I bought it, when I saw it!

At Mardens! LOL! Happy Friday folks, anyone who has lived in Maine will know EXACTLY what I am referring to! I had a super fun day today shopping with my friend Kathy J. She wanted my opinion on some fabric she was buying to cover bulletin boards in a Montessori school she is opening and I needed some materiel to re line my favorite coat so off to Mardens we went! Well, my friends, I came back with more than 1 cut of fabric. I had been furiously knitting through my yarn stash before the holidays and I wanted to get some new yarn but I decided that I would just wait until Mardens got a good sale in, well, that happened today! Wanna see what I bought? Well, OK, as long as you are not married to me you can watch today’s video:

Crazy deals huh? they had a bunch of scrap booking stuff just in too and loads of beads but I did not really investigate that too much as I have a small bead hoard at the moment…make that fairly large stockpile. They had a lot of craft books too that I thought about picking up as gifts, I might have to go back…but then I’d look at the beads (they even had a pallet of boxes they hadn’t even unpacked yet!) oh, I definitely need to go back LOL! No, I really better not. Clearly my willpower is not the best at that store:) I did, however already recover the chair I bought the decorator fabric for, it turned out OK, I always think of ways I’d do it differently if I had it to do over but that’s the way it goes when you try something new! I’ll get a photo of the chair in the daylight to share with you tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed my shopping share and if you live near a Mardens you might want to stop in to see if there is any yarn you can’t live without (I have to say some was at the front of the store and the rest was near the fabric department, sneaky.)

Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

16 thoughts on “I bought it, when I saw it!

  1. Had so much fun looking at all the stuff you bought – I’ve hit several clearances and it only happens once in a blue moon – so I was really excited. Joann’s had their Xmas stuff on clearance 75% off; I didn’t buy much but enjoyed looking through all their paper and bows. Michaels also had their clearance and bought a bunch of .50 items. Now I have to go to Tuesday Morning because they are having a clearance sale too and I need some yarn to make those ruffly scraves!


  2. Good thing there is no martens in Salem, OR!!!! You really scored Lindsay….good for you. It IS. FRUGAL to take advantage of sales when you know you will use what you buy. Just think, a new coat would probable be $200 or more, and you will have one for less than $8.00!!!!! Now, that’s frugal!


  3. Looks like you had a great shopping trip. Sales are the best time to pick up on items particularly when you know your likely to use the item in the future. In a recent post xmas sale I stocked up on the items I need for 2014 save me having to pay full price for them later this year.


  4. I agree with everybody else here too, and think, it´s a really GREAT buy, and I would definitely do the same, if I got the chance. I actually did a likewise buy here 2 days before nNew Year, because our local craftstore chain were selling EVERYTHING out in 2 days with 75% of, because they closed the shop for 3 weeks, while they renewed the entire store, and they said it was easier to sell it all this cheap, than to have to pack it all up and pay for storage for it and then have to bring all back and unwrap it again, so believe me, I also went pretty bezerk, while I was there he he he, and I saved 100´s on stuff I know, I would buy during the year anyway, and that is definitely frugal. And I LOVED to see your haul too.


  5. How Fun! Looking forward to seeing the chair and let us know how relining your coat goes, Frugal girl! I was in Maine in July 2008 and loved going to the LL Bean outlet where I found a $200 down parka for less than 1/2 price. If I’m lucky enough to get back your way, I’ll be adding Mardens to the list of must see places. Thanks for sharing!


  6. Great buys! Could you share some ideas for using the colored wire? I have tons from several years ago.Would love to have some fresh ideas! Keep the videos coming….you’re so inspiring!


  7. You did great. Wish we had a store like that in Ontario. Our crafting supplies are limited to Michaels which has ridiculous prices in Ontario and the little bits at Wal-Mart. Sad. I stock up when we get over to Hobby Lobby and Jo-ann’s in Michigan.


  8. Well, now I really have to get in Maine!! Love all the yummy crafty stuff! Please let us know how those needle threaders work. Thanks for sharing your awesome haul! Love Ya’ Patricia


  9. Thanks for sharing. I haven’t gone craft shopping since we had our flood here in High River, Alberta, Canada last June. I do get some stuff from Close To My Heart. I miss the rush of going to a really good sale and buying stuff you will actually use. You filled that need for me.



  10. Loved watching the haul vid. Before I watched haul vids I wondered why anyone would bother doing them, let alone watching them. But I watched one and now I ‘get it’. They help me know what it out there and what to buy,–where and when– and that helps me save money–plus I find it fun. One caveat–check the date on the video. Only recent ones, where the items might still be on sale/available will be of any help.

    You did good at Mardens!! and I wish we had that store here. I’d be in there weekly.

    I get a kick out of the Mardens slogan. I live near Asheville NC and for years they ran an ad promoting Asheville. A very young boy–about six–would say in a very southern accent : “Aye got it in Aishe-viiiile”. We’d joke around using that line whenever we got anything new and someone indicated they liked it.


  11. I receive your emails but cannot download the templates for Birthday cake or house as no mobile number to complete in the space?? How do I get pass this please  Kindest Regards Rita Allen


  12. I too love Marden’s don’t get there as often as I’d like to though.
    Found your blog on you tube while watching your soldering basics video. Love it will keep following.


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