Another recycled craft supply!

Have you ever thought about dryer sheets? Beyond providing you with static-free goodness in your laundry they can also be useful in the craft room. Here I used a dryer sheet (used, thank you very much!) to make the cloud in the heavenly Christmas Card. The stamp used in this card is by Pink Persimmon.

Remember yesterday when I showed you the “Jolly” card that was published in the Winter Rubber Stamp Madness Magazine? Well, this one was submitted too but not picked. The call in the magazine was for holiday cards that had song lyrics in them. I thought of this song needed an angel, clouds, gold leaf and musical notes and rich jewel tones. I colored the angel with Promarkers then colored the wings and halo with a gold paint pen (Sharpie) and for the lyrics I printed them out on cardstock, trimmed them into strips and ran the pen around the outside, it’s really easy to edge paper in gold!

Now…on the the dryer sheets!

To make the clouds I used a glue stick to adhere a used dryer sheet to a scrap of white card stock. Then I spritzed it with metallic pearl shimmer spray and ran it through my die cut machine with a Fiskars texture plate (swirly design) then I simply freehand cut a cloud.

Other ideas for dryer sheets in the craftroom:

  1. Used dryer sheets are great to wipe out glitter and embossing powder trays, they attract the static-y bits of stray glitter and powder.
  2. Take a new dryer sheet in your favorite scent and cut it into 1″ squares and place one between layers when you are making a card. The recipient will have a lovely scented card in the mail. Make sure whoever you send the card too is not sensitive to scents 😉
  3. You can layer a used dryer sheet on a card the same way you would use mulberry paper. You can spritz it with spray ink to change its color too!
  4. Die cut layered flowers from used dryer sheets.
  5. Use them in paper piecing whenever you need a sheer fabric such as a wedding veil or curtain.
  6. Place a new dryer sheet in your waste basket for a fresh scent!

You are probably thinking “Great Lindsay, now there’s one more thing I can’t throw away!”  but don’t worry or start hording, the thing about laundry is that there’s always more to do so you can save a used dryer sheet when you need it, no hoarding necessary 😉

Thanks for stopping by and till next time happy crafting!