


  3. Hi Lindsay. Thanks for the review 🙂 Do you know if these paints can be stored in a palette and rewetted for future use?


    1. I wouldn’t recommend it as they would be gummy and hard to rewet I think. You can rework them on the canvas for a couple of weeks but I wouldn’t want to reconstitute it to paint from.


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