FAST! Teen Bedroom Makeover in a Day!

Hi friends! I have been asked repeatedly to share the redo I did of my sons room a few weeks ago. I pulled this together while he was at school. If you put your mind to it you can get a lot done in a day!

He loved the way it turned out and 3 weeks later it is still clean! I hope you try some of these ideas in your home! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!


13 thoughts on “FAST! Teen Bedroom Makeover in a Day!

  1. It looks great. You may want to make him a loft bed, that way he would have room underneath for a desk. My sons had that when they were teens. Good luck.


  2. Good job Lindsay. Wish I had a husband that was good with wood work. That is one thing I miss that my father used to do. I just had to tell him what I wanted and he would make it. You have a good rest of the weekend.


  3. Awesome room…I love the curtains as is…its perfect for a boys room…love how you used rope to tie them back…awesome idea…thanks for sharing…great job…


  4. Awesome! I’ve been here done that with two children, one boy and one girl. My son was a drummer all through his school years. He didn’t sell his first drum set until he was 30. To this day he still plays his sticks on all and any surface. The room looks great! I hope he loves it!


  5. Lindsay, this is the perfect bedroom for a boy. It suits him now and will still be timely during his teenage years and be a welcome haven when he comes home to visit while in college. This is a ‘man cave’ Jackson’s friends are going to envy. Great result! Elegance and comfort combined…


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