Let’s Paint Blue Skies and Birch Trees Today!

Hello Friends! I have to say that this has been one of the most beautiful Autumns I can remember, crisp blue skies, colorful foliage and warmer than usual temperatures. Our family trip to the White Mountains in New Hampshire last weekend inspired this hand painted card.

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I used watercolor paint, a 140# Strathmore watercolor card, painter’s tape and 1″ and 1/2″ flat brushes and a #6 round but you can use any soft brushes you have that are similar in size. Don’t forget my favorite tools: an old cut up credit card and sponge too! Watch the step by step video to see how easy it is!

I hope you give this painting a try and if you have any questions or suggestions you can leave a comment:) Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!

2 Days ’til Christmas! {you can panic now…}

Ha ha, just kidding. I don’t want you to panic, Christmas will come whether or not you bake that extra batch of cookies or hit the mall one last time. People will enjoy gathering together even if there is a layer of dust on your mantel or you burn that apple pie. We don’t look back and wish we spent more time shopping, cleaning or baking. we wish we spent more time with the people we love…let’s do more of that! Here is a painting  I painted it a couple of weeks ago. It is a peaceful sunset in Maine:

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Since all of our snow was washed away by rain this weekend it looks about right. 🙂  So, don’t stress out today trying to finish everything on your to-do list. Snuggle on the couch and watch a Christmas movie or decorate a gingerbread house with the kids. As for my stress free day the Schwanns man is scheduled to stop by today so I have Christmas dinner all set LOL! Thanks for stopping by and til next time happy crafting!