The crafty thing I use the most…

Hi friends! This is not an exciting post BUT I bet it will be useful! A few weeks ago I went through my sewing box and organized it. It is an item I use a few times a week for mending the kids clothes, sewing on buttons and attaching scouting patches to vests. It is a workhorse. Nobody likes mending and it is a chore that we often put off until the offending piece of clothing needs to be worn (or 5 minutes before you have to leave for a Girl Scout meeting. On a side note I propose the first scouting badge our kids earn should be a sewing badge, anyone second this motion?) This is what is in my sewing box: (full supply list below the video!)


It sits on a shelf in our living room where everyone can access it (don’t worry, no one will except you, I am pretty sure it would be a great place to stash some chocolate in fact!) In today’s video I will show you what’s in my box!

Supplies my kit:
Small spools of thread in a rainbow of colors
Needles (ditch the case they come in and put them in a small mint tin with a magnet.)
Ball end pins
Needle threaders
Good small sharp embroidery scissors (ditch the cheap one that come in the kit)
Safety pins (only for when you absolutely do not have time to sew it-really, it takes 5 minutes to sew it so…)
Seam ripper (cuz we all make mistakes)

I restock my kit with needles and thread from small sewing kits I get as gifts or from hotels. You also might want to make a small kit for your car or office for the on the go emergencies. It is not hard to mend clothing and it will save you so much money.

Have this tool kit handy so everyone can access it. There is no reason your kid can’t sew up a rip in a stuffed animal or sew on a merit badge and they might even enjoy it! Til tomorrow, happy crafting!

15 thoughts on “The crafty thing I use the most…

  1. Love your sewing box. I had to chuckle when you showed the Altoids box. I use those little boxes for safety pins, hand sewing kit, straight pins and other little things.l I just mark on the lid what is in them and they stack in my sewing drawer. Thanks for sharing.


  2. Love your sewing box. I too have one and I got my sewing badge when in the ‘Brownies’ which they don’t have now I think. I still do some sewing from time to time some of it decorative and some alterations and stuff. Keeps us busy doesn’t it? lol. 🙂


  3. I have the exact same box!! My sweetie found it somewhere years ago and surprised me with it. I use it for all my little mending tasks as well. I did out better scissors in it, though . 😁😁


  4. Lindsey, what a great idea. I have a huge sewing box that I am always rooting thru at the last minute. Since I have to go out this morning I am goin to look for the perfect box. Thanks


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