Sketchbook Sunday a Day Late! Tree Frog

Hi friends! I got so busy on projects this weekend that I forgot the share my sketchbook Sunday project with you. I have had so many little projects I had been neglecting around the house and last week they were really bothering me so over the weekend I tackled a bunch of them such as washing the drapes and repainting the big bay windowsill which leads to touching up the paint on the trim and wiping down the grimy baseboards. Speaking of grime my kitchen floor was disgusting, I had just vacuumed and spray mopped it but there was just so much ground in dirt that my Libman (like a reusable Swiffer) was no match for. I saw a hack online where a woman used scrubbing bubbles on her kitchen floor and I tried it, I still had to scrub but now it looks brand new. It’s a black and white checkered floor which I “had to have” and it shows every speck of dirt. I’ll be able to enjoy a gleaming floor for a few hours anyway:) My son had friends over so I had them help me move furniture around the house too. It was a productive weekend! Thre is always more to do but those were my big annoyances and I am so glad they are done!

Anyway, on to the video!


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If you liked today’s video you might enjoy Learn to Draw with Lindsay. In this class, you will learn to draw what you see without gimmicks or complicated grids. You will be drawing what you see with confidence in no time! Learn more here or enroll today!

That’s all for today and til next time happy crafting!

3 thoughts on “Sketchbook Sunday a Day Late! Tree Frog

  1. I applaud you for being so productive, but this was supposed to be your birthday weekend! 😊 Love the frog and waiting for my supplies to come in to start my drawing class. Should be interesting since I can draw a straight line with a ruler!


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